



  代词 你的,你们的; 尊; 玉; 乃

  1. 你们的:由使徒行传二章三十八节可看出句法之重要性. 这节经文可以有许多不同的解释,似乎认为必须受洗才能得救. 然而,在希腊文中却观察到,悔改(repent)是复数动词,你们的(your)及罪(sins)也是复数;但受洗(baptized)及代名词你(you)

  2. 你:每个人都有自己的家. 有的人处处有家,有人的以校为家,有的人四海是家,有人的`长驻他家. 家,英文就是family,分开就是爸爸(father)妈妈(mother)我(I)爱(love)你(your). 家,是温暖的港湾,是爱的归宿.

  3. 的:开证行分别授权上述银行凭表面与信用证条款相符的单据付款、承兑汇票,或者议付,并保证依照本惯例对上述银行予以偿付,开证行应该铭记此项规定. 你们(YOU)或你们的(YOUR)词语表示,应该避免,原因是其含意随格式各页不同而不同。


  1. 你的;您的;你们的

  A speaker or writer uses your to indicate that something belongs or relates to the person or people that they are talking or writing to.

  e.g. Emma, I trust your opinion a great deal...


  e.g. I left all of your messages on your desk...


  2. (有时用于口语和非正式书面语中表示泛指)你的,任何人的

  In spoken English and informal written English, your is sometimes used to indicate that something belongs to or relates to people in general.

  e.g. Painkillers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down...


  e.g. I then realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations.


  3. (口语中有时用于typical, normal等形容词前表示典型)

  In spoken English, a speaker sometimes uses your before an adjective such as 'typical' or 'normal' to indicate that the thing referred to is a typical example of its type.

  e.g. Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys...


  e.g. It's just your average wooden door.



  1. Your article makes good sense and is very indicative of the business of economics.

  2. Today a business textbook would probably render that as " target those at the top end of your market ".

  3. An experienced business English language tutor will help improve your business English speaking and writing skills with private lessons.

  4. When your business is smooth, making significant changes is more challenging.

  5. The overarching goal is to establish a culture of IP protection awareness within your organization and among those with whom you do business.

  6. And, what is your expectation of the group's business this year?

  7. Which would you rather have in your neighborhood - a grove of large trees, or a busy street lined with dozens of bars?

  8. You get to live your life, have such a busy season and then quieten down a little bit.

  9. If the line is busy, call your family or friends for help.

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