英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)

英语in order是什么中文意思1

  英 [in ??:d?] 美 [?n ??rd?]


  按次序的,合乎程序的; 井然有序



  A:Your prices seem a little high .


  B:We could make them lower for you .


  A:How ?


  B:If you order in large lots , we‘ll reduce the price .


英语in order是什么中文意思2

  1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

  2. State television said President Pervez Musharraf had ordered the provincial government in Karachi to take immediate steps to restore order and act against those responsible.

  3. But his shadow loomed over almost every bloody and violent act against law and order in Tibet.

  4. The culprit spent the sum in buying Internet virtual currency in order to launder the money he illicitly obtained.

  5. Some major Chinese companies are seeing the advantage of buying stakes in hotel and leisure companies in order to bring their expertise back to China.

  6. In April last year the Shanghai bureau asked the Zhejiang government to order the Dongyang government to act on the error.

  7. Stability has been hindered by the lack of government order, particularly in the southern part of the country.

  8. So, the authorities better start by putting themselves in order to stop violations of traffic rules.

  9. The company also plans to introduce 15 new models to China by the end of 2015 in order to tap the growing auto market.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——英语rest是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [rest] 美 [rest]


  名词 休息; 剩余部分; **物; 宁静,安宁

  及物/不及物动词 (使)休息; (使)倚靠[支撑]

  不及物动词 休息; 静止; 停止; 安心

  及物动词 使休息; 使轻松; 使长眠; 使依赖


  1. Let the argument rest there.


  2. The doctor tried to rest his patient's mind at ease.



  1. 剩余部分

  The rest is used to refer to all the parts of something or all the things in a group that remain or that you have not already mentioned.

  e.g. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life...


  e.g. I'm going to throw a party, then invest the rest of the money...


  2. 诸如此类;如此等等;不一而足

  You can add and the rest or all the rest of it to the end of a statement or list when you want to refer in a vague way to other things that are associated with the ones you have already mentioned.

  e.g. ...a man with nice clothes, a Range Rover and the rest...


  e.g. And what about racism and all the rest of it?


  3. 休息;歇息;放松(身体)

  If you rest or if you rest your body, you do not do anything active for a time.

  e.g. He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks...


  e.g. Try to rest the injured limb as much as possible.


  4. 休息;歇息

  If you get some rest or have a rest, you do not do anything active for a time.

  e.g. 'You're worn out, Laura,' he said. 'Go home and get some rest.'...


  e.g. After I've had a good rest, I'll tell you everything.


  5. 依赖;取决于;以…为基础

  If something such as a theory or someone's success rests on a particular thing, it depends on that thing.

  e.g. Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions...


英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——英语furnish是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?f?:n??] 美 [?f?:rn??]



  及物动词 陈设,布置; 提供,供应; 装修(房屋)



  1. How are you going to furnish the house?


  2. She rents a furnished flat.


  3. I will furnish all you need.


  4. The house is well furnished.


  5. I'll furnish you with all you need.



  1. John's and Furnish's civil union would not be recognized as marriage in Ukraine.

  2. Zhu agreed to furnish the committee the company's financial documents later.

  3. The family members of a foreigner applying for a visa or residence permit in China need to furnish official documents proving their relationship.

  4. Elton John and partner David Furnish are tipped to make a surprise appearance.

  5. Kwok's company is in talks with a furniture chain to develop an application that enable users to furnish a model of their houses on Facebook.

  6. Elizabeth has allegedly been seeking wedding advice from her good friend Sir Elton John, who'married'his partner David Furnish in a civil ceremony in 2005.

  7. Moving into his own city apartment and having to furnish it made it easy for him to spot a gap in the market.

  8. Furnish played a Russell recording and John began to weep, as the music transported him back to the outset of his career.

  9. There should be complementary systems of verification and provisions of punishing officials who furnish false reports.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)




  英 [n(r)] 美 [n]


  形容词 又一个; 再一个; 另一的; 其他一种

  代词 另一个,别个; 再一个



  1. He drank another glass of beer.


  2. We need another chair.


  3. I don't like this book, give me another one.



  1. Another two recruitment drives will be held over the weekend at Renmin University and the University of International Business and Economics.

  2. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.

  3. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

  4. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says.

  5. Another manager from Citibank said it began RMB business last April and is busy preparing its debit card business at present.

  6. Growth was also boosted by the company's truck and van business, which had another strong quarter thanks in part to North American demand.

  7. A member of Justin's entourage in another part of the suites heard them giggling and came through catching them in the act.

  8. " Contraband " was recorded while Weiland was dealing with another drugs bust, and amid massive skepticism that the group would amount to anything.

  9. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.


  1. 一个接一个地;接连地

  If you talk about one thing after another, you are referring to a series of repeated or continuous events.

  e.g. They had faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication...


  e.g. They kept going, destroying one store after another.


  2. (表示不确指)各种不同的,各种各样的

  You use or another in expressions such as one kind or another when you do not want to be precise about which of several alternatives or possibilities you are referring to.

  e.g. ...family members and visiting artists of one kind or another crowding the huge kitchen...


  e.g. All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.


  3. (用于有名的人物、地点或事件前表示与其类似的)另一个…,类似…的

  You use another in front of the name of a well-known person, place, or event to indicate that you think someone or something is just like that person, place, or event.

  e.g. You may never be another Hemingway, but you can learn to write well.


  4. 互相

  You use one another to indicate that each member of a group does something to or for the other members.

  e.g. ...women learning to help themselves and one another...


  e.g. The two countries do little trade with one another.


英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——英语cooking是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?k?k??] [?k?k??]



  名词 烹饪术; 如火如荼地进行; 热火朝天; 在干什么

  形容词 烹调用的(水果,锅,炉等)

  动词 烹调( cook的.现在分词); 编造; 篡改; 密谋


  1. Shoppers nationwide went scurrying to the supermarket to buy more cooking oil over the past few days before prices shoot up more than 15 percent.

  2. In Shenzhen, the wholesale price of cooking oil increased by 20 to 30 per cent from October.

  3. Lu cai or Lu cuisine is the first formal cooking style recognized in China, and northern Chinese food is mainly inspired by it.

  4. The calf was slowly put into the tub, and a team of cooks poured in bottles of soy sauce and cooking wine.

  5. As neither camping nor cooking is permitted, your best bet is to stay at the village guesthouse.

  6. Not only had we developed our own style of cooking, we created many idioms and slang that were aped by Cantonese speakers around the world.

  7. A recent international cooking competition in China's richest village became a food carnival for both chefs and visitors.

  8. The stampede happened early Saturday morning when people flooded into the Carrefour outlet in Shapingba to take advantage of a sales promotion for cooking oil.

  9. After selecting and cooking, the actual consumption quantity is about 400 kilograms.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——英语ancient中文意思是什么 (菁选2篇)


  形容词 古代的',已往的; 古老的,过时的; 年老的; 老式的

  名词 古代人; 古文明国的国民; <古>高龄老人; <古>旗手



  1. This is an ancient custom.


  2. He drives an ancient car.


  3. We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.



  1. A businesswoman encounters danger and romance while investigating an ancient Scottish feud.

  2. Compared to the crowded and bustling Lijiang Dayan ancient town, the glamour of this small village lies in its tranquility and original Naxi ethnic flavor.

  3. The lanes around the tower are ancient, paved in stone and busy with merchants and pedestrians milling about.

  4. But for ancient Chinese books, the way to restore them is unique.

  5. Besides, you'll have a chance of touring the ancient Tunxi Street and buy some souvenir there.

  6. Many ancient and modern Chinese hold to the belief that each person's character and fate are deeply affected by the year of their birth.

  7. Audiences have been wowed by the excellent design and exquisite craftsmanship of ancient times.

  8. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

  9. The more than 300 people on the temple project worked side by side, taking down the ancient temple piece by piece.

  10. It's quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——英语benefit是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  名词 利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽

  及物动词 有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益



  B:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.


  A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my ****ytical and interpersonal skills.

  依我的`资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。


  1. When more people benefit from the business, it will bite deep into the ethics of academics.

  2. " Acquiring ACS helps us expand our business and benefit from stronger revenue and earnings growth, " Xerox CEO Ursula Burns said in a statement.

  3. Ping An said its core business would keep prospering in the near future and will benefit from the bright outlook of the industry.

  4. Rising living standards benefit our economy because they will bolster the population's buying power, which is the most essential contributor to the growth of the economy.

  5. Dickson said Disney will get good buzz for encouraging volunteerism plus free publicity from the nonprofits that benefit.

  6. Is this a benefit of a decentralized economy that goes by the name of market?

  7. And farmers gain no benefit from this most environmentally friendly way of disposing of the wheat byproduct.

  8. The calculated move of Beijing was wise and came at the right time - one that will benefit the economy more than hurt it.

  9. It would be good if those calculating Japanese politicians could finally appreciate the benefit of good neighbourly ties with China.

  10. They start calculating how closely they are related to the family and how they can benefit from his rise in status.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——英语personal是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?p?:s?nl] 美 [?p?:rs?nl]


  形容词 个人的,***; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的

  名词 (报刊上的)人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯



  1. Our parents teach us personal tidiness.


  2. Don't be too personal.


  3. It's all a matter of personal taste.


  4. The plan was drawn up under the chief engineer's personal guidance.


  5. Frank is always making personal remarks about his cousin.



  1. 个人的;***

  A personal opinion, quality, or thing belongs or relates to one particular person rather than to other people.

  e.g. He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience...


  e.g. That's my personal opinion.


  2. 亲自的;本人的

  If you give something your personal care or attention, you deal with it yourself rather than letting someone else deal with it.

  e.g. ...a business that requires a great deal of personal contact.


  e.g. ...a personal letter from the President's secretary...


  3. (感情、关系、健康方面)个人的,人际的,自己的

  Personal * relate to your feelings, relationships, and health.

  e.g. ...teaching young people about marriage and personal relationships...


  e.g. You never allow personal problems to affect your performance...


  4. 针对个人的;人身攻击的

  Personal comments refer to someone's appearance or character in an offensive way.

  e.g. Newspapers resorted to personal abuse...


  e.g. Myra was attacking something I'd written, and her attack got a little personal.


  5. 外貌的;身体的

  Personal care involves looking after your body and appearance.

  e.g. ...men who take as much trouble over personal hygiene as women.


  6. ***;非业务关系的

  A personal relationship is one that is not connected with your job or public life.

  e.g. He was a personal friend whom I've known for many many years...


英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——英语emphasis是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?emf?s?s] 美 [??mf?s?s]


  名词 强调; 着重; (轮廓、图形等的)鲜明; 突出,重读



  1. You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.


  2. They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity.


  3. Morality was the emphasis of his speech.



  1. Because so much emphasis is being placed on economic growth this year, it is especially tempting to bypass the green baseline.

  2. The cabinet put special emphasis on the services industry in rural areas, urging an increase in farmers'incomes and a relaxation of the urban household registration system.

  3. Emphasis is placed on an extensive range of imported wines, with Californian wine served by the glass.

  4. Wu's emphasis on creating a cultured environment turns the class of about 40 students and their parents into a ceremonial site for calligraphy.

  5. The lines are elastic and full of rhythm on ceramic, while the colors are layered and have emphasis on canvas.

  6. This is obviously a policy with more emphasis on formality rather than on substantial ways to improve the government employees'working capability.

  7. The practical activity of giving emphasis on professional ethics for public servants was an important move to improve professional ethics level of public servants.

  8. Such an emphasis on incentives addresses legislators'concerns about the actual effect of the new law.

  9. But one cannot draw parallels between this renewed emphasis on chastity and some conservative Americans'advocacy of celibacy.

  10. But an emphasis on expanding the number of doctoral students has brought some problems, which demand a change in the management style of our educational policy.

英语in order是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展9)

——英语normal是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?n?:ml] 美 [?n?:rml]

  形容词 正常的; 正规的,标准的; [数学]正交的; 精神健全的

  名词 标准; 正常,常态; [数学]法线


  1. He did not seem normal to her.


  2. The doctor said the child's temperature was normal.



  1. Relations between the two countries have been restored to normal.


  2. The rain raised the river two meters above normal.



  1. Hydraulic forces applied on the agitator are simplified as a main moment and a main force on the agitating shaft, Initial decentration of agitator is determined based on the balance standard. The dynamic responses, such as fluctuating bending stresses and dynamic deflections, of the agitating shaft under no-liquid and normal working conditions are studied.


  2. When the hard disk hardware failure, we will all these happen, such problems in the hard disk in the CMOS to recognize the hard drive, very smooth plate recognition, but they could not enter the system, partition and format can not be normal.


  3. The results showed that water consumption law of spring maize was consistent in different precipitation years for normal or drought, the joint stage to tasselling stage was the peak of water consumption.


  4. However, the transgenic lines overexpressing the truncated ST12 conferred enhanced salt tolerance, and had the normal phenotype and seeds in the tasselling time.


  5. First of all, this paper establishes the simulation method for fluctuating wind with a multivariate normal distribution model and an autoregressive filter. On the basis of simulation results of the wind field, the time dispersion of the buffeting forces by turbulent wind is achieved.


  6. PAN Wuyun (Shanghai Normal University, China): On the generative relationship by names of body parts


  7. Then I have another idea, feel, and the traffic lights is the law in order to regulate the normal activities of a human warning lights.


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