



¡¡¡¡Hello dear teachers and judges, today I¡¯m going to talk about how to teach some words and sentences using clothes as an example .

¡¡¡¡Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material


¡¡¡¡From this lesson, the students will learn how to describe other¡¯s clothes. The useful expression_rs and words can be used to describe others more freely and vividly. Therefore this lesson is an important portion of the teaching material.

¡¡¡¡Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise the learning interests of students and it will also help to improve their spoken English.


¡¡¡¡The Ss in Grade four have learned English for several years, but they still lack some learning strategies and their vocabularies are limited.


¡¡¡¡The teaching aim is established according to the New Curriculum of Primary School English.

  1. Knowledge objects

¡¡¡¡(1) To enable the students to understand and speak five new words and two sentence patterns: wear, shirt, T-shirt, dress, skirt. He¡¯s wearing a? She¡¯s wearing a?

¡¡¡¡(2) To be able to describe someone else more freely.

¡¡¡¡(3) To enlarge the Ss¡¯ vocabulary.

¡¡¡¡2. Ability objects

¡¡¡¡(1) To develop the Ss¡¯ speaking strategy.

¡¡¡¡(2)To develop the Ss¡¯ vocabulary strategy. (word guessing etc.)

¡¡¡¡(3) To encourage the students cooperation amongst in their studies.

¡¡¡¡3.Moral objects

¡¡¡¡To arouse the students¡¯ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in

¡¡¡¡language communication. To stimulate the students¡¯ creativity .


¡¡¡¡The teaching key and difficult points are based on the aims and demands.


¡¡¡¡To grasp the five new words and two sentence



¡¡¡¡1.Improve Ss¡¯s speaking ability to describe others more freely

¡¡¡¡2. Develop their lateral thinking through games . V.TEACHING AIDS

¡¡¡¡A Computer

¡¡¡¡PART 2 Teaching Methods

¡¡¡¡1. Student-centered teaching

¡¡¡¡2. Task-based learning

¡¡¡¡3.Communication through learning

¡¡¡¡PART 3 Studying Ways

¡¡¡¡Activity-based learning(individual work; pair work; group work; class work)

¡¡¡¡Problem Analysis

¡¡¡¡Teaching which appeals to learners¡¯ needs can facilitate learning . It is necessary to investigate why the students were showing less and less interested , and devoting less and less effort. So interviews were held and questionnaires were issued. It is found that:

¡¡¡¡a. Those poor learners report that , due to their lack of practice. They can¡¯t complete sentences.

¡¡¡¡b. Some students report that they are afraid of being laughed at by other students.

¡¡¡¡c. Quite a number of students report that they are afraid of being criticized and thus withdraw from classroom activities.

¡¡¡¡d. Some students aren¡¯t interested in practicing speaking .

¡¡¡¡Possible Solutions

¡¡¡¡Taking the above factors into consideration, the following solutions were proposed:

¡¡¡¡a. Employing interesting role work to help the students understand and learn new knowledge.

¡¡¡¡b. Organizing interesting activities to motivate the students to speak more English in the oral lesson. Make the students have to speak so that they would be interested in speaking English .

¡¡¡¡d. Encouraging the students to speak.

¡¡¡¡4. Project objective

¡¡¡¡Part Four Teaching Procedure

¡¡¡¡Step 1 warm up

¡¡¡¡to arouse Ss¡¯ interest ,play a ¡°colour song¡± on the computer, let the students become familiar with the phrase ¡° Who¡¯s wearing?¡±

¡¡¡¡Step 2 Lead-in

¡¡¡¡To introduce the new words and sentences ,I create a situation here, Sam and Amy are Australian children , they decide to buy some summer clothes because it¡¯s getting hotter in their county. What will they buy?

¡¡¡¡(purpose: To present the new words and increase students geographical knowledge at the same time)

¡¡¡¡Step 3 practice

¡¡¡¡After presentating the new words, the students need some activities to practice them. Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful and

¡¡¡¡light-hearted environment and arouse students¡¯

¡¡¡¡interest in learning English. Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning. So in this part, I will use a power point I prepared to play some games with the students:

¡¡¡¡1. Let them try to memorize how many models are wearing a T- shirt/ shirt/ dress/skirt? 2

¡¡¡¡2. How many models they can introduce by using the sentence in a limit time: He¡¯s wearing a ?/She¡¯s wearing a?

¡¡¡¡3. And the third game is to try to answer some questions according to the shadow pictures.

¡¡¡¡4. Step 4 extension

¡¡¡¡(to develop their creativity and speaking ability) Organize Ss into groups of four and discuss ¡° how can you help them to find ¡°the missing person

¡¡¡¡£¨situation: a little child is lost in a shopping mall and he/she is trying to find his parent£©

¡¡¡¡Step 8 Homework

¡¡¡¡Design a T-shirt , or some other clothes that you like.

¡¡¡¡Blackboard Design

¡¡¡¡Topic sentences and key words are written to help Ss know the main content of this class.


¡¡¡¡Good afternoon , Ladies and Gentlemen !

¡¡¡¡My name is Wu Dan . I come from Yu Hong Primary School .I am very glad to be

¡¡¡¡standing here and talking about Lesson 10 ,which is from Fun with English Book 3 Unit 2 . My teaching report includes four parts .

¡¡¡¡Part 1 To analyze the book

¡¡¡¡1.There are 3 units in Book 3 . This is Lesson 10 . The central item is how to master another sentence to express ¡° What¡¯s the time ? ¡± and how to buy something. Using

¡¡¡¡¡° What¡¯s the time ? ¡± hungry , cakes, bread and so on . We¡¯ll study and drill the sentences and the word ¡¯s pronunciation .

¡¡¡¡2. According to the teaching outline and combining the students ¡¯ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows .

¡¡¡¡a .The first is the aim of knowledge .

¡¡¡¡It¡¯s to learn and master two sentences. What time is it? I am hungry and then using them to express the time and go shopping fluently and freely

¡¡¡¡b. The second is the aim of abilities

¡¡¡¡The creative spirit is quite important to the students. So I will pay much attention to train it in my class. Otherwise. I will try to train the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, Mainly improve their communicative abilities and encourage them to speak more English.

¡¡¡¡C. The third is the aim of emotion

¡¡¡¡Make the students have successful feeling and achievement. And make them be in English study.

¡¡¡¡3.Important points

¡¡¡¡The first is to master and use the two sentences. What time is it? I¡¯m hungry. The second is to master the usage of the words hungry, cakes and bread.

¡¡¡¡4.Difficult points.

¡¡¡¡It¡¯s the pronunciation of the two words. hungry, cakes, and how to use them fluently and freely .

¡¡¡¡Part 2 . Teaching and learning methods

¡¡¡¡Make the students take part in class . Ask and answer in pairs and groups . I¡¯ll use

¡¡¡¡communicative method , discussing method and seeing and hearing method to teach this lesson .

¡¡¡¡Part 3 . Teaching aids .

¡¡¡¡In order to interest the students . I¡¯ll use a clock , recorder , cards and some food as my teaching aids .

¡¡¡¡Part 4 . Teaching procedure .

¡¡¡¡Step 1 Revision

¡¡¡¡Before my class , I¡¯ll get the students to sing an English song to keep themselves relax . Then I¡¯ll use a clock to act it . What¡¯s the time ? What¡¯s the time ? It¡¯s eight o¡¯clock . I¡¯ll show three numbers . When the students answer It¡¯s ten o¡¯clock . I¡¯ll say : It¡¯s ten . Today we¡¯ll learn Lesson Ten . Then I'll put the clock on the blackboard .

¡¡¡¡Step 2 Presentation and drill

¡¡¡¡First I¡¯ll point to the clock and ask , what time is it ? Students answer It¡¯s ten . Then I go on moving the hands and ask .What time is it ?Students answer quickly .

¡¡¡¡Second I¡¯ll drill the sentences What time is it ? It¡¯s ----- .pairs in pairs or row by row .

¡¡¡¡Third When the students answer It¡¯s 12:00 o¡¯clock . I¡¯ll point to my stomach and say .Oh I¡¯m hungry .and I¡¯ll eat a cake . Then I¡¯ll go on saying I¡¯m hungry .and I¡¯ll eat another cake . I¡¯ll act it four or five times . Then I ask a student to act it . I¡¯m hungry , too . I¡¯ll say two cakes , please .and the sentences .I¡¯m hungry . Two cakes ,please.

¡¡¡¡Forth :Listen to the dialogue and answer my questions.

¡¡¡¡1.What time is it?

¡¡¡¡2.How many cakes?

¡¡¡¡Step 3 Consolidation

¡¡¡¡I¡¯ll train the creative spirit of the students.

¡¡¡¡I¡¯ll give them three please. To act the dialogue freely .First at the 219 Park,second fruit shop Third department store.


¡¡¡¡Encourage my student to the market to buy something with his friends or parent.

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