



  Film Review on Philadelphia

  Philadelphia, directed by Jonathan Demme, featured by Tom Hanks and Danzel Washington, tells a story about a AIDS patients who has fired because suffering from AIDS fight for his right with legal. As the groundbreaking achievement in Hollywood's first look at AIDS discrimination, the movie is mainly about two sensitive topics: homosexuality and AIDS.

  To analyze the contradictions in the story from the theory of Structuralism, there are two sets of conflicts: the endless case with Andrew’s former employer, and Andrew’s good fight against sickness.

  The gay character, Andrew, a social outcast that facing to the death, is still fighting against the serious illness and the discrimination from the society all the way; The black lawyer, Miller, someone doesn't like homosexuals, agrees to take the case for sympathy . In the name of justice and humanity , in the spirit of compassion, Andrew and Miller tried to fight for legal right in a common action. They gradually become friends and come to understand one another during the quarrel. From Miller’s eyes, we can feel And rew’s love to life and live. There is a impressiveness scene in the movie: Listening to the inspiring music, Andrew put on a drip, described to Miller his hunger for affection, and his desire for life.

  Life is not what you see in the films, it’s much harder. “Philadelphia” was made in 1993, In that time, people’s attitude to AIDS and homosexual are stern, rigid and unreasonable. Most people still feel a hearty dislike about homosexuality , much more a gay with AIDS. "Philadelphia" leads the trend of innovation to the AIDS discrimination. It gave hope to the many others who face this dilemma at some point or another in their lives. On the other hand, it also tries to turn our view to the AIDS.

  For viewers of the movie, the meaningful question is not whether they sympathize with Tom Hanks' AIDS-afflicted, but whether that sympathy opens up a different perspective on the victims of the disease in the real world. We should ask several questions to our selves: Should the social outcast have the unfair treatment? What the Public opinions to AIDS? Will any sex orientation of the people be accepted by society? No matter what he is, he has the right to live on happily. That ’s what I learn from “Philadelphia”.

  when I see the light.

  I know I'll be all right.




  安德鲁的家人支持他走上法庭。开庭审理时,众多示 威者聚集在法院门外,要求给同性恋者合法权益,不准歧视艾滋病人。但被告却坚持不承认是因为艾滋病的原因而解雇了安德鲁。安德鲁衰弱的身体已无法承受剧烈的静脉注射,但他仍坚强地挺过了激烈的法庭答辩。到了审判的日子,陪审团终于宣判原告安德鲁受到不公正解雇,被告应负责赔偿损失。安德鲁终于获胜了。乔奔赴医院将这一消息告诉了安德鲁和他的家人,但安德鲁却不能再支持下去了,他正在慢慢死去

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