



  代词 没有一个; 没有人,没有一人; 没有一部分,没有一点

  副词 根本不; 无法,绝不

  1. None of us enjoy getting up early.


  2. None would take the risk.


  3. None of your funeral.



  1. 没有一点儿;全无;没有一个(人或物)

  None of something means not even a small amount of it. None of a group of people or things means not even one of them.

  e.g. She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself...


  e.g. None of us knew how to treat her.


  2. 同…不沾边;不准;拒绝接受

  If you say that someone will have none of something, or is having none of something, you mean that they refuse to accept it.

  e.g. He knew his own mind and was having none of their attempts to keep him at home.


  3. 只有;除…之外没有

  None but means only.

  e.g. None but God will ever know what I suffered...


  e.g. He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.


  4. (用于形容词或副词前,强调提到的特质不存在)毫无,毫不

  You use none too in front of an adjective or adverb in order to emphasize that the quality mentioned is not present.

  e.g. He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour...


  e.g. Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently.


  5. (表示原有的特质现已失去)毫不,一点也不

  You use none the to say that someone or something does not have any more of a particular quality than they did before.

  e.g. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances...


  e.g. He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better.



  1. On his way back, somebody followed him stealthily and saw Xiuxiu. This was none other than Sergeant Guo who worked for the governor.


  2. But none of that is in my medical record. And it's not in yours either.


  3. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 14.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.

  b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了14.1条或有关法律规定的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接和可预见的损失提出索赔。

  4. B if the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 20.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.

  b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了第20.1 条款项或相关法律项下的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接的和可预见的损失提出索赔。

  5. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 15.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.

  b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了第15.1条或有关法律下的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接和可预见的损失提出索赔。

  6. M Y; b, N f A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.


  7. Pet: none, although he does have an eagle owl


  8. The Druid of World of Warcraft was designed as a `Jack of All Trades` type of character – yet master of none.


  9. Somewhat of a jack of all trades, master of none.


  10. This flight company`s safety record is second to none.


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