



  1. How do the man's parents go to work now?

  2. Where has the woman been?

  A. B. C.

  3. Which place are they talking about?

  A. B. C.

  4. How's the weather now?

  5. Who runs fastest?

  A. Lucy. B. Ann. C. Lily.

  6. When will the supermarket close?

  A. At 5:00. B. At 5:15. C. At 4:45.

  7. What subjects will the boy work hard at next term?

  A. English and Physics B. Maths and Geography C. History and English

  8. What was the woman doing when the man saw her just now?

  A. She was searching for some photos on the Internet.

  B. She was discussing the project.

  C. She was talking with Lucy.

  9. Why did the man’s daughter go to London?

  A. To study. B. To have a holiday. C. To visit her friends.

  10. Where does the dialogue take place?

  A. In a shoe shop. B. In a clothes shop. C. At a bookshop.

  B) 听下面一段对话和两篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和短文读两遍。


  11. Why have Betty’s parents gone to Beijing?

  A. To do some shopping. B. To enjoy the festival. C. To look after her sister.

  12. What will Betty bring to Joe’s home?

  A. Some dumplings. B. Some rice dumplings. C. Some rice.


  Customs of New Year’s Eve

  Italy People 13 the old things.

  Spain 14 people come to the streets together.

  Japan People eat 15 on New Year’s Eve.

  13. A. sell out B. take out C. throw out

  14. A. In the evening B. In the afternoon C. In the morning

  15. A. dumplings B. noodles C. grapes


  16. What day is it in the story?

  A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.

  17. What class is Tom in?

  A. Drawing. B. Math. C. Chinese.

  18. What did Tom draw?

  A. A dog. B. Some bread. C. Nothing.

  19. When did Tom hand in his homework?

  A. In the middle of the class. B. At the end of the class. C. We don’t know.

  20. What do you think of Tom?

  A. He’s kind. B. He’s lazy. C. He’s honest.


  21.Some people think that Russia is in Asia, in fact it is European country.

  A. / a B. an an C. / an D. the a

  22.Newton say the famous words,“If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the of giants (巨人).”

  A.used to,shoulders B. used to ,heads C.got used to,shoulders D. was used to, heads

  23.---Sorry, Sir,I am afraid you can’t smoke at school,look at the sign!

  ---Very sorry,I see it.

  A.didn’t B. don’t C.haven’t D.won’t

  24. great fun they have kites in Jinghua city Spuare!

  A. What ;flying B. What a ; to fly C. How a ;flew D. what ; flown

  25.When a policeman holding a gun came ,the bad man quickly .

  A. put away B. got away C. threw away D. gave away

  26.--- When did your Mum __________your father?

  --- They ___________ for 15 years.

  A. marry to; got married B. get married to; have got married

  C. marry with; have got married D. marry; have been married

  27---Hi,I didn't see you at the party in the company yesterday evening.

  ---Oh, all my family   my son's birthday at home.

  A.have celebrated B.has celebrated C. was celebrating D. were celebrating

  28.Our English teacher has gave us lots of and ideas how to study well.

  A.advice for B.advices ,about C. advice, on D.advices, to

  29 ---___________ have you been away from your Yangzhou, Janet?

  ---- 5 years ago.

  A. How long, Since B. How long, For C. How far, Since D. How far, For

  30.---He is _______ in class and has _________ for two hour.

  ---He is so tired these days preparing for the mid-term exam.

  A. slept; asleep B. sleepy; slept C. sleeping; been sleepy D. alseep; been asleep

  31.A com*r is ususlly a screen,a main unit ,a mouse and so on.

  A.made of B.made from C. made up of D made out of

  32-----What do you think of the 3 young boys??????—TFBOYS?

  ----Oh, they are fresh meat and my favorite,I have heard a voice before.

  A.never good B.never better C. ever better D ever best

  33.--- When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?

  --- we the work tomorrow.

  A. Until /finish B. Not until/ will finish C. Until/will finish D. Not until / finish

  34-----Where are the students now?

  -----Everyone except the twins to Wanfu Bridge.

  A. has gone B.has been C. have gone D. have been

  35.---Would you please look after my pet cat while I am on holiday in Yangzhou?

  --- .

  A.With pleasure B. My pleasure C.That’s OK D. You are welcome



  My name is Jane Eyre and my parents died when I was a baby. For ten years I lived a__36__life with my aunt and cousins who treated me unfriendly. My cousins played jokes on me and my aunt never showed me any__37__.The only person who cared about me was the maid(仆人), Bessie. One day my cousin John shouted at me: "You should go and beg, not live with us!" After fighting with him I was locked in a room, where I __38__for hours crying.

  Things kept the same until a tall gentleman called Mr Brockehurst came to visit. My aunt told me that I was going to a school __39__by the gentleman. "Train her to be useful and polite," said Aunt. Two days later I left my home.

  At first my 40 at Lowood School was easy. The food was bad and I was often cold but I made

  __41__and enjoyed studying. But after an illness killed several students, new owners took over (接管)the school and life improved. Six years later I __42__ a teacher and was very happy. But finally I felt that I should explore more of the world and found a job as a private(***) teacher in a __43__.

  Before I left Lowood, Bessie came to visit me, she told me that seven years ago my father's brother had come __44 _me but he left again to go abroad. "He looked like quite a gentleman," said Bessie. I wondered if he would ever look for me again.

  My new life __45__at Thornfield Hall, a large country house, __46__a little girl called Adele. She was the adopted(被收养的) daughter of the owner of the house, Mr Rochester. He __47_stayed at Thornfield and __48__my time was mainly spent with Adele and 49 people. My life was quite happy now although there was something__50__about my new home. Often I heard strange sounds come from the top floor of the house.---------Based upon《Jane Eyre》

  ( )36. A. happy

  ( )37. A. food

  ( )38. A. lived

  ( )39. A. built

  ( )40. A. food

  ( )41. A. noise

  ( )42. A. turned

  ( )43. A. school

  ( )44. A. looking at

  ( )45. A. stopped

  ( )46. A. showing

  ( )47. A. often

  ( )48. A. yet

  ( )49. A. others

  ( )50. A. interesting B. long

  B. love

  B. stayed

  B. designed

  B. life

  B. friends

  B. met

  B. family

  B. looking after

  B. continued

  B. teaching

  B. hardly

  B. so

  B.the other

  B. good C. sad

  C. way

  C. studied

  C. owned

  C. book

  C. mistakes

  C. became

  C. library

  C. looking into

  C. started

  C. searching

  C. happily

  C. still

  C.the others

  C. important D. comfortable

  D. schooling

  D. beat

  D. opened

  D. study

  D. faces

  D. found

  D. country

  D. looking for


  D. wanting

  D. quietly

  D. though

  D. other

  D. strange



  Trip1 Na Mountain(Yizheng )

  Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of Na Mountain. You can find many kinds of wild flowers in this area.

  Time: July 23~July 26 Tel:83598432 Adult:$70.00 Child(under16):$35.00

  Trip2 Beihai Park(Gaoyou)

  This is a beautiful park with different kinds of plants. Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here. It is a good place for fishing.

  Time: July 21~July 22 Tel:0572-84597543 Adult:$20.00 Child: Free

  Trip 3 The Big Valley(Zhejiang Proince)

  Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Big Valley. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.

  Time: July 15~July 21 Tel :84497243 Adult:$180.00 Not for children

  Trip 4 The Sun and moon Lake(******)

  Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine. You can take the boat to different islands for sightseeing or swim there.

  Time: July 20~July 29 Tel:83497432 Adult:$4200.00 Child:$2100.00

  ( )51. Nick wants to have a trip for a week . He can go _______.

  A. hiking in the mountain B. fishing in the park

  C. swimming in the lake D. walking along a valley

  ( )52. Mr and Mrs. King want to stay in Na Mountain with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _______ for the trip.

  A. $280 B. $140 C. $210 D. $105

  ( )53. Lily likes smelling flowers. Which of the following is her best choice?

  A. Trip 1 B. Trip 2. C. Trip 3. D. Trip 4.


  “Reading makes a full man” (Bacon, 1597). Novels written by the writers like Jane Austen, Victor Hugo and Ernest Hemingway help us to know more about our history, culture and many other things.

  Jane Austen(简.奥斯汀) was one of the most well-known women writers of the world. She was born in England in 1775. Jane loved reading and writing. She wrote a number of famous novels in her life. Among them, Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》 written in 1779 was the most popular.

  Victor Hugo(维克多.果), born in 1802 in France, was one of the best writers in the19th century. The talent in writing and hard work brought great success to Hugo at an early age. His most popular novel, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame<巴黎圣母院>, was written in 1831. The book was so successful that it was quickly translated into many other languages across Europe.

  Ernest Hemingway(欧内斯特.海明威), an outstanding American writer and reporter, was born in 1899. His life experience had a great influence on his writing style. Hemingway lived in France and Italy between the 1920s and 1950s. Most of his books such as The Sun Also Rises were written at that time. He won the Nobel Prize in 1954 mainly because of the novel The Old Man and the Sea.

  54. When was Jane Austen born?

  A. In 1775 B. In 1779 C. In 1597 D. In 1899

  55. Where was Victor Hugo from?

  A. England. B. America. C. Italy. D. France.

  56. Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize mainly because of _________.

  A. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame B. Pride and Prejudice

  C. The Old man and the Sea D. The Sun Also Rises

  57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Bacon said the famous words: “Reading makes a full man”.

  B. Maybe,Hemingway wrote The Sun Also Rises in France or Italy.

  C. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame was very famous in Europe in the 18th century.

  D. English woman writer Jane Austen is famous for Pride and Prejudice.


  Are you “Weibo Addicts” ? You may spend too much time on Webo if you are a “Weibo Addict”.Do you write a Weibo ? If you don’t , you are “ out ”!

  Weibo means microblog . People may spend much time writing a blog , but it takes a little time to write a microblog. Why ? Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words .

  Microblog started in the USA. It came to China in 2009 and it grows very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinese micro-bloggers grew to 300 million. People write microblogs for many reasons . For many microblog users , it is a great way of learning the freshest news, talking with friends and sharing different kinds of information , including news, everyday life, pictures, music, videos and so on .

  It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog . However, this can also bring some problems . For example, when the big earthquake and tsunami (海啸) hit Japan in March, 2011, messages like “Salt can help people fight radiation (辐射)” were hot on microblogs. Then a crazy buying of salt followed. Later people knew it was just a rumor (谣言).

  In a word , microblog plays a new part in the life of Chinese people.

  58. What does Weibo Addicts in the first paragraph mean?

  A. People who are crazy about Weibo. B. People who seldom use Weibo.

  C. People who first made Weibo. D. People who need Weibo least.

  59. What is NOT an advantage (优势) of Weibo?

  A. It is short but carries many meanings. B. It can help us learn the latest news.

  C. It can send rumors. D. It is easy to use.

  60. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. Writing a microblog needs much time.

  B. Microblog appeared in China only one year ago but it is so popular now.

  C. As a popular thing, microblog has its advantages and problems.

  D. More and more Chinese show great interest in microblog because it started in the USA.

  61. What does Para. 2 mainly talk about?

  A. How to use Weibo. B. Why Weibo is so popular.

  C. Who is using Weibo. D. What Weibo is.


  Are you a gourmand(吃货)? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program? “A Bite of China” is a documentary on Chinese delicious food which has been broadcast by CCTV. Can you find any holiday celebrated without a special festival food? Food is very important in China. Here are several traditional Chinese foods:

  Eggs hold a special meaning in many cultures. Chinese believe that eggs mean producing something new. For example, after a baby is born, parents may hold a " feast party," where they pass out eggs to announce the birth. In some areas of China the number of eggs represents the sex of the child, the number(1,3,5…) for a girl, and (2,4,6…) for a boy.

  Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles(蜡烛) in many countries. Since noodles represent long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut them off.

  Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on a plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is traditional to serve the whole fish last, fish head pointed toward the valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the future.

  Another very popular food during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty food is made of rice with meat, peanut or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan.

  The 50-minute program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements(元素),such as eating habits and the quality of eating.

  62. A bite of China is _______.

  A. a history B. a TV program C. a guide book D. a radio talk

  63. The underlined phrase means_____ .

  A. give presents B.get presents C. ask for D. stand for

  64. In this part the documentary tells us about Chinese food ______ in the history.

  A. cooking B. eating C. making D. meaning

  65 . How many kinds of traditional food are mentioned in the passage?

  A.two B.three C.four D.five


  66.We must take more action to protect the .(环境)

  67.It’s said that the best way to improve your spoken English is to study . (**)

  68. Surprisingly, it says that a small ant has two .(胃)

  69.My grandpa always told me about his in Shanghai,they touched me a lot.(经历)

  70.What the girl said makes her look even _________(丑陋的).

  71.The museum has been _______ (open) to the public for nearly two months.

  72.To avoid (fail) the test,you should work hard before it

  73.Look,the boy is (tie)his shoes at the school gate.

  74.As a ________ (Canada),he is always proud of his country’s fresh air .

  75. Most of us have no with our parents ,so we can’t understand each other.(communicate)


  Hey! Mother's Day is coming. Have you planned something good for your mom? If not, try one of these tips.

  What's Her Favorite?

  Most teens don't know what their mom's favorite is. You do? Then, what are you waiting for? Buy her something she likes and wrap it carefully. The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up, she'll be surprised to see it.

  Treat a Queen

  Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor). Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family, though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework.

  Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, she doesn't look good any more. Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look beautiful!

  Have Some of Your Time

  Our mothers have special memories in mind. It is the time that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you? What's your best moment with her? Have you ever had a good time with your mother not talking about your problems? Have you ever told her how much you thank her for the life she gave to you, the time she cared for you? Maybe you can tell her how happy you are when she was there looking after you during your painful days in your life.

  Tell the magic words

  Life is short. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. Those three words can make her heart jump for happiness, you know? Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We don't want to miss a thing, right?

  Tips on 76 to make your mother happy on Mother’s Day

  Buy a 77 for your mother Buy her something that she likes 78 ;

  Put it on a drawer next to her to give her a 79 .

  Treat your mother 80 a queen Do the housework 81 of her to make her relax;

  Buy her nice clothes to make her look pretty again.

  82 some of your time Remind her of your best moment with her;

  Don’t with her about some problems;

  Tell her you were so happy when she 83 care of you during painful days.

  Tell the magic words Tell her “I love you!” to make her 84 .

  Just have a 85 and take action right now.


  The com*r and the Internet have become part of teens’ life. The number of teen Internet users in China is (86) g     bigger, up to 700 million. The number shows a great increase (增长) in Internet users in China over the last (87) f     years, especially among teenagers. And China becomes a large market for Internet (88) b    .

  A new survey (**) shows that Chinese teens show (89) i_______ in online activities. They seem not to know that spending too much time before a com*r screen is bad for their (90)h .According to the survey, 42.6% of teens have built their (91) o web blogs. More than half enjoy (92) c online with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games. It is a pity that only 6% use the Internet to get information for their learning projects! Also, the survey finds that the teens have different favourite (93) p     to use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35% choose Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large cities, 86% use home com*rs.

  Too much time online certainly (94) l     to problems for their young life. I think teens should think more about (95) w role (角色) a com*r plays.






  99扬泰机场(Yangtai Airport)已经投入使用多久了?




  “A guide to Yangzhou”为题,写一篇100字左右的文章,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总字数;文中不得出现真实人名、班级及校名,要点如下:

  A guide to Yangzhou

  地理位置 位于苏中地区,大运河(the Grand C****)穿城而过(run through)

  交通方式 交通方便多样,最好是乘火车,舒适便宜。

  历史文化 2500年历史的文化古城;人文荟萃,曾是*古代的文化中心

  风土人情 约440万人口。扬州人勤劳友好、乐于助人

  旅游景点 1. 泛舟***(the Slender West Lake),体验扬州美景

  2. 游览东关街(Dongguan street),品尝当地美食

  3. 众多商圈(living mall)物美价廉,购物天堂

  旅游贴士 1. 扬州春天多雨,记得带伞

  2. 扬州近几年已经巨变,为避免迷路,务必带上最新地图

  总结 (自拟一点)

  Dear Andy:

  I’m happy that you’ll visitYangzhou next month.let me tell you something about her. Yangzhou is the centre of Jiangsu Province.

  Best wishes,







  A.. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

  A. B. C. D. E.

  1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______

  B. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

  ( )6. A. She likes watching TV. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he doesn’t.

  ( )7. A. Yes, thanks. B. Of course. C. You’re welcome.

  ( )8. A. It’s interesting. B. I like science best.

  C. I don’t like math at all.

  ( )9. A. A tall building. B. A kind of house.

  C. A farmhouse with two floors.

  ( )10. A. Monday. B. February 1st. C. Fine.

  C. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

  ( )11. Where does the woman want to go?

  A. The bookstore. B. The post office. C. The station.

  ( )12. What’s Jack doing?

  A. He is flying a kite. B. He’s taking a photo. C. He’s riding a bike.

  ( )13. How can the woman get to the bus stop?

  A. Turn right twice. B. First turn left and then turn right.

  C. First turn right and then turn left.

  ( )14. How often does the boy write to his parents?

  A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year.

  ( )15. Is there a lamp on the man’s desk?

  A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. We don’t know.

  D. 听短文,填上你所听到的单词,每空一词。短文读三遍。(5分)

  David is ann American school boy. His school is not 16 from his home. It takes him only 17 minutes to go to school by bus. But he’s often late for school because he can’t get up early.

  It’s a fine day today. David gets up early. He has breakfast and goes to school. He walks to the bus 18 . He takes a bus at seven o’clock. His classes 19 at half past seven. But today he is also late. Do you know why ? Because he takes a 20 bus!

  16._______ 17. ________ 18. _________ 19._________ 20.__________



  ( ) 21. I always play _______ basketball in the gym.

  A.the B. a C. /

  ( ) 22. —Where is the big tree, Lin Tao?

  —Oh, it’s _______ our classroom building.

  A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the center of

  ( ) 23. You can park your car here when you see the sign “_______”.

  A. B. C.

  ( ) 24. There _______ a beautiful clock and some pencils on the desk.

  A.has B. is C. are

  ( ) 25. —Why not _______ this Sunday?

  —Good idea.

  A. visit the Great Wall B. to visit the Great Wall C. visits the Great Wall

  ( ) 26. Listen! The students _______ in the classroom.

  A. sing B. sings C. are singing

  ( ) 27. —_______ is it today?

  —It’s Friday.

  A.What B. What time C. What day

  ( ) 28. Tina is _______ her pet dog everywhere, but she can’t _______ it.

  A. finding; look for B. looking for; finds C. looking for; find

  ( ) 29. It’s good _______ sports in our free time.

  A. does B. to do C. for do

  ( ) 30. —_______ do you have an art lesson?

  —Four times a month.

  A. How long B. How far C. How often

  ( ) 31. —How do you usually come to school, Michael?

  —I usually _______to school.

  A. on foot B. walk C. by foot

  ( ) 32. —Could you _______ me something _______ the story?

  —Of course. It’s very interesting.

  A. tell; with B. say; about C. tell; about

  ( ) 33. Li Ping’s sister is two years old, but she can speak _______ English words .

  A. a few B. a little C. few

  ( ) 34. —Happy New Year, Lily,


  A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Thank you all the same.


  ( ) 35. A. forty B. work C. horse

  ( ) 36. A. great B. head C. bread




  For Rent

  A big apartment for a family of three people. ¥ 650 a month. Call Mr. Zhang.

  Tel:(010) 8838-7166.


  Looking for a quiet single(单人的)room under ¥ 120 a month. Please call

  Harry at 138-7682-5856.


  ID card



  Please call (010) 8433-9211.


  A red bag with some books.

  Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at (010) 6378-3021.


  ( )37. Please call _____ to rent a big apartment for a family of three people.

  A. (010) 8838-7166 B. 138-7682-5856

  C. (010) 8433-9211 D. (010) 6378-3021

  ( )38. You can rent your single room to _____ for ¥ 120 a month.

  A. Dick B. Harry C. White D. Mr. Zhang

  ( )39. If you find _____, you can call Dick at (010) 8433-9211.

  A. an apartment B. a red bag C. ID card D. a single room

  ( )40. If you can’t find your bag, you can _____ to get it back in the evening.

  A. call (010) 8433-9211 B. go to Room 402

  C. call Harry D. go to look for a single room

  ( )41. Maria and her parents want to rent a big apartment, so they need _____.

  A. ¥ 650 B.¥ 1,300 C. ¥ 1,950 D. ¥ 2,600


  My name is Xiao Jun. I come from the countryside. Now I’m studying in a big city. People can eat all kinds of foods and do lots of things. It’s so convenient(便利的). Many people like living in the city. But I don’t like it very much. In the city, the traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. It’s noisy, too.

  I miss the life in the countryside. There are many houses with big yards. The air is fresh and the water is clean. We can see green trees and colorful flowers here and there. More people like living in the countryside now.


  ( )42. Xiao Jun is studying _______ now.

  A. in the countryside

  B. in a big city

  C. in a tall building

  D. in a big house

  ( )43. What does Xiao Jun think of the traffic in the city?

  A. The traffic in the city is heavy.

  B. The traffic in the countryside is heavy.

  C. The traffic in the city is not heavy.

  D. We don’t know.

  ( )44. What can people see in the countryside? _______

  A. Heavy traffic.

  B. Noisy streets.

  C. Green trees and colorful flowers.

  D. Tall buildings.

  ( )45. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. In the city there aren’t any tall buildings.

  B. The air in the countryside is not fresh.

  C. Xiao Jun misses the life in the countryside.

  D. The cost of living in the city is not high.

  ( )46. What does the passage (短文) talk about?

  A. Many people like living in the city.

  B. Xiao Jun doesn’t like the city life very much.

  C. People can see green trees in the countryside.

  D. Life in the city is different from that in the countryside.

  Ⅳ. 交际应用:(10分)

  A. 从方框中选择最佳句子补全对话。(每空1分,计5分)

  A. Don’t play on the street.

  B. It’s on your right.

  C. It’s not safe to play on the street.

  D. What are you doing on the street?

  E. But how can I get there?

  A: Hello, Mary. 47

  B: I’m playing football with my friends.

  A: Be careful! 48

  B: Why not?

  A: 49

  B: But where should we go and play?

  A: How about the playground?

  B: Good idea! 50

  A: Go up this street to the end. 51

  B: Thank you very much.

  47. _________ 48. _________ 49. _________ 50. _________ 51. _________


  Helen: Maria, what 52 of home do you live in?

  Maria: It’s a townhouse 53 two floors.

  Helen: Do you live with your grandparents?

  Maria: No, they live in a big farmhouse in the 54 . What about yours?

  Helen: It’s an apartment.

  Maria: How 55 floors are there in your building?

  Helen: There are seven.

  Maria: Do you like living there?

  Helen: Yes, I 56 it very much.

  52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________

  Ⅴ. 句型转换:根据要求变换句型,每空填一词。( 每空1分,计8分)

  57. They are swimming in the swimming pool.(改为否定句)

  They_________ _________ in the swimming pool.

  58. Does he often speak English with his classmates?(做肯定回答)

  _________, he _________

  59.The photo is on the wall. (划线部分**)

  _________ _________ the photo?

  60.How can I get to the hospital? (改为同义句)

  _________ _________ a hospital near here?



  61. /sit/ _________ 62. /pa:k/ _________ 63. /laif/ _________

  64. /bed/ _________ 65. /wi:k/ _________ 66. /f: st/ _________


  67.You must return them _______ ________ (按时).

  68. It’s time for class. _______ ________(快点儿)

  69.You must ________ ________ (保管) your things.

  70.The stamp show is _______ 9:00 _______(从…到…)5:00 every Saturday.

  71.Please ________ ________ (把…收起来) your things.

  72.The post office is ________ the supermarket ________ the parking lot (在…之间).

  Ⅶ. 综合填空:(每词1分,计10分)


  when,safe, never, both, on, we ,second ,obey, accidents,cross

  Every year many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic 73 . How can we keep __74 when we are walking 75 the street? First, we must 76 the traffic rules. We can cross thestreet only 77 we see the green “walk” sign. 78 , before we cross the street, we must stop and look 79 ways—look left, look right and look left again.Third, we must __80 play on the street. Last, it’s good to help children and old people 81 the street. All of 82 should be very careful when we are walking on the street.

  Ⅷ. 书面表达 (14分)


  83. swim, now 84. there be 85. across from 86. don’t, please


  87. Li Lei是你的好朋友,你们都住在同一个社区。放学后,你们经常一起学习和玩耍。今天是星期天。你们想要去图书馆借书。由于图书馆离你们社区大约15千米,所以你们乘公交车去那儿。


  Li Lei is my good friend. We have a happy day today.












  (1)选择填空考查得比较细,也很基础,其中第31、32、33、44题出得非常好,考查了一些重要短语,有些题学生错的多,第39小题,超范围学生出错有情可原。第40小题错得特别多,此题主要考查副词比较级的用法尤其是由形容词heavy 转变为heavily的变形,有的学生还没搞清楚。其他题作的基本还可以。



  (4)写作分两部分连词成句和作文。连词成句基本是课本原话,只因没复习得分率不高,语序掌握不好,也有添词落词现象。书面表达要求学生以my dream为题写60词以上的短文。七、八个学生写得挺好能得7分,大部分同学得分在3———5分。











  2.下列各组数是三角形的三边,不能组成直角三角形的一组数是(  )

  A. 3,4,5 B.6,8,10 C. 1.5,2,2.5 D.

  3.下列条件中,能确定一个四边形是*行四边形的是(  )

  A. 一组对边相等 B. 一组对角相等 C. 两条对角线相等 D. 两条对角线互相*分

  4.下列计算错误的是 (  )

  A. B. C. D.

  5.如图,是台阶的示意图.已知每个台阶的宽度 都是20cm,每个台阶的高度都是10cm,连接AB,则AB等于(  ) A. 120cm B.130cm C. 140cm D.150cm

  6.如图,矩形ABCD的对角线AC、BD相交于点O,CE∥BD,DE∥AC,若AC=4,则四边形CODE的周长(  )  A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10


  A. 1 B. 2 C. D. 4

  8.菱形具有而矩形不一定具有的性质是(  )

  A.内角和等于360度 B.对角相等 C. 对边*行且相等 D.对角线互相垂直


  A.矩形 B.等腰梯形  C.对角线相等的四边形 D. 对角线互相垂直的四边形

  10.化简( ﹣2)2016( +2)2017的结果为

  A. ﹣1 B. ﹣2 C. +2 D. ﹣ ﹣2



  A.10 B.12 C.16 D.20

  12、如图,正方形ABCD中,AE=AB,直线DE交BC于点F,则∠BEF=( )

  A.30° B.45° C.55° D. 60°


  13、若代 数式 有意义,则实数x的取值范围是__________.

  14.计算 的结果是  .

  15.如图,矩形ABCD的对角线AC和BD相交于点O,过点O的直线分别交AD和BC于点E、F,AB=2,BC=3,则图中阴影部分的面积为      .


  17.如图,由四个直角边分别为5和4的全等直角三角形拼成“赵爽弦图”,其中阴影部分面积为 .

  18.小明想知道学校旗杆的高,他发现旗杆上的绳子垂到地面还多1 m,当它把绳子的下端拉开5m后,发现下端刚好接触地面,则旗杆的高为_____。

  19. 观察下列各式: 请你找出其中规律,并将第 n(n≥1)个等式写出来 .

  20.如图,在等腰Rt△OAA1中,∠OAA1=90°,OA=1,以OA1为直角边作等腰Rt△OA1A2,以OA2为直角边作等腰Rt△OA2A3,…则OA5的长度为 .



  (1)( + )( ﹣ )﹣( +3 )2; (2)


  23. (本题满分7分)如图,在等边三角形ABC中,BC=6cm. 射线AG//BC,点E从点A出发沿射线AG以1cm/s的速度运动,同时点F从点B出发沿射线BC以2cm/s的速度 运动,设运动时间为t(s).



  24.(本题满分8分)小红同学要测量A、C两地的距离,但A、C之间有一水池,不能直接测量,于是她在A、C同一水*面上选取了一点B,点B可直接到达A、C两地.她测量得到AB=80米,BC=20米,∠ABC=120°.请你帮助小红同学求出A、C两点之间的距离.(参考数据 ≈4.5, ≈4.6)

  25.(本题满分10分)如图,在△ABC中,AD是BC边上的中线,E是AD的中点,过点A作BC的 *行线交BE的延长线于点F,连接CF.



  25.(本题满分12分) 如图,△ABC中,点O是边AC上一个动点,过O作直线MN∥BC.设MN交∠ACB的*分线于点E,交∠ACB的外角*分线于点F.







  一、1----12:BDDAB CBDCC AB

  二、13. ;14. 2; 15. 3; 16. (或AC=BD); 17.1;18. 12m  ;19. 20. 4 .

  三、21.(1) 原式=7﹣5﹣(3+6 +18) ----------------2分

  =2﹣21﹣6 ---------------------------3分

  =﹣19﹣6 .------------------------- ------------------4分

  (2)原式=2 +3- -1+2------------2分

  =4+ ;----4分








  23. (1) 证明:∵ ∴

  ∵ 是 边的中点 ∴

  又∵ ∴△ADE≌△CDF--------------------------------5分

  (2)6 ------------------------------------------7分





  ∴BD= BC= ×20=10(米),---------------------------3分

  ∴CD= =10 (米),-------------------------4分


  在Rt△ACD中,AC= = ≈92(米),







  ∴△AFE≌△D BE(AAS), ------- ------------------------------3分




  ∴AF=DC. ------5分





  ∴AD⊥DC, 即∠ADC=90度 -----------------------8分


  26. (1)证明:∵MN交∠ACB的*分线于点E,交∠ACB的外角*分线于点F,








  ∴∠2+∠4=∠5+∠6=90 °,------------------------5分


  ∴EF= =10,------------------------------6分

  ∴OC= EF=5;-------------------------------------8分











  1. *战争对*最突出的影响是





  2. 被誉为“万园之园”的圆明园被焚毁于

  A.*战争期间 B.第二次*战争期间

  C.甲午中日战争期间 D.****侵华战争期间

  3. 揭开维新变法运动序幕的事件是

  A.公车** B.康有为、梁启超创办《万国公报》C.**强学会 D.**变法



  A.李鸿章 B.冯子材 C.刘铭传 D.左宗棠



  A.广州虎门 B.福建马尾

  C.天津大沽 D.山东威海卫







  ①**清朝** ②废除君主**③建立***** ④**土地**

  A.①②③④ B.②③④ C.①②③ D.①③④


  A.**** B.新文化运动 C.太*天国运动 D.洋务运动


  A.“废除二十一条” B.“拒绝在和约上签字”

  C.“还我青岛” D.“外争*,内惩*”








  A.北伐战争 B.辛亥** C.**变法 D.南昌**


  A.北伐战争 B.武昌** C.南昌** D.秋收**


  A.*****据地 B.井冈山***据地

  C.鄂豫皖***据地 D.左右江***据地


  A.强渡大渡河 B.四渡赤水河 C.过雪山草地 D.井冈山会师


  ①**成立 ②**爱国运动 ③**长征 ④北伐 战争

  A.①②③④ B.④①③② C.②①④③ D.③④②①















  (4)材料二中,后来,这个纲领阐发为三大**,是哪三大**?作用什么?( 5分)


  (1)请写出A、B 两图片相关的重大会议。(2分)






  称赞说 :“好,**应当如此。”







  1.There are people in the park on the National Day.

  A one hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. one hundreds of

  2. There are days in a week and Tuesday is day of the week.

  A. seven, third B. seven, the third C. seventh, three D.the seventh, three

  3. There is elephant on the grass . It is playing with a ball .

  A.an B.a C.The D./

  4. This is song I have told you about . Isn’t it beauti ful one ?

  A. the the B. a a C .the the D a the

  5. _____some students , the teacher entered the hall .

  A. Following B. Followed C.Being followed D.Having followed

  6 . My mother often tells me ____ the teacher in class .

  A.listen B .listen to C .to listen D. to listen to

  7.----Why do we eat vegetables every day ,Mum?

  ----______healthy,my dear .

  A.To keep B.Keep C.Keeping D.Kept

  8.In the library , you keep quiet .

  A .may B. might C. must D. can

  9.----Is Jake on duty today ?

  ----It be him , it’s his turn tomorrow .

  A.mustn’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t

  10. ---- May I smoke here ?

  ----No, you . This is a no-smoking room

  A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.wouldn’t

  11 ---- Where are you going this month ?

  ----We go to London , but we are not sure .

  A.need B.must C.might D.will

  12---Hurry up , the bus is coming .

  ---- Oh , no. We cross the street until the traffic lights turn green .

  A..mustn’t B.may not C.needn’t D.have to

  13.The sports meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven’t got everything ready_____ .

  A.ever B.already C.yet D.still

  14.—Have you ever heard of this hero ?

  —Yeah, he is a famous person now. He just appeared on TV last night and told us about his_____ experiences.

  A.amazing B.usual C.active D.serious

  15.Your brother isn’t so______ as usual. You should take him to see a doctor.

  A.well B.better C.badly D.worse



  I live in a small town near Xing’an in Guilin. You can’t see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many tall buildings in our town. The best building is our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.

  ( )1. The writer lives _______.

  A. in a small town B. in the city of Guilin

  C. in a village D. in a tall building

  ( )2. There is_______ in the front of our school.

  A. a river B. a tall building C. a playground D. a garden

  ( )3. The students often _______ in summer.

  A. play basketball B. plant trees C. grow flowers D. go swimming

  ( )4. People can hear _______ singing here and there.

  A. students B. birds C. cows D. teachers

  ( )5. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. The garden B. A Small Town C. Our School D. The Best Building


  Jim was a young man in his early twenties who was studying to be a carpenter(木匠). He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so his boss was pleased w ith him. As he was such a likable man and easy to deal wi th, he was popular with his workmates, too. They also made fun of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only laugh.

  But Jim's one great shortcoming(缺点) was that he could never tell a lie, no matter how hard he tried, not even a little one. In fact, he was so honest and shy that he would blush(脸红) even when he was telling the truth. He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away.

  One morning, however, he didn't like going to work because he had been to a party the night before and it hadn't ended till the early hours of the morning. And then the first time in his life he decided to take the day off. He rang his boss, pretending to be a woman. He spoke in a high voice. "Hello," he said timidly. "I'm afraid Jim can't come to work today. He isn't feeling very well. "Poor Jim was thankful that his boss couldn't see him just at that moment because his hands were trembling(发抖) and his face was bright red.

  "Thank you for letting me know," said Mr. Woods, his boss, and then just as he was about to hang up, he said, " Just a moment, madam, who's speaking. "

  "Oh!", Jim stammered(口吃), and going all out for making a voice (尽量装出…的嗓音) like a woman, he cried in a loud voice: "This is my landlady speaking!"

  ( )6. Jim was .

  A.mid-aged B.a teenager C.over 25 D.between 20-25

  ( )7. His boss was_______ with him.

  A. displeased B. not pleased C. satisfied D. unsatisfied

  ( )8. His workmates used to_______.

  A. cheat him B. play with him C. play jokes on him D. beat him

  ( )9. Telling lies always made his face_______.

  A. blue B. white C. red D. green

  ( )10. At the end of the story, poor Jim _______.

  A. spilt(溢漏) the flaw B. caught the worm(蛀虫) like the early bird

  C. shouldn't put all the eggs in one basket D. became a great talker


  An old lady in a plane had a blanket over her head and she did not want to take it off. The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before, and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again!”

  Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well.” But she continued to hide.

  So the captain turned and star ted to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing,” She continued kindly, “You and your wife keep your plane very clean!”

  ( )11.The old lady _________.

  A.had been in a plane before B.was in a plane for her first time

  C.didn’t like to travel on a train D.enjoyed keeping a blanket over her head

  ( )12.She kept the blanket over her head because _________.

  A.she liked the blanket very much

  B.she wanted to sleep

  C.she was af raid of flying

  D.she didn’t want to be interrupted(打扰 )

  ( )13.Which is TRUE according to the story?

  A.The captain’s words made the old lady feel better.

  B.The old lady was making fun with the captain.

  C.The old lady was angry with the captain.

  D.The old lady was still worried after hearing what the captain said.

  ( )14.The old lady said she would _________.

  A.travel by plane from then on B.keep the plane clean

  C.not take off the blanket D.not fly any more

  ( )15.The old lady thought that the air hostess and the captain _________.

  A.were husband and wife B.were workmates

  C.were good friends D.were strange people


  As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let’s look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”, have negative meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive actions. For example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”. The word “dog-tired” means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel(无情).

  The rose is a symbol(标志)of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose means love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.

  The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.

  ( )16.“Every dog has its day.” means “_______”.

  A. Everybody in the world is lucky.

  B. Each person lives his own way of life.

  C. If one works hard, he’s sure to succeed.

  D. Everybody has a time in life to be lucky.

  ( )17.The underlined word “negative” means ________ in Chinese.

  A. 正面的 B. 负面的 C. 中性的 D. 有趣的

  ( )18.From the passage, we can infer(推断)that the word “copycat” is most likely to desc ribe a person who__________ in western countries.

  A. likes following(效仿)others B. enjoys writing books

  C. is good at copying notes D. loves drawing cats

  ( )19.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Words show differences in culture.

  B. Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.

  C. Western people think cats to be good friends.

  D. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.

  ( )20.What’s the best title for the passage?

  A. Negative or Positive

  B. Different Countries Have Different Culture

  C. Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English

  D. What Dog and Cat Mean in English and Chinese


  A group of frogs were travelling through the forests, but unluckily two of them (1)f______ into a hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how (2) d______ the hole was, they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved. The two frogs didn’t stop and tried (3) t______ best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs (4) k_______ saying that the were sure to die. (5) F_______ , one of the two frogs, who heard what the other frogs were saying gave up. Then he fell down and (6) d_______.

  The other frog, (7) h_______, continued to jump as hard as he could, and at last made it out. When he got out, the other frogs asked, “Didn’t you hear us?” The frog, who had a poor (8) h_____, explained, “I thought you were encouraging me all the time.”

  The story gives us a (9) l______. There is power(力量) of life and death in the tongue. An (10) e________ word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.


  The secrets of happiness

  Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success do not bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.

  1 . Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future—for example, getting into college or getting a good job—that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. 2 .

  Another secret to leading a happy life is to be active and have hobbies where you forget your problems. Many people experience this dancing or playing a sport, such as skating or soccer. 3 .

  Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to help others. 4 . You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go shopping to buy food for your family members, or sim* help out around the house by washing the dishes.

  A. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.

  B. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.

  C. The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.

  D. People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.


  In England a woman fell down a stair. Panic(惊慌) followed---178 persons lost their lives. In Michigan a woman fell ill. There was a call for water. Someone thought it meant fire --- 71 were killed. In Oklahoma an old man’s hair caught fire --- 36 died.

  What should you do to be out of danger?

  1. As you sit in any crowd, pick out an exit which is not the one where most persons enter and plan to use if necessary.

  2. If a rush stairs, do not get into it. Stay still. Let it pass. Then go to the exit you have chosen.

  3. Do not cry out. Speak quietly. Act calmly.

  4. Do not stop for your hat and coat unless they are at hand.

  5. If there is smoke, crouch(蹲伏). (3) The best air is about three feet above the floor.

  6. When you are outside the building, stay out. Many dead would be alive if they had not returned for something.

  7. When you get out, move far from the door so that others can get out.

  1. What should you do if you are in a crowd when panic starts? ______________________________

  2. 文中划线单词的汉语意思是______________________________

  3. 请把划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。____________________________

  4. How many ways are mentioned to be out of danger? _____________________________

  5. Give a title to the passage. ______________________________


  假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

  提示词语:listen to, mother's love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile



  Dear H an Mei,

  I'm afraid I've got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, Be careful while crossing the street. Put on more clothes. Did you do a good job at school? and so on. I'm annoyed(烦恼). What shall I do?






  1.**师范大**史学院龚书铎教授是研究*近代史的专家,在谈到道光**(1821~1850年在位)为什么把他的墓修筑得比其他帝王墓都要矮小时,说:是因为“在他手上打了败仗丢了土地,没有面目见**”。这里所说的“土地”是指( )

  A.广州 B.**岛 C.** D.辽东半岛

  2.一部《l860:圆明园大劫难》让人们在圆明园的废墟上感受到了刻骨的“记忆”。与这个“记忆”有关的侵略者是( )

  A.英法联军 B.俄国 C.** D.**

  3.*近代史上俄国是侵略*的主要国家之一。下列外国列强侵华史实中俄国参与的有( )①*战争 ②第二次*战争 ③对x疆的争夺 ④****侵华战争

  A.①③ B.②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④

  4.“东沟海战天如墨,炮阵烟迷船掀侧;致远鼓楫冲重围,万火丛中呼杀贼。”此诗创作背景是十九世纪末的( )

  A.*战争 B.甲午中日战争 C.****浸华战争 D.**战争

  5.对**民族来说,伴随着20世纪钟声而来的,不是和*的**,而是侵略者的铁蹄。此次清*被被迫与侵略者签订了丧权辱国的( )

  A.《南京条约》 B.《**条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》

  6.《辛丑条约》签订后**公使田贝说:“事实上,外国公使成为*不可分割的一部分”,从此可以“任意斥责一切对待外国人不称职的*官吏”。这说明了( )

  A.清*与列强建立了外交关系 B.列强获得了领事裁判权

  C.清*已经成为洋人的朝廷 D.*的反帝**蓬勃发展

  7.鲁迅回顾历史说:“*太难改变了……不是很大的鞭子打在背上,*自己是不肯动弹的。”第二次*战争的一鞭,使*开始认识到要学习**军事技术,于是开始了( )

  A.编写《海国图志》 B.洋务运动 C.维新变法 D.宣传资产阶级**思想

  8.下列属于洋务运动的内容有( )

  ①创办军事工业 ②创办民用工业 ③筹建新式陆海军 ④废除科举**

  A.①②④? B.②③④ C.①②③ D.①③④

  9.某班同学举办以“近代化探索”为主题的手抄报比赛,下列选项与此主题相符的是( )

  ①林则徐**虎门销烟 ②邓世昌浴血黄海海战

  ③张之洞创办汉阳铁厂 ④*****武昌**

  A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④

  10.自古以来,状元最受人羡慕和尊敬,而工商业却是被人看不起的“末业”,在清末偏偏有一个状元“舍本逐末”办起了实业,主张“实业救国”,他是( )

  A.张謇 B.侯德榜 C.茅以昇 D.荣宗敬

  11.小明坐火车去旅游,当火车到达八达岭长城脚下时,他看到铁路沿途青龙桥的站台上塑有一座雕像,注视着前方的京张铁路,你认为这座雕像人物是( )

  A.詹** B.张謇 C.严复 D.魏源

  12.《近代*的新陈代谢》一书中介绍说,1840年以来,*因外患而遭受的每一次失败都产生过警悟的先觉者,但他们的周围和身后没有形成一个群体。甲午中日战争失败后,*的民族具有群体意义的觉醒由此开始。请判断,这里“具有群体意义的觉醒”的标志性事件是( )

  A.虎门销烟 B.洋务运动 C.新文化运动 D.公车**

  13.“自*战争发来,*人中间就不断有人做着各种各样的**梦:梦想有**的坚船利炮,梦想有**的****……”。下列哪一事件首先实践了“**的****的梦想”? ( )

  A.洋务运动 B.维新变法 C.辛亥** D.新文化运动

  14.辛亥**是*近代史上一次**上、思想上的大**。这里“思想上的大**”是指( )

  A.结束了2000多年的封建君主**** B.促进了*民族资本**的发展

  C.使**共和的观念深入人心 D.沉重打击了中外***

  15.某历史兴趣小组为下列图片拟的历史主题,最贴切的是( )

  A.抗争—*人民摆脱外来的侵略 B.探索—寻求强国御侮之路

  C.屈辱—步步走向**地深渊 D.复兴—**民族崛起之路

  16.19世纪末一**报纸称“甲午战争以后,*有三*:*……意在保现存之局面;*……意在保国以变法;*……意在作乱为自振之机。”文中的“三*”分别指( )

  A.顽固派、维新派和**派 B.顽固派、洋务派和维新派

  C.洋务派、维新派和**派 D.顽固派、抵抗派和洋务派

  17.辛亥**中成立的.“*”,其*性质是( )

  A.封建* B.资产阶级*** C.无产阶级*** D.农民阶级*

  18.近代以来,人们的社会生活发生了显著变化。下列现象不可能发生的是( )





  19.一首纪念某重大历史事件的诗歌写道:“神舟昏暗虎狼凶,捍卫国家意志雄。学子**惊列寇,豪杰攻打震华庭。反封反帝风云涌,休课休劳波浪凶。_________值赞颂,优良传统要扬承。”下列选项适合填在空格处的是( )

  A.**精神 B.长征精神 C.* D.抗美援朝

  20.*一大会址纪念馆为增补**国际**尼科尔斯基的照片费尽周折。假设寻找时发现了下列原始材料,能佐证他出席*一大的是(  )

  A.1921年10月开往上海的船票 B.1919年签发的苏联护照

  C.1921年7月初和马林在 上海的合影 D.1925年向**国际汇报五卅运动情况的俄文原稿

  21.*目前有关方面正努力争取2012年将井冈山列入世界自然文化双遗产名录。作为文化遗产,井冈山最重要的意义是( )


  22.某历史兴趣小组的同学若要实地考察**长征的历史足迹,他们去的地方应包括( )

  ①遵义 ②吴起镇 ⑧武汉 ④会宁

  A.①④ B.①②③ C.①②④ D.①②③④

  23.以下历史事件发生的先后顺序排列正确的是( )

  ①**成立 ②**国运动 ③**长征 ④秋收**

  A.①②③④ B. ②①④③ C. ④①③② D.③④②①

  二、非选择题( 24题6分;25题10分;26题24分,27题14分;共计54分)



  错误①____________________ 改正____________________

  错误②____________________ 改正____________________

  错误③____________________ 改正____________________


  著名思想家魏源编著《 》,提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的主张;严复译述的《 》,把**的生物进化学说介绍到*。1912年,孙中山在南京颁布了临时参议院制定的《 》具有资产阶级*****的性质。1915年*在上海创办《 》杂志,吹响了新文化运动的号角。鲁迅在该杂志上,发表了*现代文学史上第一篇白话小说《 》。(2分)







  (1) 材料中所说的“19世纪的三次灾难性战争”指的是哪三次战争?(6分)






  (1)史学界普遍认为,在1919年以前,*近代化历程由学习**的军事器物,到学习**的****,再到学习**的思想文化,经历了三个阶段,在经济、**、文化领域全面启动,逐步深入展开。请根据上述材料和所学知识完成下表。 (4分)

  *近代化历程 主要特点 相关重大事件

  第一阶段 学习**的军事器物

  第二阶段 学习**的****

  第三阶段 学习**的思想文化

  (2)以下是与*近代化探索相关的图文材料,按时间先后顺序排列正确的是( )(2分)

  A.②③④① B.①②④③ C.①③②④ D.④②①③



  (4)从这些运动思想主张的变化,我们可以看出*近代化的探索具有什么特点? (2分)






  1、下列数据符合实际的是(  )

  A、地球自转一周的时间为12h B、人步行的速度约为1.2m/s

  C、中学生的课桌高约为800cm D、冰水混合物的温度为﹣10℃

  2、后晴朗的夜晚为了不踩到地面的积水,下列判断中正确的是( )





  3、在全运会开幕式上,有人观察到会场主旗杆上的旗帜和两位火炬手刚结束传递时手中火炬火焰的状况如图所示,下列说法中正确的是( )





  4、**,全国各地掀起跳广场舞的热潮,广场舞有益身心健康,但也影响周围居民的生活,为避免给周边居民的生活造成干扰,下列措施合理有效的是(  )





  5、如图所示,把正在响铃的闹钟放在玻璃罩内,逐渐抽出罩内的空气,听到声音逐渐变小,再让空气逐渐进入罩内,听到声音又逐渐变大,这个现象说明(  )





  6、端午节龙舟赛是我市传统比赛项目之一.龙舟赛中有关声的说法,正确的是(  )

  A、鼓声是由鼓面振动产生的 B、鼓声传播过程中,发生变化的是音色



  7、假如小雨乘坐一颗人造地球同步卫星旅行,下列说法错误的是(  )

  A、小雨用体温计测体温 B、小雨相对于青岛的崂山是静止的

  C、小雨用照相机给月球拍照 D、小雨绕地心转动一周约需365天

  8、小明在上学的路上,先以v1的速度走完前一半路程,又以v2走完后一半路程,则他在上学的全程中*均速度为( )

  A、 B、

  C、 D、

  9、课外活动时,小明和小华均在操场上沿直线进行跑步训练.在某次训练中,他们通过的路程和时间的关系如图所示,则下列说法中正确的是( )

  A、两人都做匀速直线运动 B、两人都不是做匀速直线运动

  C、前2s内,小明跑得较快 D、全程中,两人跑步的*均速度相同

  10、我国北方的冬天,河流会结上厚厚的一层冰,冰的温度有时低至-40℃,假如在-40℃的冰下有流动的河水,那么关于水与冰交界处的温度以下正确的是( )

  A、4℃ B、一定是-40℃

  C、0℃ D、应该略高于-40℃

  11、当室内温度为20℃时,用浸有少量酒精的`棉花裹在温度计的玻璃泡上,随着酒精的迅速蒸发,如图中哪幅图基本反映了温度计的读数随时间的变化( )

  A、 B、

  C、 D、

  12、生活中处处有物理,留心观察皆学问.对以下现象解释正确的是( )





  13、下列光现象中,属于光沿直线传播的是(  )

  A、 放大镜 B、手影 C、 水中“折”笔 D、 水中倒影


  14、国际单位制中,长度的基本单位是________ ,时间的基本单位是________ ,速度的基本单位是________ 。(用字母表示)

  15、(1)物体的宽度是  ________ cm;(2)停表的读数是  ________ s;

  (3)体温计的读数是  ________ ; (4)温度计的示数是 ________ .

  16、坐在温馨的物理考场,仔细想想:你*时走路的步幅约为50 ________,上体育课时你跑100m所需时间约为16 ________



  19、教室的楼道上张贴有如图所示的标志,倡导同学们不要大声喧哗,养成轻声讲话的文明习惯.从声音的特性分析,“大声”和“轻声”均是指声音 ________的大小;从**噪声的角度分析,这是从 ________处减弱噪声

  20、2015年5月,屯琼高速公路建成通车,小明坐在琼中至屯昌的汽车上,透过车窗看到路边的树木向后移动,他是以________ 为参照物.若该车用30min行驶完46km的全程,其*均速度为________ km/h.



  (1)观众看不见领舞者身后站着的其她舞蹈者,这是因为光的 ________的缘故。

  (2)佛光普照,梵音如丝,聆听脱俗乐音.佛光是舞蹈者手上的饰品发出的,饰品 ________(填“是”或“不是”)光源。

  (3)我们能分辨出究竟是何种乐器在发声,因为不同的乐器发声,其 ________是不同的。

  (4)舞台上云雾缭绕,宛如天庭,它们是干冰 ________时吸热导致空气中的水蒸气遇冷 ________ 而产生的效果。(填物态变化)

  23、如图所示,是物质三种状态下的物理模型,乙图的物质处于 ________状态,物质由图丙状态直接变成甲图状态的过程叫做 ________(填物态变化名称).物质由甲图状态变成乙图状态需要 ________(选填“吸热”或“放热”).




  (2)此实验说明了________ .


  实验序号 入射光线 入射角 反射角

  1 AO 50° ________

  2 CO 40° ________

  3 EO 20° ________

  分析上述数据可得出的初步结论是:反射角与入射角是________ (“相等”或“不相等”)的.



  (1)图甲和图乙分别是一、二两小组同学所做的实验.他们的实验操作有错误的是________ 组

  (2)图丙是他们实验中观察水沸腾________ (前/时)出现的情景

  (3)当温度接近90℃时,三组同学每隔1min记录一次温度,根据表格里记录的数据,请你分析水的沸点是________ ℃.由此可以判断实验室的大气压________ (选填“高于”、“低于”或“等于”)1标准大气压.

  时间/min 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  温度/℃ 85 87 89 92 94 96 97 98 98 98

  (4)以上各组同学通过实验观察到水在沸腾过程中温度________ (选填“升高”、“降低”或“不变”).

  (5)图丁是三、四两小组根据实验记录数据得到的a、b两种不同图象,其原因可能是水的________ 不同




  (2)若计时员是在听到“跑”声后才计时,则运动员的成绩将被提高多少?(已知空气中声音的传播速度为340 m /s)









  1.( 2分)下列各组词语中,加点字的注音有错误的一组是

  A.混沌(dùn) 无餍(yàn) 攫来(jué) 如法炮制(páo)

  B.消翳(yì) 羸马(léi) 冻馁(něi) 汗流浃背(jiā)

  C.不啻(chì) 干瘪(biě) 颟顸(hān) 玲珑剔透(tī)

  D.掠取(lüè) 嵯峨(cuó) 横亘(gèng) 未绸缪(moú)

  2.(2分)下列 各组词语中,无错别字的一组是( )

  A.一碧万顷 霓裳羽衣 莫明其妙 分道扬镳

  B.陈腔滥调 坐无虚席 欺世盗名 振耳欲聋

  C.回光返照 惊魂慑魄 潜心入腑 刻骨铭心

  D.星罗祺布 喋喋不休 神工鬼斧 夜以继日

  3.(2分)下列句中加点的成语运用不当的 一项是

  A. 这些斑驳陆离的古铜器的出土,将**有利于我们对春秋时期历史的研究。

  B. 看到黄山的奇妙景色,我真的感叹大自然的鬼斧神工。

  C. 看到地震后灾区土崩瓦解的镜头,真是令人触目惊心。

  D. 自习课上,个别同学经常说笑、打闹,对这种****的行为,大家都很气愤。






  5. (2分)下列句子使用的修 辞手法判断不正确的一项是


  B.这只**在桌面上发现了我丢下的一粒饼干屑,它惊 奇地停了下来,快乐得就要晕过去了。(拟人、夸张)








  ⑴玫瑰汁,葡萄浆, , ,霜枫叶——大量的染工,在层累的云底工作。(《泰山日出》)

  ⑵不信,请看那朵流星, 。(《天上的街市》)

  ⑶杨柳尚未抽条, ,临水坐枯柳下小饮。(《游高梁桥记》)

  ⑷稍近,则隐隐露白, , 。(《白洋潮》)

  ⑸写出两句关于时间或生命的格言、警句: 。

  二、(16分)比较阅读“瀑、潭、桥”组文,完成9—13题 ? ?


  望庐山瀑布 李白




  小石潭记(节选) 柳宗元



  潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互 ,不可知其源。



  游高梁桥记(节选) 袁宏道













  ①请从修辞的角度,简析【甲】 诗划线句子的写景之妙。



  我选择第 题,简析:





  三、(15分) 比较阅读“日、水、云”组文,完成14—17题 ?


  泰山日出(节选) 刘白羽


  ②落日有落日的妙处,古代诗人在这方面留下不少优美的诗句,如象“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”“落日照大旗,马鸣风萧萧”,可是再好,总不免有萧瑟之感。不如攀上奇峰陡壁,或是站在大海岩头,面对 着弥漫的云天,在一瞬时间内,观察那伟大诞生的景象,看火、热、生命、光明怎样一起来到人间。但很长很长时间,我却没有机缘看日出,而只能从书本上去欣 赏。


  我们一言不语地观看,那绯红的小球在天边升起,一片冬意朦胧的光照扩展开了,群山象是浮在一片白浪的海中,只有山尖分明 突出,使人以为是站在一座小山丘上。在洪水泛滥的*原中间,只是这里或那里露出来一块块干的土壤。








  绿(节选) 朱自清



  云海(节选) 唐敏








  四、(15分) 阅读散文《都市精灵》,完成18—21题 ?



  ⑴我工作的地方以前是清朝太后的行宫,里面有一个古树参天的大院子,幽雅得很。由于游人稀少,常有鸟儿飞来栖息,最多的是喜鹊和灰喜鹊。喜鹊多是成双成对,而灰喜鹊则成帮成伙,一来就是一大群,它们高高地在树枝上跳来跳去,飞来飞去,叫来叫去,非常活跃,为这座学府式的大庭院带来了一派 生机和欢快。我常常带领**外参观者丫在树下指着嬉戏的鸟儿们,说:“瞧,这是我们的一景!”






  ⑺以鸟 来说,麻雀、老鸹、燕子,是**的最大众化的鸟类,多少年来,它们都陪伴着**人生活,是**人生活中不可缺少的空中伙伴。如今,老鸹和燕子在**已经很稀有了,麻雀经过大围剿也元气大伤,都构不成**的景致了,实在是非常的可惜。



  ⑽世界上许多著名的现代大都市都有自己的都市动物,从这 个意义上说,**的许多城市可以称得上是小松鼠王国,或者野鸭子王国,或者鹿的王国。旧金山是最有**性的,简直是个海兽鸟城。在它最繁华的渔人码头旁,居然卧着上百头野生的大海狮,旁若无人地打斗、游戏、抢地盘,引来无数游人驻足观赏。海滨饭馆都把临海的座位当成一等雅座来招待顾客,甚至搭起高高的木板大看台,可以登高检阅。靠近金门大桥则有一处观海鸟的胜地,太*洋海湾中有三个小岩石孤岛,栖息着上万只大嘴鹈鹕、鱼鹰、海鸥。只要鱼群一到,这上万只大海鸟便一起腾空,作低空滑翔,然后,一抿翅膀,像**一样,射入水中,百发百中,钻出水面时,嘴中必有活蹦鲜灵的鱼。这个地方每逢节假日,能引来成千上万的孩子和他们的家长,他们一看就是好几个钟点。看海兽,看海鸟,便成了旧金山人的传统节目和一大享受,位置排得很靠前,和上博物馆有着差不多同等的`崇高地位。








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