






  I submitted my resignation yesterday.

  我昨天递交了辞呈。If I want to get married, I have to go through a lot of red tape.

  "如果我想结婚,必须经过许多繁文褥节。"The brutal afternoon sun scorched my face.

  午后骄阳烤得我脸孔绯红。Sir, I want to resign from my Sales Manager job.

  老板,我想辞去销售部经理的职务。I want to tell you how we were able to make sense out of this code.

  我想告诉各位我们是如何弄明白这些代码的。It’s spoiling for a hurricane, if you ask me.

  要是你问我的意见,我认为飓风马上就来。I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today.

  我昨天晚上熬夜了。今天我打不起精神。I defer to your advice in these matters.

  在这些事情上,我听从你的忠告。I would like to cover a Queen song, someday soon.

  我还打算在未来某个时候翻唱一首皇后合唱团的歌曲。The anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhat Between Bliss and fear


  pron. 我的

  n. 矿;地雷,水雷

  v. 开矿,采矿;布雷于,用雷炸毁

  This pen is mine.

  这支笔是我的。The left is mine.

  左边的东西是我的。This is an inactive mine.

  这是一处闲置的矿井。Change that cravat for this of mine, that coat for this of mine.

  把你的蝴蝶结跟我的交换,上衣也跟我交换。 He is a good friend of mine.


  拓展:问候用英文怎么说  问候的英文:

  give someone one's respects

  send a greeting


  They greeted and smooched each other.

  他们互相问候亲吻。To salute or greet.

  打招呼向…致以敬意或问候He acknowledged the greeting with a nod.

  他点了点头,回应了对他的问候。He and Watson greeted each other nervously, afraid to show any warmth in front of either patrick and me

  他和沃森互相问候,但神情拘谨,不愿在帕特里克或我面前露出热情的样子。inquire after a friend

  问候朋友Remember one to another; send one's regards to

  问候;致意To inquire after and send best wishes to one

  请安问候My mother send you her respect.

  我母亲向你问候。Miss Pike sends you her love.

  派克小姐问候你She comes to inquire for John.



  n. 弹性,伸展性

  v. 给;授予;赠送;捐赠;供给;告诉,提供;产生;让步;塌下;举办;支付

  Will you give it a shot?

  你想做尝试吗? He gives twice who gives quickly

  The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment.


  pron. 有人,某人

  n. 重要人物,有名气的人

  Someone has tampered with the accounts of the company.

  有人篡改了公司的账目。Someone has tampered with the electrical circuits.

  有人乱动过电路。Someone left this for you.


  v. 尊重,尊敬;考虑;遵守

  n. 尊敬,尊重;敬意,问候;考虑,关心;方面

  To be respected encourages one to be worthy of such respect

  人敬人高He is apparently a respectable man.

  他肯定是个正派的人。She is poor but quite respectable.


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