hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇

hug me表达的中文是什么意思1

  1. I gave her a big hug and sloppy kiss – the kind that all daddies give -- and proceeded to unwrap the little package she had bestowed on me.


  2. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I hate it, yet hug it in love.


  3. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I have it, yet hug it in love.


  4. Because you are over there, just give at least one person a hug from me.


  5. Mike's parents have been quite worried about his life in China and afraid that he would be eaten by Chinese!:D (Dieter ist ein Alte Spass Vogel) Now, Mike was back safely and bring a ***** chinese girl back together (shy to cut several adjective words:) Dieter said, both Tina and I is or will be important member of Maluche family... Then he came to me to give me a warm hug, and Barbara gave me too.


  6. I can take care myself, so you can release now. Thanking you for the tendance to me, contain my self-indulgence, giving the warmesst hug to me, make my soul have a rest.


  7. Comforting words are no match for your hands tapping gently on my shoulder; beautiful images are no match for your sweet smile around me. You hug me on MSN, on QQ, or in short messages. But Still, I can't feel your hands, your shoulder, your warm and your strength. I am sorry, but i really can't feel them.


  8. O May! Love me, give me all your love, let us become one; try to lilve into my love for you, let my love fill you, nourish you, caress your daring body and hug your daring soul too, let my love steam over you, merge yo thoughly; let me rest happy and cofident in your passion for me!


hug me表达的中文是什么意思2

  hug me 意思为:拥抱我

  hug [英]h?g [美]h?ɡ

  vt. vi. 热烈地拥抱,抱住,紧抱

  vt. 紧靠…走;抱有,持有

  n. 紧抱,热烈拥抱


  He wanted to give his son a hug.


hug me表达的中文是什么意思3

  1. I gave her a big hug and sloppy kiss – the kind that all daddies give -- and proceeded to unwrap the little package she had bestowed on me.


  2. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I hate it, yet hug it in love.


  3. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I have it, yet hug it in love.


  4. Because you are over there, just give at least one person a hug from me.


  5. Mike's parents have been quite worried about his life in China and afraid that he would be eaten by Chinese!:D (Dieter ist ein Alte Spass Vogel) Now, Mike was back safely and bring a ***** chinese girl back together (shy to cut several adjective words:) Dieter said, both Tina and I is or will be important member of Maluche family... Then he came to me to give me a warm hug, and Barbara gave me too.


  6. I can take care myself, so you can release now. Thanking you for the tendance to me, contain my self-indulgence, giving the warmesst hug to me, make my soul have a rest.


  7. Comforting words are no match for your hands tapping gently on my shoulder; beautiful images are no match for your sweet smile around me. You hug me on MSN, on QQ, or in short messages. But Still, I can't feel your hands, your shoulder, your warm and your strength. I am sorry, but i really can't feel them.


  8. O May! Love me, give me all your love, let us become one; try to lilve into my love for you, let my love fill you, nourish you, caress your daring body and hug your daring soul too, let my love steam over you, merge yo thoughly; let me rest happy and cofident in your passion for me!


hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇扩展阅读

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展1)



  英 [?meθ?d] 美 [?m?θ?d]


  method 基本解释

  名词 方法; 条理


  1. A new training method was introduced.


  2. His book is totally without method.


  3. Our teacher is showing us a new method of writing.



  1. But it is the new " little telescope that could " method that has researchers buzzing.

  2. China will change its method of cadre selection from appointment to open competition, according to a provisional regulation released Wednesday.

  3. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

  4. The top statistics official's pledge to steadily reform the method of calculating the country's house sale prices in 2011 is welcome.

  5. Sources said the tax authorities propose to adjust the method for calculating the resource tax to reflect the price of the products.

  6. The administration announced in February that 10 municipalities and provinces had started experimental work to carry out the calculating method.

  7. The parties may agree on the method of an overall calculation and one time payment, or of an overall calculation and payment by installment.

  8. The NBS will release the country's property price index on Friday, the first time it will incorporate a revised method of calculation.

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展2)

——kiss hug表达的中文是什么意思3篇

kiss hug表达的中文是什么意思1


  kiss 英 [k?s] 美 [k?s]

  及物动词 接吻; 轻拂; 轻微碰撞

  不及物动词 接吻; 轻触

  名词 吻; 轻触; 小糖果; 蛋白甜饼,球形饼干

  hug 英 [h?g] 美 [h?ɡ]

  及物/不及物动词 热烈地拥抱,抱住,紧抱

  及物动词 紧靠…走; 抱有,持有

  名词 紧抱,热烈拥抱

  不及物动词 缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体)

kiss hug表达的中文是什么意思2

  1. Allergic inpiduals should not pet, hug or kiss their pets because of the allergens on the animal's fur or saliva.

  2. A survey conducted in 1997 indicated that 40 per cent of couples didn't even hug or kiss their future spouses before their marriages.

  3. It's a human right to be able to hug and kiss when you're in love.

  4. The couple then hug and kiss as hundreds of people gathered around them cheer lustily.

  5. " He gave me a hug and a kiss and asked me where my snowman was, " she said.

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展3)

——no show表达的中文是什么意思3篇

no show表达的中文是什么意思1



  及物/不及物动词 表现出; 给…看; 显露出; 上演

  及物动词 表明; 说明; 指示; 演示

  名词 显示; 表演; 展览; 外观

  不及物动词 被人看见,显现,显而易见

no show表达的中文是什么意思2

  1. Investigations show that there is almost no chance of any gambler winning in online games, which are controlled by gambling firms mostly based abroad.

  2. No morning show change would be bigger than a departure by Lauer, whose contract ends at the end of next year.

  3. China's ZED project to debut at the Shanghai Expo will leave no carbon footprint behind to show the world its commitment to battling climate change.

  4. Statistics also show that though less trees were felled, actual income was no less than that of last year.

  5. He said sensors did not show an unusually high concentration of natural gas, and the city's major utility company reported it found no gas leaks.

  6. It seems that Zhang and company were inspired by the 2004 Athens show, which did not aim to win over people with no knowledge of the ancient civilization.

  7. But there is no clear indication to show that those parents'concerns are real.

  8. The Japanese OEMs use the Tokyo venue as their concept vehicle and technology platform no other show has such a high concentration of concept cars.

  9. He announced no new troop reductions despite continuing calls from Democrats for a withdrawal timetable, something polls show most Americans want as well.

  10. Samples near the gorges showed that cooling began about 45 million years ago, whereas samples taken farther away from the river show no evidence of that cooling.

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展4)



  代词 它; 他; 正好是所需的'; 事实[情况]

  名词 <美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; <俚>绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极

  1. This is my watch, it's a Swiss one.


  2. It's early yet.


  3. It is cold.


  4. I'd think it well worth while to go.


  5. But here it's my word that counts.



  1. 它(指物体、动物或上文已提及的其他事物)

  You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has already been mentioned.

  e.g. He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him...


  e.g. It's a wonderful city, really. I'll show it to you if you want...


  2. (指小孩或婴儿)它

  You use it to refer to a child or baby whose sex you do not know or whose sex is not relevant to what you are saying.

  e.g. She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born...


  e.g. He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.


  3. (笼统指代刚描述过的情景)

  You use it to refer in a general way to a situation that you have just described.

  e.g. He was through with sports, not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way...


  e.g. Antonia will not be jealous, or if she is, she will not show it.


  4. (用于某些名词、形容词、动词前说明对某情况的感受、观点)

  You use it before certain nouns, adjectives, and verbs to introduce your feelings or point of view about a situation.

  e.g. It was nice to see Steve again...


  e.g. It's a pity you never got married, Sarah...


  5. (用于被动句中引出一个情况或事件)

  You use it in passive clauses which report a situation or event.

  e.g. It has been said that stress causes cancer...


  e.g. Yesterday it was reported that a number of people had been arrested in the capital...


  6. (与动词连用,作形式主语或宾语)

  You use it with some verbs that need a subject or object, although there is no noun that it refers to.

  e.g. Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists...

  当然,结果是那群人中 3/4 是精神病学家。

  e.g. I like it here...


  7. (用作 be动词的主语,指钟点、星期、日期)

  You use it as the subject of 'be', to say what the time, day, or date is.

  e.g. It's three o'clock in the morning...

  现在是** 3 点整。

  e.g. It was a Monday, so she was at home...


hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展5)




  1. 黎巴嫩:坦(UZB)黎巴嫩(LIB)**(VIE)澳门(MAC)也门(YEM)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB)以色列(ISR)安道尔(AND)意大利(ITA)亚美尼亚(ARM)拉脱维亚(LAT)奥地利(AUT)列支敦士登(LIE)阿塞拜疆(AZE) 立陶宛(LIT)比利时(BEL)卢森堡(LUX)波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(BIH) 前南斯拉夫马其顿(MKD)白***(BLR)马尔他(MLT)保加利亚(BUL)摩尔多瓦(MOL)克罗地亚(CR

  2. 库文件:LINUX下所有的应用程序,不外乎是由配置文件(etc)、库文件(lib)、程序文件(bin)组成. 而要生成这个应用程序,你需要源代码,同时需要一个开发环境,由连接器、编译器、库文件组成.

  3. **人:具体分类是这样,中锋(CF)的射门技术;前腰(OMF)、中前卫(CMF)的个人技术;边锋(WF)、边前卫(SMF)、边卫(SB)的加速度;后腰(DMF)、中后卫(CB)、托后中卫(SW)和**人(LIB)的*衡力;门将(GK)的守门技术.

  4. lib:lithium ion battery; 锂离子电池

  5. lib:left in backward; 左后内曲线

  6. lib:least important bit; 次要的比特

  7. lib:label information base; 标签信息库


  1. Both polls suggest a'hung parliament', in which the centrist Lib Dems could hold the balance of power.

  2. But the combined Labour and Lib Dem seats would still be insufficient to form a majority.

  3. Another memo recommended looking for TV footage of an apparent Democratic debate over a " Gay Lib " plank in that party's platform.

  4. The results show that specimen orientation, test temperature and specimen thickness have remarkable influence to test results. The maximum persity of strength is up to 36%, and texture of LiB compound fiber in the rolled alloy has significant effect to strength.

  结果表明,拉伸方向、试验温度和试样轧制厚度对合金的拉伸强度有显著的影响,强度的最大变化率可达36%;轧制后合金中LiB化合物纤维的织构对强度有显著的影响,合金21℃时的*均拉伸强度为24.5 MPa。

  5. And repeat the process, this time selecting the'Lib


  6. The experimental results reveal that the reduction of electrolytes occurs at the interface with graphite negative electrode at first, leading to solid electrolyte interface film which is insulated from electrons but conductive for lithium ions.

  实验结果表明,LIB 首次充电时电解液于石墨负电极的.界面处发生还原反应、生成了电子不可导而锂离子可导的固体电解质中介相薄膜。

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展6)

——keep out的中文是什么意思3篇

keep out的中文是什么意思1

  英 [ki:p aut] 美 [kip a?t]


  (使)留在外面; 扣留; 保留; 留下

keep out的中文是什么意思2

  1. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

  2. These include a move to keep all tissue that may carry the infection out of human food.

  3. They carried the train of her gown up the chapel steps to keep it out of puddles.

  4. GM and Chrysler have said they need at least $ 14 billion in combined aid to keep from running out of cash by early next year.

  5. I keep reading about all of these movies coming out and quotes from people saying, 'We don't take off our clothes - we're classy.

  6. The ministry asked local authorities to keep a close watch on the market, and work out contingency plans to cope with increased demand for oil during the winter.

  7. Wen warned governments at the local level to keep a close eye out for risky loans.

  8. The two men said they lit diesel oil to try to keep out the cold weather.

  9. The rising property prices forced policymakers to come out with a slew of policies to keep a lid on home prices since April last year.

hug me表达的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展7)

——英语nba表达的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?en bi: ?e?] 美 [?enbi:'e?]

  Narrow-Band Allocation 窄带分配;National Basketball Association **职业篮球联赛;


  1. Considered by many to be the best NBA player of all time, the highly marketed sports figure is a savvy businessman as well.

  2. But for the Cavaliers, moving on in the NBA playoffs wasn't pain free.

  3. Investor Chris Hansen has contacted the Maloof family about buying the Sacramento Kings, setting up the possibility of the NBA's return to Seattle.

  4. James was brought up by his mother and became an NBA superstar through dint of hard work.

  5. The lease was called the worst in the NBA by commissioner David Stern.

  6. The 144 points was a Grizzlies franchise record and the most points scored by an NBA team in regulation this season.

  7. NBA fans can vote once a day per phone number by texting the last name of a player to a special number.

  8. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the possibilities created by the league's cosmopolitan flavour.

  9. NBA commissioner David Stern predicted last week the deal would be approved easily by the league's owners.

  10. " We are saddened by the news of Jason Collier's sudden passing, " NBA commissioner David Stern said.

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