



  be absorbed in

  devote one's mind to

  concentrate one's attention on


  Dwell on; ponder on

  详述;专注Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills.

  学校教育只专注于学术知识和专业技能的教育和培养,却忽视了理财技能的培训。 "He practised all the time, focusing on the keys the way other children focus on ice cream."

  他利用一切可能的时间练习,他练琴时的专注不亚于其他孩子对冰淇淋的迷恋。The act or process of concentrating,especially the fixing of close,undivided attention.

  专心全神贯注的动作或过程,尤指专注的、不分散的注意力的集中She read that book with absorbed interest.

  她很专注的看着那本书。He is focussing on the novel.

  他专注于小说。Pay attention to; take care of

  注意;专注;重视Absorption in one's studies

  对于研究工作[学习]的专注He concentrated his mind when reading.

  他看书很专注。Others look high spirited while still others seem to be gazing fixedly at something.



  adj. 被…吸引的,专心的

  v. absorb的过去式和过去分词

  centrifugal absorber

  离心吸收器 circle absorber

  环形吸收器 Oil absorbency: The capability of a paper to absorb oil.

  吸油性:纸张的吸油能力。He was absorbed in his book.

  他在全神贯注地读书。static harmonic absorber


  absorbed in 全神贯注于……

  be absorbed by 被…吸收;为…吸收;被…吞并

  absorbed water 吸附水;吸收水

  absorbed dose 吸收剂量,吸收量

  absorbed energy 被吸收的能量


  The cream is easilyabsorbedinto the skin. 这种乳霜皮肤易吸收。

  He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child soabsorbed. 他停下来饶有兴味地看这个孩子如此全神贯注的样子。

  Gradually add 1 cup of milk, stirring until the liquid isabsorbed. 逐渐加入一量杯牛奶,一边搅动直到液体被吸收。

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