


1、I wish you a happy family and a sweet life.

2、大红灯笼门前挂,灯笼里边点红蜡。烛光映出灯谜巧,开智猜谜人笑倒。合家欢乐闹元宵,其乐融融乐滔滔。 Red lanterns hung before the door, the lantern point red candle inside。 Candle lantern riddle against qiao, intellectual puzzles people laugh。 Family the yuanxiao, harmony of flood。

3、三五良宵年映红,月上元宵相约黄昏后,宵灯伴你绵绣前程事事通,月圆情缘财源愿愿随心!欢乐今宵! Three night in flames the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk night lights with you future cotton embroidery everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

4、月有阴晴圆缺,人有离合聚散,今宵月儿圆又圆,想你的心甜啊甜,佳节自有佳人伴,元宵夜唯君叫我最思念! Month waxing rain or shine with clutch together tonight the moon round and round want to your sweet sweet the season has its own beauty pany yuan snack wei jun is the most I miss!

5、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。 Yuan snack wanhu snowflakes Sang thousands of wine lanterns



8、I wish you happiness, good luck and well-being! Happy Lantern Festival!

9、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌! The Lantern Festival wishing you a song in your heart!


11、敲响是钟声,走过的是岁月,留下的是故事,带来的是希望,盼望的是美好送来的是祝福,愿你幸福快乐。 Ring is through the years leaving story is the hope hope is a good sent to me is a blessing wish you happy

12、白白的元宵,滚滚的圆,吃在嘴里香又甜。 White Lantern Festival, rolling round, eat in the mouth sweet.

13、去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。今年元夜时,月与灯依旧,不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖。 Last year rice glue ball flower market light as day About dusk after month LiuShao head man With the lights still Lantern Festival this year month see people last year the tears wet spring shirt sleeve


15、白糕红糕糯米糕,吃完过后样样高,年年薪水在升高,事业看好步步高,甜圆咸圆芝麻圆,品完过后事。 Eat white pudding red glutinous rice glutinous rice cake, after all, high salary is on the rise year after year, career on a backgammon, salty sweet circle round sesame round, after the finished product.

16、Eat a happy Lantern Festival, and all your troubles will disappear.

17、愿此元宵佳节,您心情愉悦,身体健康,家庭和美,亲友源远,事业成功,心想事成,好梦连连。 May the Lantern Festival, you happy, healthy body, and the family, friends and family source far, career success, success, good dream.

18、Lantern Festival, the teacher is happy! Healthy and healthy!

19、Let sweetness surround you and good luck care for you.

20、你圆,我也圆,事也圆圆,人也圆圆。天也圆圆,地也圆圆。愿此元宵佳节,大家都能好梦圆圆。 Things I have you round round round and round Day and yuan yuan and the earth is round May the Lantern Festival everybody can dream round


21、元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只要你喜欢,在我的身边。 happy lantern festival! my dear, i am sorry we can not together for lantern festival, but i will at the dinner table for you tim a bowl and chopsti icks, as you like at my side.


23、I wish you happiness, wealth, and constant fate, and everything will e true.

24、在这灯如昼的时节,我们一起相约黄昏后,今晚我要让你成为最幸福的人儿。 In the season of light such as day, we meet after dusk, tonight I want you to be the most happy people.


26、The Lantern Festival is warm, and I wish you the same. May your life be brighter than the spring flowers and your career be rounder than the moon.

27、让汤圆,粘住甜蜜爱情甜,粘住温馨心头暖。 Let Tangyuan stick sweet love and warm heart.

28、I wish you a happy and happy Lantern Festival!


30、I wish my family happiness and good luck on Lantern Festival.


32、午夜人散尽,花好月圆家人团圆,群灯吐艳你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,网中情缘愿梦“圆”。 Midnight people cleared spending a good family reunions group of light beauty you most "good" Send acacia and wishes the net love to dream "circle"

33、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a full life and career!


35、元宵节到了,祝你团团圆圆,圆圆满满! The Lantern Festival is ing. I wish you a happy and happy life!【fZ76.cOM 工作计划之家】

36、The Lantern Festival is round, the family is happy, and the New Year's dream is more round.


38、十五的月儿圆又圆,给你全家拜晚年!家好运好人也好,幸福美满更团圆! the moon is round and round thanks for your family later in life! Home luck guy happy reunion!

39、When the Lantern Festival is ing, I will send you a bowl of happy Lantern Festival.



I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.随着文化生活的不断进步,我们可以在朋友圈看到优美的句子,短短小句子蕴含大大的能量,当下有什么流行的网络句子?经过收集,小编为您献上元宵节祝福的视频文案,如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,请关注本站。


1、月到十五分外圆,把你疼爱把你怜,常常把你挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是粘,我们何时能团圆。 Month to points circle put your love to your flow often hang your heart tonight the dumplings is very sticky when we can together

2、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌! The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart!

3、愿你生活最如意,前途光明最得意,祝你元宵快乐。 Wish you the best in your life, bright future and most proud, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

4、Wish on Lantern Festival: Life is warm and satisfying, and nothing else is desired.

5、元宵模样光又光,愿你身体很健康。 Yuanxiao looks light and bright. Wish you good health.




9、快快乐乐快乐年,团团圆圆团圆年! Happy happy year, happy year, happy year!

10、Miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart Tianrumi implicitly, Body Skin Liang Rui Hongyan GREen, the gentle-Sweetest I 1,559, light night kiss you eat you、

11、Happy Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival is ing, and the four seasons are wonderful.

12、I wish you a happy family and a sweet life.

13、The Lantern Festival is warm, and I wish you the same. May your life be brighter than the spring flowers and your career be rounder than the moon.


15、The day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty 20xx 2001 ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy!

16、The Lantern Festival is round, the family is happy, and the New Year's dream is more round.


18、带着盈盈相思,带着温馨祈愿,祝福你元宵节快乐。 With ying ying acacia, with warm wish, wish you a happy Lantern Festival.


20、十五元宵节,举杯邀明月;倾心祝福您,吉祥又安泰!15 the Lantern Festival, a drink moon; Fall in love wish you good fortune, antai again!




23、I wish you happiness, wealth, and constant fate, and everything will e true.

24、Warm greetings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!


26、When the Lantern Festival is ing, I will send you a bowl of happy Lantern Festival.

27、十五元宵节,举杯邀明月;倾心祝福您,吉祥又安泰! On the 15th Lantern Festival, we'd like to invite the bright moon with a toast. We wish you luck and peace!

28、正月十五月儿圆,月儿代表我的心!让明月捎去我对你的祝福:元宵节快乐! The fifteenth day of the moon is round, the moon represents my heart! Let the moon take my blessing to you: happy Lantern Festival!

29、元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只要你喜欢,在我的身边。 happy lantern festival! my dear, i am sorry we can not together for lantern festival, but i will at the dinner table for you tim a bowl and chopsti icks, as you like at my side.

30、愿生命的精彩和顽强与您同行,愿事业的蓬勃和你的美丽永恒!恭祝元宵佳节快乐!Let life wonderful and strong with your peers, vigorous and may cause your beautiful eternal! Happy Lantern Festival!

31、快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。Happy Lantern Festival, I would like to miss and blessing.

32、元月十五赏花灯,看了花灯美梦成。 On the 15th day of January, I appreciate the lantern and have a wonderful dream.

33、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart, happy New Year!

34、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.


36、I send you dumplings and bean paste stuffing. I wish you a prosperous career in your studies.


38、十五的月儿圆又圆,给你全家拜晚年!家好运好人也好,幸福美满更团圆! the moon is round and round thanks for your family later in life! Home luck guy happy reunion!

39、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。 Yuan snack wanhu snowflakes Sang thousands of wine lanterns


I wish you good luck and good luck.生活中、学习中、工作中,常常会有很多人频繁地发一些网上的句子,好的句子可以激励人们生活。关于适合表达的句子你还记得哪些呢?为此,编辑花时间整理了元宵节英语贺卡,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


1、元宵包裹的是甜蜜,彩灯带来的是黑夜的光明,祝福送去的是我对你的关切,这条短信是祝福你元宵节快乐!Yuanxiao is sweet, is the night of the bright lights, blessing sent my concern to you, the message is wishes you: happy Lantern Festival!

2、圆圆的圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的甜甜的鲜灵的汤圆,满满的满满的盛给你一碗,装上我美美的美美的元宵祝愿! Round round moon face sweet fresh lovely sweet dumplings bowl to give you a full full loaded on my beautiful meimei yuanxiao wishes!

3、月上柳梢头,花灯溢彩流。人潮熙来往,指点玉琼楼。圆月当空挂,思念垂几愁?愿君共婵娟,福泽长千秋。恭祝元宵节快乐! Month on LiuShao head, excessive flow lanterns。 Crowds city, jade Joan tower。 Full moon was hanging, missing hang a few sorrow? Let all your life, art is long。 To wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

4、正月十五闹元宵不要忘了吃,吃了好运气总是在那里,永远幸福吃两吃三个合家团圆,吃四个赛季放心食用5。 。该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟! lantern festival lantern festival do not forget to eat, eat a good luck are always there, always happy to eat two to eat three the family reunion , eating four seasons safe to eat 5. . . damn small pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!

5、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song in your heart and a happy New Year!

6、正怜火树千春妍,忽见清辉映月阑。出海鲛珠犹带水,满堂罗袖欲生寒。为语东风暂相借,来宵还得尽馀欢。 Is flow wahoo qian chun yan suddenly see clearly reflect on aperture Sea shark beads of water and ROM sleeve to cold For language borrow dongfeng temporarily to night have to do rest

7、The fifteenth moon is round and round, happy and more reunion! Happy Lantern Festival!

8、笙歌一曲唱佳音,人也圆圆心也圆圆。Shengge a song to sing good news, people are also round, the center is also round.

9、元宵到,祝愿你:春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景!Yuanxiao, wishes you: often in spring, the spring breeze spring rain well spend on good times!

10、圆圆的汤圆粘又粘,愿你快乐依然,合家团圆。Round dumplings sticky and sticky, I wish you happiness still, family reunion.

11、月无日日圆,人无年年到。元宵佳节,伴着圆圆的月儿,万家的花灯放,祝您全家幸福。On the yen, a man without to every year。 The Lantern Festival, with a round moon, thousands of lanterns, I wish your family happiness。

12、Official source, financial source, I wish you a good career!

13、吃元宵,品元宵,元宵佳节香气飘。 Eat yuanxiao, taste yuanxiao, Lantern Festival fragrance floating.

14、送走冬季的寒冷,迎来春天的灿烂,世界随着季节变,思念却是更胜前,元宵佳节心情暖,给你祝福不会变,愿你生活比春花艳,愿你事业比月亮圆。 Off the winter cold, to celebrate the spring is bright, the world with the seasons change, missing is better than before, the Lantern Festival mood, bless you will not change, I wish you a life than the spring flowers yan, wish you career than the moon。

15、元宵节又到了,还记得我们有猜灯谜做的同样的兴奋逛庙会?现在依然很忙,人与人是不同的,远方的你,可好苍蝇?有时间写哟! lantern festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies kehao? have time to write yo!

16、真诚的祝愿延续至今,祝愿你元宵节快乐!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

17、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。35 night, lanterns' reflected the spring; A at the beginning of this year, the bright moon brightness degree of the holidays.

18、三五良宵年映红,月上元宵相约黄昏后,宵灯伴你绵绣前程事事通,月圆情缘财源愿愿随心!欢乐今宵!Three night in flames, the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk, night lights with you future cotton embroidery, everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

19、喜迎元宵:日圆,月圆,团团圆圆!官源,财源,左右逢源!人缘,福缘,缘缘不断!情愿,心愿,愿愿随心! Celebrate yuanxiao: the yen the month circle the pandas! The official sources financial resources both ways! Popularity humble the geopolitical fate! Rather wish wish to do!

20、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring."


21、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念亲朋的时刻,祝你——元宵快乐,团圆美满!美梦成真! At this time of happiness to share missing relatives and moment I wish you a happy yuanxiao reunion happy! A dream e true!

22、I wish you good health, a happy New Year and more prosperous blessings!

23、团团圆圆,幸福比蜜甜元宵节快乐! Round, happy than sweet Lantern Festival!

24、I wish you good luck, happiness, success in everything and a happy Lantern Festival!

25、回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的短信已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has e, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。

26、Tangyuan, full moon, round people, round everything.

27、一年一度元宵白,一年一度元宵霜。圆圆白白报元夜,瑞雪连连兆丰年。 Yuanxiao is white, annual annual yuanxiao cream. Yuan yuan all be submitted to the rice glue ball, snow a bumper harvest.

28、the full moon, Guanding, I am waiting for you! Lanterns on, I think you! Full moon, glutinous rice balls, geopolitical dream round!

29、今天的月亮像一个大元宵,我吃了一半,余下一半给你,巧克力馅的,喜欢吗?Today the moon like a big lantern, I ate a half, the remaining half for you and chocolate filling, like it?

30、元宵佳节数元宝,银色珍珠水上飘,围坐餐桌品元宵,团圆节日乐淘淘。 Lantern Festival several ingots silver pearl water wave a table is tasted yuanxiao reunion festival joy tao tao

31、元宵万千祝福,尽在不言中。 Lantern Festival thousands of blessings, all in silence.

32、正月十五月圆圆,万家灯火不夜天,家家户户乐翻天。 The first month, October and may, is round, and every family is happy.

33、Happy Lantern Festival, how wonderful life is. Happy holidays!

34、I wish my friends a sweet and beautiful Lantern Festival.

35、元宵佳节数元宝,银色珍珠水上飘,围坐餐桌品元宵,团圆节日乐淘淘。 Lantern Festival several ingots, silver pearl water wave, a table is tasted yuanxiao, reunion festival joy tao tao.

36、Sweetness is like glutinous rice balls, which round out the persistence of a lifetime.

37、年年元宵年年圆,团团圆圆,事业圆满,家圆人圆,财源情缘,愿愿随愿月儿圆。元宵快乐!Yuan xiao round year after year, year after year, business circle person circle, pleteness, and financial resources to want to want with the moon is round。 Yuan xiao is happy!

38、Happy and healthy New Year, sweet and auspicious New Year, happy Lantern Festival and bright future!

39、The Spring Festival is full of people, and the dumplings are round, fragrant and sweet.

40、汤圆,月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆! Tangyuan, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy reunion!


41、吃一颗甜蜜的元宵,忧愁全消。 Eat a sweet Lantern Festival, sorrow is all gone.

42、羊年元宵圆又圆,祝你心想事成好梦圆,幸福美满家团圆,工作顺利事业圆,甜蜜温馨感情圆,招财进宝运气圆,快乐相伴日子圆,健康平安生活圆! In the yuanxiao round and round, I wish you good dream round, happy family reunion, the work is smooth business circle, sweet sweet circle emotions, a thriving business luck circle, circle panions happy days, health and life circle!

43、愿你生活快乐无忧,真挚友情不离左右! Wish you a happy life and sincere friendship!

44、在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆! In the Lantern Festival approaching, I wish you peace, joy and happiness. Everything is round!

45、祝福元宵节快乐,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right!

46、The fifteenth moon is round and round, shining on the wanderer to return home; The fifteenth lantern is round and round, and the five blessings family is happy; The fifteenth Lantern Festival is round and round, and life is happier than honey. Lantern Festival, family reunion, night watching, fun guessing, full moon, good luck!

47、十五的月亮圆又圆,照耀游子把家还。 The moon on the 15th is round and round, shining on the Wanderers to return home.

48、Lantern Festival, happy, a time of family reunion, to dinner, text messages, said the menu, happiness of tea, the best bread, rice pudding, sweet dumplings, fruit, peace auspicious fish, happy cake, soup, those dinner ready, must eat oh!

49、I wish you good luck and good luck.

50、今天元宵佳节,祝你快乐开怀。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

51、愿你的生活圆圆满满,事业顺顺利利,好运不断! May your life be round and full, your career will be smooth and smooth, and good luck will continue!

52、鼠年到了,愿你的人生幸福甜蜜,快乐智慧。祝你元宵快乐!The year of the rat is ing. May your life be happy, sweet and wise. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

53、家家户户红灯挂,街上彩旗哗啦响。正月十五元宵节,全家团圆品元宵。玉碗汤圆端上来,银杯高举一醉休。甜甜蜜蜜一家亲,共度元宵吉祥安。元宵节快乐!Families hang a red light, flags waving sound in the street。 The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, family reunion is tasted yuanxiao。 The jade bowl of dumplings, silver cup held up a drunk。 Sweet skin enjoy yuanxiao auspicious。 Happy Lantern Festival!

54、Yuanxiao Festival counts ingots, silver pearls float on the water, sit around the table to enjoy Yuanxiao, and enjoy the reunion festival.

55、愿你生活步步高,给你温暖来报道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report.

56、汤圆福圆,人亦圆圆,财亦圆圆哦。元宵节快乐! Tangyuan f round people also yuan yuan yuan yuan also oh Happy Lantern Festival!

57、吃元宵,吃元宝,幸福粘着你的牙齿不好找,顺利粘着你的脚趾踢不掉,你的未来一定鸿运腾达,你的事业一定吉祥高照,送你份轻松快乐,别把牙笑掉! Eat yuanxiao, wing, happiness sticking your teeth are bad, the smooth play out sticking your toes, your future bonanza tengda, your business must be auspicious, send you a relaxed and happy, don't laugh teeth!

58、Take a taste of the sweet Lantern Festival and live happily. Happy Lantern Festival!

59、The Lantern Festival has arrived, and I hope you can enjoy yourself.

60、大红灯笼高高挂,欢欢喜喜过元宵,元宵佳节团圆乐,爆竹声声入云宵,辞旧迎新喜乐汇,五谷丰登好年景。 Raise the red lantern, and yuanxiao, Lantern Festival reunion, firecrackers sound into the flaring, renewing joy and good harvest good times.




































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