



  : shēng cái yǒu dào

  : 道:途径,方法。原指生财有个大原则,后指搞钱很有办法。

  : 《礼记·大学》:“生财有大道:生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒,则财恒足矣。”

  : 乾生受,生财有道,受用无由。 ★元·钱霖《哨遍》

  : scyd

  : 作谓语、宾语;指开发财源有办法

  : expertly in making money



  Huizhou merchants reforming the confucian view of righteousness and benefit runs through business, and be reflected in the motive of business, the method of business, the use of profit and so on: highlighting righteousness and earning one's living by business; profiting under the direction of righteousness; profiting under the restriction of righteousness.

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