you are my sunshine歌词 you are my sunshine歌曲寓意

you are my sunshine歌词1

You Are My Sunshine - Elizabeth Mitchell

you are my sunshine


my only sunshine


you make me happy when skies are grey


you'll never know dear


how much I love you


please don't take


my sunshine away


The other night dear when I lay sleeping


I dreamed I held you in my arms


When I awoke dear I was mistaken


SO I hung my head and cried


you are my sunshine


my only sunshine


you make me happy when skies are grey


you'll never know dear


how much I love you


please don't take my sunshine away


you are my sunshine


my only sunshine


you make me happy when skies are grey


you'll never know dear


how much i love you


Please don't take my sunshine away


Please don't take my sunshine away


Please don't take my sunshine away



you are my sunshine歌词扩展阅读

you are my sunshine歌词(扩展1)



  I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?




  Everybody has a wish, but thry're all different. me, too, also have a wish. what is my wish, do you want to know? my wish is , i have that wish because . my wish might not be something that's great, but it's my wish. it's very important to me, no what have happened.



  Today's weather is not so good, but my mood is sunny, because yesterday I wrote a composition and published it on the excellent composition website, which is everyone's recognition and encouragement for me. I just started on the road of writing, although the road ahead is still very long, but I believe that with my modest and practical advice from the teacher, my mother's painstaking guidance and my own My unremitting efforts, I will go better and further.


  Today I am very happy, although I did not get anything, but I feel that I can do something.


  In ten years,I think the I‘ll be a reporter.I‘ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it‘s really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I‘ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don‘t like living alone.

  I‘ll have pets.I can‘t have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I‘ll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot! I‘ll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week I‘ll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.

  On the weekends, I‘ll be able to dress more casually. I think I‘ll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.


  Ten years later, I write to you for the first time, my mood is unable to use my poor language to express, is very complex, some excitement, are looking forward to, and some fear.

  I have a lot of question want to ask you, there are many many words can express... .

  After ten years of I, how are you now? Happiness? Do you still insist on ten years ago that become a cartoonist, a novelist's dream? This dream realized after ten years?

  Or have forgotten it? Just have a simple job, live a flatly light day?

  Where more will not be dropped off in the exam, not on the university and was wondering how is good looking for work, lived a poor dog's life?

  My parents are ok? You have to let them live a good life, healthy? They also like ten years ago young and tall? Or is the white-haired?

you are my sunshine歌词(扩展2)

——《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿菁选

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿

  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,编写说课稿是必不可少的,借助说课稿可以更好地**教学活动。说课稿要怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家整理的《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿1

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

  Nice to meet you here. I'd like to say it's a good chance for me to learn from you .Here, my speech contains 4 parts. I would like to introduce them here with your great help.

  I. The ****ysis of teaching material:

  My speech is Section A , Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball This is an important lesson in Book One. And it is the first lesson of this unit, it talks about recognizing objects(mainly about balls) and the simple question. .The students have already known to answer it"Yes" or "No" in Unit 2 ,but in this unit, it's different. We know, simple question is a kind of important structure. If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question. And it's related to our daily life closely, so it's very useful.

  New words: basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.

  Structure: Do you have Does he /she have

  Teaching aims:

  Aims on the knowledge:

  To study the words about balls by showing the pictures.

  To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not, and how to answer it.

  Aims on the abilities:

  To develop the students' ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.

  To train the students' ability of communication.

  Aims on the emotion:

  ⑴.To make the students be interested in good co-operation and competition.

  ⑵To make the students love sports ,love life.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  How to make the students understand the new language items naturally.

  How to make the students work well with their partners.

  How to arouse their interest in learning English.

  How to make dialogues and act them out.

  Ⅱ.Teaching methods I will take.

  1."Communicative" teaching method.

  2. "Task-based" teaching method.

  Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of the English language.

  Ⅲ. Learning methods.

  Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gain language competence.

  Secondly, Teamwork, exploration and participation to reach the goal.

  Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening, speaking, reading and expressing.

  Fourthly, Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies. I'm not a teacher but a guider. I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.

  Ⅳ.Teaching procedure design.

  Step1. Warm-up.

  Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before. For example: What's this Spell it, please. What color is it Is this your pen Is that your backpack and so on.

  Step2. Presentation.

  1. Take out a ping-pong ball and ask the students:What's this Why I take out a ping-pong ball here I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country.

  2. Leading in new words : here I will play some short plays, they are soccer game,volleyball game, ping-pong competition and an advertisiment, there is a basketball in it.

  The reason of my design: I think the students can learn the words easily and directly in this way. And I also think it can draw the students' attention and arouse their interest in learning English. With the help of the CAI, it can provide a real situation to understand the meaning of the words, not by presenting the new words one by one and telling them the Chinese meaning. So the students can remember the words quickly and naturally.

  How to help the students remember the new word, I think I will do it like this: When the word appears under the picture, there may be some students know the word and they will read it out loudly, this time, you may need to correct the pronunciation and teach it, after one or two times, I will ask the students to spell it by themselves. Why I must ask them to spell it themselves, I think it can make them have a general impression of the word. Usually, when you teach them read, most of the students just follow you, they don't look at the word at all. Perhaps, you have taught ten times and they can read it very well following you , but after you teach some more words and ask them to read it again ,they may not be able to.

  3.Teaching the dialogue:

  Make a sample dialogue with a student. Show him or her the ping-pong ball and do it like this:

  T: I have a ping-pong ball. Do you have a ping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't.")

  S: Yes, I do.

  Make the dialogue with some more students,and write it on the blackboard. Make sure they can read and understand the meaning. Next, ask a student if he has a ping-pong ball, then ask the others: "Does he have a ping-pong ball "Here, you must help them answer: "Yes, he does." Or "No, he doesn't." Write it on the blackboard. Teach the dialogue and make sure they can read it and understand the meaning.

  4. Practice: Read the dialogue by role play. But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have. This time ,they must use the sentence "Do you have a "

  5. Groupworking and competition: Divide the students into groups of three.Give them an example first :

  A: Do you have a basketball

  B: Yes ,I do.

  A: Does he have a basketball

  C : Yes, he does.

  Ask them to make a similar dialogue and tell them that it' s also a competition, after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end.

  The reason of having a competition: I think it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their groupmembers well.

  6. Listening, listen to the tape and circle the words you hear. It's Activity 1a.

  Step3. Post-task. Starting a ball club.

  In this club, there are four teams: a basketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team. I will ask four students to be the captain of each team. They should ask their classmates to be their team members. If he has a basketball,he should join the basketball team.

  The reason I give this task: I think this activity is the consolidation of this lesson. It is helpful to revise and consolidate the contents we learned in this lesson.

  Blackboard design:

  Ping-pong ball /bat Do you have a ping-pong ball

  Soccer ball Yes, I do./No, I don't.


  Volleyball Does he have a soccer ball

  Tennis racket Yes, he does.

  Does she have a volleyball

  No, she doesn't.

  That's my speaking. Thanks for your listening.

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿2



  今天我说课的内容是七年级英语上册第五单元第一课时,这一课时可分为三部分,一是要求掌握一些球类运动的名词,英语单词是学好英语的基础,只有掌握大量的英语单词,在丰富知识的同时,才能提高应用语言的能力;第二部分是听力训练;第三部分是口语训练Do you have a ……句型。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述说课内容。




  1、知识目标帮助学生掌握三会、四会单词如have soccer ball tennis racket=bat ping-pong volleyball basketball does让学生掌握句型的灵活运用



  教学重点:本课的第一部分是一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画,图中引出了本课在操练新知识所需用到的重点单词,新的句型也呈现在人物头上的气泡中,本课的重点是让学生学会使用Do you have……的句型。

  教学难点:句型Do you have……的肯定回答及否定回答
















  1、出示几幅图来出现我们这节课将会学习的球类运动的名词以及相应的名星:在教学单词的过程中,用What is this in English和How do you spell it句型和学生进行双边活动,掌握本课所学习的新单词

  2、学习新句型,通过图,来学习I have a soccer ball……句型,并让学生多读、多理解I have……句型


  4、让学生以唱的形式复习新单词及I have……句型,如Soccer ball . Soccer ball.I have a Soccer ball.

  为活跃课堂气氛,请个别学生为下列句子谱曲并唱如basketball. basketball.I have a basketball.这一部分学生比较感兴趣,学生可随意发挥,也可根据自己所熟悉的歌曲的歌谱来唱出这些句子。

  5、新授I have……句型的否定句,一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答。




  Do you have a computer game?

  Do you have a baseball bat?

  Do you have a ping-pong bat?


  1、通过猜猜我有什么的活动。巩固句型Do you have……及回答


you are my sunshine歌词中英文


  运用下面的单词编写三组Do you have……问句并作答

  Volleyball football basketball


  DO you have a soccer ball

  New words:

  Soccer ball basketball volleyball baseball football tennis ping-pong bat=racket

  I have a soccer ball:

  Do you have a soccer ball?

  Yes I do. No I don’t





you are my sunshine歌词(扩展3)

——Do you like pears 教案菁选

Do you like pears 教案

  作为一名人民教师,时常要开展教案准备工作,教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件。那要怎么写好教案呢?下面是小编整理的Do you like pears 教案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Do you like pears 教案1




  PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears? part A (Let’s learn and Let’s chant).本部分以Sarah请吴一凡到家里吃水果作为语境呈现要学习的4个水果单词apple、pear、orange、banana,以及学习句型 Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.本部分把词汇课和对话课进行整合,分两课时完成。第一课时侧重词形的认读训练,第二课时侧重在语篇中运用词汇和句型,强化听说读写技能的培养。本课为第一课时。



  2、能够在实物、图片或情境的帮助下运用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的喜好。




  banana及其书写形式以及能够运用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的喜好。






Do you like pears 教案2


  Unit 4 Do you like pears 第五课时


  掌握认读新词:apple strawberry bananas grapes












  播放歌曲《An Apple A Day》,孩子们边听边传递装有水果卡片的盒子。





  教师让孩子通过闻,引出单词banana strawberry .

  展示Let’s learn部分的图,孩子之间相互**Do you like …?

  Listen and point

  Point to the …(省略号为所学水果名)





  Can I have an apple?

  Can I have some grapes?

  Let’s sing






  Draw some grapes, color them red

  Draw a banana, color it green.

you are my sunshine歌词(扩展4)

——《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿菁选

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿

  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,编写说课稿是必不可少的,借助说课稿可以更好地**教学活动。说课稿要怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家整理的《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿1

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

  Nice to meet you here. I'd like to say it's a good chance for me to learn from you .Here, my speech contains 4 parts. I would like to introduce them here with your great help.

  I. The ****ysis of teaching material:

  My speech is Section A , Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball This is an important lesson in Book One. And it is the first lesson of this unit, it talks about recognizing objects(mainly about balls) and the simple question. .The students have already known to answer it"Yes" or "No" in Unit 2 ,but in this unit, it's different. We know, simple question is a kind of important structure. If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question. And it's related to our daily life closely, so it's very useful.

  New words: basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.

  Structure: Do you have Does he /she have

  Teaching aims:

  Aims on the knowledge:

  To study the words about balls by showing the pictures.

  To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not, and how to answer it.

  Aims on the abilities:

  To develop the students' ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.

  To train the students' ability of communication.

  Aims on the emotion:

  ⑴.To make the students be interested in good co-operation and competition.

  ⑵To make the students love sports ,love life.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  How to make the students understand the new language items naturally.

  How to make the students work well with their partners.

  How to arouse their interest in learning English.

  How to make dialogues and act them out.

  Ⅱ.Teaching methods I will take.

  1."Communicative" teaching method.

  2. "Task-based" teaching method.

  Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of the English language.

  Ⅲ. Learning methods.

  Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gain language competence.

  Secondly, Teamwork, exploration and participation to reach the goal.

  Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening, speaking, reading and expressing.

  Fourthly, Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies. I'm not a teacher but a guider. I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.

  Ⅳ.Teaching procedure design.

  Step1. Warm-up.

  Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before. For example: What's this Spell it, please. What color is it Is this your pen Is that your backpack and so on.

  Step2. Presentation.

  1. Take out a ping-pong ball and ask the students:What's this Why I take out a ping-pong ball here I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country.

  2. Leading in new words : here I will play some short plays, they are soccer game,volleyball game, ping-pong competition and an advertisiment, there is a basketball in it.

  The reason of my design: I think the students can learn the words easily and directly in this way. And I also think it can draw the students' attention and arouse their interest in learning English. With the help of the CAI, it can provide a real situation to understand the meaning of the words, not by presenting the new words one by one and telling them the Chinese meaning. So the students can remember the words quickly and naturally.

  How to help the students remember the new word, I think I will do it like this: When the word appears under the picture, there may be some students know the word and they will read it out loudly, this time, you may need to correct the pronunciation and teach it, after one or two times, I will ask the students to spell it by themselves. Why I must ask them to spell it themselves, I think it can make them have a general impression of the word. Usually, when you teach them read, most of the students just follow you, they don't look at the word at all. Perhaps, you have taught ten times and they can read it very well following you , but after you teach some more words and ask them to read it again ,they may not be able to.

  3.Teaching the dialogue:

  Make a sample dialogue with a student. Show him or her the ping-pong ball and do it like this:

  T: I have a ping-pong ball. Do you have a ping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't.")

  S: Yes, I do.

  Make the dialogue with some more students,and write it on the blackboard. Make sure they can read and understand the meaning. Next, ask a student if he has a ping-pong ball, then ask the others: "Does he have a ping-pong ball "Here, you must help them answer: "Yes, he does." Or "No, he doesn't." Write it on the blackboard. Teach the dialogue and make sure they can read it and understand the meaning.

  4. Practice: Read the dialogue by role play. But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have. This time ,they must use the sentence "Do you have a "

  5. Groupworking and competition: Divide the students into groups of three.Give them an example first :

  A: Do you have a basketball

  B: Yes ,I do.

  A: Does he have a basketball

  C : Yes, he does.

  Ask them to make a similar dialogue and tell them that it' s also a competition, after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end.

  The reason of having a competition: I think it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their groupmembers well.

  6. Listening, listen to the tape and circle the words you hear. It's Activity 1a.

  Step3. Post-task. Starting a ball club.

  In this club, there are four teams: a basketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team. I will ask four students to be the captain of each team. They should ask their classmates to be their team members. If he has a basketball,he should join the basketball team.

  The reason I give this task: I think this activity is the consolidation of this lesson. It is helpful to revise and consolidate the contents we learned in this lesson.

  Blackboard design:

  Ping-pong ball /bat Do you have a ping-pong ball

  Soccer ball Yes, I do./No, I don't.


  Volleyball Does he have a soccer ball

  Tennis racket Yes, he does.

  Does she have a volleyball

  No, she doesn't.

  That's my speaking. Thanks for your listening.

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿2



  今天我说课的内容是七年级英语上册第五单元第一课时,这一课时可分为三部分,一是要求掌握一些球类运动的名词,英语单词是学好英语的基础,只有掌握大量的英语单词,在丰富知识的同时,才能提高应用语言的能力;第二部分是听力训练;第三部分是口语训练Do you have a ……句型。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述说课内容。




  1、知识目标帮助学生掌握三会、四会单词如have soccer ball tennis racket=bat ping-pong volleyball basketball does让学生掌握句型的灵活运用



  教学重点:本课的第一部分是一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画,图中引出了本课在操练新知识所需用到的重点单词,新的句型也呈现在人物头上的气泡中,本课的重点是让学生学会使用Do you have……的句型。

  教学难点:句型Do you have……的肯定回答及否定回答
















  1、出示几幅图来出现我们这节课将会学习的球类运动的名词以及相应的名星:在教学单词的过程中,用What is this in English和How do you spell it句型和学生进行双边活动,掌握本课所学习的新单词

  2、学习新句型,通过图,来学习I have a soccer ball……句型,并让学生多读、多理解I have……句型


  4、让学生以唱的形式复习新单词及I have……句型,如Soccer ball . Soccer ball.I have a Soccer ball.

  为活跃课堂气氛,请个别学生为下列句子谱曲并唱如basketball. basketball.I have a basketball.这一部分学生比较感兴趣,学生可随意发挥,也可根据自己所熟悉的歌曲的歌谱来唱出这些句子。

  5、新授I have……句型的否定句,一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答。




  Do you have a computer game?

  Do you have a baseball bat?

  Do you have a ping-pong bat?



  1、通过猜猜我有什么的活动。巩固句型Do you have……及回答



  运用下面的单词编写三组Do you have……问句并作答

  Volleyball football basketball


  DO you have a soccer ball

  New words:

  Soccer ball basketball volleyball baseball football tennis ping-pong bat=racket

  I have a soccer ball:

  Do you have a soccer ball?

  Yes I do. No I don’t





you are my sunshine歌词(扩展5)



  Everyone has their own dreamsSo do I.An old saying:Great dreams make great man.It is very important to dreamSo hold on to your dreams;One day they may just come ture.You must believe:Where there is a willthere is a way.

  My dream is to be an expert in English.You may ask:Why can like this?I will tell you:In factI have a lot of reasons.

  FirstBecause English is an international language now.It is widely used in the world.Just the study of English makes life so colorful.English is taught throughout the world.So we must learn English.

  NextBecause we need a common language to communicate.This kind of language is English.I would like to walk out of Chinainto the world.I love my motherlandChinaI will let her become more prosperous and powerful.

  FinallyBecause I am going to promate Chinese culture everywhere.I am going to teach Chinese all over the world.I can undoubtedlly change the world for the better!

  I do not give up my dream no matter what happens.Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.I feel strongly that I can make it.Let us make miracles together!


  Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations. At night, when the dark dream of fire happens, bring people farther and nearly hope suddenly. It floats in the imagination and expect, is the people heart longing.

  In reality, under the impact of dreams just peace of mind, make life more than a light. Established in persistent dream forever, sweat, and tears, overlooking efforts over the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, hard struggle for life, and finally produced a pure radium. Her life though because long-term accept radioactive substances stimulation and gone, but she dreamers never stop footstep. She used her dream, write down the eternal life.

  But we, because many obstacles and stopped because of laziness, or heart and give up the dream. Don't flashy longing dream will come true, also don't immersed in a busy and noisy. Choose the right way, so you must go, no matter how long the road ahead, regardless of whether, as long as have danger "and a" belief, came to the joy of dreams, is far away from you will also?

  The dream is flower seeds, the eagle's dream is ready to fly. "Li-an old hero, costraint", even a nag are able to support the weak body dream. So, whether we should be more young take advantage of this wonderful time chasing the dream trace?

  Dream, it is like the butterfly wings, with beautiful we capture it, But it is more like a fragrance pubi fragrance, we find it, temptation to catch a refreshing "to". Also no wonder that someone will give up the pursuit of dreams, because "the real dream too is". Don't dream really so hard to reach? No, because those who are too greed, will put the dream with high places, all day but never considered himself ever reach the dream. When it is discovered, he is already dispirited and discouraged, no interest in exploring the dream again.

  Dream really so far? In fact, it might be far ahead, are you looking forward to your hand, eagerly. Or, it in the corner, prepare crossroads in unexpected jumped out when you scare you jump, give you a surprise. It may be illusory dreams, perhaps is immensely. The life forever, because dream and flash.

  In the streets to see the girl singing a song, sweet singing on stage, this should now, but in the eyes of silent singing. Oh, don't disturb her, don't think she is poor, you know, she is in order to realize her dream and playing well. In the persistent efforts, sweat, and tears filled with turn your heart, your dreams will release its.


  I want to be an inventor in the future. I want to invent new things such as AI robots, new energy cars and electronics ,etc. For example, I will make a new energy car, because there is too much pollution. It can make use of wastes as energy and when there is a traffic jam ,it can fly in sky and drive into water ,it can be faster, more comfortable and convenient . I want to make the world better, I'll follow my dream.


  when i was a naughty boy, may be because of the influence of the film."iao bing zhang ga",my dream was to be a soldier just like zhang ga. i thought if i was a soldier, i should be able to swim, pe and climb trees as he did. it seemed to be very wonderful. so i began to learn swimming, ping and climbing trees. i practiced every day and finally i could do them well. but when i entered junior high school and had the military training. i suddenly found that being a soldier was very difficult and i wasn't strong enough to bear it . i had to give my dream up.

  but i wasn't discouraged, and i had new aim, which was to be a postman, or rather to be a newspaper boy. as a newspaper boy. i could speed along streets on a bike and throw newspapers onto every porch. that's also very cool. so i started learning to ride a bicycle. after the everyday practice, i could go very fast by bicycle. but to my disappointment, the job which i wanted only eisted in western counties not in china, because there was no porch in china. and chinese postmen had to stuff very thick newspapers into very small mailboes from very narrow entrances. the job was far from what i had epected. so once again my dream fell through.

  perhaps you have had the same eperience as i and most of your dreams haven't come true yet. but i think it doesn't matter, because if you have a dream, you'll make many efforts to realize it. this course is really important. if i hadn't dreamt of being a soldier or a newspaper boy. i wouldn't have learned to swim, to pe, to climb trees or to ride a bicycle. even if our dream can't come true, you'll learn much from the efforts you have made. so what i want to tell us is that dream helps us to grow up and teaches us how to control our lives . it is dream that gives us power and makes our lives colorful


  When I was small, because often sick, and often go to see a doctor. Every time a doctor my disease good, I think the doctor is like a magician, very strong, very magical, I dream I can be a doctor when he grows up.

  Didn't go to school before I like and grandpa play the game of doctors and patients. Grandpa and I are so play, pretend grandpa is sick, come to me to see a doctor, I took a toy stethoscope help grandpa hear here, listen to there, although I don't know should listen to what position, but I listened very carefully, and then I find a piece of paper as records, drawing on the paper, wildly seriously say: "the patient, you have the cold, need an injection." Then I took the toy needle and cotton buds, alcohol to disinfect with a bowl of water, I solemnly to help grandpa disinfection, give or take an injection, and prescribed some medicine, and finally told him: "the patient, must take medicine on time, drink more boiled water, so your condition will soon be ok."

  Gradually I grow up, I know grandpa and grandma already have diabetes, high blood pressure, my grandma body is not good, there are frequent dizziness, vertigo once grandmother also fell handles all hurt, they are my most close relatives, I don't want they get sick, I hope they healthy, so I more determined to grow up to be a doctor, because the doctor can make sick people rehabilitation, let people away from pain.

  This is what I always dream of.

you are my sunshine歌词(扩展6)




  n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活


  n. fair weather,sun,sunlight,sunniness


  n. uncheerfulness


  1. I


  2. No sunshine but has some shadow.


  3. They need sunshine, air, and water.




  1. the rays of the sun

  2. moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities

  3. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom



  阳光; 太阳浩劫; 阳光时尚; 阳光情人;

  Sunshine Hotel

  阳光酒店; 阳光大酒店; 深圳阳光酒店; 威海阳光大厦;

  sunshine record

  日照记录; 日照纪录;

  Sunshine Grove




you are my sunshine歌词(扩展7)












  不谈判 直到他无条件投降


  头发密实,个性塌实,额阔八分,不会花心,好男人。 ——盛花蕾
















  助养靓模 家破人亡。——香广男



  学术d来讲:你系一只 青春无影,骨胶原无踪,剩到使唔晒唔紧要,但系心地唔好唧神刁。







you are my sunshine歌词(扩展8)

——Unit 4 my英语说课稿 (菁选3篇)

Unit 4 my英语说课稿1

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it's my great honor/ to interpret my lesson plan here. /Now I will explain this lesson from 5 aspects----****ysis of teaching materials, ****ysis of students, teaching aims, teaching methods, and the most important one /is teaching procedure.

  Now, let's focus on the ****ysis of teaching materials. My topic is unit 4 my home(板书).It contains 2 parts----Let's learn and Let's do.(板书)It is very important in this unit. With the basic knowledge of this lesson, Ss can learn the following class well. The key points of this lesson,/ Ss are able to master key words, such as kitchen bathroom and so on ,and the key sentences like where's the …/ Is she in the…? And the difficult points are the pronunciation of the words kitchen and bathroom and how to lead Ss /to use the learnt knowledge in a real situation.

  Next, it is about the students, and my Ss are in Grade 4, they are full of curiosity,/ creative and willing to express themselves. And they have learnt some words and expression before, so it is not difficult for them/ to learn today's lesson.

  And based on ****ysis of teaching materials and students, I set the teaching aims as follows: the first one /is language knowledge, by the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words: kitchen bathroom and so on, and the key sentences like where's the …/ Is she in the…? The second one is language skills, through this lesson, Ss' can introduce their homes in English briefly. The last one is the emotion aims, which is to encourage Ss to love their homes and also develop their awareness of keeping their homes clean.

  And in order to achieve teaching aims better and stress the key points, break through the difficult points efficiently, I will mainly use task-based teaching method, situational teaching method and TPR teaching method./ To make the English teaching more directly, CAI and tape recorder will be needed.

  Now I will talk about the most important part ---teaching procedure (and the purposes of my designing). I will pide my lesson into 4 steps.

  The first step is warming up (about 5 mins). After greeting with Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing a song, and I'll invite the Ss to sing/ say it with me. Like this_________________.

  My purpose here is form a better English learning surrounding for Ss, it can draw Ss attention quickly to the English class and arouse their interest.

  After the song, I will say we all have happy families, so is Amy. Look, this is Amy's home. (板书:房子)

  (呈现单词) ①I'll have a riddle for students to guess what room it is(板书). And I'll give them some tips to help them to get the right answers. For example, I'll give some hints like there is a bed and a closet in this room. Oh, it's a bedroom. Great, this is the study(通过猜谜呈现两个单词) and I will ask Ss to read after me of the words

  ② How about this one? I'll cover a part of the rooms and let Ss guess. Bingo, it's a bathroom. And I'll ask Ss to read after me.

  ③Now Amy's hiding in one of the rooms, I'll let Ss guess “ where is …”/ “ is she in…”/ yes, she is/ no, she isn't.

  My purpose of this part is to use different ways to present the words and sentences for a better understanding.

  After presenting these words and sentences, I'd like to go on the third step---practice. I'll let Ss review the words and sentences by a chant。For the first time , we will have the chant together and do the actions. Like this “go to the living room, watch TV; go to the study, read a book” And for the second time, I'll say watch TV,Ss say go to the living room. I say read a book, Ss say go to the study..

  After a chant, I'll have a game called hide and seek let students guess where is Amy. I'll let Ss close their eyes and I put a picture of Amy may be in the study, and students may ask “ where is Amy? Is she in the bedroom?” I'll say “No, she isn't” “where is Amy? Is she in the study?” “ Yes ,she is.”

  My purpose here is to let Ss consolidate the knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere.

  After practice, I'll move to the fourth step---extension. First, I'll pide the whole class into groups, four in a group. Discuss and draw their own homes ,describe where their parents are in the home。At the same time, I'll walk around the classroom and give them some suggestions. Maybe 3 mins later, I will invite some groups to come here to perform their dialogue, and I'll give them comments.

  My purpose is to focus on the Ss and cultivate their language ability and cooperative ability.

  The last step is homework. I'll ask Ss to listen to the tape and follow it 3 times. Because it can help them to correct their pronunciation after class.

  And this is my layout.

  That's all. Thank you for your attention!

Unit 4 my英语说课稿2


  今天我上课的内容是PEP小学英语Book3Unit 3 My friends A部分的了Let’s leam 和Let’s find out。本册在本套教材中起着个“过渡”这样一个作用,由听说逐渐转向听说读写,逐步渗透书写,对学生提出了新的要求。即四会单词的加入。而本单元的四会单词又是比较难的一单元,本单元主要围绕“我的朋友”即如何描述自己身边熟悉的人来展开的。本节课主要是让学生学习几个描述人物外貌特征的单词或词组,如:long hair, short hair, thin ,strong, quiet。并且能结合句子“He has…,She has…,She is… ,He is…”在生活中运用所学语言。本课教学内容贴近学生生活,比较容易让学生接受,难在单词的灵活运用上以及个别个别单词的发言,如quiet,thin,所以我在安排教学时,把单词和句子结合起来,把单词的运用做作为重点,而不是单纯的认读单词。

  二、 说教学目标:



  1、能听、说、认读friend, long hair short hair, stong, quite, thin等单词和词组。

  2、能听懂、会说My friend is strong/thin。 He has short/long hair/big eyes/small mouth并能在实际中运用;










  三、 说教法、学法:

  (一) TPR活动法





  (五)竞争教学法:本节课中两大组竟赛描述My friend。 可以激发他们的积极性,使他们将***高度集中在所学内容上,提高学习效率。




  安排Let’s do 和 Look and say 。



  1,运用复习中的旧知引出新知,long hair ,short hair。学生容易接受和理解,并及时运用。In our class。 Who has long hair ?。Who has short hair。?

  2,运用黑板上的人物图形,紧接着教授strong 和 thin 通过图片中人物的对比学生比较容易理解,并及时运用。Who is strong? Who is thin? 用学生身边的人使学生说得亲切,熟悉,更易接受,易于信息的接受和生成。

  3, Let’s chant 及时巩固新学的两组词汇 long hair, short hair ,strong, thin。 并为下一个单词quiet创造一个情镜,由大声的朗读转为安静的场景。





  趣味操练以My friend为主线来安排:








Unit 4 my英语说课稿3


  1、能听懂日常用语That’s my new ruler。 It’s very nice。要求读音正确,语调自然。

  2、能运用句型That’s my…It’s very…对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。



  1、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂日常用语That’s my new ruler。 It’s very nice。等。


you are my sunshine歌词完整版





  继续巩固用英语**教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please。 Hello , boys and girls。并且做出相应的反应。

  B、Free talk

  T:Class begings。

  S1: Stand up。

  T: Hello, boys and girls。

  Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang。

  T: Hi, What’s your name?

  S: Hello, my name is …。

  T:How are you?

  S1: I’m fine, thank you。

  T: Nice to meet you。

  S1: Nice to meet you, too。



  1) 教师拿出一本新的英语书用Is this …?问学生,再指着远处讲台上的一把新的尺子,Is that … ? **,从而呈现That’s my new …

  T:Is this a book?

  Ss: Yes, it is。

  T: This is my new book。

  T: (指远处)Is that a ruler?

  Ss: Yes , it is。

  T: Good。 That’s my new ruler。

  让学生通过This is my new book。和 That’s my new ruler。 的对比。体会 this 和 that 的不同含义和用法。

  2)教new 这个单词时,教师用新、旧物品作比较。

  T: Look, this is an old book。

  T: Look, that’s a new book。

  在学生操练new 之后,再让学生用new 进行组词操练:a new bag, a new book等。

  D、Learn to say






  S1:That’s my new pencil。

  S2:It’s red。 It’s very nice。

  F、Assign homework



  Unit 4 My nice ruler

  ——That’s my new ruler。

  ——It’s very nice。☆教学调整☆


you are my sunshine歌词(扩展9)

——英文sunshine的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?s?n?a?n] 美 [?s?n??a?n]

  名词 阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐

  1. 阳光;日光

  Sunshine is the light and heat that comes from the sun.

  e.g. In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine...


  e.g. She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine...



  1. Temperatures may have jumped to - 15 C from the low of - 30 C this winter, and sunshine has melted some snow on the roofs.

  2. Brown arrived by helicopter at Camp David after booming thunderstorms gave way to sunshine.

  3. Old people play mahjong in the sunshine, while carefree kids run across the cobblestone roads.

  4. Sweet dreams wafting through your mind until the first rays of sunshine caress your face.

  5. But it was my first time riding a Panga boat and the weather was perfect with sunshine gently caressing the vessel.

  6. Farmers often feel they need a lot of sunshine to produce a good crop.

  7. The Sunshine Community Correction Service Center provides psychological counseling, training in job skills and initially an allowance that probationers need to survive.

  8. She stepped out into the sunshine and into the rear passenger seat of the BMW as the chauffeur started the engine.

  9. The spring sunshine is yet to arrive in chilly Beijing, but golf enthusiasts are too eager to wait until the grass turns green.

you are my sunshine歌词(扩展10)




  英 [ju] 美 [j]


  代词 你; 大家; 你们,您们; 各位



  1. You two clean the hall.


  2. Thank you for your help.


  3. You have to be careful with people you don't know.


  4. You can swim fast.



  1. Business culture in China is unique in the sense that you really need to form guanxi.

  2. You can bet that they are not going to be happy just sharpening the language skills of their future business leaders.

  3. The overarching goal is to establish a culture of IP protection awareness within your organization and among those with whom you do business.

  4. If you look at our organization design, it is mostly focused on servicing the export business.

  5. Time and again you will find books that turn widely accepted business principles upside down.

  6. If you come upon a business report about Beijing's real estate market, how do you interpret its " vacancy rate "?

  7. Given the limited business scope of ROs, you may think the scale of operations should be small.

  8. I cannot tell you where I get them because it's a business secret.

  9. " You've got to stay true to yourself, " Buss says.



  A:Do you understand?


  B:I understand.



  A:(Would you like/ Do you want) your money back?


  B:Yes. / No.



  A:What (wine/ pasta/ dessert) do you recommend?


  B:This one is excellent.


you are my sunshine歌词(扩展11)

——三年级下册英语《my family》说课稿菁选

三年级下册英语《my family》说课稿

  作为一名老师,时常需要编写说课稿,借助说课稿可以提高教学质量,取得良好的教学效果。那要怎么写好说课稿呢?下面是小编为大家收集的三年级下册英语《my family》说课稿,欢迎大家分享。

三年级下册英语《my family》说课稿1

  一 、 说教材




  1、 能听说读写字母Hh、Ii, 会说以这两个字母为首的单词:hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream, ice。








  文化意识目标: 增加学习的乐趣,进一步调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。


  1、 能听说读写字母Hh、Ii, 会说以这两个字母为首的单词:hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream, ice



  二、 说教法和学法:



  (三)鼓励法课堂评价主要以鼓励性评价为主分别采用了师评、组评、自评为主要方式,课上师恰当的使用激励性评语和赠送小礼物的`方法让学生渴望成功的心理得到满足,这也是激励学生积极投身英语学习的一个最简单而有效的方法。我把本课教学模式设置为 激趣设境——语言交流——人格发展 下面说一下教具的安排和使用依据英语教学的直观性,趣味性、实践性的教学原则,结合合作学习和任务型教学的新理念,我利用了电子零、照片、头饰、幻灯、录音、竞赛板、贴画、小礼物等**设计教学,学习则利用自制的组标、头饰、家庭照等**积极参与教学活动。



  Step1 课前热身


  2) 出示组标并请四个学生到讲台前,让孩子说说都学过了哪些字母,读一读。找一找,今天我们该掌握哪些字母了。


  Step 2、新知导入

  1. 教师出示26个字母的字母表,让孩子说说都学过了哪些字母,读一读。找一找,今天我们该掌握哪些字母了。

  2. 让孩子先试着说出字母“Hh Ii”. 教师注意指导孩子两个字母的发音。



  小组开火车认读大小写字母Hh Ii。

  3. 教师分别出示大小写Hh,让孩子想想大小写的字母分别象什么,用语言描述或是用动作表示。

  Step 3.趣味操练



  2. Guessing game



  3. Let’s do

  出示B Let’s do 动画,学习过程同前面。

  Step 4.小结并布置任务



三年级下册英语《my family》说课稿2







  “Where are you ?”

  “I’m in the living room,come and find me .”







  B.能正确朗读单词“kitchen,bedroom,bathroom,living room.”
















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