

  一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)


  Unit 5 The pwer f nature

  I. Phrases

  1. a vlcan erupting 一次火山爆发 2. an active / a live vlcan 活火山

  3. cpare…with / t… 把…和…进行比较 cpare…t… 把……比作……

  4. iagine ding sth. 设想做某事

  5. tae riss / a ris 冒险 at ris 处于危险之中

  at the ris f ding sth冒危险 ris ding sth.冒险做某事

  6. eet with sb. 碰到、遇到某人 7. excite sb./neself 使某人/自己激动

  8. prtect sb. / sth. fr… 保护…免遭…

  9. be warned (nt) t d sth. 被警告(不要)去做某事 warn sb. f danger 警告某人有危险

  10. ve sth. ut f the wa 把……搬离……

  11. burn t the grund 全部焚毁

  12. far re (=uch re) 多得多,多很多

  13. At the first sight f… 第一次看见…… 14. be fast asleep 睡得很熟

  15. be abut t d sth. … when 正要做某事…就在这时…

  16. as bright as da 亮如白昼

  17. in the distance 在远处(大范围的); at a/se distanc(有间隔的)在远处(的具体某地)

  18. in the side f the untain 在山的一边

  19. have a uch clser l ( at sth.) 近距离观看(某物)

  20. be in a panic 陷入恐慌 get int a panic 陷入恐慌

  21. ae ne’s wa t … 前往……. 22. clib dwn int… 爬进……

  23. be enthusiastic abut… 对……怀着热情

  24. be aazed at … 对……感到惊讶

  25. tae sb. b surprise 使某人大吃一惊

  tae sth. b surprise突袭

  26. ae an effrt t d sth. 努力做某事

  27. be ut f wr 失业

  28. var fr … t … 由……到……不等

  29. a great persit f 多种多样

  30. tae a bath 沐浴 give birth t sb.生小孩

  31. glance thrugh 匆匆看一遍

  32. be bred with sb. / sth.对某人/某物厌烦

  33. cancel ne’s appintent with sb. 取消和某人的约会

  II. Sentences

  1. Have u ever cnsidered hw wea huans a vlcan , hurricane r earthquae?


  2. the infratin , I help ther scientists t predict where lava fr the vlcan will flw next and hw fast it will flw .


  3. I g bac t sleep suddenl bedr becae as bright as da .


  4. Having studied vlcanes nw fr re than twent ears , I a still aazed at their beaut as well as their t cause great daage .


  5. The height f the land varies fr 700 etres abve sea level t ver 2,000 etres and is he t plants and anials .


  6. It is said that the b , wh language and persuasin , is the father f the Manchu peple .


  参考答案Unit1:课文填词1. faith 2.wuld 3. bre awa 4. cnvinced that 5. t the place f 6.cncentrated/fcused n

  完成句子1. abstract 2. exhibitin 3. attepted 4. cncentrating 5.pssessin 6. predicted 7.realistic

  8. ridiculus 9. cnteprar 10. peranent

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