




  W: Hey, Tom, what are you going to do this Saturday?

  M: I don’t have any plans yet. Maybe I'll stay at home.

  W: We are thinking of going to the People's Park. What about joining us?

  M: That sounds great. I haven't been there for two years.

  W: Good. There are four of us going altogether.

  M: When shall we meet?

  W: We'll meet at the main gate of the Park at 9:00 am.

  M: Ok, I'll see you then.

  ( ) 1. How many of them will go to the park altogether?

  A. Two. B. Four. C. Nine.

  ( ) 2. Where will they meet this Saturday?

  A. At the gate of the Park. B. In the Park. C. At Tom's home.


  W: Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions? I’m doing a survey.

  M: Sure.

  W: What do you do?

  M: I’m a doctor.

  W: How often do you come to this shopping center?

  M: I'm too busy with my work. This is the first time I’ve come here.

  W: Who does the shopping in your family?

  M: My wife. She is a teacher.

  W: Thank you for your time.

  ( ) 3. Where most probably are the two speakers?

  A. In a hospital. B. In a school. C. In a shopping center.

  ( ) 4. What does the man’s wife do?

  A. She is a doctor. B. She is a teacher. C. she is a saleswoman.


  M: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?

  W: I need to buy a pair of shoes.

  M: What is your size?

  W: Size 6, please.

  M: How about this one?

  W: Let me try them on... Oh, it's too big. Do you have a smaller one?

  M: Just a moment. I'll get you Size 5 and Size 4. You can try them on and see which size suits you best.

  W: Thank you.

  ( ) 5. What is the woman buying?

  A. Trousers. B. Shoes. C. Dress.

  ( ) 6. What size did the woman first try?

  A. Size 4. B. Size 5. C. Size 6.


  M: Excuse me. When does the museum close?

  W: Today is Wednesday. At six o’clock today.

  M: Does it close at that time every day?

  W: Well, on weekends, we close it one hour later.

  M: Why?

  W: On weekends, we have more visitors.

  M: Oh, I see. Thank you.

  ( ) 7. When does the museum close on Sundays?

  A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00

  ( ) 8. Why do they close the museum later than usual on weekends?

  A. Because there are more people.

  B. Because they have more time.

  C. Because it's weekends.


  Tom is a bus driver in this small city. He drives Bus No. 10, which runs east and west along the main street. This is a busy route, but it is in a nice part of the city. Tom likes his job because he gets off work quite early. From Monday to Friday, he works for eight hours, from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . But on Saturdays, he works only for four hours. He doesn't work on Sundays. He usually spends Sundays with his family. Next year, Tom will be 60 years old and he will retire. Tom has worked hard for the past 30 years, and he wants to retire as soon as possible so that he can enjoy his family time with his grandchildren.

  ( ) 9. Bus No. 10 runs ___________.

  A. on the main street B. on a small road C. in the city center

  ( ) 10. Tome works _________ on Wednesdays.

  A. ten hours B. eight hours C. four hours

  ( ) 11. On Sundays, Tom ____________.

  A. works for four hours B. runs east and west C. enjoys family time

  ( ) 12. Tom likes his work because he can __________.

  A. retire soon B. get off work early C. enjoy family time

  ( ) 13. Tom will retire __________.

  A. next year B. next month C. next Sunday


  A)1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5.B 6. C 7. C 8. A

  B) 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. A


  One fine evening a young princess went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a spring of water, she sat herself down to rest a while. Now she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite plaything. After a time she threw it up so high that she missed catching it as it fell; and the ball bounded away, and rolled along on the ground, until at last it fell down into the spring. The princess looked into the spring after her ball, but it was very deep, so deep that she could not see the bottom of it. She began to cry, and said, 'If I could only get my ball again, I would give all my fine clothes and jewels, and everything that I have in the world.'


  角色: Mary 和 小兵,学生



  Mary: Good afternoon, Xiao Bin. <电脑屏幕显示>

  考生: Good afternoon, Mary. You don't look well today.

  Mary: Yes, I feel cold. <电脑屏幕显示>

  考生: What's wrong with you?

  Mary: I don't know. Maybe I have a fever. <电脑屏幕显示>

  考生: You should go to see a doctor.

  Mary: Do we have a clinic in our school? <电脑屏幕显示>

  考生: Yes, it's just near the library.

  Mary: Thank you. I'll go there soon. <电脑屏幕显示>


  给分信息点建议:1) I rode my bike to school; 2) I fell down from bike; 3) I was injured; 4) a taxi driver sent me to hospital; 5) a doctor treated me and I thanked them.

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