英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  及物动词 忽视,不顾; [法律]驳回(诉讼)

  英 [?g?n?:(r)] 美 [?ɡ?n?r, -?nor]



  1. He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.


  2. She saw him coming but she ignored him.


  3. I tried to tell her but she ignored me.


  4. His letters were ignored.


  5. Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.



  1. We listen to one part of a message and ignore the rest.


  2. I've learned… That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.


  3. I`ve learned…That to ignore the facts does not the fact does not change the facts.


  4. I've learned that to ignore the facts does not change the facts.


  5. I've learned… that to ignore the facts does not change the facts.


  6. That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.


  7. Perhaps, when you encounter when scavenging, you will ignore, because you can not judge the poor people scavenging it is the case.


  8. There were basically two kinds of auxiliary units, cohorts of infantry and alae of cavalry (there were also mounted infantry, but we'll ignore this minor category).


  9. All above I said, there are also have some other reasons, standing on my viewpoint, no matter which reason above make our eyes shortsighted day by day, we can't ignore the serious problem.


  10. Still, the obstacles that once ended their previous relationship remain, and the gulf between their worlds is too vast to ignore.


英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——英语单词in的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  介词采用(某种方式); 穿着,带着; (表示位置)在…里面,(表示领域,范围)在…以内; (表示品质、能力等)在…之中

  副词在家; 进入,到达; 流行; 当选

  形容词在内的,朝内的; 在位的,**的; [口语]流行的,时髦的; (车等)到站的

  名词***,掌权者; ***; <美口>入口,门路; <体>(板球或棒球)攻球的一方



  1. a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot

  Synonym: inch


  1. currently fashionable

  e.g. the in thing to do

  large shoulder pads are in


  1. to or toward the inside of

  e.g. come in

  smash in the door

  Synonym: inwardsinward


  1. A long-term follow-up study was done in 96 patients with essential hypertension, including 48 cases with left ventricular hypertrophy and strain, and 48 cases without.


  2. When you are in a foreign country, youmust follow the customs


  3. When you are in a foreign country, youmust follow the customs there.


  4. Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.


  5. For the number that I`ll wear in the NBA, I`m keeping it a secret for right now…what I can tell you is I`m already planning it.


  6. I realize that a lot of man wholly adjust China very curiously, Reason that probably is for Chinese history age-old, I to Canada also very curiously, For what I can tell, There are a lot of China returneds students in Canada.


  7. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and devotion.


  8. You know, my friend, it is easy to walk in faith


  9. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectively. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had favorable results and reported improvement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients developed late recurrent disease within the sacrum.


英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——英语单词it的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?t] 美 [?t]

  代词 它; 他; 正好是所需的; 事实[情况]

  名词 <美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; <俚>绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极


  1. This is my watch, it's a Swiss one.


  2. It's early yet.


  3. It is cold.


  4. I'd think it well worth while to go.


  5. But here it's my word that counts.



  1. It`s a sunny and nice day.


  2. The drawback to using cardboard as an insulating material is that it tends to char quite severely.


  3. For the number that I`ll wear in the NBA, I`m keeping it a secret for right now…what I can tell you is I`m already planning it.


  4. You know, my friend, it is easy to walk in faith


  5. It is a distance vector protocol that uses a hop count metric.


  6. It was a bright, sunny day.


  7. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.


  8. We shall drink water from tubewells. If it is not available, we shall boil water or use alum.


  9. It should be considered to take stable value of well Water sand content standard as theorectical basis for control index.


  10. Since most connections have fixed rentals, it implies that we can speak to others free of any incremental costs.


英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)



  及物动词 失去; 错过; 遗失; 耽搁

  不及物动词 损失; 输掉; 走慢; 降低价值

  英 [lu:z] 美 [luz]


  lose out : 失败;

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——英语单词exit是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  名词 退场; 出口,通道; 退去,退出; **

  不及物动词 退出; 退场; 离开; 去世



  B:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?


  A:Yes, I need to check-in for the 11:20 flight to New York, please.


  B:O.K. Ticket, please.


  A:Here you are.


  B:Would you like a window or an aisle seat, Mr. Smith?


  A:I want an aisle seat as close to the exit door as possible, please.


  B:Very well. Do you have any bags to check?


  A:No, I just have this one small bag.


  B:Here you are, seat 12c. Please go to gate 23 after passing through the security checkpoint.


  A:Thank you.


  B:Have a nice day.


  A:You, too.



  1. The emotional hubbub over his exit after seven seasons caught Carell by surprise.

  2. He left the FA's Soho Square headquarters by the rear exit following his hearing and did not make any comment.

  3. Her exit from the courthouse into a waiting Cadillac SUV was captured by more than 60 photographers and camera crews.

  4. Though producers have not yet agreed to Blake's request, the actress has reportedly pitched a number of possible exit storylines to them.

  5. The defeat was Hewitt's earliest exit from the All England Club since 2003 when he was a shock first round casualty as defending champion.

  6. ATHENS - The Greek government categorically denied Tuesday persisting rumours of a possible debt default and an exit from the eurozone.

  7. Gather at the Exit B of Higher Education Mega Center North Station of subway line 4 to get public bicycles.

  8. Exit polls showed the race as a close one, and the Republican Walker was in dead heat with Democratic challenger Tom Barrett.

  9. The Huanggang Subway Station of Shenzhen Metro Line and the exit and entry checkpoint building will be completed in 2006.

  10. He added that tollgate entry lanes may be changed into exit lanes if there is more traffic from the other direction.

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——英语单词him的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)






  [third person singular]

  1 used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified


  referring to a person or animal of unspecified sex


  used after the verb ‘to be' and after ‘than' or ‘as’

  [用在动词 ‘to be’ 以及‘than’, ‘as’ 之后]他

  W. Indian he


  2 archaic or N. Amer. Dialect 〈古,北美方〉 $$$himself


  in the depths of him, he too didn't want to go


英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——英语单词import是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  名词 输入; 进口,进口商品; 重要性; 意义

  及物动词 输入,进口; 对…有重大关系; 意味着

  不及物动词 具重要性

  英 [??mp?:t] 美 [??mp?:rt]



  1. A high inflation rate imports hard times for consumers.



  1. This is a question of great import.


  2. Imports of household appliances rose last month.


  3. Machinery is one of our import.




  1. commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country

  Synonym: importation

  2. having important effects or influence

  e.g. decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself

  virtue is of more moment than security

  that result is of no consequence

  Synonym: consequencemoment

  3. a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred

  e.g. the significance of his remark became clear only later

  the expectation was spread both by word and by implication

  Synonym: significanceimplication

  4. the message that is intended or expressed or signified

  e.g. what is the meaning of this sentence

  the significance of a red traffic light

  the signification of Chinese characters

  the import of his announcement was ambiguous

  Synonym: meaningsignificancesignification

  5. an imported person brought from a foreign country

  e.g. the lead role was played by an import from Sweden

  they are descendants of indentured importees

  Synonym: importee

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——英语单词ma的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?em ?e?] [?em?e?]


  名词 文科硕士

  1. 文科硕士学位

  An MA is a master's degree in an arts or social science subject. MA is an abbreviation for (缩略 =) 'Master of Arts'.

  e.g. She then went on to university where she got a BA and then an MA.


  2. (用于人名之后)文科硕士,获得文科硕士学位的人

  MA is written after someone's name to indicate that they have an MA.

  e.g. ...Clive W Heaton, MA.



  1. The presidents of the seven business groups will report directly to chairman and CEO Jack Ma.

  2. Ma and Wu committed the act as revenge for several business disputes, he said.

  3. Ma and Alibaba Group tried several times since last year to buy back the stake.

  4. Ma said that against the backdrop of globalization, the public can exert significant influence over erring companies by refusing to buy their products.

  5. Ma functioned like a freelance agent, buying up apartments for his parent's friends and relatives.

  6. Ma also made it clear China does not welcome investments by ****** business people who are in favour of independence from the Chinese mainland.

  7. Ma also vowed to improve postal services in urban areas by increasing letter box coverage in residential buildings.

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——英语单词display是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


发音,英 [d?'sple?] 美 [d?'sple],展现,使看见的.意思。display 属性还允许作者显示或隐藏一个元素。Thomas发现当时的苹果电脑无法显示带灰度的黑白图像,因此他自己写了一个程序Display。两兄弟在此后的一年多把Display不断修改为功能更为强大的图像编辑程序,经过多次改名后,在一个展会上他们接受一个参展观众建议把程序改名为Photoshop。此时的Display/Photoshop已经有Level,色彩*衡,饱和度等调整。display 属性规定元素应该生成的框的类型。本例中的样式表把段落元素设置为内联元素。


display:none | inline | block | list-item | inline-block | table | inline-table | table-caption | table-cell | table-row | table-row-group | table-column | table-column-group | table-footer-group | table-header-group | compact | run-in | ruby | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-group | ruby-text-group

英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展9)

——英语单词fix的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [f?ks] 美 [f?ks]


  及物动词 固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固

  不及物动词 固着; 变硬; 安定

  名词 困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施


  1. She said to fix the problems she had to get silicone implants in her butt.

  2. That may be an impossible juggling act and raises a bigger question of how the government can fix the weaknesses the dispute has highlighted.

  3. By that definition, most countries in the world manipulate currency because they either fix or have managed floats.

  4. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

  5. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

  6. In Wu's opinion, this type of woman " can fix anything but men ".

  7. The longer the diplomatic friction over the detention of the Chinese trawler captain continues, the lesser the opportunity for Kan to fix the already impaired relations.

  8. It's the old adage of not trying to fix something that isn't broken.

  9. When he took over the chief executive officer job from Fritz Henderson, he showed just how urgent he is to fix the automaker.

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