




  clothing store


  clothes shop

  clothing shop



  The dress shop just folded up.


  She made several purchases in the dress shop.


  He led me into a clothing store.



  The dress shop just folded up.


  You can buy it in shopping malls and some clothing stores.


  He graduated from a secondary school and run business for a clothing shop.


  Jim worked out a plan for burgling a dressmaking establishment nearby.


  This clothing store has the most fashionable clothes in the city.


  I want to open a clothing store downtown someday.


  She managed a clothes shop two years ago.

  我有一个亲戚有一家服装店 ,但是我不记得她的电话号码了。

  I have a relative who has run a clothing shop. But I forgot her phone number.

  我的母亲在某小镇开了一个服装店 ,镇上的女孩不断的.从我们的商店里偷东西。

  My mother ran a clothing store in a small town and girls would steal from us all the time.

  例如,《第二人生》、《安特罗皮亚世界》、《魔兽世界》这些虚拟世界都发行了自己的游戏货币,游戏玩家们可以通过交易不动产或开服装店 来赚钱。

  For instance、fantasy worlds like Secondlife、Entropia and World of Warcraft issuetheir own currencies、and players can make a profit by trading in real estate orsetting up clothing stores.

  在路上,我看到一个儿童服装店 ,那儿有一张儿童图片,和我的孩子几乎一样大,穿着一件超级可爱的前面有一条帆船的外套。

  On the way、I saw a children’s clothing shop where there was an image of a child,almost the same age of my own、wearing an incredibly cute outfit with a sailboaton the front.

  他领我进了一家服装店 。

  He led me into a clothing store.

  这是镇上最差的服装店 。

  This clothing store is (the worst) one in town.

  买古董衫的地方一般包括慈善机构运营的二手服装店 ,跳蚤市场,古董市场,拍卖会,古着商店,纺织藏品交易会等。

  Popular places to buy vintage clothing include charity-run second hand clothingshops、flea markets、antique markets、auctions、vintage clothing shops、textile or collectables fairs.


  “The people in Prato are ostriches,” said Patrizia Bardazzi、who with her husbandhas run a high-end clothing shop in downtown Prato for 40 years.

  卡拉达市场,巴格达居民走过一家新的男士服装店 。

  Baghdad residents walk past a new clothing store for men in the Karrada marketarea.

  波特兰人普遍都欣然接受廉价店,这使得克莉丝和我很幸运,而且我们就住在一条高速公路附近,有着一排的二手服装店 。

  Kris and I are fortunate that Portlanders generally embrace the thrift-store ethic,and that we live near a highway lined with used clothing shops.

  一家服装店 的雇员说,一些人警告他停止营业,不然可能会有一些麻烦,但是他决定继续开门营业,因为他需要钱。

  A clothing store employee said some people had warned him to keep his shop closed because there could be trouble、but he decided to open it up and workbecause he needs the money.

  嘿,看这家儿童服装店 的摆设。

  Oh、look at this clothing store for children.


  As a college student、I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I couldsell things easily.

  正常的服装店 ,所有东西都是整齐有序的。

  At normal clothing shops、everything is neatly organized.


  Some people consider thrift stores and used clothing shops nasty dirty places.


  Sometimes unsold department store inventory finds its way to used clothing stores and thrift shops.


  The models are mostly college students or white-collar workers、whose employersare mainly small online clothing stores operating on a shoestring budget.

  小时候,他父母开一家以他的名字命名的服装店 ,目睹父母每周工作80小时还入不敷出,他对零售业产生了反感。

  He spent his childhood watching his parents run a clothing store、named Leslie’s after him、and he was turned off by how they worked 80-hour weeks and barelyscratched out a living.

  可以这样想:什么在促使你选择某家服装店或某位营造商呢? 又是什么让你将目标转移至另一家公司呢?

  Think of it this way: what makes you choose one clothing store、builder or movingcompany over another?

  沿着大街走,他可能会见到美式的快餐店或是意大利款式的服装店 。

  He would have probably come across the American fast food outlets or the Italiandesigner clothing store just down the block.


  1、beautiful from here.

  2、our clothing will give you sufficient self-confidence!

  3、I served my clothes

  4、no pomegranate skirt、the same let you bow down!

  5、until the long-Jun not to、continued from clothing edge.

  6、let your personality continue to publicize.

  7、simple and simple and casual casual clothing.

  8、soft cotton underwear ---- of course、comfortable choice.

  9、elegant color、full charm.

  10、for the public、cheap.

  11、full of stretching、fat and thin Safe.

  12、simple and plain、sportswear.

  13、office stifled young people、your fashion dress should go in that direction?

  14、kapok material、soft touch、coupled with charming embroidery、even more peerless grace!

  15、make you more slender!

  16、exquisite curves、very Xiaojiabiyu dignified!

  17、cotton and linen shirt to make you feel cool with the touch!

  18、natural soft beauty、as if wearing a veil of mystery!

  19、light、soft、generous style、show your personal style!

  20、a new one、the European fashion!

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