


  造型[zào xíng]




  1. They admired the tableau of the Nativity. 他们欣赏着耶稣降生的.场景造型 。

  2. She is now a writer and fashion stylist.

  她现在是作家兼时尚造型 师。

  3. The house was a handsome four-story brick structure.

  这所房子是一幢造型 美观的四层砖砌建筑物。

  4. He asked me to pose nude for him.

  他请我给他摆裸体造型 。

  5. The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.

  游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型 。

  6. History is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.

  历史不过是由罪恶和灾难构成的静止舞台造型 罢了.

  7. These art objects are beautifully shaped.

  这些工艺品造型 优美.

  8. Careful make - up and styling can take years off you ( = make you look muchyounger ).

  仔细 化妆 和头发造型 能使人显得年轻.

  9. As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.

  随着陶轮的转动,制陶工人缓慢挤压陶泥块,塑出优美的造型 。

  10. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock peopleemotionally, but to give them electric shocks as well!

  这些奇怪的造型 设计,似乎不仅用来在感情上给人们以强烈的刺激, 而且给人以电休克般的刺激.

  11. Rows of dragons pull downstream, each striving to take the lead.

  各色各状造型 的“蛟龙”如箭离弦,顺流而下, 欲争群龙首.

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