

当世界已经疯狂,我们寸步难行,我们嚎叫,然后沉默,销声匿迹。我们不是不想拥有信仰。哈利路亚阿弥陀佛热爱祖国热爱人民热爱中国共产党,我们周围的大人们有那么多那么多的信仰,却还是冷嘲别人唾骂世界无奈于生活。我们在改革开放的新中国长大听着文化大革命时的黑暗,却不理解那纪录片里人们脸上洋溢的真正的笑。 课本里说人民在疯狂的年代愚昧盲从,我们却羡慕他们简单的快乐,他们拥有信仰,他们只信仰毛主席,他们的信仰无人职责。你们说我们心灵空虚,你们说我们追求物质,你们说我们用金钱评价一切。







review of f.s. fitzgerald’s the great gatsby

the echoes of the jazz age--about fitzgerald and his masterpiece the great gatsby remembered as the portrayer of “the jazz age”, the author described the disillusion of american dream of the hero gatsby. taking the tragic life of gatsby as an example, the writer showed the conflicts between ideal and reality which happened in “the lost generation” in 1920s.

fitzgerald's gatsby is the story of a somewhat refined and wealthy bootlegger whose morality is contrasted with the hypocritical attitude of most of his acquaintances. the hero gatsby is not only the epitome that reflected the conflicts between ideal and reality, but also the proponents and advocate of american dream . he lived in the fantasy and considered the fantasy as reality. he was born in a poor family and fell in love with daisy (the heroine) when he was trained in the barrack. however, the disparity in wealth and social status made gatsby realized that he could not be with daisy. gatsby did not plan to abandon when he found that daisy had been married with a rich man tom. . he got quick rich in the way of gambling selling illegal hootch. he wanted to please daisy with a way of american style- spend money like water.

generally speaking, his dream almost came true. his extremely wealthy, his villa, his feast draw the attention of daisy. but when daisy knew that he became wealth in a illegal way, she was shocked and frightened. she finally threw herself into tom’s arms again.

in the end, gatsby died as scapegoat of daisy. on the face of it, his death was a sacrifice of love. actu(请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问wWw.hAOwoRd)ally it was s sacrifice of american dream. the hero never knew that legendary american dream has completely broken in the wanton and luxurious “the jazz age”. he did not know that the hope that america gives to people is: things will happen, but it will never happen. he did not know that what he pursued at that time is impossible to become a reality on account of lack of condition. thus, he paid a fat price for holding the dream too long. the tragic ending of gatsby shows the sorrow of “the lost generation” due to the broken of american dream. as for many people, american dream is a sign, an essential goal, and a kind of encouragement to oneself. it is still of great importance though hard to make it. in current society that material civilization develops fast, that fate of gatsby means a lot to us.

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