



  crude oil


  So the first stage is to split the crude oil into move manageable portions.

  因此,第一步就要将原油分割成更易处理的馏分。To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual import of crude oil.

  为举例说明我的'意思,让我们看看我们每年的原油进口。The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined

  地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按常规测定的。The aim of their efforts, an effective catalytic cracker to convert crude oil into gasoline, using a fluidised bed.

  这场努力的目标,是使用流化床催化裂化器把原油转化为汽油。The evaluation also proposes supporting the ban of single-shell tankers to prevent crude oil leakage

  评估中也建议支持废除单壳油轮航行的行动,以加强防止原油外泄。Consumption per capita ,Crude oil production, domestic,Crude oil imports

  人均消费,国产原油,进口原油Loaded the tanker with crude oil.

  把原油装入坦克waxy crude

  含蜡[多蜡]原油Gasoline is distilled from crude oil

  汽油是从原油中提炼出的。The country exports lots of crude oil.


  adj. 粗略的;粗糙的;粗鲁的;天然的,未经加工的

  It was crude of him to say that.

  他那样说太粗鲁了。You've got such a crude mouth!

  你说话真粗鲁! Crude in feeling or manner.

  残忍的;态度粗野的 a crude sketch, method, approximation

  粗略的草图、 方法、 估计 a crude idol of Krishna.

  天然的克利须那神像。 oil是什么意思:

  n. 油;石油;油画作品

  v. 给...供油;使涂满油;加燃油;融化

  adj. 石油的;产油的

  pecan oil (=hickory oil)

  美洲山核桃油 The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines.

  石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。The traditional carding oil has been replaced by mineral oils

  用矿物油代替惯用的梳毛油。We get oil from oil wells.

  我们从油井获得石油。Oil absorbency: The capability of a paper to absorb oil.


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