



  Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let‘s take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.


  We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

  As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore, we should study and work hard for Chinas strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defendour country, would we be threatened by an invader. In short, to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our countrys welfare above our own needs.

  Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.If we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.


  Responsibility is a very important thing. Why can some people be successful?

  Because they knew they had a responsibility since they were young. What is the responsibility? When they were young, parents protected themselves, but they knew that when they grew up, they had to protect their families. This is responsibility. When they grow up, they understand that they have to take responsibility for society and the world. This is an important factor for them to become successful people. For doctors, it is their own responsibility to save the dead and heal the wounded; for soldiers, it is their own responsibility to ensure the safety of the country; for the police, it is their own responsibility not to let prisoners go unpunished; for teachers, it is their own responsibility to educate good students ...

  Every occupation, everyone has a responsibility. The responsibility is that even if the soldier is caught by the enemy, he will never reveal a word of intelligence! Responsibility is that even if the doctor is uncomfortable, he must ensure the patients body... Therefore, we must be responsible and take responsibility!


  This week is another bi-weekly. When I water the flowers, I don’t want to water it. I have to come on Saturday. Think about it and forget it. Because I am the leader.

  In class, the teacher asked me if I was watering this week, and I said yes. The teacher praised us and said that it is very responsible for you to see that they will come when you are resting. I am very happy to hear it.

  get out of class is over. The teacher asked me to post the revised homework. I want others to post it, but this is my responsibility after all! So I went on: "brush, brush, brush". The teacher said that Li Yurong moved very fast, not bad. I let the teacher praise again, and I am very happy because I have a sense of responsibility.

  School is over in the afternoon. Don’t change the floor and go to the public area. I saw that there are many leaves on the ground. When I want to do it, I don’t want to do it. But remembering that I have a sense of responsibility, I must be responsible. Pick up the broom and sweep the floor and sweep the floor until 5:40. The next day the teacher came across the road and saw that it was very clean. We were all very happy when we went to the classroom to praise us.

  The above are all my responsibilities. As long as you complete it carefully, you will definitely be happy and get praise from the teacher. Isn’t it a happy thing? This is my responsibility.


  Recently, I read the book "Education of Love", and the "Scribe" has left a deep impression on me. In order to help his father share the responsibility of the family, the protagonist of the story, Syllio, quietly helps his father with copy work late at night. Unexplained father found that he was in a bad state of mind and severely criticized him. Syllio still insisted on being a scribe for four months. When my father finally knew the truth, he was very moved.

  Sulio is really a good boy with a sense of responsibility. He understands his fathers hard work as a railroad worker and a scribe. He silently endures scolding and misunderstandings, and concentrates on contributing to his family. Its really admirable. Compared with him, I am a little ashamed. I live a happy life of "opening my mouth when eating, and reaching out for clothes". I rarely help parents with housework, but often mess up the room, annoys my mother, and even talks back to the parents.

  After reading this book, I feel that Sylio is my mirror. From the mirror, I "see" my naivety and insensitivity. From now on, I will help my parents to solve their worries like Sylio, do my own thing first, and then help with some housework as much as possible, and be a good boy who cares for his parents and dares to take responsibility.


  We all live in a large social environment that is in harmony with each other, and we have many responsibilities on our shoulders. To be a person with a sense of social responsibility is a basic character that everyone should possess.

  A sense of responsibility is a peaceful attitude towards life for each of us. The sense of responsibility is different from indifference, and it is not an unfounded annoyance. In the face of a disturbing world, we should always have a high sense of responsibility, responsible for ourselves and others.

  The ancients once said that the world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy. Our great Premier Zhou Enlai once said that he should study for the rise of China. These are all examples of what our ancestors demanded that we all have a sense of responsibility. As a primary school student, we are the future of the motherland, and we must bear the responsibilities on our own. In school, we shoulder the responsibility of learning science and culture and serving the motherland. We must always remind ourselves to study hard, and to equip ourselves with scientific knowledge to enrich our minds, so that in the future we will be able to build our own beautiful life. . Can I let myself implement this sense of responsibility? I think this requires us to study hard day and night, explore the mystery of knowledge, and implement it on every problem in a down-to-earth manner. It is possible to realize the responsibilities we shoulder.

  A sense of responsibility is not only an ideal achievement for us, but also a kind of inherited morality of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. This is a spiritual inheritance and a deposit of cultural heritage.

  Let us start now and be a responsible person!


  Responsibility is the good character of human race. However, in this world, few people have self-esteem, self-confidence, enterprising, compassion, perseverance, filial piety and kindness.

  The faucet has many uses: to provide water for the people. However, some people will turn on the faucet and are unwilling to turn it off.

  In the school, there are many classmates littering. This is a bad behavior. Littering garbage back to pollute the environment, making the campus unclean.

  It is said that there is a young man studying in the United States who has good grades in school and is also very smart and capable. After graduation, he thought he could find a good job with his knowledge and ability. However, he went to many companies and was rejected. When he asked why he was rejected, the reply he got was: Although you are very talented, you escaped the ticket 3 times. My company is to have talents and good quality such as integrity. This is also a responsibility.

  Do what you can do by yourself. The tasks assigned to you by the teacher should be done to the best of your ability.

  When you see a very poor person, you will definitely think about his miserable life or continue to weave him in the future. This is your kind compassion. If you get a failing test paper, you will definitely push all the responsibilities to the teacher. Its not right at this time. Its because you dont study hard to fail the exam.

  Classmates, lets take action! Let us reinvigorate and change our bad ailments, not to litter and so on. Then, we can become a modern little citizen with a sense of responsibility.


  Today is the 4th day I came to the summer camp, and my heart is full of responsibility. That is because I am the oldest student in this summer camp. During these 6 days, I have to take care of these 5 children.

  I think this is a challenge to me. In life, my parents usually take care of me, which is a kind of enjoyment. And now, I come to the summer camp, and my age is still the largest, I must have a sense of responsibility, let me change positions. It seems that I will be their "mother" and they will be my "child". It made me feel the responsibility and hardship of being a parent. Yesterday we came to the eight landscapes of Miss Green and watched the eight landscapes. I saw a villa. The villa they bought was so beautiful. It made me think: I will buy a villa for my parents when I grow up, so that they can live the rest of their lives. We walked back the same way. When we reached the dormitory, a little sister cried. Later we learned that he was crying because of his parents. My heart also missed Mom and Dad. I want to cry too, but I cant cry because I am their big sister. So I sang a few songs to him.

  Postscript: Actually, my heart already wants to cry. But I can’t cry, that’s because I can have enough time to sew him up slowly


  Speaking of responsibility, this makes us feel a bit strange. We grew up in the parenting of our parents since we were young, and we never knew to be independent, but only let our parents do it.

  Speaking of the sense of responsibility, it reminds me of one thing. At that time, in the morning, when it was foggy, I couldn’t see clearly. Suddenly I saw a figure from the back. I was riding fast at that time, I just wanted to arrive soon. At school, I didnt expect that the back figure suddenly moved to the middle. Before I had time to brake, I bumped into the back figure, and then I got out of the car quickly.

  I saw that the back turned out to be an old man. I don’t know why he came out so early. I saw his wrinkled face. I quickly asked him if he was okay. Grandpa said to me kindly, okay little girl, grandpa’s okay. Yes, you just need to send me home.

  I sent the old grandfather home, and saw that the old grandfather’s house was very old and had nothing to do. After sending him home, I rushed to school.

  Fortunately, I was not late and returned home. I told my parents about this matter. My father said that I would go to see Grandpa more and buy more things for Grandpa. I readily agreed.

  Mom said that I have grown up, I am responsible, and I know how to help people.

  After this incident, I learned a truth, not everyone will have a sense of responsibility, but knowing that helping others and taking on tasks for others is a responsible person.


  Suddenly discover whether a person has a sense of responsibility, which can actually be seen from the bits and pieces in life.

  These small things reflect the big ones, and it seems that one person’s success or failure can be clear at a glance.

  Some people always give it to others, as if we have misunderstood his illusion, but when you think about it carefully, you should understand your first instinct. Because there is no sense of responsibility, I push many things to others and dont want to take it myself.

  If its just like this, then forget it. The point is that perhaps such irresponsibility may affect others, especially those around him who are closely related to him. In the final analysis, everyone is an independent individual. If a person wants to be decadent, can you not be able to support it? Others will do their best. Why should you feel that you have to follow the decadent together, and then you should also be responsible for your own responsibility. What about him?

  is so, isn’t that the same person as him? We cant wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, but we dont want to be a person who pretends to be asleep, because we have gradually understood that it is very necessary and happy to wake up early and take good control of our life.

  This process may be a bit difficult and painful, but there is no sweetness when there is no bitterness. After all, I am responsible for myself.


  My responsibility is to look at my sister, do you know why I say this, not because she is my sister but because I like him very much, she also likes me very much, my responsibility is to look at my sister, sister is better than me, sister If its hard for me, dont think about it because its hard to explain in one word. Let me tell you about it.

  You know my sister, once I was writing homework, my sister suddenly handed her hand, and my efforts were in vain. It was because he was fighting with other kids and he felt very upset, so let me vent it. , I just have to rewrite my homework, so you must not mess with girls. Girls are not easy to mess with. I don’t dare to mess with girls. Girls like to beat us boys. We boys are little mice, and girls are big Cats, if we messed with them, then we would have a hard time.

  My sister has another shortcoming. She loves to bite me. Sometimes he is not angry and starts biting me when he thinks it is funny. I think my sister is a boy, and I will never provoke her again.

  But I still like her very much. Do you like her too? Even though she did something wrong, I still like my sister. I think he can change it in the future. You will come to my house to play in the future. My sister is very Not unfamiliar, she will see you come to my house, warm invitation!


  Today, our teacher wants to write an essay, which is related to responsibility. I was sitting in front of my homework book, and I still couldnt do anything, so I asked my mother, and my mother asked me: "What do you think of responsibility?" I thought for a while and said, "Its the task of confession to complete it. "My mother didnt think so. She asked me to buy something with her, and I readily agreed.

  My mother and I were out of the house. The snow was so heavy outside, I thought I should bring an umbrella. Mom said: "Why do you only remember now? Isnt it your responsibility?"

  After waiting for us to buy something in the supermarket, I remembered that I should push a shopping cart. My mother asked me again: "Isnt this your responsibility? Why did you forget it again?"

  On the way home, my mother was holding things alone, while I was strolling leisurely in front. Mom said: "You should help get something, its your responsibility." I blushed.

  When I got home, my mother said, “I forgot to close the door again. This is your responsibility.” Suddenly I heard that the water heater running on my mother was running water, so I hurriedly unscrewed its gate. At this moment, I seemed to understand Now, the "responsibility" is not that you start doing it when others ask you to do it, but you have to wink, pay attention to what you should do, and not always let others remind you. My current responsibility is to complete my homework, so I brought up the pen.

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