英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?memb?(r)] 美 [?m?mb?]



  名词 成员; 分子; 身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿); 构件,部件



  1. I am a member of our school football club.


  2. His lower members were numb with cold.


  3. Her lower members were numb with cold.


  4. Clare was the most vivid member of the family.



  1. (团体的)成员,一分子

  A member of a group is one of the people, animals, or things belonging to that group.

  e.g. He refused to name the members of staff involved...


  e.g. Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.


  2. 会员;成员

  A member of an organization such as a club or a political party is a person who has officially joined the organization.

  e.g. The support of our members is of great importance to the Association...


  e.g. Britain is a full member of NATO.


  3. (某国际**的)会员国,成员国

  A member country or member state is one of the countries that has joined an international organization or group.

  e.g. ...the member countries of the European Free Trade Association.


  e.g. ...a co-ordinated approach, with each member state doing what it could.


  4. 议员

  A member or Member is a person who has been elected to a parliament or legislature.

  e.g. He was elected to Parliament as the Member for Leeds.


英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——英语rest是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [rest] 美 [rest]


  名词 休息; 剩余部分; **物; 宁静,安宁

  及物/不及物动词 (使)休息; (使)倚靠[支撑]

  不及物动词 休息; 静止; 停止; 安心

  及物动词 使休息; 使轻松; 使长眠; 使依赖


  1. Let the argument rest there.


  2. The doctor tried to rest his patient's mind at ease.



  1. 剩余部分

  The rest is used to refer to all the parts of something or all the things in a group that remain or that you have not already mentioned.

  e.g. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life...


  e.g. I'm going to throw a party, then invest the rest of the money...


  2. 诸如此类;如此等等;不一而足

  You can add and the rest or all the rest of it to the end of a statement or list when you want to refer in a vague way to other things that are associated with the ones you have already mentioned.

  e.g. ...a man with nice clothes, a Range Rover and the rest...


  e.g. And what about racism and all the rest of it?


  3. 休息;歇息;放松(身体)

  If you rest or if you rest your body, you do not do anything active for a time.

  e.g. He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks...


  e.g. Try to rest the injured limb as much as possible.


  4. 休息;歇息

  If you get some rest or have a rest, you do not do anything active for a time.

  e.g. 'You're worn out, Laura,' he said. 'Go home and get some rest.'...


  e.g. After I've had a good rest, I'll tell you everything.


  5. 依赖;取决于;以…为基础

  If something such as a theory or someone's success rests on a particular thing, it depends on that thing.

  e.g. Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions...


英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——英语furnish是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?f?:n??] 美 [?f?:rn??]



  及物动词 陈设,布置; 提供,供应; 装修(房屋)



  1. How are you going to furnish the house?


  2. She rents a furnished flat.


  3. I will furnish all you need.


  4. The house is well furnished.


  5. I'll furnish you with all you need.



  1. John's and Furnish's civil union would not be recognized as marriage in Ukraine.

  2. Zhu agreed to furnish the committee the company's financial documents later.

  3. The family members of a foreigner applying for a visa or residence permit in China need to furnish official documents proving their relationship.

  4. Elton John and partner David Furnish are tipped to make a surprise appearance.

  5. Kwok's company is in talks with a furniture chain to develop an application that enable users to furnish a model of their houses on Facebook.

  6. Elizabeth has allegedly been seeking wedding advice from her good friend Sir Elton John, who'married'his partner David Furnish in a civil ceremony in 2005.

  7. Moving into his own city apartment and having to furnish it made it easy for him to spot a gap in the market.

  8. Furnish played a Russell recording and John began to weep, as the music transported him back to the outset of his career.

  9. There should be complementary systems of verification and provisions of punishing officials who furnish false reports.

英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)




  英 [n(r)] 美 [n]


  形容词 又一个; 再一个; 另一的; 其他一种

  代词 另一个,别个; 再一个



  1. He drank another glass of beer.


  2. We need another chair.


  3. I don't like this book, give me another one.



  1. Another two recruitment drives will be held over the weekend at Renmin University and the University of International Business and Economics.

  2. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.

  3. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

  4. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says.

  5. Another manager from Citibank said it began RMB business last April and is busy preparing its debit card business at present.

  6. Growth was also boosted by the company's truck and van business, which had another strong quarter thanks in part to North American demand.

  7. A member of Justin's entourage in another part of the suites heard them giggling and came through catching them in the act.

  8. " Contraband " was recorded while Weiland was dealing with another drugs bust, and amid massive skepticism that the group would amount to anything.

  9. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.


  1. 一个接一个地;接连地

  If you talk about one thing after another, you are referring to a series of repeated or continuous events.

  e.g. They had faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication...


  e.g. They kept going, destroying one store after another.


  2. (表示不确指)各种不同的,各种各样的

  You use or another in expressions such as one kind or another when you do not want to be precise about which of several alternatives or possibilities you are referring to.

  e.g. ...family members and visiting artists of one kind or another crowding the huge kitchen...


  e.g. All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.


  3. (用于有名的人物、地点或事件前表示与其类似的)另一个…,类似…的

  You use another in front of the name of a well-known person, place, or event to indicate that you think someone or something is just like that person, place, or event.

  e.g. You may never be another Hemingway, but you can learn to write well.


  4. 互相

  You use one another to indicate that each member of a group does something to or for the other members.

  e.g. ...women learning to help themselves and one another...


  e.g. The two countries do little trade with one another.


英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——英语attach是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [??t?t?] 美 [??t?t?]

  及物/不及物动词 附上; 贴上,系

  及物动词 (有时不受欢迎或未受邀请而)参加; 把…固定; 把…归因于; (使)与…有联系

  不及物动词 附着; 从属; 伴随而来; 联在一起(to, upon)


  1. The hospital is attached to that university.


  2. He'll attach the label to your luggage.


  3. This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.



  1. Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue.

  2. The surgery will attach facial tissue and blood vessels from a cadaver to a new patient.

  3. The Chinese attach great importance to the prize which cannot be ignored.

  4. What really ******* is the importance coalmine leaders and local government leaders attach to the safety of miners.

  5. Policymakers should attach more importance to further increase people's income than to collection of ever more tax revenues.

  6. This forecast shows why international automakers must attach so much importance to the auto show in China's commercial capital.

  7. " We will attach more importance to controlling motor vehicles, " Sun added.

  8. A Foreign Ministry statement in Lima said Peru rejected Castro's " offensive " comments and was downgrading its diplomatic representation to a business attach.

  9. He said the governments should attach greater importance to limiting the discharge of new pollutants into the sea.

英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——英语partly是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?pɑ:tli] 美 [?pɑ:rtli]

  partly 基本解释

  副词 半; 部分地; 在一定程度上; 不完全地


  1. I believe what he has said is partly true.


  2. We are all partly to blame.



  1. The organization she works for is funded partly by the Hong Kong business community.

  2. But a lot of Chinese people buy into such tricks, which may partly explain why so many Chinese brands have adopted foreign names.

  3. The last act in the drama played out partly in public view.

  4. He made special reference to speculation in the real estate market, where soaring prices are believed to be partly caused by funds illegally channeled into China.

  5. The villagers used to make a simple living partly by cultivating small paddy fields, and by working for the logging companies.

  6. Beijing has been plagued by water shortages partly because of its geography, with nine years of consecutive drought starting in 1999.

  7. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.

  8. Jia said the high rate of caesarean births in the capital is partly due to the fear of pain among many young pregnant women.

英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——英语replace是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [r??ple?s] 美 [r??ples]


  replace 基本解释

  及物动词 代替; 替换; 把…放回原位; (用…)替换



  1. I will replace the cup I broke.


  2. George replaced Edward as captain.


  3. Can anything replace a mother's love and care?


  4. The brakes have to be replaced.



  1. Because the reform means VAT will replace the business tax, the initiative has been warmly greeted by related enterprises.

  2. The board of directors of Henan Airlines on Wednesday sacked the airline's general manager Li Qiang and appointed an acting manager to replace him.

  3. The Zhanjiang government plans to replace all public lights in the city with LEDs by the end of 2014.

  4. Lawmakers will vote in two weeks on plans to replace Britain's nuclear missile defense system, a Cabinet minister told the House of Commons yesterday.

  5. Officials say he has yet to settle on a candidate to replace Goh Kun, who retired after 40 years of public service and nine weeks as acting president.

  6. Spokesman Qin Gang said Japan's proposal attempts to replace the established principle of capacity to pay with the concept of responsibility to pay.

  7. Brazil will replace Costa Rica in the Latin America and Caribbean category.

  8. The hotels have had to shampoo the carpet after and replace bed linen after a Chinese tour group passed through.

  9. Cate Blanchett is rumoured to replace Sienna Miller in'Nottingham'.

英语member是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——英语elevates是什么中文意思 (菁选2篇)




  提升;提高;举起( elevate的第三人称单数 );鼓舞;


  1. It also elevates the importance of risk factors in determining which states and cities get federal security funds.

  2. Their viewpoint is that the value of land lies in its environment, and the environment elevates industrial activity.

  3. Wangfujing's shoppers are mostly tourists from home and abroad, so this location elevates Apple's image nationwide and worldwide.

  4. The new prize fund elevates the 2011 Omega Mission Hills World Cup up alongside the Major championships and the World Golf Championships.

  5. When the laptop is opened, the screen automatically elevates to an ideal viewing position.

  6. Cai Yi Xuan elevates the art of Chinese dining with good, honest regional cooking lightened up with fresh modern presentation.

  7. The ongoing Sixth National Farmers'Games in Fujian's Quanzhou elevates this tradition to the level of a competition.

  8. What elevates Country Driving above all the other excellent books I've mentioned is the quality of Hessler's writing.

  9. It elevates the region's popularity, attracts more experts and integrates multiple cultures in the region.

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