




Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


秘书岗位的英文求职信 ear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.

My name is . I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. Whats more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the .If I could have the opportunity to get the I will be quite appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully


The children's Day is coming. The English Web asks you to prepare an English letter composition on children's day. Suppose your name is Li Lei, a student of Mary, an English teacher. You went to her house at 6:00 p.m. on May 30, 2004 to inform her about something and borrowed an English novel from her, but she was not available, so you had to leave a note for her. The note reads as follows: 1. On June 1, I went to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship of Yang Liwei, a space hero. At 8:30 in the morning, I gathered at the school gate and took the No. 464 bus. 2. You borrow "under the moon" from her for a week, and if she agrees, ask her to give you the book the day after tomorrow when you visit. [note] 1. The format is correct, and the above content is expressed in English without translating the explanation part. 2. The number of words is about 40. [Fan Wen show] 6:00 P. M. May 30, 2004Dear Mary,

We shall go to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space on Children"s Day。 We are going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a。m。out side the school gate。

We shall go to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space on Children"s Day。 We are going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a。 M. out side the school gate。


关键词: 大学英语四级考试 应用文 书信 写作特点 技巧





289 Heping Road

Nanshan District

Nanjing 210000

Jiangsu Province


October 1,2023

1.2信内地址(Inside Address)




Dear Dr.Green:

Dear Dr.Smith:


Dear Sir:

Dear Madam:

Dear Ladies:

如果不知收信人的性别则可用Dear Sir or Madam。

1.4正文(Body of Letter)


1.5结尾礼词(Complimentary Close)


Yours truly,Yours sincerely,Respectfully yours,Cordially yours,Yours cordially等。


Sincerely yours,Lovely yours,Your lovely,Your loving son/daughter等。











下面我们再来看一封投诉信(Letter of Complaint),一般而言,投诉信包括以下内容:提出要求和理由;解释详细的情况;把请求具体化,以及希望收信人采取行动的日期等。例如:


Dear Sir or Madam:

I’m writing to complain about a typewriter I bought seven months ago.

In January of 2023 I bought a Jones Typewriter,Portable Special Model,at ABC Store,I had used it only a few days when the space bar broke.

I took it to a local shop,they told me it was factory defect and suggested I take it back to ABC.ABC accepted the machine and sent the part in.I waited two months,and since your company did not send a replacement,they let me have the space bar from another typewriter.

Now,five months later,it has broken again.I took it back to ABC.They are no longer carrying your typewriter,but they assured me that the guarantee is still good and suggested that I write you for further instructions as to what steps to take.

I will appreciate anything you can do to help us on this matter.


Tom Smith

本文结构如下:1.写信日期 称呼;2.正文第一段:表明写信的目的;3.第二段:具体说明购买产品的时间、地点及出现的问题;4.第三段:说明尝试的解决方法;5.第四段:说明尝试的解决方案无效,请求帮助;6.结尾礼词及签名打印的姓名。






收信人称呼不可用职务名称,如局长,处长等,这和中国习惯不一样,除Mr. Mrs. Miss之外,之可用学衔,学术职称,勋爵;但也有例外,如参议员可以用Sen.(Senator),船长 Captain.

与性别无关的有 Dr. 博士或大夫,Prof. 教授, Sen. 参议员, Captain 船长

收信人为男性时用 Mr. Sir. Lord (以上后两者是由于爵位的) Sir是勋爵不世袭 Lord是世袭的。 还有 Esq(Esquire) 先生,但写在姓名后面,此种称呼除英国及君主立宪制国家外,一般已少采用。在英国有特别荣誉为O.B.E(Order of the British Empire) 和J.P(Justice of the Peace) 常写在姓名后面,但此时姓名前的称呼,如Mr. 还要保留。此外还有 H.I.M.(His Imperial Majesty)等。


(1)已婚的用 Mrs. Madam, 贵族也可用Lady。必须注意的是必须用她丈夫的姓(不论丈夫已故是否,只要未离婚)不可用她自己的姓,这和中国习惯不同,否则将是非常失礼且认为是带侮辱性的。

(2)未婚的用 Miss或 Madam

(3)不确定婚姻状况的用 Ms.

如果信是由他人转交的,就要写转交人的姓名和地址,如由 F.Johnson 先生转交给 J.E.Henry的信在收信人姓名下写上c/o F. Johnson

即 Mr. J.E.Henry

c/o Mr. F.Johnson (c/o=care of)

如托F.Johnson带去面交,在收信人下面写 Kindness of Mr.F.Johnson 不需写地址。如差人专送,则在收信人下偏右写上Present

Mr. J. E. Henry



如是航空,快件,挂号,有邮局相应标签者,这些标签贴在左下1/4 区域内,如没标签,就在此位置分别写上Airmail; Express Delivery, Registered

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