cover letter范文写作

cover letter范文写作

  Cover letter,中文的意思用书面表达的形式向对方进行自我简介,它是寻找工作材料中重要的组成部分。下面是小编搜集整理的cover letter范文写作,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!

  一、Cover letter范文

  Dear Graduate Committee Members,

  I am a student of XXX University, majoring in XXXXXX. After reading the application materials carefully, I strongly believe that your department is an ideal place for me to continue my study. M. S. in XXX is my pursuing goal, and I believe that XX University is the place to fulfill my dream to be a financial expert.

  I have completed the online application and paid the application fee by credit card. Now I am submitting other required materials to you.

  Enclosed please find:

  1. Application form

  2. Application fee ($XX Money Order)

  3. Statement of purpose (yellow pages)

  4. Official transcripts in Chinese and English

  5. Three letters of recommendation

  6. Resume (green pages)

  7. Photocopies of TOEFL and GRE score reports

  I have already asked ETS to send you the original score report as soon as they can. Would you please concern my application first?

  Please contact me if you require any further information or documentations. I shall be happy for submitting it to you.

  Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to your reply.

  Yours truly,


  二、Cover letter写作分享

  1。Cover letter的重要性

  Cover letter,中文的意思用书面表达的形式向对方进行自我简介,它是寻找工作材料中重要的组成部分。几乎所有的老板都要求求职者付上Cover letter。因为未来老板要从Cover letter看出你要的职位以及你是否可胜任该职位。

  2.写Cover letter关键

  写Cover letter的要旨是要显示你的学术背景和研究方向与其相同或类似,隐含着一到实验室就可以很快上手。因为老板是要你去干活而不是花钱让你来学习的。未来老板发出广告后,一般会收到众多的求职信。他可能仅花几秒钟的时间浏览你的简历(CV),Cover letter可告诉他你的技能,才能以及研究背景是否符合他的要求。

  3.Cover letter的格式






  4.1. 第一段写你的目的

  第一段的第一句告诉未来老板你的信息来源,如果看广告得知,可以按以下的句型:From XXXX website (或其它来源) I learned about your need for a postdoctoral follow to investigate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(职位的内容)in Department of Biology,in Nebraska Medical Center。如果他人告知My adviser, XXXXX, never misses an opportunity to tell me of your need for a postdoctoral follow to investigate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(职位的内容)in Department of Biology,in Nebraska Medical Center。第二句为你的目的。如:I am very interested in this project, and believe that my background on molecular biology techniques and experience in HPLC,XXXX are appropriate for the position.


  写研究背景时应尽量往未来老板研究内容沾边或类似。如I have studied …………………………….(论文的研究内容). I applied …………………(具体实验方法),and found that …………(实验结果,尽量往未来老板研究方向靠,但应该有发表的文章支持)。(如果有未发表或正在作的,可以加)Now I am investigating on a project on ………. 。


  I feel confident that given the opportunity, I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.

  Thank you so much for considering my request. I will call you the week of October 10 to see about scheduling the job shadowing. If you need to reach me before that time, please feel free to contact me via phone (XXXX-XXXX-2922) or via email (

  I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.

  The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.

  I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at XXXXXXXX.

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