


  Japanese (language)


  How do you say “beard” in Japanese?

  “胡须”用日文怎么说?This course is the intermediate level of the basic Japanese.

  这门课是中级的基础日文。I heard that Kna in Japanese is a kind of syllabic language, is that so?

  听说日文假名是一种音节文字, 是这样吗? Underneath is the same statement in Japanese, once in standard Japanese and again in the osaka dialect

  这行字下面是它的两个日文版本,分别以标准日文及大阪方言写成。And those who studied Japanese did not seem to have become any more efficient.

  那些学日文的,做事就不见得会更有效率。MEATRIX: yeah, i saw it in the pic with the Japanese words all over it and the dev manual picture.

  对,我曾经看见一张图,上面有不少日文,还有开发工具说明书的图片。 japanese是什么意思:

  adj. 日本的,日本人的

  n. 日本人,日语

  Sakura is a national flower of Japan. The Japanese people have looked on Sakura as an important object.

  樱花是日本的`国花,日本人又把樱花看作是重要的象征。 I picked up quite a lot of Japanese words during my six-month stay in Japan.

  我在日本六个月的逗留中学会了许多日语单词。Tea ceremony (Japanese chado orcha-no-yu ):Ritualized preparation and drinking of tea developed in Japan.

  茶道:流行于日本的准备仪式以及喝茶。We must keep up our guard against the attempts of a handful of ultra-right forces in Japan to obstruct and undermine Sino-Japanese relations


  n. 语言,语言文字;表达能力;术语;粗话;文风,措辞

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