I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文(通用26篇)

I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文(通用26篇)

  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家经常看到美文吧?美文是指不带实用目的专供直觉欣赏的作品,带有实用目的去写作,那么,你会写美文吗?以下是小编为大家整理的I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文,希望对大家有所帮助。

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇1

  A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird.With a dream in the deep heart's core,a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star.A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning,and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation,refine our character,and upgrade our quality of life.

  A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings,confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision.On the contrary,a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition,foresight and gallantry,daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure.It is dream that adds fullness,variety,and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

  I have a dream.I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted.The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being.Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures.Love,sympathy,and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men.Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils.If my dream will come true,all the people will get the real equality,happiness and freedom.




  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇2

  Three hundred years ago,an English poet,Alexander Pope,wrote the linesNature,and Nature's lawslay hid in sight;God said,let Newton be!Andall was light.

  This momentous epitaph came as an encouraging torch to mankind who had long wandered in the valley of ignorance.It came as an exciting aurora leading to the "Age of Reason."

  But three centuries later,even the "Mansion of Reason" has been furnished and stabilized (and partly reconstructed,we admit) by more "Newtons".We have to face the tragic fact that came as an exciting aurora leading to the "Age of Reason."

  But three centuries later,even the "Mansion of Reason" has been furnished and stabilized (and partly reconstructed,we admit) by more "Newtons".We have to face the tragic fact that mankind,to some extent,is still ignorant.

  Pm not dramatizing the appalling conditions by citing the following examples,but being serious.

  It once struck me as odd to hear that some physics majors (fortunately not from Fudan) were discouraged from studying the fine structure of equipments during the experimental classes because their laboratory work would be graded according to the time length they spent.

  It did make me feel indignant at the fact that some biology majors were still encouraged to draw what they should theoretitally observe instead of what they had actually seen with their.

  It sounds like medieval education but it is true now in some universities in this world.

  It has been three hundred years since the "Age of Reason"began;however,some essential reasons are now still blowing in the wind,rather than taking root in all men's hearts.Among them is the crucial ideathe importance of scientific curiosity.

  Without curiosity,students were forced to swallow innumerablefacts,confess their validity and forgetthem after exams.Without curiosity,learners were bereft of the freedom to imagine,the ability to ask questions and the chances to modify the old theories.Without curiosity,how could our civilization,the Age of Reason,make progress?

  I wrote here today to my readers,that in spite of the conditions of the moment,I still have a dream.It is a dream of waking up the rational curiosity which inhabits all human beings.

  I have a dream that one day university labs will be open for 24 hours to students from any department to testify their own hypotheses and make their own inventions.

  I have a dream that one day a professor and a student,or a "boss" and a researcher,will be able to sit down together at the table of equality to discuss problems like classmates or brothers.

  I have a dream that one day more "why" questions than "how" questions will be raised by common users of computers or other home facilities so that they will transcend the "press-the button" satisfaction and become expert DIY ers.

  It is the dream once carried out by Descartes,Newton and Maxwell in the way of their own times.And if mankind has not lost his creativity,he should keep it up.

  If we keep up this dream,we will live out the true meaning of Montaignesque motto,"We are born to seek and quest after truth." Not only that,the dream will make us know that we believe what is worth believing and we doubt what deserves skepticism.It is curiosity that enables us to tell the true from the false.

  If we keep up this dream,our material life will no longer be spoiled by unscientific administrations and our spiritual world will no longer be timely intruded by the opium of evil cults because the man and the society will then be armed with reason.

  If we keep up this dream and stretch out the antennae of curiosity to explore the creation,we will be conveying new meanings of Shakespeare's lines:"beauty of the world,paragon of animals!"

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇3

  Everyone has a lot of people want to be rich,dreaming of becoming millionaires rs want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.I have a lot of dreams,I was a young girl,I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in ver,I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.

  After graduating from,college,I found a job as a ough I was very busy with teaching,I never gave up my goal.I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the times,I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and I have made great ral of my research papers have been methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems.I am very ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead,but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇4

  When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,I dreamed of changing the world.AS I grew older and wiser.I discovered the world would not change,so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.But it,too,seemed I grew into my twilight years,in one last desperate attampt,I settled for changing only my family,those closest to me,but,also,they have none of it.

  And now as I lie on my deathbed,I suddenly realize :If I had only changed myself first,then by example I would have changed my family their inspiration and encouragement,I would then have been able to better my country and who knows,I may have even changed the world.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇5

  What will our world be like in 20 years?I can’t imagine.It must change a lot.If I meet myself who es from the future,I will ask her whether my dream es true or not.

  My dream is to bee an excellent interpreter.When I was in Grade 1,I began to study English.At that time,I was so excited for learning a new language.Because of English,I know that America is a beautiful and polite country.From then on,I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

  Nowadays,English is widely spoken throughout the world.What’s more,plenty of people have realized its importance.In order to make my dream e true,I try my best and work much harder.I start to watch America drama to practice my English.And I also read some English books now.I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can.But the path to the success isn’t smooth.Sometimes I want to give up.But it’s my dream,I can’t give up easily.Shelley said” if winter es,can spring be far behind?”

  On the other hand,with the development of China,more and more people are interested in our culture.Some enjoy Beijing Opera,some study Chinese Kongfu,some even learn to speak Chinese,etc.As a Chinese,of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture.I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America.So if I am an interpreter,I will introduce China to the world.I believe if I work hard enough,my dream will e true.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇6

  Everyone has a dream,everyone dreams of each has its own characteristics.

  My dream is to become a singer.Astronauts ya-ping wang's dream is when astronauts,soaring in the sky,after a test,1 on 1 June 2013 live at 38 points,5 ya-ping wang realized their dream.Dream is all the motivation,if did not have the power,then you will always be stepped in situ,power will let you constantly burning inner small universe,you want a perennial desire for a better life.Dream,can let you are not afraid of wind and rain,l fearless risk,keep moving forward.

  Dancers Liao Zhi lost her legs in an earthquake,also lost daughter,hospitalized for 4 months,finally can was released from the hospital,but she must take prosthesis,thought it won't pain again,but she never thought with prosthesis is how much pain.Back to the home,want to go to the Wc,and calling to dad,mom,called for a long long time no one her.She remembered that mom and dad might not be home,so,she endured the pain with the prosthesis to the toilet.Just walked into a toilet and a load into the toilet,the hair is wet,look in the mirror before their mess,she decided to practice,have not yet learned to walk just learn to dance,in order to dream hard practice for six,seven years.

  This reminds me of the dishes during the summer vacation,didn't stick to quit a few days.Will insist on a dream,the realization of the dream is not,make track for to dream on the road requires effort and sweat,and tears.In to abandon,do not give up.Vocabulary,dream,how beautiful dream,only constant efforts,constantly insist,to be courageous ya-ping wang,Liao Zhi insisted.





  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇7

  I have many dreams.I want to be a tour guide.Maybe I'm influenced by my mother!I grew to love to go around with others to serve the people,let people catch up to explain history interest in history.Another reason is that I love to travel,I have been with mom to travel everywhere see the towering mountains,saw the level as a mirror of the West Lake.If I become a tour guide to travel and work two not mistake,you say how good ah!I want to be a writer,write fairy tales,write stories,put my heart to write down every word,let the story will not become the hearts of the fairy tale,but has become under the pen of elves,fly freely in the outside world.

  Finally,I will put these stories out of a book,so that more people can share the fairy tales in my heart.Maybe you would say it's too far away.It's really far away,but I'm sure I can do it.I can start by reading a few novels and some stories,and trying to write some reading experiences,so that this dream will come true and be successful.I want to be an engineer,I want to use my pencil,design a building and a building that people have room to live,and then design a can let farmers can afford to live in the house,let the world have displaced men,let the world everyone can return home,the world will better,happiness.I still have a lot of dreams,although it can not be achieved one by one,but I will do my best,when I want to dream,I will try to realize him.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇8

  Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams.Some people want to be rich,dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight.Others want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.

  I have a lot of dreams,too.When I was a young girl,I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However,I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts.So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college,I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching,I never gave up my goal.I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.

  I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books.Sometimes,I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time.Now I have made great progress.Several of my research papers have been published.The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems.I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead,but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇9

  Zhang haidi once said:"every man's life is a boat,ideal is the sail of the boat." My ideal is a teacher.Do an obscure teacher.

  His mother had said to me:"the teacher is a sacred position." Hence,planted the seeds of joy in my mind.When I very yearning to be a teacher.As a teacher,is not great,but it is always unknown dedication,let a person can't help but give birth to admire.The head of white hair is the most beautiful;Corrects students' papers is the most beautiful teacher continue wirtting;The teacher holding a book in the classroom teaching is the most beautiful with relish.Teachers have no complaints,no rhetoric,no words,life interacting with chalk,they precept,the good style of work,good conduct taught us,make us a lifelong benefit.I really like the teacher,how they love,will be how many knowledge contained in!The teacher is human soul engineer,teachers teach students knowledge,teach students to be the truth,to motivate the students to grow,many stars,professors,experts and leaders,are all teachers made.See our school teacher,hard work,she care we warmly,and we learn together,labor,teacher like our parents.

  My ideal is not only to be a teacher,but want to be a good lovely elementary school teacher.The elementary school teacher,is not that they teach truth,and because the hearts of their children in white as a piece of paper,write down is never indelible trace,which marks tend to affect children's life.

  But,if you don't study hard,ideal will melt foam,now I must be the pursuit of ideals,the pursuit of hope,the pursuit of hope,the pursuit of tomorrow.Ideals and aspirations,success is repeating decimals,inseparable,connected with hope.Whenever I meet with difficulties and setbacks,I always encourage myself by this ideal,never give up easily,after all it is the ideal hope.

  If "ideal is the sail of the boat",then I'll raise the ideal sail the boat,to a port called "teacher" hard sailing,sailing.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇10

  i have a dream:i want to be a lawyer.the reason i want to be a lawyer r is i think this profession is very important and meaningful.if i am a lawyer,i will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law:on one hand,i can take advantage of my expertise help mediate peoples conflicts and disputes,so that they can live in harmony.

  on the other hand,i can defend legitimate rights and interest

  s for innocent,avoiding them suffering from some unnecessary injury.

  in addition,i can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and apply the law.




  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇11

  Everyone has their own dreams,I am the same.But my dream is not a lawyer,not a doctor,not actors,not even an industry.Perhaps my dream big people will find itridiculous,but this has been my pursuit!My dream is to want to have a folk life!I want it to become a beautiful painting,it is not only sharp colors,but also the colors are bleak,I do not rule out the painting is part of the black,but I will treasure these bleak colors!Not yet,how about,a colorful painting,if not bleak,add color,how can it more prominent American?

  Life is like painting,painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments.Painting a bleak color represents life difficult,unpleasant time.You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet,but I do not think it will.

  If a person lives flat then what is the point?Life is only a short few decades,I want it to go Finally,Each memory is a solid.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇12

  I have a dream,that is to invent a green car,can let the green car all over the world.

  The appearance of it,and the same as ordinary cars,but it functions a lot!Let me put you to explain the green car!

  The car,in the process of driving the car as long as there is garbage,"see" the ground will be stretched out two robots,"pick up" on the ground of garbage,put it "ate" into the "belly".In the green car body have a potion,"eat" in garbage will encounter the potion,and then immediately melt,the rear will discharge the fresh air.

  You might think,if there were no electricity?You don't worry,I'll turn appliances install dust in the fuselage.In the process of driving,the dust will let the earth turn appliances sucked into dust into electricity.Also fitted with a special battery,turn dust to store electricity in battery,provide the energy for the car of environmental protection,for the car kept driving.

  When it rains,the rain on the car,the car will store rainwater.You guess what rainwater storage yo yo use?Let me tell you!The car on the road,if there is a tree by the road,the green car will sprinkle water on the trees,provide enough water to the trees.For it to grow.

  I dream of the future I can invent such environmental protection car,if this car can get popular environmental protection,it would not be in there's so much pollution in the world.People will live in a low-carbon world,healthy and happy work and life.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇13


  My dream is to be a policeman when I grow up.


  When I was a child,I saw the uniformed police and felt special.When I saw the police risking their lives to rescue people on TV,I had a more worship for them.Regardless of their own safety,they maintain the peace of society.


  When someone asks me what I want to do when I grow up,I'm proud to say,"be a policeman." But I know it's not easy to be a policeman,just thinking is not enough.The key is to learn cultural knowledge well and exercise actively,so that my dream can be realized.


  I keep my dream in mind and study hard.Try to make my dream come true as soon as possible.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇14

  Dream,as the ideal kite,with we yearn for the blue sky,fly.My dream is to bee a great scientist,to benefit the people.

  Remember once,my father and I played badminton go home,found the power went out.Don't blow fan,can only be natural wind.Me and dad with a wet towel to rub the body again.Rub,rub,but is still hot,very afflictive.

  After this,I see a great scientist.Have a dream,more like reading.The role of scientists,was destined to want to read more,learn more knowledge.Therefore,I choose to read to finish this great dream.

  Edison invented the electric light,to make our night full of light.James invented the electric fan,let us from the heat came to a cool and refreshing world.Baird invented television,eliminate our depressed...,these inventions and the one is not the creation of writers have worked.

  Reading,let's get new knowledge;Let us closer to success;Let's have unexpected harvest.As long as I read the book,my heart is like a pair of wings,fly in the blue sky.

  Scientists,in my mind is how great!Because their pay,just for our fort,because they contribute to our happiness,but because of their creation,to get us more diligence and hard work,I will fight for my goal,e on!

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇15

  I have a dream,a beautiful dream,this dream inspires me,touched me that is to become a volunteer,an ordinary volunteers,to a volunteer named others pay.

  Since saw hangzhou net volunteer branch of the fifth anniversary of establishment of the hangzhou net volunteer branch "activity,let me know more about what is the total,what's the use of his;Also let me have this dream.

  Through this activity,let me know that this is a through the network to build a folk organization,love is some strange name,or have not met a friend,with the aid of the flashing QQ penguin,through a variety of colorful activities to love,to develop construction advocates love social community,dedication and love.

  Volunteers,in this beautiful city and lovely characters,using leisure time to do a good job in every activity,regardless of his praise and reward,enjoy can,help others,they gather the power of love and jointly compose the movement of love,for your own life left a glorious footsteps,for our common homeland adds to the beauty of——hangzhou.

  Total use holiday to organize and mobilize other volunteers take part in all kinds of public welfare activities,by passing a belief:no matter who you are,what is engaged in the industry,where,poor or rich,you will have ability to provide assistance to others,and enjoy the fun.They also understand the status of the zhejiang and the surrounding impoverished mountainous area students go to school,poor students family and on-the-spot investigation study,building the bridge is stranded student,called for pairing student,their goal is to add 20 aid-receiving students a year.To date,more than 60 have poor students benefit.

  I want to be a volunteer,not volunteer this title so simple,more important is to give the nature,society and others could help free of charge,feel infinite joy to help others,let me pass love to become a scenery of hangzhou.So,from now on,I want to start from around things,caring for others,help others,the heart,love,will own a heart to others,let others to feel human love and warmth.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇16

  Everyone has a dream.Some people want to be astronauts like Yang Liwei,go into space,travel freely and explore the mysteries of space;Some people want to become skilled doctors,overcome difficult and miscellaneous diseases in medicine,and let more people get rid of the pain of disease.

  My dream is to become an excellent engineer,design a high-tech house and let people feel the convenience brought by high technology.Now,let me show you the house I designed.

  There are three identification systems at the door of the house,and the anti-theft function is particularly strong:the first is eye iris identification,the second is voice identification,and the third is fingerprint identification.The three identification system can only be opened through the back door.The owner of the house can safely go away without worrying about the theft of things at home.

  When the house is dirty,just press the blue button and a robot will appear in the room to help you clean all the rooms.If you are hungry,just press the purple button,and a table of delicious food will be presented in front of you for you to eat.

  Don't panic when the house is on fire.Just press the red button and the top of the house will spray water automatically.This kind of water is very magical.It can only put out fire.When it meets other things,it will instantly decompose into air and will not damage anything in the house.

  Although this is only a dream,I believe that as long as I study hard,this dream will come true.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇17

  Everyone has his own dream.Some people want to be loyal people's policemen;Some people want to be doctors who help the dead and the wounded;Some people want to be knowledgeable scientists;Someone wants to be an inventor for the benefit of the people...And my dream is to be a writer.

  When I was in the first grade,my mother and I read a copy of Yang Hongying's "naughty horse jumping",and I found that I had deeply loved fairy tales.Since then,a seed of literature has been planted in my heart and is taking root.Reading fairy tales is a kind of enjoyment.Immerse yourself in happy and beautiful imagination and find the fun.

  Fairy tales can awaken parents' childlike innocence and children's imagination and creativity.Knowledge is important,but if combined with imagination and creativity,it will make yourself more comprehensive development.

  In the study and life of primary school,Chinese class made me fall in love with reading and writing.The teacher let me know the writing skills - to grasp the center of the article,drill in,expand,use knowledge to describe fairy tales,and decorate fairy tales with imagination to make fairy tales more vivid and wonderful.

  I have been reading fairy tales since I was a child.These books let me know the uniqueness and charm,vividness and beauty of composition.These make me more fond of fairy tales and compositions,and bring me closer to my dream.

  My life is wonderful because of writing.Writing makes my life colorful.Children have imagination,just as birds have wings and fish have water.In fact,the dream is not far away.As long as you stretch out your hands and embrace the dream,the dream will never be far away.

  Wonderful composition,wonderful composition,unique composition and vivid composition.Those things make us Fuller,fuller and stronger.

  I firmly believe that dreams are the hope and goal of our growth;It is the source of all our power;It is the driving force for us to move forward!Let's work hard for our dreams and take a step closer to our future goals!

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇18

  Have you ever felt frustrated and desperate when you couldn’t come up with a good idea to solve a certain problem?As for this situation,how do you deal with it?Give it up or try more other ways?We all know there is a saying that “Solutions are always more than problems”,though we may fail in this way,probably in another way we are very likely to get success.

  In our daily life,there are many occasions that can illustrate the rule of trying more ways before giving up.For example,we have to buy a plastic bag to hold goods if we go shopping without bring a shopping pocket.Most of the people will throw the plastic bag away after get home,because they think it is of no use.While in fact,the plastic bag can be used to hold rubbish or hold other things if it is still clean.Thus,we can save money as a result.Another example comes to the all kinds of empty bottles,plastic or glass,which are left after the drink in them has been drunken.People may put them into the dustbin without thinking for a second,because they occupy place in house.However,the bottles can used as vase or containers to plant small plants,which can decorate our houses and make the air in the house fresh.These are just some small cases in our life.

  There are some cases that can be called as miracles in the field of medicine which are proved by insistence.Some cancer patients are informed by the doctors that there’s no hope to get well and they have tried all possible medical ways.However,the patient and his families are not willing to give up and try some folk prescriptions.It is out of surprise that the patient get well and can live a long life.

  Therefore,if we make up our mind to do one thing well,we are sure to make it at last.Even though we can’t reach the expected result after making our best effort sometimes,we will never feel regret in future.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇19

  i want to be a teacher when i listen to my teacher carefully.i think i can be a teacher when i grow up.i can help many students learn things well.i can play with my students,too.so we are good friends.i want to be a doctor when i see many doctors save their patients.

  to be a doctor is really great.i think i can be a doctor when i grow up.then i can help many people out of danger.i will be the happiest girl in the world.i want to be a reporter when i watch tv every evening.we can get lots of important information from them.they make the world smaller and also make us happy.

  i would like to be a reporter when i grow up.and i can learn a lot about china and the other countries around the world.i can meet many superstars as well.i have lots of dreams.i think my dreams can come true one day,because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way.”

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇20

  Dream why call?What is a dream?People in the dream dream is bold imagination,not necessarily,but just a beautiful expectation.A dream is the true sense of the life,it is the power of life!Dream is beautiful,so a dream come true also became our belief for a long time Dreams can be achieved by certain ways and means,through their own efforts and strive to become a reality.Dream the biggest significance is to give people a direction,a goal.If only the dream when dreaming,then the life can say nothing.Great dream makes great,is the dream as the target to persistent pursuit!Since I watched "my" China dream "dream." later,was deeply touched.Uncle jack ma said yes,he said:"everyone will have a dream in the heart,and even a few dreams.Behind the success of a one thousand error,and even ten thousand error!" Yang Mengheng uncle insists story made me set up the confidence in my dream.He lost his arms,still insist on learning,the final exam at sun yat-sen university.

  And uncle liu wei,he also lost his arms,but he is great!Made a great pianist,his foot is more sensitive than my hand!Saw this after the speech,I understand the dream is to rely on our own efforts and success!I have many dreams,such as:when astronauts,scientists,police officers,firefighters,archaeologists...,I want to when an astronaut,so I grew up and want to be astronauts.Because astronauts can sit the rockets to travel around the infinite space,find mystery.For instance:the moon radioactive mystery?What is the structure of the sun......Astronauts sit the rockets is useful!Can exercise their courage and courage.Astronauts can also to the exploration of the universe's secret planets.Such as:exploration from the planet,the planet whether there is life,to have something never seen before,and worth studying,just back from the planet earth for scientists to study,have a look at what is this,if the planet's unique,too funny!So I want to be an astronaut.In the boundless space,constantly looking for numerous mystery,found numerous mystery,in the boundless space adventure experience again and again,again and again to the setbacks.I must study hard,to exercise their own fitness,for when an excellent astronaut!

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇21

  I have a dream that a lot!But some may can't do but I heard:"a person,have a dream,have goals,have goals,there is power;a power;has the power,life is full of meaning." So I'm going to like the words of one layer upward,become a successful person!

  From third grade I have a dream is to have been admitted to the university department of insects,or other subjects about biological,although this road is tough,but I believe that:"as long as have a dream can come true in all things." So I try to efforts to try again upwards.

  I have this very big dreams,because I have a passion for biology and insect,love,I think every one of us must have complete mission in the world,and I came into the world should be dedicated to the insect world.

  Anyway,everyone has goals and dreams he will be very try my best to make their own dreams,no matter adults,children and old grandpa and grandma must have been his dream,but someone has died still unfinished,so be sure to cherish their own dreams,let him not only the big dreams,but most true eternal dream,every one of the world must come on!





  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇22

  What are dreams?What are dreams?Is wealth,status or have been recognized by society and,in my opinion,if life is a beautiful music,so,the dream is essential to note.Only a dream,life will be wonderful,just can have value.If the life is the endless blue sky,so,dream is a floating clouds.Sky foil is because there are white clouds,looks so beautiful,is because of dream,life will become colorful.

  So,what dream?Now of I,a dream for me,also is just a piece of white paper,I need to go to an ornament,to enrich,to constantly explore,looking for real dream.

  Life is a dream,as a concept,in order to this dream,will dedicate his life to fighting for,constantly enrich their own life.,own dream,some parents on her daughter's just what they do not understand the daughter's dream?They just think that only wealth,status,get social recognition,is the ultimate goal of dreams,and their children don't think so,they simply think that doing what I love,no matter whether get social recognition,so long as own satisfaction,enjoy yourself,just think your dream is worth it,you know,parents are our planning dream is not what we want,so sometimes we need our own dreams,but,as long as there is the dream,oneself be certain to be realized.Only in this way,you'll is getting closer and closer to the dream,when successful,but the dream into reality,his mental state will ascend,to realize own life value,so that his life,will not be mediocre life,their walk on the way to realize the dream,is a winner,is a winner,boarded the "mount Everest" are the true person.Will see starlight,against the sun sing a song.

  I know,more brilliant words is only moments of wisdom and passion,only if you study hard can you achieve your dreams.I firmly believe that dream is getting closer and closer to you.

  My dream is to be a policeman because I saw on TV before police to crack down on criminals,with criminals spell a life-and-death,few police heroic sacrifice,their death is valuable,they are sacrifice for the country,so I want to be a police,a force.For his country.

  The classmates,good good study!Only to learn,you dream will be earlier.

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇23

  Dreams from my dream,as there are a variety of childhood,!or,now,each period or age dreams are different.Colorful dreams accompanied me from infancy to the young girls of every day.

  Five or six-year-old has just studied,fresh effort-foot,I love reading books,but you must take the pinyin,it can be said that if you didnt have the Ruby way.So,I then dream is to be read a favourite book,without pinyin.Of course,my dream has come true!

  About my third grade,watching the seniors big brother big sister on duty at the school gate,nice scenery!I also dream of being a duty,a service for the whole school dreams in my fifth grade,I was finally successful became a glorious attendance.

  And now,with the years,the amount of knowledge,I thought I was talking about thinking,which is half of the adults.There is no longer a dream,a mountain of sweets because I no longer love to eat;no longer dream of reading a book without a Ruby,as I have been reading fluency;no longer dream of being on duty,because I want to put the baton to the fifth brother sister.Now,Im striving hard,my dream is to pass the dream senior institutions - the Central Academy of fine arts.

  The dream of the past,has been successful,but in future,dreams of being waved to me!

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇24

  In my mind,everyone shall have his own dream.I think that having a dream means that we have an idea,and then we will do all the things to achieve the target.As long as we have a goal to be realized,we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman,helping those people who need help with their rights.Of course,to be a good stateman is very difficult,but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied.That's my dream.I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country.China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.

  Now I’m a junior student on Grade One,My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study,I’ll still try my best to be the study winner.Now everything I do is close to my dream.I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful,and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.




  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇25

  "The establishment of ancient times,the great event,not only has the talent of the world,but also has the will of perseverance." Everyone must have their own dreams.Of course,I am no exception.

  My dream is to be a teacher.I want to impart all the knowledge I have learned to the students.I think this can truly reflect a person's value and is a great pleasure in life.I am determined to make a selfless dedication,regardless of reward,and devote my limited life to an unlimited career.What's the point of just hiding the knowledge you've learned in your heart?

  Therefore,I want to pursue my dream and realize my dream.I want to hold the steering wheel tightly when chasing,grasp the direction,and never give up fighting with time.Not afraid of height and distance.As long as we fight bravely and hard,we can achieve our wish.

  Often in class,I see the teacher patiently nurturing our little saplings like a hard gardener,working hard and paying hard.I think the teacher is too great!There is always an impulse to stand on the podium now.Moreover,when a student asks the teacher for advice with adoring eyes and pleading tone,a trace of pride arises spontaneously!

  In fact,chasing dreams is like climbing a mountain.We need to overcome one mountain after another with passionate fighting spirit and firm confidence.Finally,we can enjoy the beautiful scenery;Chasing dreams is like a jigsaw puzzle.Every bit you insist on every day can form a complete jigsaw puzzle;Chasing dreams is also like farming.Every time it grows,it has witnessed its own efforts - in exchange for sweat

  Although my dream is very ordinary,it is not easy to do.So from now on,I will step on every step,gather every detail,and make my dream - ordinary dream come true!I want to work hard and refuel towards my dream!

  I Havea Dream我有一个梦想英语美文 篇26

  Dream,for my childhood period is out of reach.But with the time change,to know the dream is not far away.

  Childhood,many people have asked me,what is your dream?I will ambivalent answer.

  Hours have not seen a big world,people say what is what,others said that his dream is to become a doctor,own it with Benzhu stream,follow other people thought ran.Over time,I will forget my own dreams intention.Someone once said that if a person has a dream,that is,in the struggle,without a dream man is wandering.I am not willing wandering in the world,I have been thinking about,searching for their dreams.Open TV is one of our perspective of the way,on television,we can learn a lot of things,such as news,entertainment,sports and so on.Whenever I turn on the TV,there will always be drama.

  I really like watching TV,for the simple reason that I can see the scenery from many different regions of China.I always sigh:So the outside world is not so good.I dream of the emotions suddenly thought:Why can not my dream is to travel the world beautiful scenery it?I increasingly more happy.

  Now I was finally able to realize the truth of flies.Hour had promised dream has now been gone for three years.If the original oath still in my ears sounded edge.I had aspirations of innocence promise distant now I feel not far from me.So far,I have started contacting the outside world,I really began longing for the sights.If my dream I waved forward direction!






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