

  1. (长度)长的

  Something that is long measures a great distance from one end to the other.

  e.g. ...a long table...


  e.g. A long line of people formed outside the doctor's office...


  2. (距离、旅途、路程等)长的

  A long distance is a great distance. A long journey or route covers a great distance.

  e.g. His destination was Chobham Common, a long way from his Cotswold home...


  e.g. The long journey tired him...


  3. (衣服、衣袖或下摆)长的

  A long piece of clothing covers the whole of someone's legs or more of their legs than usual. Clothes with long sleeves cover the whole of someone's arms.

  e.g. She is wearing a long black dress.


  e.g. ...a long-sleeved blouse.


  4. (从一端到另一端)(多)长的

  You use long to talk or ask about the distance something measures from one end to the other.

  e.g. An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long...


  e.g. How long is the tunnel?...


  5. 似乎比实际距离长的

  If you describe a distance as long, you mean it seems to be greater than it actually is.

  e.g. It was five long miles to the nearest pub.



  1. 长时间的;长久的;长期的

  Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time.

  e.g. Repairs to the cable did not take too long...


  e.g. Have you known her parents long?...


  2. (事件或时期)持续时间长的,花长时间的

  A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time.

  e.g. We had a long meeting with the attorney general...


  e.g. She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America...


  3. (多)长(时间)

  You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time.

  e.g. How long have you lived around here?...


  e.g. He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember...


  4. 篇幅长的

  A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with.

  e.g. He was making quite a long speech...


  e.g. This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes.


  5. 超长的;过长的;拖长的

  If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does.

  e.g. Go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow...


  e.g. She was a TV reporter and worked long hours...


  6. (记忆力)强的,好的

  If someone has a long memory, they are able to remember things that happened far back in the past.

  7. 始终;整个地

  Long is used in expressions such as all year long ,the whole day long, and your whole life long to say and emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time.

  e.g. We played that record all night long...


  e.g. Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks.




——weigh in with的中文翻译是什么3篇

weigh in with的中文翻译是什么1

  [wei in wie]

  weigh in with 基本解释

  动词 成功地提出

weigh in with的中文翻译是什么2

  1. Intense domestic discussions have taken place to weigh the pros and cons of currency revaluation in line with the country's internal and external conditions.

  2. The patient should weigh up the risks and benefits of treatment in consultation with a doctor.

  3. Obama huddled with his " war council " to weigh the options in what the White House called a final review.

  4. Washington needs to weigh the interests of a single company against its national interests in maintaining a sound relationship with the world's biggest developing country.

  5. The students were charged with acting like admissions'officers to determine what factors they would weigh most heavily in making admissions'decisions.




  HRD(Human Resource Development) 人力资源发展,简称HRD。是80年代兴起的旨在提升**人力资源质量的管理战略和活动,也是正在不断发展的一个职业领域和科学。 一般而言,HRD比较重视个人的发展,是从个人内在配合**外在发展。而HRM(人力资源管理,Human Resource Management)比较强调外在**的需要,配合人力的提升与运用。更进一步地说,**的成长是配合个人能力的发展。使人适其所,尽其才;物畅其流, 尽其用,就是人力资源发展的要义。

  目前很多公司设立了HRD的职位,其实说白了就是人力资源总监/主管HRD(Human Resource Director)。


  1. To provide administrative support to HRD and HR team, by effective communication and coordination with different level of employees


  2. Comparing the property of Fe-N powder material with that of iron base material, the density was tested by drownproofing, the microhardness were tested by HRD-1000TM hardness device, the wearing test for specimens was conducted in a interual M-2000 device, the corrosion resistance was conducted in SO_2Y/Q250 experiment box, and the magnetic property of Fe-N powder material was weasured by SQUID method.


  3. Using the PWC primary aberration theory and the ultra-high index design method, the original structure of the achromatic HRD medium-power Lister-type microscope objectives has been obtained.


  4. HRD, human resource development or human resource director


  5. One might expect to serves an HRD consultant to upper management regarding the continuous development of the organization and at the same time design a system wide career development program for employees.





  英 [b??t] 美 [bo?t]

  名词 小船,小艇; 轮船

  不及物动词 乘船,划船

  及物动词 用船运输; 用船装运


  1. We shall go boating on the lake on Saturday.



  1. We crossed the river in a boat.


  2. The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat.


  3. He crossed the river in a boat.



  1. 船;小船

  A boat is something in which people can travel across water.

  e.g. One of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat...


  e.g. The island may be reached by boat from the mainland.


  2. 客轮;客船

  You can refer to a passenger ship as a boat .

  e.g. When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye.


  3. see also: gravy boat;rowing boat

  4. 坐失良机;错失机会

  If you say that someone has missed the boat, you mean that they have missed an opportunity and may not get another.

  5. (尤指为了庆祝)挥金如土,大事铺张

  If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money on something, especially in order to celebrate.

  e.g. I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.


  6. 捣乱;兴风作浪

  If you say that someone is rocking the boat, you mean that they are upsetting a calm situation and causing trouble.

  e.g. I said I didn't want to rock the boat in any way.


  7. 处于相同的倒霉境地;同病相怜

  If two or more people are in the same boat, they are in the same unpleasant situation.


——on the turn的中文翻译是什么3篇

on the turn的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [?n e? t?:n] 美 [ɑn ei t?n]



  1. 在转变中,在变化中:在纸上;统计上;理论上;名目上on paper | 在转变中;在变化中on the turn | 在左方on the left

on the turn的中文翻译是什么2

  1. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

  2. The second generation began to turn to service industries, particularly those expected to capitalize on a huge domestic demand within China.

  3. But the 1986 PGA champion caught fire heading into the turn, carding birdies on seven of his final 10 holes.

  4. Ma exclaims and hurries to the dark kitchen, careful to turn on his flashlight first and not to tread on the wire himself.

  5. Their concerns became reality when contact on Turn 2 sent cars flying through the air, crashing into each other and into the outside wall and catch fence.

  6. Afghanistan on Friday banned the use of a fertilizer chemical also used to make bombs, giving farmers and other holders a month to turn in their supplies.

  7. You can chill out with your guests or give them a few pointers and turn them loose on the town.

  8. As always, his superb chipping kept him from dropping shots on three straight holes around the turn.

  9. They cited choking traffic and skyrocketing house prices as the main reasons to turn their backs on Beijing.

  10. Democrats complained that the White House had refused to turn over classified information on Bolton's tenure as arms control chief.


——make trouble的中文翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

make trouble的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [meik ?tr?bl] 美 [mek ?tr?b?l]

  make trouble 基本解释

  制造麻烦; 拿粗挟细; 掀风鼓浪; 罗唣

make trouble的中文翻译是什么2

  1. They try to make money but the aspiring actors cause a lot of trouble.

  2. I asked Clarence Seedorf to play on the right because with his technical quality I thought he'd make trouble for Siena.

  3. For example, they will smuggle their agents into China to sow dissension and make trouble.

  4. If you see it coming, you don't have to flip out and make trouble for yourself down the line.

  5. Identifying these genes could make it possible to intervene with treatments before children get into trouble.

  6. All that calorie burning begs the question of how we ought to feed ourselves so as to make our toil and trouble worth it.

  7. If it is used as a transitive verb, it means to make someone suffer or bring someone unnecessary trouble.

  8. He told his son not to make trouble any more, the police said.

  9. He said he worried she would remember his appearance and his license number and later make trouble for him and his family.

  10. It is obvious the US'core purpose is to contain China's rise by using Japan and the Philippines to make trouble for China.


——on the turn的中文翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

on the turn的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [?n e? t?:n] 美 [ɑn ei t?n]



  1. 在转变中,在变化中:在纸上;统计上;理论上;名目上on paper | 在转变中;在变化中on the turn | 在左方on the left

on the turn的中文翻译是什么2

  1. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

  2. The second generation began to turn to service industries, particularly those expected to capitalize on a huge domestic demand within China.

  3. But the 1986 PGA champion caught fire heading into the turn, carding birdies on seven of his final 10 holes.

  4. Ma exclaims and hurries to the dark kitchen, careful to turn on his flashlight first and not to tread on the wire himself.

  5. Their concerns became reality when contact on Turn 2 sent cars flying through the air, crashing into each other and into the outside wall and catch fence.

  6. Afghanistan on Friday banned the use of a fertilizer chemical also used to make bombs, giving farmers and other holders a month to turn in their supplies.

  7. You can chill out with your guests or give them a few pointers and turn them loose on the town.

  8. As always, his superb chipping kept him from dropping shots on three straight holes around the turn.

  9. They cited choking traffic and skyrocketing house prices as the main reasons to turn their backs on Beijing.

  10. Democrats complained that the White House had refused to turn over classified information on Bolton's tenure as arms control chief.


——英文hold down的中文翻译是什么

英文hold down的中文翻译是什么1

  hold down的中文翻译


  压住; **; 使固定; 限制

  hold down 相关例句


  1. Jim has not held down a job for more than a year.


  2. We must hold down prices.


  hold down 网络解释

  1. 抑制:解决慢收敛问题的另一个技术使用了抑制(hold down)法. 抑制法迫使参与协议工作的路由器,在收到关于某网络不可达的信息后的一段固定时间内,忽略任何关于该网络的路由信息. 这段抑制时间的典型长度是60秒.

  2. **;抑制(热情等):hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 | hold down **;抑制(热情等) | hold in 约束,抑制

  3. 制止;**;缩减:hand down 递给;传递下来;世代相传 | hold down 制止;**;缩减 | put down 写下;记下;**;放下

  hold down的英英释义


  1. restrain

  e.g. please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep

  2. keep

  e.g. She manages to hold down two jobs

  hold down的例句

  1. The late after-rain splendor still shines on pebbles of diamonds glistening on sands of Repulse Bay when you hold my hand and walk me down the aisle of the sparkling golden sea, dancing with reflection of dimming sun rays......


  2. When Bob gets mad, you can't hold him down.


  3. 40Pc. The Fed would hold down yields by purchasing more bonds.


  4. There was a formula for everyone who made a mistake: First, they would hold a press conference, denied they had done anything wrong and reserve the right to sue. Second, they would obscure the main issue in order to confuse people. Third, they would attack their adversaries, smear them and threaten to drag them down with them.


  5. I've saved the summer I've saved the summer and I give it all to you to hold on winter mornings when the snow is new I've saved some sunlight if you should ever need a place away from darkness where your mind can feed and for myself I've kept your smile when you were but nineteen, tiil you are older you'll not know what brave young smiles can mean I know no answers to help you on your way the answera lie somewhere at the bottom of the day but if you've a need for love I'll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you've found your own

  我保存了夏天我保存了夏天并且我给它全部您举行在冬天早晨当雪是新的我保存了一些阳光如果您曾经需要一个地方从黑暗那里您的头脑可能哺养并且为我自己我保留了您的微笑当您是仅十九,tiil 您将更老您' ll 不知道什么勇敢的年轻微笑可能意味我不知道答复帮助您在您的途中回答谎言某处在天的底部但如果您有对爱的需要我将给您全部我拥有它也许帮助您击倒路您发现了您自己

  6. I hold definitely no more than 6000 words, you`ve learnt English for as long as my whole life, but still, I can smash you down.


  7. I will hold the throat of Destiny and never bow down to it.


  8. In the meantime on the instigation of Plautianus he hunted down the remnants of Pescennius'following, to the extent that he even laid hold on some of his own friends as conspirators against his life.


  9. By reducing the need to intervene to hold down the currency, it will also curb the build-up of foreign-exchange reserves and hence monetary growth.


  10. Oh Lover, hold on'till i come back againfor these arms are growin'tired, and my tales are wearing thinif you're patient I will surprise, when you wake up i'll have comeAll the anger will settle downand we'll go do all the things we should have doneyes i remember what we saidas we lay down to bedi'll be here if you will only come back homeoh lover, i'm lostbecause the road i'v...


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