美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)
流音--舌端齿龈测流音 ,舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起,气流从舌的一侧或两侧滑出。
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)扩展阅读
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展1)
每一个英文单词如果有多个音节,或者一个句子中有多个音节,那么至少有一个音节是发重音的,当重音放在某个单词或音节的时候,这个词或者音节中的母音要发得重,发得长一点。当重音没有放在某个音节的时候,通常它其中的母音要发得轻一点,短一点,并且一般会变音成为或,例如 purpose, 正常音标为,而实际发音为 ; banana,其中ba 与最后音节na 发音短而轻,中间音节的母音a读得重而长。例句: I didn’t do it on purpose.
一般情况下,句子中的名词、动词、形容词、副词,these (those), why (what, which, wh*,……)需要重读;句子中的功能性单词(冠词a, the等, 指代词I, he, she, his, her, your, my等, 位置介词in, on, behind等, 连词and, but等, 助动词do, dose等)。但在句子中,如果为了特殊强调某项内容,那么不受上述规则的限制。
句子中的单词,如果发重音时,一般该单词发的重而长。单词内部重音位置的不同,会影响词的'性质。当重音放在第一个音节时,通常该词为名词或形容词,当重音放在后面的音节时,通常该词为动词,例如: ’permit, n 通行证,许可证; per’mit, v,被允许; ’perfect, adj, 完美的,per’fect, vt, 改善,使…完美。
在有声子音(浊辅音)前,母音通常发得比较长,在无声子音(清辅音)前,母音通常发得比较短,例如: eyes & ice, seed & sit等等的区别。这也是听力中区别单词的技巧。
5、can & can’t发音区别
I can help you 重音放在help上; can’t help you 重音放在can’t上,发音依然为can, 但随其后的 ’t 做稍微停顿。 I can help you,如果把重音放在can 上,外国人会误认为不能帮他。
6、thirteen & thirty发音区别
Thirteen 重音在thir’teen, thirty重音放在第一个音节上 ’thirty.
当为了强调某个动词时,一般会重读前面的助动词,如果前面没有助动词,需要添加助动词do然后重读,eg. He has (重读) done his work, 为了强调他“做”; he spoke, 为了强调他确实说话了,应该为 he did (重读) speak。
(1)I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读;
(2)We have an English friend. 这个句子有两处连读:前一处是have的尾辅音/v/与an的开头元音//连读为/v/;后一处是an的尾辅音/n/与English的开头音素/i/连读为/ni/。
举例:I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it.
Ms Black workedin~an~office last~yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago.
Put~it~on, please.Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up.
注意:以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。
2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音连读
what wil(l he) [wili]do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go?
Can he do it? Should he….?
Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)
如:They looked for it here and there.这个句子也有两处连读:前一处是for it合读为/frit/,后一处是here and合读为/hirnd/。举例:They’re my father~and mother. I looked for~it here~and there.There~is a football under~it. There~are some books on the desk. Here~is aletter for you. Here~are four~eggs. But where~is my cup? Where~are yourbrother~and sister?
注意,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。 The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer与and不可连读)
举例:Thank~you. Nice to meet~you. Did~you get there late~again?Would~you like~a cup~of tea? Could~you help me, please?
举例:I~am Chinese. He~is very friendly to me. She wants tostudy~English. How~and why did you come here? She can’t carry~it. It’ll takeyou three~hours to walk there. The question is too~easy for him to answer.
6、a & the型连读
a & the 一般与后面的单词连读,并且轻而短。特殊情况 a university.
如:I hope it'll get a little warmer. 这个句子中的hope it就不连读为/hupit/,因为主句I hope是一个意群,后面的从句是另一个意群。
举例:Is~it a~hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)
There~is~a goodbook in my desk. (book与in之间不可以连读)
Can youspeak~English or French? (English与or之间不可以连读)
Shall we meetat~eight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet与 at,eight与or不连读)
She opened thedoor and walked~in. (door与and之间不可以连读)
如:bla (ck) board, foo (t) ball, ke (p) t等。括号中的辅音字母对应的辅音音素/k/,/t/,/p/稍作停顿,没发出音来。
①爆破音中的任何两个爆破音相邻时,前一爆破音失去爆破。如a bi(g) car等。举例:
The girl in there(d) coat was on a bla(ck) bike jus(t) now.
The bi(g) bus fromthe fa(c) tory is full of people.
Wha(t) time doeshe get up every morning
This is an ol(d)pi(c)ture of a bi(g) car.
The ol(d) do(c)torhas a ca(t), too.
②爆破音中的'任何一个后接摩擦音/f/, /s/,/W/,/T/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。举例:
Goo(d) morning,Mr. Bell.
Uncle Li’sfa(c)tory is qui(te) near to the cinema.
I wen(t) therealone a(t) nine las(t) night.
Do you know hisbi(ke) number? -Sorry, I don’(t) know. (I didn'(t) say so.)
The forty-firs(t)lesson is qui(te) difficult.
③爆破音后接/t/, /d/, /tr/, /dr /时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如a grea(t) change等。④爆破音后接/m/, /n/, /l/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如a bi(t) more expensive等。
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展2)
清辅音(Voiceless consonants):不震动声带,只送气
浊辅音 (Voiced consonants): 震动声带,发出声音
其他:(Other consonants):下节课讲
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展3)
b -- ball
d -- dog
f -- fish
h -- hat
j -- jump
k -- kite
l -- leg
m -- man
n -- not
p -- pen
q – quick
r -- run
s -- sun
t -- ten
v -- vest
w -- water
z -- zoo
字母 发音 例词
c字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”cat, cap, call, coat, cup
当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent,voice, pencil, juice
有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音 ocean, racial, social
g字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound” girl, gas, get,give, go
当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j的发音相同,叫做“软g音”age,change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge
特例:forget, give, girl中的g发hard sound
x x在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音 box, next, mix, six,fox
x在单词中间时有时发/gz/音 exit, exam, exact
x在单词起始位置时发/z/音 xylophone, xerox
y y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音 yes, you, yard, year, yell
小测试:my, cry, fly, sky
字母组合 例词:
bl black,blame, bless, blue, blast
cl --clock,class, clap, clue, close
fl --flag,fly, flat, flash, flower
gl --glass,glad, glide, glue, globe
pl --plate,plane, place, plus, plan
sl --sled,sleep, slow, slide, slim
br --bridge,break, brave, brown, bread
cr --crab,crack, crop, crown, creek
dr --dress,drag, drink, drive, drop
fr --frog,fresh, free, from, front
gr --grape,grade, grass, grin, grunt
pr --press,pride, price, print, proof
tr --truck,track, true, train, tree
sc --scale,scar, score, scare, scuff
sk --skate,skip, skill, skull, skin
sm --smoke,smile, smog, smell, smear
sn --snake,snap, snore, snow, snug
sp --spoon,spin, spot, spell, sport
st --stop,stack, stay, step, still
sw --swim,swell, swing, sweet, swift
tw --twig,tweet, twist, twin, twine
shr --shrink,shred, shrill, shrimp, shrub
spl --splash,split, splice, splint, splurge
spr --spread,spring, spree, sprain, spray
squ --square,squad, squirrel, squat, squeak
str --string,strip, straw, stream, street
thr --throw,three, throne, thrift, thrill
ck(只发一个/k/音) --duck, pack, quick, luck, rock
ld --cold,gold, held, mild, bald
lk --milk,silk, elk, sulk, skulk
mp --lamp,damp, champ, hump, dump
nch --inch,ranch, lunch, bench, crunch
nd --hand,kind, bend, stand, mind
ng(这个音比较特别,是舌头抵住上颚后方所发出的鼻音)--ring, long, sing, wing, lung
nk --sink,bank, trunk, pink, ink
nt --tent,ant, hunt, sent, mint
sh --fish,rash, brush, wish, trash
st --vest,last, test, list, lost
简单的说,consonant digraph就是两个(或三个)辅音字母在一起只发一个音,通常指以下四种组合:ch(tch),sh,wh和th。
th的.发音则需要一些记忆力了,在下面这些常用词里,th发浊音(舌尖在上下牙齿中间,声带需要振动,声音从牙齿和舌头之间的缝隙里出来):they, them-, their, theirs, the, this, that, these, those, then-,than, though, thus, there-(注意,如果一个单词后面带有小横线,就是指以这个单词开始的所有单词,比如them-包括there,therefore,thereafter等)。
不发音的辅音字母(Silent Consonants)
字母组合 不发音字母 例词
gh h ghost,ghetto, ghastly
gn g gnat,gnarl, gnaw, gnome, sign
kn k knife,knit, know, knock, knee
mb b comb, lamb,thumb, dumb, climb
pn p pneumonia
ps p psalm,psychic, psychology
rh h rhinoceros,rhyme, rhythm
sc c scissors,scent, scene, scenery, scenario
wr w wrong,wrist, wrap, wretch, wrench
gh gh light,high, eight, sigh, night
元音概述(The Basics About Vowels)
1. 该元音是元音字母组合的一部分
2. 该元音后面有字母r
3. 该元音在一个单词或重读音节的结尾
4. 单词以字母e结尾
5. 该元音是元音规则的特例
短元音 例词
A a-------------- ant, and, cat, fast, map
E e-------------- egg, net, let, bed, tent
I i---------------- inch, bit, stick, pin, pig
O o-------------- ox, hot, top, not, got
U u-------------- up, bus, sum, cup, mud
Y y(在单词中部,发短i音)------------pyramid, lynx, typical, bicycle, symbol
如果一个单词以字母e结尾,前面的元音发长音(magic e)。
例如:can,其中的a发短音,如果结尾加上e,变为cane,元音a就发长音了,而e不发音,我们管字母e叫做magic e。
game, safe, make, gate, whale
Pete, complete, athlete
nine, side, mile, kite, nice
note, rose, globe, those, bone
cube, rule, June, mute, dune (注意元音u的长音听上去有两种,一种就是字母u的名字,另一种则类似汉语拼音u的发音,因为有些辅音与u在一起发不出字母u的音,就以汉语拼音u的音来代替,比如rule。)
当元音在单词或重读音节结尾时,该元音发长音,例如:paper, be, she, legal, fiber,piano, open, future, human等等
当单词只有一个音节时,Y与元音I的长音发音相同,例如:cry, try, by, my。
当单词有两个或以上音节时,Y在单词结尾与元音E的长音发音相同,例如:puppy, baby,candy, city, sorry等。
ai, ay 发长A音,如sail, fail, day, say等。
ea, ee, 发长E音,如 meal, tea, need,feed等。
ie 发长I音,如 tie, lie, pie等。
oa, oe 发长O音,如 load, coat, toe等。
ue, ui 发长U音,如glue, suit, blue,fruit等。
i后面接gh, gn, ld, 或nd时,i发长音,如sign, high, child, kind等。
o后面接ld, st时,o有时发长音,如cold, gold, most,host等,但接st时有时还是发短音的,如lost, cost.
字母组合 所发音 例词
ea 短e head, bread, heavy, dead, ready
ei 长a eight, veil, neigh, weight, freight
oo 长u(类似汉语拼音的u) moon, zoo, school, pool, tool
oo 短u(类似汉语拼音的u) book, look, wood, foot, cookie
eu 长u euro, feud, eulogy, sleuth, pneumonia
ew 长u chew, new, few, stew, blew
ie 长e yield, chief, relief, believe, puppies
ey 长e monkey, money, honey, hockey, volley
1、 oi, oy组合,把O 和I 的短音组合在一起连贯发出来,比如coin, voice, toy, boy等。
2、 ou, ow组合,发音时先发类似汉语拼音ao的音,然后末尾再加上短促的类似汉语拼音u的音,例如house, found, owl, now等。
带有r的元音(R-controlled Vowels)
组合 所发音 例词
ar字母r的名字 car, marble, far, large, party
or/or/ fork, or, for, core, more, pork
/er/ worm, word, world, doctor, neighbor
er, ir, ur /er/nurse, girl, ever, sir, purple
特殊元音(Special Vowel Sounds)
字母或组合 所发音 例词
awpaw, law, raw, saw, dawn
allball, call, fall, mall, tall
auhaul, taught, caught, sauce
oucough, bought, brought, thought
o(后面接ng的时候)song, long,strong, wrong
a, e, i, o, u 非重读音(schwa sound),当一个元音在非重读音节里时,有时会发此类音,非常类似汉语拼音里的e,但发音很轻。
about, elephant, banana, machine, confuse
ce, ci, si, ti 在同一个音节里这些字母组合后面接另外一个元音时,发/sh/音ocean, special, mission, nation, delicious, magician
io 后面接字母n时,i发y音 onion, billion, opinion, stallion
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展4)
red /red/ 红 blue /blu:/ 蓝
yellow /'jel?u/ 黄 green /gri:n/ 绿 white /wait/ 白 black /bl?k/ 黑
pink /pi?k/ 粉红 purple /'p?:pl/ 紫 orange /'?:rind?/ 橙 brown /braun/ 棕
四、 动物(animals)
cat /k?t/ 猫 dog /d?g/ 狗 pig /pig/ 猪 duck /d?k/ 鸭
rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子 horse /h?:s/ 马 elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象
ant /?nt/ ** fish /fi?/ 鱼 bird /b?:d/ 鸟
snake /sneik/ 蛇 mouse /maus/ 鼠 kangaroo /,k??g?'ru:/ 袋鼠
monkey /'m??ki/ 猴子 panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫
bear /b??/ 熊 lion /'lai?n/ 狮 tiger /'taig?/ 老虎
fox /f?ks/ 狐狸 zebra /'zi:br?/ 斑马
deer /di?/ 鹿 giraffe /d?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿
goose /gu:s/ 鹅 hen /hen/ 母鸡
turkey /'t?:ki/ 火鸡 lamb /l?m/ 小羊
sheep /?i:p/ 绵羊 goat /g?ut/ 山羊
cow /kau/ 奶牛 shark /'?ɑ:k/ 鲨鱼 seal / si:l / 海豹
friend /frend/ 朋友
boy / b?i / 男孩
girl /g?:l/ 女孩
mother /'m?e?/ 母亲
father /'fɑ:e?/ 父亲
sister /'sist?/ 姐妹
brother /'br?e?/ 兄弟
uncle /'??kl/ 叔叔
man /m?n/ 男人
woman/ 'wum?n/女人
Mr先生 Miss**
lady /'leidi/ 女士
mom /m?m/ 妈妈
dad /d?d/ 爸爸
parents /'p??r?nts/ 父母
grandma /'gr?ndmɑ:/ grandmother /'gr?nd,m?e?/(外)祖母
grandpa /'gr?ndpɑ:/ grandfather /'gr?nd,fɑ:e?/(外)祖父
aunt /ɑ:nt/ 阿姨
cousin /'k?zn/ 堂兄妹
son /s?n/ 儿子
baby /'beibi/ 婴儿
kid /kid/小孩
classmate/'klɑ:smeit /同学
queen /'kwi:n/ 女
visitor /'vizit?/ 参观者
neighbour /'neib? / 邻居
principal /'prins?p?l / 校长
pen pal / pen p?l / 笔友
tourist /'tu:rist / 旅行者
people /'pi:pl / 人物
robot /'r?ub?t / 机器人 六、 职业(job)
teacher /'ti:t??/ 教师
student /'stju:d?nt/学生
doctor /'d?kt?/ 医生
nurse /n?:s/ 护士
driver /'draiv? / 司机
farmer /'fɑ:m?/ 农民
singer /'si??/ 歌唱家
writer /'rait?/ 作家
artist /'ɑ:tist /画家
actor /'?kt?/男演员
actress/'?ktris/女演员 TV
reporter /ri'p?:t?/ 电视台**
engineer /,end?i'ni? / 工程师
policeman / p?'li:sm?n /(男)**
salesperson /'seilz,p?:sn / 销售员
cleaner /'kli:n? / 清洁工
baseball player/'beis,b?:l 'plei?/棒球运动员
assistant / ?'sist?nt / 售货员
jacket /'d??kit/ 夹克衫
shirt /??:t/ 衬衫
T-shirt T恤衫
skirt /sk?:t/ 短裙子
dress /dres/ 连衣裙
jeans /d?i:nz/ 牛仔裤
pants /p?nts/ /trousers /'trauz?z / 裤子
socks /s?ks/ 袜子
shoes /?u:z/ 鞋子
sweater /'swet?/ 毛衣
coat /k?ut/ 外套
raincoat /'reink?ut/ 雨衣
shorts /??:ts/ 短裤
sandals /'s?ndl/凉鞋
boots /bu:ts/ 靴子
hat /h?t/ 有边帽
cap /k?p/ 无边帽
tie /tai/ 领带
sunglasses /'s?nglɑ:siz/太阳镜
scarf /skɑ:f/ 围巾
gloves /gl?vz/手套
cold /k?uld/ 冷的 hot /h?t/ 热的 warm /w?:m/ 温暖的 cool /ku:l/ 凉爽的 snowy /sn?ui/下雪的 sunny /'s?ni/晴朗的 rainy /'reini/ 下雨 windy /'windi/ 刮风的 cloudy /'klaudi/ 多云的 weather report /'wee? ri'p?:t/ 天气预报
spring /spri?/ summer /'s?m?/ fall/autumn/f?:l '?:t?m/ winter/'wint?/
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展5)
——英语语法解析 (菁选3篇)
_________, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may be
C. Be a quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student
这道题很有一定难度。具体说来,它主要涉及两个考点:一是让步状语从句倒装后的词序问题。让步状语从句之所以要采用倒装结构,主要是为了强调位于句首的名词、形容词、副词、动词等,其词序形式为:被强调的成分+as / though + 主语+动词。二是在倒装的让步状语从句中,位于句首的单数可数名词是否带冠词的问题。按照英语习惯,英语中的单数可数名词在泛指时,一般要有不定冠词的修饰,但是位于倒装让步状语从句句首的单数可数名词是个例外,即使泛指其前也不加不定冠词。由此可知,上面这道考题的答案应为B。
一、名词+as / though+主语+动词
King as he was, he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。
Child as he is, he knows to help other. 他虽是个孩子,但却知道帮助别人。
Teacher though he is, he can’t know everything. 他虽然是老师,但也不可能什么都懂。
Boy as [though] he is, he likes to play with girls.=Though [Although] he is a boy, he likes to play with girls. 他虽是男孩,却喜欢与女孩子玩。
Strong man as [though] he is, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks.= Though [Although] he is a strong man, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks. 波赛将军虽然坚强,但在过去的数周里也受到了严峻的考验。
二、形容词+as / though+主语+动词
Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。
Improbable as it seems, it’s true. 虽然看起来不太可能,但却是真的。
Stupid as it sounds,I was so in love with her that I believed her. 尽管听起来很愚蠢,我是如此爱她竟然相信了她的话。
Patient as he was,he didn’t like waiting that long. 他虽说有耐心,也不愿等这么长。
Beautiful though the necklace was,we thought it was over-priced. 那条项链虽然很漂亮,我们认为价钱太高。
三、副词+as / though+主语+动词
Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。
Hard though they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind. 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。
Fast as you read, you can’t finish the book in two days. 尽管你读得很快,你总不能在两天之内就读完这本书。
He was unable to make much progress, hard as he tried. 尽管他做了努力,却未能取得很大进步。
Heavily as it is raining, the football game has been decided not to be put off. 尽管雨下得很大,但还是决定不推迟足球比赛。
【说明】有的词典将much as 作为习语看待,认为它是一个用以引导让步状语从句的复合连词。再如:
Much as I admire him as a writer,I do not like him as a man. 他作为一名作家我很佩服他,但我却不喜欢他这个人。
Much as I like you, I couldn’t live with you. 我尽管很喜欢你, 却不能和你在一起生活。
四、动词原形+as / though+主语+动词
Object as you may, I’ll go. 纵使你反对,我也要去。
Try as he might, he couldn’t solve the problem. 尽管他想方设法,却未解决这个问题。
Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house. 无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。
Dislike him as we may, we must acknowledge his greatness. 尽管我们不喜欢他,但必须承认他的伟大。
Lose money as I did, we got a lot of experience. 钱虽然丢了,我们却得到了许多经验。
Fail in the election as he did, he became famous for his fiery speech against slavery. 尽管落选了,但他却以其反对***的激烈演说而出了名。
【说明】主语后的动词通常为may, might, would, did 等情态动词或助动词(若表示情态意义,则选用情态动词;若陈述事实,则用did, do 等助动词)。
五、分词+as / though+主语+动词
Raining hard as it is, I’m going out for a walk. 虽然正在下着大雨,我还是要出去散步。
Surrounded as we were by the enemy, we managed to march forward. 虽然我们被敌人包围着,但我们还是设法前进了。
Munching the apple as he was, he had got an eye for all John’s movements. 他尽管在一个劲地嚼着苹果,但仍警惕着约翰的一举一动。
1. 这类倒装的让步状语从句可用as, though 来引导,但不能用although来引导;但是,未倒装的让步状语从句则可用though, although来引导,而不能用as来引导。也就是说,although引导让步状语从句时不能倒装,as引导让步状语从句时必须倒装,而though引导让步状语从句时可以倒装也可以不倒装。如:
正:Late as [though] it was, we still went on working.
正:Though [Although] it was late, we still went on working.
误:Late although it was, we still went on working.
误:As it was late, we still went on working.
2. 上面提到的倒装结构有时也可用来表示原因,区别的办法主要看句子的内容:让步从句的内容大多数与主句在意义上相反,而原因从句则与主句之间有因果关系。比较:
Tired as he was, he sat up late studying at night. 昨晚他虽然很疲倦了,但还是学习到很晚才睡。(表让步)
Tired as he was, he went to bed early. 因为很累,所以他睡得很早。(表原因)
Young as he was, he was equal to the task. 他虽年轻,却能胜任这项工作。(表让步)
Young as he was, he was not equal to the task. 他因为年轻,所以不能胜任这项工作。(表原因)
3. 在**英语中,人们通常用as…as引导让步状语从句。如:
Cold as it was, we went out.=As cold as it was, we went out. 尽管天气冷,我们还是出去了。
Successful as he is, he is not proud.=As successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽成功了,但不骄傲。
Only in this way __________ able to finish the work in time.
A. can you be B. are you C. you can be D. you are
此题应选 B。容易误选D。至于A,C,这比较容易排除,因为情态动词 can 不能与 be able to用在同一谓语中。本题之所以要选B而不选D,主要是因为句首用了only in thisway 的缘故,按照英语语法规则:“only+状语”位于句首,句子通常要用倒装语序(部分倒装——用一般疑问句形式)。如:
1. “only 副词”位于句首。如:
Only then did I realize that I was wrong. 只是到了那时我才意识到是我错了。
2. “only+介词短语”位于句首。如:
Only by working hard can you succeed. 只有努力工作你才能成功。
Only in the reading-room can you find him. 你只有在阅览室才能找到他。
3. “only+状语从句”位于句首。如:
Only when one loses freedom does one know itsvalue. 一个人只有在失去**后才知道**的可贵。
注意:若位于句首的不是only+状语,而是 only+宾语等,则通常无需倒装(但有时也可以倒装)。如:
Only a policeman the children saw in the street. 孩子们在街上只看到一个**。
Only one more point will I make. 我只再说明一点。
It was what he meant rather than what he said _________ annoyed me.
A. which B. as C. what D. that
许多同学对此题的结构分析感到无从下手。其实,此题为一个强调句型,空格处应填 that (即选D),被强调成分为 what he meant rather than what he said。句意为“让我生气的不是他说的话,而是他话中的意思”。请再看几例:
(1) It was his nervousness in the interview _________ probably lost him the job.
A. which B. since C. that D. what
答案选C,为强调句型,被强调成分为 his nervousness in the interview,句意为“很可能是面试时表现出紧张,使他失去了这份工作”。
(2) It is the ability to do the job _________ ******* not where you come from or what you are.
A. one B. that C. what D. it
答案选B,为强调句型,被强调成分为 the ability to do the job,句意为“重要的是你做工作的能力,而不是你来自何地或你是从事什么工作的”。
【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!
What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!
What an interesting story it is! (这是个)多么有趣的故事啊!
What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!
What beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!
【说明】 在感叹句中,What a / an 常用来修饰单数可数名词,若其前面的形容词为元音开头,则用 an。what 是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:
What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊!
What a great surprise it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊!
What a rich breakfast it is! 多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊!
【句型二】How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!
How well you look! 你气色真好!
How kind you are! 你心肠真好!
How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听!
Strawberries! How nice! 草莓! 多好呀!
How clever the boy is! 这个男孩多么聪明啊!
How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快啊!
How I want to be a doctor! 我多么想成为一名医生啊!
How she dances! 她跳得多好啊!
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展6)
——校园垃圾分类英语作文 (菁选3篇)
Its no doubt that university campuses will produce a large amount of rubbish everyday, however, there are fewer college students paying attention to its classification.
Factually waste separation is vital to create an environment-friendly campus. Firstly, waste separation does great contribution to the environmental protection. Since some of the waste is recyclable, some is unrecyclable, if all the students could voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from unrecyclable rubbish, the risk of the environmental pollution will be greatly reduced. Secondly, waste separation could save a lot of energy and time on its processing.
With the rapid increase in the amount of rubbish at the campus, rubbish classification does not permit of any delay. On the one hand, as the well-educated people, college students should act as hosts of the universities and separate waste from this moment on in their daily life. On the other hand, university authorities should strengthen students awareness of environmental protection and guide students to separate waste in a reasonable way.
Today I did a good thing at home, which is to make a careful classification of garbage in the garbage can.
In advance, my parents and I searched the Internet for information, and learned about the basic classification of garbage: there are recyclable garbage, kitchen waste recycling garbage, other garbage, and hazardous waste. Then we will collect in daily life of the moon cake box, cardboard production into a trash can, I painted posters, trash can is responsible for layout, mom and dad is responsible for the fixed sealed cardboard do mand to trash on the ground with his finger said. "like a fishbone, ah, ah leftovers etc. Garbage can be recycled garbage into the kitchen garbage. Junk like battery light bulbs is toxic and hazardous. Waste paper, plastic, iron and wood are also recyclable waste. So we began to scramble.
We managed to sort it out for a long while. Later, dad found out that we had made a lot of mistakes. We sorted it out almost again. I think: must study hard to learn about environmental protection, make our environment more beautiful.
Most people haven’t formed the habit of and mitted themselves to waste sorting now in China. They would throw their domestic garbage — kitchen refuse, abandoned plastics and papers,broken china and glass, etc. — all into the same public containers, without thinking whether they are recyclable or not.
This, obviously, will reduce the value of stuff that can be recycled or reused, such as plastics and papers. Besides,the growing amount of garbage makes the building of more landfills necessary, which will worsen the shortage of land. Worse still,disposing of the recyclable waste like plastics by burning will give off toxic smoke which seriously pollutes the air. ID this sense, throwing the trash unsorted should not be advocated, no matter from the perspective of economy or protecting the environment.
On the contrary, if we sort out recyclable waste before throwing them away, the amount of trash will be reduced shar*. Accordingly, the cost of running landfills and treating waste will be brought down greatly. Whafs more important, less waste will have to be burned or buried, meaning resources waste and pollution will be reduced. Therefore, economically and environmentally, it is of great significance to call for waste sorting.
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展7)
——英语音标英文教学设计 (菁选3篇)
1、幼儿能听懂老师用Who are you**,并能用I’m .进行回答。
Hello children. Hello Mi Zhang.
1、Today , Mi Zhang have a something. Look ! what’s this?
Yes . handchife .(对,是手帕)
Now . gue . what am I doing ?
Oh , sorry , you’re wrong .
Now , look at me . I’ll hide my eyes by this hankchife . Then I can’t see anything.
Oh , let me touch you . (我要用手绢将眼睛蒙起来,然后用手去摸你们,看看老师会摸到哪个小朋友?) who are you? who are you? who are you?
Hao hao . really? (让摸到的小朋友自己说出自己的名子)., I’ll take off the hankchef when you say “one two three” .
“one two three” . oh, yes , you are hao hao .
the game is very fa y. Let’s try it again , ok?(游戏重复进行,再去摸4、5个小朋友。)
2、the game is very fa y. Then let’s play another game . I’ll throw the ball when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the ball ,you should a wer me your name . ok?(我来扔球,谁接到了球,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,接到球的小朋友就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上I’m,比如说陈子洋接了球就要回答我I’m陈子洋。懂了吗,现在让我们来试一试。)
Look carefully. Who are you? (I’m )纠正幼儿发音。发音时嘴巴要合上,不然小虫子要飞到你的`嘴巴里去哟。
3、Children . look , what’s this?
Yes . plane . I’ll fly the plane , when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the play ,you should a wer me your name . ok?我来飞飞机,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,谁接到了飞机,就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上I’m
4、Childre , you’re very great!
Now . let’s play another game . (瞎子摸鱼)first , you see , what’s this? Yes a fish. This time , you will be fish , I’ll be blind. You can swim everywhere in the circle , I’ll try to cache you . if I catch you, I’ll ask “who are you ?” if your a wer i right ,you can free and you can get a little red flower. if your a wer is wrong ,I’ll eat you. Understand?(要求幼儿能大声的回答)。(在教室里做次游戏后就换到操场上的圆圈里去做这个游戏。)
1.在知道用" big, small "表示物体大小的基础上,学说词组" Big…. Small…. "。
歌曲《Riding in my car.》
幼儿**互相结伴打招呼,及数来宝《Morning. Hi. Bye.》
4、歌曲《Ha y Family.》
二、情景表演,感受并理解" Big…. Small…. "
T: Who's coming?
Cat: Hello!
T: Hello, cat.
Cat: I'm a big cat. / I'm a small cat. Let's play games.
三、欣赏歌曲《Big Bear, Small Bear》
四、游戏《什么不见了》幼儿集体尝试讲出" Big…. Small…. "
幼儿拿一大一小的玩具,尝试练习" Big…. Small…. "
1、五官单词的卡片,比如nose、 mouth、 ear等。
然后老师开始进入游戏主题的问候语:Hello,boys and girls
幼儿:Hello,Miss Wang
老师:今天老师要带几位好朋友给大家认识,〈点出课件face〉,Look,whats this?
幼儿:Its face
老师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:“I am a face,nice to see you”
幼儿:“nice to see you too”
老师:Oh,very good .face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me?
美式英语音标分类解析 (菁选3篇)(扩展8)
——1996年考研英语阅读解析 (菁选2篇)
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (10 points)
Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man.
They do not provide energy, 1 do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for 2 foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if 3 is missing a deficiency disease becomes 4 .
Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and 5 nitrogen. They are different 6 their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin 7 one or more specific functions in the body.
8 enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for 9 vitamins. Many people, 10 , believe in being on the “safe side” and thus take extra vitamins. However, a well?balanced diet will usually meet all the body’s vitamin needs.
1.[A]either [B]so [C]nor [D]never
2.[A]shifting [B]transferring [C]altering [D]transforming
3.[A]any [B]some [C]anything [D]something
4.[A]serious [B]apparent [C]severe [D]fatal
5.[A]mostly [B]partially [C]sometimes [D]rarely
6.[A]in that [B]so that [C]such that [D]except that
7.[A]undertakes [B]holds [C]plays [D]performs
8.[A]Supplying [B]Getting [C]Providing [D]Furnishing
9.[A]exceptional [B]exceeding [C]excess [D]external
10.[A]nevertheless [B]therefore [C]moreover [D]meanwhile
Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each questions there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points)
Passage 1
Tight?lipped elders used to say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”
Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.
You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living. If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, decide which food to cook first, and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served.
Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself. In making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services.
This account of yourself is actually a sketch of your working life and should include education, experience and references. Such an account is valuable. It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews. While talking to you, your could be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “wares” and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.
When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something tangible to sell. Then you are ready to hunt for a job. Get all the possible information about your could be job. Make inquiries as to the details regarding the job and the firm. Keep your eyes and ears open, and use your own judgment. Spend a certain amount of time each day seeking the employment you wish for, and keep in mind: Securing a job is your job now.
11. What do the elders mean when they say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”?
[A] You’ll certainly get what you want.
[B] It’s no use dreaming.
[C] You should be dissatisfied with what you have.
[D] It’s essential to set a goal for yourself.
12. A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as .
[A] an illustration of how to write an application for a job
[B] an indication of how to secure a good job
[C] a guideline for job description
[D] a principle for job evaluation
13. According to the passage, one must write an account of himself before starting to find a job because .
[A] that is the first step to please the employer
[B] that is the requirement of the employer
[C] it enables him to know when to sell his services
[D] it forces him to become clearly aware of himself
14. When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something .
[A] definite to offer [B] imaginary to provide
[C] practical to supply [D] desirable to present
Passage 2
With the start of *** World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s news coverage, as well as listen to it.
And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to two *** television channels, five *** national radio services and dozens of local radio stations. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children’s programmes and films for an annual licence fee of £83 per household.
It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years — yet the ***’s future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly?funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nation?wide debate in Britain.
The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the *** — including ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the ***’s royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organization as it is, or to make changes.
Defenders of the Corporation — of whom there are many — are fond of quoting the American slogan “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The *** “ain’t broke”, they say, by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word ‘broke’, meaning having no money), so why bother to change it?
Yet the *** will have to change, because the broadcasting world around it is changing. The commercial TV channels —— ITV and Channel 4 —— were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels — funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’subscriptions — which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.
15. The world famous *** now faces .
[A] the problem of news coverage [B] an uncertain prospect
[C] inquiries by the general public [D] shrinkage of audience
16. In the passage, which of the following about the *** is not mentioned as the key issue?
[A] Extension of its TV service to Far East.
[B] Programmes as the subject of a nation-wide debate.
[C] Potentials for further international co-operations.
[D] Its existence as a broadcasting organization.
17. The ***’s “royal charter” (Line 4, Paragraph 4) stands for .
[A] the financial support from the royal family.
[B] the privileges granted by the Queen.
[C] a contract with the Queen.
[D] a unique relationship with the royal family.
18. The foremost reason why the *** has to readjust itself is no other than .
[A] the emergence of commercial TV channels.
[B] the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government.
[C] the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs.
[D] the challenge of new satellite channels.
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