



  1. 成为…的一员;加入;谋得(高级职务)

  If someone makes a particular team or makes a particular high position, they do so well that they are put in that team or get that position.

  e.g. The athletes are just happy to make the British team...


  e.g. He knew he was never going to make director.


  2. 赶到;(及时)到达

  If you make a place in or by a particular time, you get there in or by that time, often with some difficulty.

  e.g. They were trying to make New Orleans by nightfall.


  3. (及时)到达(尤指来得及做某事)

  If you make it somewhere, you succeed in getting there, especially in time to do something.

  e.g. So you did make it to America, after all.


  e.g. ...the hostages who never made it home...


  4. (经历艰难困苦后)成功

  If you make it, you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.

  e.g. I believe I have the talent to make it...


  e.g. You're brave and courageous. You can make it.


  5. 及时赶上参加

  If you cannot make it, you are unable to attend an event that you have been invited to.

  e.g. 'I can't make it,' she said. 'That's Mother's Day.'...


  e.g. He hadn't been able to make it to our dinner.



  1. (与大量名词连用,表示做动作、说某事等)做出,作出

  You can use make with a wide range of nouns to indicate that someone performs an action or says something. For example, if you make a suggestion, you suggest something.

  e.g. I'd just like to make a comment...


  e.g. I made a few phone calls...


  2. (与某些名词连用)把…做(好),把…搞(糟)

  You can use make with certain nouns to indicate that someone does something well or badly. For example, if you make a success of something, you do it successfully, and if you make a mess of something, you do it very badly.

  e.g. Apparently he made a mess of his audition...


  e.g. Are you really going to make a better job of it this time?


  3. 摆出…的姿态;做出…的样子

  If you make as if to do something or make to do something, you behave in a way that makes it seem that you are just about to do it.

  e.g. Mary made as if to protest, then hesitated...


  e.g. He made to chase Davey, who ran back laughing.


  4. (在板球、棒球、橄榄球比赛中)得(分)

  In cricket, if a player makes a particular number of runs, they score that number of runs. In baseball or American football, if a player makes a particular score, they achieve that score.

  e.g. He made 1,972 runs for the county.


  5. 将就使用;凑合着用

  If you make do with something, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good.

  e.g. Why make do with a copy if you can afford the genuine article?...


  e.g. We're a bit low on bed linen. You'll have to make do.



  1. 算,猜(数字)

  You use make it when saying what you calculate or guess an amount to be.

  e.g. All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got. I make it three...


  e.g. I make the total for the year £9,599.


  2. (根据自己的表)时间为…

  You use make it when saying what time your watch says it is.

  e.g. I make it nearly 9.30...


  e.g. 'What time d'you make it?' — 'Thirteen past.'


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