My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」1

  I have a parrot. It's my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that it's a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.


My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇扩展阅读

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展1)



Lesson 96 教学设计方案Teaching objectives:

Grasp the Past Continuous Tense and some useful expressions.

Language focus:

street seller, in class, walk along, do morning exercises, be fed up with, borrow. . . from, decide to do sth., scissors, tennis rackets

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector,多**视频,图片。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

First get the students ask what were they doing at a certain time yesterday with each other.

What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday night?

I was doing my homework.

Show the students some pictures and Get them to answer the question “What were they doing?”


A: What were you doing in the picture?

B: I was reading a story book.

In the picture Li Lei was swimming in the river.

Step 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and make sure the students understand what to do.

Play the tape again. Then finish the Exercise one on page 118. Let them check their answer in pairs.

Step 3 Read and say

Say: I am a policeman. Yesterday morning a man was killed. I want to know what you were doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning.

Then teacher goes around the classroom, asks the questions “What’s your name? What do you do? What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning? Who was with you at that moment?” Students may answer the questions with the sentences given or they may make up their own answers.

First read through the directions. 让学生选择不同的职业的人的答语。

Then, students make u dialogues like this:

A: What was the driver doing?

B: He was driving a truck to Tianjin.

Step 4 Practice

播放视频文件:Lesson 96情景演示,展示过去进行时的运用。


Here is another situation for the students to practise. A very famous drawing was stolen in the art gallery last night. You are trying to find out who did that. You can ask the question “What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?” After everyone has answered the question, the class discuss together, “Who do you think stole the painting from the gallery? Why?”

Step 5 Read and talk

Read the table about what David was doing at different times yesterday, then ask and answer in pairs.

A: What was he doing at three thirty yesterday afternoon?

B: He was playing basketball.

播放视频:What were you doing?,让学生进行模仿练习。

Have each student write out their own time table of what they did yesterday. Then they can ask and answer questions according to their own time table.

Step 6 Writing

Get the students to write a paragraph about what they were doing at a certain time/during a period of time yesterday.

教师可让学生参照Part 3列出昨天的`时刻表,然后根据表中的时间提示写出昨天这些时间正在干什么。

Step 7 Reading

Say: We've talked about the relationship among neighbours. Now we re going to read another story about how neighbours get on with each other.

Play the tape for the students to listen.(或播放视频:A bad neighbour)Ask How do you think the neighbour wasn’t a good neighbour?

Learn new words by showing pictures. (scissors, racket)

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Then answer these questions:

1. Why were Masha and Sasha tired of Misha?

2. What did Masha borrow today?

3. Did Sasha want to lend him?

4. What did Sasha decide to do?

5. How did Sasha do?

6. What do you think happened at last?

7. What will you do if you were Sasha?

Step 8 Discussion

Students talk about the story and the people in the story and discuss what a person should or should not do in the neighbourhood.

People shouldn't make too much noise after 11:00 at night.

Step 9 Checkpoint

Go through the checkpoint



Step 10 Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word “borrow” and “lend”.

1. I’ve left my pen at home. Can you _________ me one?

You can ________ this one. But let me have it back at the end of the lesson.

2. Banks make a profit by _________ money, but they also have to _________ it from time to time.

3. The bank would not _________ him any money. But he managed to _________ what he needed from friends.

4. I don’t trust him. He’s always _________ from friends and forgetting to pay them back. I wouldn’t _________ any money to him if I were you.

5. You can _________ books from the library but they won’t _________ you a book unless you are a member. They don’ t_________ books to non-members.

Keys: 1. lend, borrow 2. lending, borrow 3. lend, borrow 4. borrowing, lend 5. borrow, lend, lend

Step 11 Homework

1. Write about what David was doing at different times yesterday. Begin like this “David had a busy day yesterday. He was having an English class at eight o’clock in the morning. . . .”

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

3. Write a short passage about what you were doing at different times yesterday.

Writing on blackboard

Lesson 96

A Bad Neighbour

 1. Answer the questions according to the question.

 (1) What was he doing at three thirty yesterday afternoon?

 (2) He was playing basketball.

 2. Discussion.

 What should/should not a person do in the neighbourhood?


Lesson 68教学设计方案

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Practise listening.

2. Revise the grammar: the Attributive Clause.

Language Focus: Checkpoint 17.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Choose some useful sentences from the students' homework. Read them to class, then do more oral practice using the Attributive Clause

III. Leading in

T: Today we're going to hear about a story, look at your workbook, Lesson 68 Exercise 1. Read all the questions first. Then read the numbers aloud, try to guess the answers before listening.

IV. Listening

Listening Cassette, Play the tape for the students to listen and do Exercise 1 in the workbook, check the answers with the whole students.

V. Presentation

Look at Exercise 2, Discuss it with the students, let them understand the information. Ask the students to answer the question, and check the answer. Then let the students practise in pairs. Pay attention to these sentences: 1. These men look like thieves (who) you saw. 2. The man (who) I saw had black hair. 3. He had a mouth that was quite small.

VI. Practice

Look at Exercise 3, let the students choose the best answers alone, and check with the students, then read the sentences together.

Let the students make up their own sentences.

VII. Play a game

Look at Exercise 4. Student A acts as the victim who was robbed and student B is a policeman / policewoman. First spend five minutes thinking about what you will say, then ask the students to come to the front and play a game.

VIII. Practice

Look at Exercise 5. Use the information from the dialogue above lo complete the police report.

Get the students to do it first, then check the answer with the whole class.

IX. Checkpoint 17

Go through the grammar part and practise the useful expressions.

X. Workbook

For Exercise 4. Read the passage, Guess the new words first, then answer the questions.

For Exercise 6, Look at the pictures and write the story about “Cao Chong weighed an elephant”.

Exercises in class

Join the sentences with that, which or who.

1. I’m reading a book. The book is about a robbery.

2. Have you ever seen the film? The film was directed by Zhang Yimou.

3. Most of the people were American. They travelled to Beijing last week.

4. The girl is taking care of the baby. She is my aunts baby - sitter.

5. The students are visiting the natural museum. They are very interested in the dinosaurs .

XI. Homework

1. Finish off the workbook.

2. Revise the grammar: The Attributive Clause.


Lesson 81教学设计示例(一)








T:What's this in English?

S:It's a broom.

T:Right. Now, look at me.(做出扫地状)I am cleaning the classroom (the floor).动作重复几次,让学生猜这句话意思。然后,在黑板上按如下格式写出:

clean I am (I'm) cleaning the classroom.

其中动助词am ('m) 及动词的现在分词词尾-ing要用彩色粉笔书写。


T:I'm reading a book.


3.教师领读生词。重复刚才的动作,并领读黑板上的句子。启发全班思考:黑板上用彩色粉笔写出:am, -ing等分别表示什么?教师扼要讲解。



T:What are you doing?

反复问几次,让全班猜这句话意思。启发这位同学答出:I am cleaning the classroom.其他动词做同样处理。教师领读:What are you doing? 等句。



S1:What’s she doing?

S2:She’s drawing a picture, I think.

S1:What’re they doing?

S2:They’re speaking. They’re speaking English, I think.






1.listen to 听

listen是个不及物动词,不及物动词后面一般不能有宾语。但有些不及物动词,如listen, look等词,加上相应介词,构成一个短语动词,后面就可以接宾语了。例如:

Please listen to the teacher. 请听老师讲。

Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 one's homework 做作业

one's 是“某人的”意思,在句中,要改为与主语人称相一致的物主代词。例如:

1)He does his homework in the evening. 他晚上做作业。

2) They’re doing their homework now. 他们现在正在写作业。

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展2)

——My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」1

  I have a parrot. It's my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that it's a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.


My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展3)





  今天我要说的是冀教版八年级下册第五单元:Go with Transportation 第37课:Flying Donuts。本单元讲述了一些有关交通发展的历史事件和相关故事,在复习以前所学的有关交通的词汇和短语的基础上又扩展了一些生词、习语和日常用语。第37课的课文通过介绍Danny想象中的一种新的交通工具,引导学生充分发挥想象力、创造力,设想未来的交通工具,并用英语表达出来,从而激发学生的创造力和表现欲,使他们从中得到学习的快乐。




  (2)学习、掌握短语和句型think of认为,想起;at the front of 在……的前面with用……










  重点:本课词组和句型think of/about /out ;with的多种用法;What do the donuts do? Will Danny’s invention really work?


















  bicycle, train, rocket, car, boat, plane……






  对课文中的关键词句如:What do donuts do? think of/out/over, with, make sb. do sth……等重点讲解,举例加以说明。为了更好地调动学生的积极性,要求学生运用这些词语造句,训练学生写的技能,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。









  Unit 5 Lesson 37

  Language points:

  1、think of认为,想起; think over仔细考虑; think out想出

  2、at/in the front of在……前面(部)/in front of在……前面

  3、on the way to school在上学的路上/on one’s way home在回家路上


  5、 What do the donuts do? 面包是用来干什么的?



My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展4)



  My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.they have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.they bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.We cant hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.they keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they dont mind their lives.So,I love them.


  Lets Help Animals

  As we know, animals are peoples friends. Thus, people should get on well with them. But some people cant get on well with animals. Why do people get on badly with animals? And why are animals in danger? There are 5 reasons:

  First, there isnt enough food or water for animals to eat or drink. Second, some people Kill animals for sports, food and clothes. Third, the villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their home. Fourth, often the pollution cause animals cant eat clean food or drink clean water. Fifth, some animals havent any safe place to live because of many kinds of nature accidents, for example, the earthquakes.

  Thus, nowadays, to save animals in danger is an important question. And we should help animals live in piece. We can give money to help protect animals and find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.

  In my eyes, if people can do them, the animals live will be better and better!


  My Favorite Animal

  I have a parrot. Its my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesnt change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that its a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that its some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when its boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展5)

——Spring Is Coming初中英语作文3篇

Spring Is Coming初中英语作文1

  Spring is coming.What a nice season!

  The weather is getting warmer and warmer.The flowers are coming out.How beautiful the world is!Look around,the sky is blue and the leaves on the trees are turning green.The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh,now everyone takes off his warm coat and is more active than before.We all have good feelings.I must say,be careful not to catch cold again.

  A good beginning is half done and it’s the first season in the year.We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study.Do you think so?

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展6)

——my hometown初中英语作文

my hometown初中英语作文1

  My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展7)



  Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year.

  To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West.

  The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

  To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

  Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival,the people usually clean and decorate their houses. And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.

  During Spring Festival,the *s usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

  I love Spring Festival.

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展8)






























  一个*衡的杠杆上,一些人在左,我们的地球在右;第二张图上左边新增的人使杠杆不再*衡。之后问学生:看了这两幅图,你会想到什么?又是什么引发了这个问题?学生会表达一些自己的见解,这时不论他们的见解是否正确都要给与鼓励和表扬,然后问学生:是否知道每一天每小时每分钟每秒钟全世界会新增加多少人口?学生会很有探究答案的欲望,这时很自然地让学生打开书去阅读50课的文章STANGDING ROOM ONLY并找出我给出的这张表格的答案。由于本课是以大量数据为主反映人口问题的,因此如果学生能顺利完成此表,那么全文的重点内容就迎刃而解了。而且我认为采用图片导入法远比直接让学生翻书阅读更能激发学生的兴趣使其由被动学习变为主动获取知识。

















  What are you doing? I am watching.

  What is he doing? He is doing homework.

  Is she reading? No, she is doing her homework.








  watching, doing, eating cleaning, playing, reading, swimming, shopping, pool, school, mall, library


  What are you doing? I am watching.

  What is he doing? He is doing homework.

  Is she reading? No, she is doing her homework.


























  今天我说课的内容是《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 2 School Life的Reading第一课时。对于这节课我将以教什么、怎么教、为什么这么教为思路,从教材分析、教法分析、学法分析和教学过程四个方面加以说明。


  本课以school lives为话题,以学习life in a British school and in an American school为载体,以find out the differences between a British school and an American school为任务。为了使学生对这一话题更感兴趣,在教学过程中,我准备采用多**辅助教学这一教学模式设置情境,有效地将单词、句子和情景相结合,达到语言点的灵活运用和学生学以致用的目的。

  教学目标:能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词mixed,subject,sew,tasty,hero,close,taste and article。能根据关键词和上下语境猜测课文大意。

  重难点:本课是Reading的第一课时,主要为了完成这样一个任务,即通过阅读理解文章主题,通过设计一些如true or false questions,answer questions,fill in the blanks,line the words等练习题检查学生对课文的理解程度。由于新课程标准要求大力培养学生的阅读能力,所以通过阅读理解文章大意就成了本课的重点。通过对文章的理解要求学生能用自己的语言描述出相关内容,这就是本课的难点。













  Step 1 Warming—up

  First let’s enjoy an English song!同时屏幕上出现我们*时上课、课间活动及用餐时的照片,这些照片都与同学们*时的生活息息相关,很能吸引他们的***,同时也使学生对本课的内容产生了随意注意。

  Step 2 Lead in

  利用多**呈现本课涉及的一些学校生活:Reading Week,driving lesson,Home Economics class,lunchtime,Buddy Club and softball game,要求学生6人一组,互相讨论合作描述图片内容。


  Step 3 Presentation and Practice

  (1)将课文中出现的第一幅图片投影在屏幕上,同时提出两个问题:Who wrote the first passage?What activity does the school have every year?让学生带着问题听课文第一段录音。

  (2)布置学生自己朗读课文,根据上下语境理解文章主题,完成教师设置在屏幕上的“true or false” questions。学生回答问题时可以采取抢答式,小组间进行竞争。




  (5)把学生分成4人小组,要求学生分段细读课文,互相合作探讨找出课文中出现的新单词和一些比较难理解的句子,并尝试根据上下语境理解其意思,完成教师设置在屏幕上的fill in the blanks and line the words练习题。



  Q1 Which subject is John’s favourite?

  Q2 What can John cook now?

  Q3 What can John do during the Reading Week?

  Q4 What did Jim do in school last year?

  Q5 How does Nancy go to school every day?What does she think of it?

  Q6 What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

  Q7 Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?


  Step 4 Activity

  将学生分成6人小组,以小组为单位,要求他们充分发挥个性和创造性,在life in a British school和life in an American school两个主题中任选一个,用自己的语言去改编课文,然后每组推选一位同学**展现成果。


  Step 5 Homework








  这几天不知为什么,手边的东西总是四处乱丢。一天大约二分之一的业余时间基本上都在找东西。因此每天使用频率的一句话:“Where is my pen?” “Where is my book?”(我的书在哪里)等等,通常同事们都是用there be句型+方位介词做回答。今天我说课的内容选自于初一人教版第十单元37课,标题为Where is it?由此可见,初中人教版的对话编排几乎都是从生活中实际需要出发,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流。发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。本节课侧重于对方位介词的理解与应用。无论是情景对话实际应用还是考试练习,它都占据着非常重要的一席之地。


  知识目标:熟练应用介词on, in, under, behind, near.及there be句型。









  1.**,问出主题。我精心设计了四个问题,其共性是简单直接明了。前三个问题都是复习了九单元有关家庭的话题。第四个问题依据地点从小到大的原则问出了很多关于”Where is it?”,并用介词作简单回答。在复习时,教师是位”强化记忆者“。我采取快速地口头**,要求学生迅速反应。这种复习方法在于培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下运用英语的能力。(现场演示第四)



  (a)从两组随意抽取两人。一人根据录音听力画图,一人根据图片作文字描述。(出现there be句型)

  (b)把图片擦掉,每组选出一名学生参加比赛。根据记忆重述图片。(强调there be句型)


  (d)各组总结性发言。(提出there be句型的小组加双倍的分值)

  补充说明:教师做示范。所有内容与介词有关,引导学生用到there be句型。

  4.编写短剧。根据已有图片提示。要求学生展开想象,尽可能使用介词及there be句型。小组内讨论展开。教师作为评分者。评分标准为:1.介词使用率高;2.想象丰富,幽默诙谐;3.结尾出人意料。

  5.扩展练习。以上所学内容着重于对方位介词的理解与应用。在介词中,in,on的用法很多。小组收集有关in on的其他用法。并分析以下句子。发现问题,提出问题,自己着手解决问题。

  (a) The window is ____ the wall. The map is _____ the wall.

  (b) The apple is _____ the tree. The bird is ____the tree.

  (c) There is an apple ____ the radio. I heard the news ____the radio.

  (d) There ____ a book and two boxes on the desk. There ___ two boxes and a book on the desk.







  今天我说课的题目是初中英语第二册"Unit 6 Holidays",整个说课我将分四部分进行讲述,即教材分析、教法、学法、教学程序。


  本单元主要围绕"谈论节日里所做的事情"这一话题展开教学。这一单元的内容体现了浓郁的东**文化特点,是一个学生十分感兴趣的话题。这里涉及了十个东**节日,和三个四会句型及一个三会句型。我根据学生的实际情况,选取了New Years Day,Spring Festival,May Day,Childrens Day,National Day五个节日,及三个四会句型和一个三会句型作为第一教时的教学内容。在这些节日里,只有Spring Festival是学生没接触过的,其余四个节日学生都或多或少接触过了,因此我将节日中人们的活动及四个句型作为教学的重点和难点来处理。在句型的操练过程中,让学生感受东**文化的特点。









  上课伊始,我通过和学生的**对话引出课题,接着播放了"Happy New Year"这首学生比较熟悉的歌曲来营造一个节日的情境。让学生在歌声及动画中理解和学会第一个节日New Years Day.其他节日我也通过图片和动画给学生直观的印象,在和学生的谈论中让他们理解和掌握单词的音、形、义。

  在句型教学中,我创设了一个和学生聊天的情境,在学生已有的知识背景下和学生就节日进行聊天,在聊天的过程中引出新句型,这些句型大都是学生已经掌握的,在这一课中只是让学生学会如何正确使用这些句型来进行有关节日的询问。在谈论New Years Day时由我引出句型。接下来的几个节日,我出示图片,让学生进行谈论。还为学生设计了一个猜节日的游戏,让他们在询问同学和老师的真实情境中熟练地掌握这些句型。






  在句型教学中,我引导学生结合语境,采用推测和询问等方法进行学习,在New Years Day的教学中,我通过询问学生,无形中给学生示范了这一学习的方法,接着让学生采用这种方法来学习Spring Festival,最后在其余三个节日的教学中,我为学生设计了探究式学习活动,让学生通过询问和思考,学会主动去获得信息,促进了学生实践能力和创新思维的发展。





My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展9)













  E-book 电子书

  1 Today, many young people like to find information through the Internet. Some

  people predict that E-book will replace paper book. Indeed, E-book is very

  convenient and its source of information can get from all kinds of ways, which saves much time. We need hours to search paper books in the library for our information, but we can find that in the Internet just a few seconds. Many people live in the fast pace, so E-book cater to their style. But paper book won't disappear, which is comfortable to read than the Internet. There is no doubt that E-book will be the main way for the young people to read. 如今,***轻人喜欢通过互联网查找信息。有些人预计,电子书将取代纸质书。事实上,电子书很方便,信息的.来源有各种方式,可以节省很多时间。我们在图书馆通过纸质书得花上几个小时才能找到所需的信息,但是我们在网上只需要几秒钟就可以找到了。很多人生活节奏很快,所以电子书符合他们的风格。但是纸质书并不会因此而消失,它比在互联网上看要显得舒服。毫无疑问,电子书将年轻人阅读的主要方式。


  How to Read 如何阅读

  No one will deny the importance of reading. Many parents start to teach their

  children to read at an early age, hoping their children can fall in love with reading. But most children don't know how to read. Only reading in the right way can help them to get improve. Firstly, reading as much as possible, so that the children can figure out which books are valuable and deserve to be read more. Secondly, when

  they have finish reading books, they need to think about the characters and what the books try to impress them. They'd better search the comments on the Internet, so as to better understand the theme. 没有人会否认阅读的重要性。许多父母在他们孩子还很小的时候就教他们看书,他们希望孩子们能爱上阅读。但是大多数孩子并不知道如何阅读。只有用正确的方式去阅读才可以帮助他们提高。首先,尽可能多的`去阅读,这样孩子们就可以找出哪些书是有价值的,值得去阅读多遍的。第二,当他们看完书时,需要让他们思考下人物和书给留下的印象。最好在互联网上搜索下评论,以便更好地理解主题。

My Favorite Animal-初中英语作文「最新」3篇(扩展10)





  my classmates threw a celebration party at our middle school principles flat.our parents were invited to the party.everybody was ecited about the holiday.i ate a lot of delicious food at that time.i also went visiting my relatives with my parents.we went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in shanghai.later that day,we sang karaoke in my uncles house.

  we stayed for the night.the net day,i went shopping with my cousins.we bought some brand name t-shirts and the afternoon,my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway.they also taught me hou to drive their fancy car,so i tried to do some turning and was not easy first.but i learnt quick.we returned home with many gifts from our trip.

  i tried to get some night,i chatted with my classmates on the phone,and i watched cctv before going to bed.since last friday,i started to finish up my homeworkassignments on my personal laptop. some of my assignments were quite boring.after i finished the homework,i emailed them to my teachers.



  1. 历史悠久 ;2. **的传统节日;3. 家庭团圆 ;4. 共进晚餐;5. 吃月饼 ;6. 赏月。


  I’m glad to know that you are coming toChina with your parents and will spend the Mid-autumn Day here. It is my honor to introduce this festival to you. First of all, Mid-AutumnFestival is on the 15th, August of the lunar year. Mid-autumn Dayhas a long history. It exists in the ancient time. It is the Chinese traditionalfestival. People celebrate it to express their thanks for harvest and mainlyfor family reunion. Our Chinese will have a big dinner with our families onthat day. people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day. I’m sureyou will enjoy yourselves on Mid-autumn Day.

  Best wishes,

  Li Hua





  I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful.

  In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, which is very clean and beautiful. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. There all kinds of book in the library. You can enioy them as many as you like.

  South of the new building lies a playground and it's very big. On the playground, you can have sports such as football. basketball. You'd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school, You can enjoy yourself very much.

  There are many trees in our school.Grass is everywhere. In front of the new building there are two gardens in which, there are flowers of all colours.

  We are studying hard in our school, Our life is happy and intcrcsting. I love our school very much.






  Last year, my father gave me a computer as my birthday gift. I like it very much, because it is useful to me. It is a good helper in both our everyday study and life.

  It can help us learn more useful knowledge and get more information. When we are tired,we can use fhe computer to relax ourselves. Fotexample, we can enjoy beautiful musicand watch wonderful movies by using the computer. It is very convenient to our life especially with the help of Internet, we can go shopping on line freely at home. When we have a hard nut to crack, it will help us solve it.However, the computer does harm to us as well.

  If we are addicted to computer games, it will be bad for both our study and health, especially it will do great damage to our eyesights.

  In our class, about 50% classmates often play computer games for a long time everyday, so their eyesights become worse and worse. What’ s more, violence in Internet will have a bad effect on us. We must keep away from it.

  In a word there are two sides to everything. And the computer is no exoeptim. We should make good use of computer. So that it will be more useful and helpful for us.


  I am a lively and cheerful girl, I like to make many friends! Both men and women, rich and poor, ugly and beautiful, but most of my friends are male, female one or two. I like boy friend and because big boys, go out with what they say they will not say, but the girls are different, one with what they said that they always say I don't speak out, but in the end who is to say out! And talking together is like gossip. For example, last week, the teacher found a group of boys and girls to sing the yellow plum melody, but the boys all sang out loud, the girl said nothing, sorry! I was in a hurry and then I raised my hand and said to the teacher, "teacher, I sing!" Then I sang with the male student! The women were talking below! What's so embarrassing, I can see more of it! It is not my boast that if there were more people like me in the world, there would be no dispute in the world, and there was a good saying, a smile of ten years, and a white head.

  Don't think everything is so complicated, just like the girls in our class, our class will never unite! Do some of the things we want to do in life, but don't want to do, make life interesting!


  On a sunny day, Xiao Hong is learning to ride bicycles. She is about to ride when her parents and grandmother come and help her. They hold the handles and the back seat.Her mother carries a first-aid box on the shoulder. They look worried and are all wet with sweat. The bike moves ahead. However, it is driven not by Xiao Hong but by her parents and grandmother. "Let me do it myself, will you?" says Xiao Hong to them. In fact, the parents love their children very much. I agree that parents should take good care of their children, but parents shouldn't help them do everything. After all children need to practice and be independent. They need to grow up themselves. Parents should stand aside and let them do if they can do it themselves.



  My best friend. Her voice, gestures, like flipping the stain, lingering in my mind. She is plain, is always dressed in a white sportswear. Her name is meaningful because she likes to eat "is green didn't eat, eat is red, spit it out is black, watermelon." As a result, her name is chancy. She studies very well. An enviable, many people because the wrestled with her. Read English in a cram school teacher roll call to let her. She picked up the English book from the table, straightened up, use the read out loud voice.She gracefully, articulate, read smoothly, their English. Chancy not only a good know ledge of English, mathematics or envy letting a person. The test, I got astep careless, at sixes and sevens. And she is easily captured the first. Class is to encourage me, help me solve problems you do not understand. Gradually, we both became best friends. Play together, study together, talk together. The sunset is always our shadows lengthen.


  The movie is by the activity and slide-show art combined with neuroscientists have developed a kind of modern art.

  Is a can accommodate literature drama,photography,painting,music,dance,art DuoZhong comprehensive art,but it also has the artistic characteristics of alone.

  The movie in the artistic expression on not only have a variety of other art characteristics,and because this can use montage of strong artistic skill,has formed the movie beyond all other means the performance of art.

  The movie a with modern science and technology achievements for tools and materials,and USES create visual image and the lens of performance means,formed in the screen of space and time,in the shape of the combination of the great movement,realistic specific image,to reflect the social life of modern art.

  Movies can accurately "reduction" the real world,give a person with BiZhenGan,close move,just like the scene.The film features,it can satisfy people the broader,more real feel the desire to live in.


  **市**已将每月11日定为"排队日"。 "排队日"活动收到了良好的社会效果。假设你是李华,现在请你根据下列提示,用英语给某报社写一封信,呼吁在全国范围内开展"排队日"的活动。信的主要内容包括以下几点:1.**的"排队日"有助于人们享受更轻松、更**的生活,其它城市可借鉴;2.一些人在购物或等车时不排队,定一个"排队日"是对他们的提醒,这样,人们会逐渐养成自觉排队的好习惯;3.希望每天都成为"排队日",这样,我们的`社会更加美好。注意:1.不必逐条翻译,可适当发挥;2.词数:100左右;3. 参考词汇:排队日Lining-up Day;**的harmonious

  Dear Editor,A Lining-up Day has been set in Beijing and it helps people enjoy an easier and more harmonious life. This has set a good example for other cities. Nowadays, some people are unwilling to line up when they are doing their shopping or waiting for the bus, so I think it is necessary to establish a Lining-up Day to remind them. In this way, people will form the good habit of lining up voluntarily. I do hope that we will stick to this practice and popularize it until each day becomes a Lining-up Day. I'm sure it will make a big difference and our society will become more and more pleasant.

Yours,Li Hua


  A hot August, summer vacation I went to the small aunt, sister said: sister what do you think I can swim, you can't swim I how to match with you! Do you want me to teach you swimming sigh? I listen to very excited, that's great! I can learn to swim!

  First in a series of equipment, I start to do warm-up exercise, but I do not serious, because I can't wait to go. Sister to call my breath, but I dare not, feeling anxious and afraid. Sister said: "the elder sister don't be afraid, as long as can breath, basic can swim". I have heard or made up his mind to do breath exercises. Soon through my efforts I finally can breath. Sister started to teach me first strokes. First of all, let me borrow the floating plate let her come up and draw water with the feet, I left floating plate, slowly began to real swimming, watch sister skilled strokes, I envy her, and then look at your strokes... Alas! But I ain I still very confident, as long as I have a good practice, will be learned

  Through their own efforts, I finally can swim in the swimming pool, also try to the joy of success!


  True, not false, not to escape, but when friends need to give him a hand. But please remember, is not the kind you want to use him in the afternoon, you in the morning to help a life!

  Really, not to complain, not complaining, but when friends want to cry, you can be her supporter, let her feel your presence, not in the face of a person's lonely.

  Really, not then just hurt, not flattery, but when she managed to give the heart the most beautiful praise; When she suffer setbacks give comfort from the heart.

  Sincerely, it is like brothers and sisters always remind you now do right and wrong. If you do something wrong, that kind of heartfelt anxiety and counselling is the best interpretation of "true friend".

  I'm glad, I have a lot of such as true to my friend. They when I was sad to give me encouragement, when I was frustrated sigh make me laugh, when I have trouble to help me the most in place, when I was frustrated, with an optimistic state of mind every day tell me what is real life...

  True friends, with sincere attitude, treat your friends!


  Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Santa Claus. Santa Claus (also called" Father Christmas)is a kind of old man who,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh which is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney.

  When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.

  Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible.


  Dusk is coming. It s time for the sunset. Look, the sky is getting dim gradually. The setting sun is covering the earth with golden rays. Not only the sky and water surface but also I myself am turning into golden yellow. Several white birds are flying freely above the water. Willows are dancing in the breeze gracefully. Soon, the sun has buried itself in the thick clouds. But I still can see the beautiful scene in the sunset. It will be always in my mind. I love sunset. 3.九年级英语作文

  It is known to all that Newton got the great inspiration from the falling apple as he was walking pass a tree. This apple changed and promoted the so cialcivilization. Many people play the joke that if the apple hits on their heads,maybe they can be the next Newton. Actually, apple is just the stimulation to help Newton to figure out his thoughts. If it hits on other people's heads, it is just the ordinary incident and nothing special. The meaning of life is to keep searching. Everyone can make a difference if they keep thinking, and inspiration will come sooner or later. At that time, the success will be at hand.


  On New Year's Eve,our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

  Then,the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quick witted。 He shouted our“The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.” The hall After that,they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:“The dog stands out among a group of chickens.”


  Many students are becoming more and more interested in star- worshiping. Different students have different ideas for it .Most students like following the stars . On the one hand they think it's a good way for them to relax after studying . On the other hand they think they can learn the advantages of these stars . What's more , It not only makes them keep up with the times and helps them know more customs .The others don't want to admire the stars , they think if they are addicted to them , it is easy for them to lose themselves . Some times , they do some things that the same as the stars , and they are easy to have some bad habits . They also think it's bad to admire the stars bilindly .In my opinion ,everything has two sides just like a coin . Looking up to the stars can open our minds , but many people spend much time on is ,and get bad results in the study at last . So we should treat star-worshiping in a right way. And we should remember studying is always the first thing to do .

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