



  1. (表示目前状态、形势)处于…中

  If something or someone is in a particular state or situation, that is their present state or situation.

  e.g. The economy was in trouble...


  e.g. Dave was in a hurry to get back to work...


  2. 带着,充满(某种情感或愿望)

  You use in to indicate the feeling or desire which someone has when they do something, or which causes them to do it.

  e.g. Simpson looked at them in surprise...


  e.g. Chris was weeping in anger and grief...


  3. (性格、能力)在…身上

  If a particular quality or ability is in you, you naturally have it.

  e.g. Violence is not in his nature...


  e.g. I couldn't find it in me to embrace him.


  4. (特定品质)在…之中

  You use in when saying that someone or something has a particular quality.

  e.g. He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner...


  e.g. 'I don't agree,' she said, surprised at the strength in her own voice...


  5. 以…方式(表达)

  You use in to indicate how someone is expressing something.

  e.g. Information is given to the patient verbally and in writing.


  e.g. ...lessons in languages other than Spanish.


  6. (表示排列或形状)成一排/呈球形

  You use in in expressions such as in a row or in a ball to describe the arrangement or shape of something.

  e.g. The cards need to be laid out in two rows...


  e.g. Her ear, shoulder and hip are in a straight line...



  1. 在…里;在…之内

  Someone or something that is in something else is enclosed by it or surrounded by it. If you put something in a container, you move it so that it is enclosed by the container.

  e.g. He was in his car.


  e.g. ...clothes hanging in the wardrobe...


  2. 在(某处)

  If something happens in a place, it happens there.

  e.g. We spent a few days in a hotel...


  e.g. He had intended to take a holiday in America...


  3. 在家;在办公室

  If you are in, you are present at your home or place of work.

  e.g. My flatmate was in at the time...


  e.g. He has had to be in every day.


  4. 进;入

  When someone comes in, they enter a room or building.

  e.g. She looked up anxiously as he came in...


  e.g. They shook hands and went in.


  5. (火车)进站;(轮船、飞机)抵港

  If a train, boat, or plane has come in or is in, it has arrived at a station, port, or airport.

  e.g. We'd be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne...


  e.g. Look. The train's in. We'll have to run for it now.


  6. (潮)在上涨

  When the sea or tide comes in, the sea moves towards the shore rather than away from it.

  e.g. She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand...


  e.g. If the tide was in they went swimming.


  7. 在(橱窗)里面

  Something that is in a window, especially a shop window, is just behind the window so that you can see it from outside.

  e.g. The light in the window went out...


  e.g. There was a camera for sale in the window.



  1. A media war on waste is being launched in Beijing with the help of the general public.

  2. This is despite concern in China that Ye has neither set foot in the media operation nor done business overseas.

  3. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

  4. A " cultural revolution " theme restaurant has done brisk business since it opened in Guangzhou several months ago.

  5. But they also noted that more is needed to be done in terms of business promotion to guarantee an early recovery.

  6. The country's domestic funds also fell across the board in the first three quarters.

  7. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services.

  8. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.

  9. That consensus comes from leading forecasters in a survey by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday.

  10. That gloomy outlook came from leading forecasters in the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics to be released Monday.

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