表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)


  1. Detail one: On a few plants are put beside computer, fabulous cacti absorbs radiation effectively, but can plunge into a person, and have do not have the effect to also do not have scientific basis, recommending; to want only actually is greenery OK, the plant can make you much nod oxygen, retain have one's head screwed on the right way.


  2. It is not acceptable to just nod one's head or say only yes or no.



  英 [n?d] 美 [nɑ:d]

  不及物动词 点头; 打瞌睡; 上下摆动; 变得粗心大意

  及物动词 点头示意; 使弯曲,使屈服; 点头答应

  名词 点头; 点头同意; 打瞌睡,打盹; 粗心大意



  1. He nodded his agreement.


  2. I nodded off in the meeting and didn't hear what was said.



  1. She nodded to me in a friendly fashion.


  2. The maid nodded with fatigue.



  1. He greeted us with a nod.


表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——表示南西北的英文形式 (菁选2篇)



  1. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

  2. Growth was also boosted by the company's truck and van business, which had another strong quarter thanks in part to North American demand.

  3. Yang said a businessman from north China's Shanxi province has purchased 15 of the devices, adding that he has also received orders from New Zealand.

  4. In some regions in north Xinjiang, the temperature is likely to drop by 6 to 10 degrees.

  5. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test.

  6. The official said Cha told Kim that North Korea was running out of time to act on the agreement.

  7. Positions swapped regularly as the fleet toughed out typical North Sea conditions, and it was by no means certain that Ericsson 4's lead was a given thing.

  8. Ferries are the main way of transportation between north and south Senegal, in part because travel by road is slowed by border checks passing through Gambia.

  9. The announcement of the killing of the three Turks came after police said they had found three bodies by a road north of Baghdad.


  英 [west] 美 [w?st]

  名词 西,西部,**

  形容词 西部的; 在**的; 朝西的; (风)来自西面的

  副词 向西,朝西; 自**; 向**



  1. On the west coast, the temperature changes very little between summer and winier.


  2. He has been to most of West Europe.



  1. I drove west along the road.



  1. He lives in the west of England.


  2. Libya lies to the west of Egypt.


表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——表示发烧的正确英文形式 (菁选2篇)


  1. I will take your temperature to see if you have caught a fever.


  2. It is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on.


  3. As we konw, after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is very similar, the patient will appear has a fever, wearily, the cough, to have a poor appetite and so on.


  4. As we all known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on.


  5. After the initial stage, many people do not have a fever, but the chronic cough that accompanies pertussis can last for many weeks.


  6. Eg:oh, youlook awful, do you have a fever?



  英 [?fi:v?(r)] 美 [?fiv?]



  A:Good afternoon. What's the trouble?


  B:I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.


  A:Anything else?


  B:Yes. I have an upset stomach.


  A:I see. We'll take a good look at you.Do you have any other symptoms? Any more than those you've described?


  B:No. That's about all.


  A:Well, I don't think it's anything serious.


  B:I'm relieved to hear that.


表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)

——表示饭类的英文翻译是怎样的 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?p?r?d?] 美 [?p?:r?d?]

  名词 粥; 稀饭; 麦片粥; 肉汤

  1. No, I didn't have porridge.


  2. This teahouse provided porridge and straw sandals for miners and workers for free, on condition that the teahouse recycled old straw sandals of theirs.


  3. Boil the frozen or defrosted veg fish cake in soup/porridge for 4 to 5 minutes.


  4. Boil the frozen or defrosted big fish cake in soup/porridge for 4 to 5 minutes.


  5. Boil the frozen or defrosted golden fish cake in soup/porridge for 4 to 5 minutes.



  1. 在家吃白饭等分配,这不是我的性格。

  And assigning at home, this is not my personality.

  2. 公司吃白饭的人太多了,所以要精简人员。

  There are too much dead weight in the company, so things need to be streamlined.

  3. 我每天喂他吃两餐,它吃白饭和肉。

  I feed Mickey twice a day. It likes to eat meat and rice.

  4. 身体不方便,会影响工作:这一点我想残疾人的自尊可以告诉您我们不是吃白饭的人;2。

  Disabled people will never live on others and disability is never an excuse for not working.

  5. 你是吃白饭的呀,竟然出这样的错儿!

  How could you make such a terrible mistake?

  6. 现在可以吃白饭的地方越来越少了。

  To eat plain rice or pasta without other dishes.

  7. 他喜欢吃白饭就咸菜。

  He likes to have rice and pickles for meals.

  8. 那里的食物也很不错,我们终于吃到白饭了。

  The food at the restaurant was delicious, and we ate rice at last.

表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——英**ive into的汉语翻译形式 (菁选2篇)

英**ive into的汉语翻译形式1

  英 [ɡiv ??ntu?] 美 [ɡ?v ??ntu]

  give into 基本解释


英**ive into的汉语翻译形式2

  1. The privatization plan will give minority shareholders opportunities to turn their investment earnings into cash, the statement said.

  2. A teacher surnamed Yan said the school's intention was to give underperforming students green scarves to prod them into catching up with better performing students.

  3. The couple checked into a resort in Swakopmund amid speculation that Jolie may give birth to their child there.

  4. Walton said he isn't going to give Libby a free pass to allow all classified information into court.

  5. Israel has reacted coldly to a Russian proposal to give the Palestinians 50 armored vehicles, fearing they could fall into the hands of militants.

  6. He did not give details of the scope of the tax or when the policy would come into effect.

  7. He threatened to " give the Chinese government the deadliest strike by the simplest means " and " turn the year 2008 into China's year of condolence ".

  8. Chan employs his considerable 18 years of experience to give each photo resonance that draws viewers into sharing the intimate moments.

  9. This statement does not give China all the credit it deserves for its progress on introducing more flexibility into its foreign exchange regime.

  10. Find a way to give someone your critique without letting it turn into a criticism.

表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——英文or anything正确的翻译形式 (菁选2篇)

英文or anything正确的翻译形式1

  英 [?: ?eniθi?] 美 [?r ??ni?θ??]

  or anything 基本解释


英文or anything正确的翻译形式2

  1. From a business perspective, anything that makes an organization more effective or more efficient has value.

  2. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

  3. Duncan has not been charged with anything other than the kidnapping counts, which can carry the death penalty or life in prison.

  4. " The guy can't remember anything about what's happened or why he's come forward, " inspector Helen Eustace at West End Central police station said.

  5. Another characteristic of Jiangxi cuisine is that there are rarely any cold dishes or anything served raw in contrast to other Chinese cuisines.

  6. A lot of developers in China work on games and apps that are either addictive or not creating anything of value for children.

  7. Miniaturized Tags can be quickly and easily attached to almost anything with the key ring loop or adhesive strips.

  8. The Hohhot prison management bureau was unable to confirm or release anything in detail.

  9. Covert coping was listed as " letting thing pass without saying anything " and " going away " despite feelings of being hard done by colleagues or bosses.

表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——表示棉花的英文单词有几个 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?k?tn] 美 [?kɑ:tn]



  1. A girl must cotton to somebody.


  2. That dog doesn't cotton to strangers.


  3. He cottons to the plan.



  1. She sewed the buttons on with cotton.



  1. Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is one of the most important economic crops due to its excellent natural fiber properties.


  2. In this study chitinase and β-1, 3-glucanase were transferred into Gossypium hirszrtum CCRI 24 by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.


  3. Brar Z S%Singh M Effect of plant regulators on biomass and productivity of cotton gossypium Indian of Ecol, 1983, null

  莫淑勋 土壤中有机酸的产生、转化对土壤肥力的某些影响土壤学进展,1986,null

  4. Since Sea Island cotton pos-sesses superior fiber quality, we used Sea Island cotton variety 7124 as a starting material to clone the full-length cDNA of GbXET gene by PCR and RACE techniques.

  鉴于海岛棉纤维品质较优,以海岛棉(Gossypium bar-badense)7124 为材料,利用PCR和RACE技术得到了海岛棉XET的全长基因GbXET。

  5. Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins play important roles in plant pathogen defense, especially fungi. A pair of degenerated primers were designed based on conserved sequence of 20 other known pgip genes and used to amplify Gossypium barbadense 7124 cDNA library by means of Touch-Down PCR.

  多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白在植物的防御反应中起着重要的作用,通过分析已知20余种pgip基因序列的保守区,设计简并引物,PCR扩增海岛棉7124 cDNA文库,得到一条长561bp的片段,序列测定后分析确认为pgip基因的一部分。

表示点头的英文形式是怎样的 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——表示后悔的英文单词是什么 (菁选2篇)


  英 [r??gret] 美 [r??ɡr?t]


  及物动词 后悔,悔恨; 遗憾,抱歉; 悼念,哀悼

  不及物动词 感到后悔,感到抱歉

  名词 遗憾,惋惜; 后悔,悔恨; 哀悼


  1. I regret spending so much money on a car.


  2. To this day I do not regret having made that remark.


  3. I regret to tell you that my friend is ill.



  英 [r??pent] 美 [r??p?nt]



  1. I repented my decision.


  2. He hath repented him of his sins.


  3. He has bitterly repented his folly.



  1. I have nothing to repent of.


  2. She repented of her sins.


  3. You should repent and start anew.


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