我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)

我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文1

  As a middle school student, I don't have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It's a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it's a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.


我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文2


  请你以"My Free Time"为题,描述一下的课余生活。



  I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening.Sometimes I listen to music for a while.I find it a good way to relax myself.Of course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking.Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends.We always have a good time!

我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)



  I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?




  Everybody has a wish, but thry're all different. me, too, also have a wish. what is my wish, do you want to know? my wish is , i have that wish because . my wish might not be something that's great, but it's my wish. it's very important to me, no what have happened.



  Today's weather is not so good, but my mood is sunny, because yesterday I wrote a composition and published it on the excellent composition website, which is everyone's recognition and encouragement for me. I just started on the road of writing, although the road ahead is still very long, but I believe that with my modest and practical advice from the teacher, my mother's painstaking guidance and my own My unremitting efforts, I will go better and further.


  Today I am very happy, although I did not get anything, but I feel that I can do something.


  In ten years,I think the I‘ll be a reporter.I‘ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it‘s really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I‘ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don‘t like living alone.

  I‘ll have pets.I can‘t have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I‘ll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot! I‘ll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week I‘ll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.

  On the weekends, I‘ll be able to dress more casually. I think I‘ll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.


  Ten years later, I write to you for the first time, my mood is unable to use my poor language to express, is very complex, some excitement, are looking forward to, and some fear.

  I have a lot of question want to ask you, there are many many words can express... .

  After ten years of I, how are you now? Happiness? Do you still insist on ten years ago that become a cartoonist, a novelist's dream? This dream realized after ten years?

  Or have forgotten it? Just have a simple job, live a flatly light day?

  Where more will not be dropped off in the exam, not on the university and was wondering how is good looking for work, lived a poor dog's life?

  My parents are ok? You have to let them live a good life, healthy? They also like ten years ago young and tall? Or is the white-haired?

我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——Unit 4 my英语说课稿 (菁选3篇)

Unit 4 my英语说课稿1

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it's my great honor/ to interpret my lesson plan here. /Now I will explain this lesson from 5 aspects----****ysis of teaching materials, ****ysis of students, teaching aims, teaching methods, and the most important one /is teaching procedure.

  Now, let's focus on the ****ysis of teaching materials. My topic is unit 4 my home(板书).It contains 2 parts----Let's learn and Let's do.(板书)It is very important in this unit. With the basic knowledge of this lesson, Ss can learn the following class well. The key points of this lesson,/ Ss are able to master key words, such as kitchen bathroom and so on ,and the key sentences like where's the …/ Is she in the…? And the difficult points are the pronunciation of the words kitchen and bathroom and how to lead Ss /to use the learnt knowledge in a real situation.

  Next, it is about the students, and my Ss are in Grade 4, they are full of curiosity,/ creative and willing to express themselves. And they have learnt some words and expression before, so it is not difficult for them/ to learn today's lesson.

  And based on ****ysis of teaching materials and students, I set the teaching aims as follows: the first one /is language knowledge, by the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words: kitchen bathroom and so on, and the key sentences like where's the …/ Is she in the…? The second one is language skills, through this lesson, Ss' can introduce their homes in English briefly. The last one is the emotion aims, which is to encourage Ss to love their homes and also develop their awareness of keeping their homes clean.

  And in order to achieve teaching aims better and stress the key points, break through the difficult points efficiently, I will mainly use task-based teaching method, situational teaching method and TPR teaching method./ To make the English teaching more directly, CAI and tape recorder will be needed.

  Now I will talk about the most important part ---teaching procedure (and the purposes of my designing). I will pide my lesson into 4 steps.

  The first step is warming up (about 5 mins). After greeting with Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing a song, and I'll invite the Ss to sing/ say it with me. Like this_________________.

  My purpose here is form a better English learning surrounding for Ss, it can draw Ss attention quickly to the English class and arouse their interest.

  After the song, I will say we all have happy families, so is Amy. Look, this is Amy's home. (板书:房子)

  (呈现单词) ①I'll have a riddle for students to guess what room it is(板书). And I'll give them some tips to help them to get the right answers. For example, I'll give some hints like there is a bed and a closet in this room. Oh, it's a bedroom. Great, this is the study(通过猜谜呈现两个单词) and I will ask Ss to read after me of the words

  ② How about this one? I'll cover a part of the rooms and let Ss guess. Bingo, it's a bathroom. And I'll ask Ss to read after me.

  ③Now Amy's hiding in one of the rooms, I'll let Ss guess “ where is …”/ “ is she in…”/ yes, she is/ no, she isn't.

  My purpose of this part is to use different ways to present the words and sentences for a better understanding.

  After presenting these words and sentences, I'd like to go on the third step---practice. I'll let Ss review the words and sentences by a chant。For the first time , we will have the chant together and do the actions. Like this “go to the living room, watch TV; go to the study, read a book” And for the second time, I'll say watch TV,Ss say go to the living room. I say read a book, Ss say go to the study..

  After a chant, I'll have a game called hide and seek let students guess where is Amy. I'll let Ss close their eyes and I put a picture of Amy may be in the study, and students may ask “ where is Amy? Is she in the bedroom?” I'll say “No, she isn't” “where is Amy? Is she in the study?” “ Yes ,she is.”

  My purpose here is to let Ss consolidate the knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere.

  After practice, I'll move to the fourth step---extension. First, I'll pide the whole class into groups, four in a group. Discuss and draw their own homes ,describe where their parents are in the home。At the same time, I'll walk around the classroom and give them some suggestions. Maybe 3 mins later, I will invite some groups to come here to perform their dialogue, and I'll give them comments.

  My purpose is to focus on the Ss and cultivate their language ability and cooperative ability.

  The last step is homework. I'll ask Ss to listen to the tape and follow it 3 times. Because it can help them to correct their pronunciation after class.

  And this is my layout.

  That's all. Thank you for your attention!

Unit 4 my英语说课稿2


  今天我上课的内容是PEP小学英语Book3Unit 3 My friends A部分的了Let’s leam 和Let’s find out。本册在本套教材中起着个“过渡”这样一个作用,由听说逐渐转向听说读写,逐步渗透书写,对学生提出了新的要求。即四会单词的加入。而本单元的四会单词又是比较难的一单元,本单元主要围绕“我的朋友”即如何描述自己身边熟悉的人来展开的。本节课主要是让学生学习几个描述人物外貌特征的单词或词组,如:long hair, short hair, thin ,strong, quiet。并且能结合句子“He has…,She has…,She is… ,He is…”在生活中运用所学语言。本课教学内容贴近学生生活,比较容易让学生接受,难在单词的灵活运用上以及个别个别单词的发言,如quiet,thin,所以我在安排教学时,把单词和句子结合起来,把单词的运用做作为重点,而不是单纯的认读单词。

  二、 说教学目标:



  1、能听、说、认读friend, long hair short hair, stong, quite, thin等单词和词组。

  2、能听懂、会说My friend is strong/thin。 He has short/long hair/big eyes/small mouth并能在实际中运用;










  三、 说教法、学法:

  (一) TPR活动法





  (五)竞争教学法:本节课中两大组竟赛描述My friend。 可以激发他们的积极性,使他们将***高度集中在所学内容上,提高学习效率。




  安排Let’s do 和 Look and say 。



  1,运用复习中的旧知引出新知,long hair ,short hair。学生容易接受和理解,并及时运用。In our class。 Who has long hair ?。Who has short hair。?

  2,运用黑板上的人物图形,紧接着教授strong 和 thin 通过图片中人物的对比学生比较容易理解,并及时运用。Who is strong? Who is thin? 用学生身边的人使学生说得亲切,熟悉,更易接受,易于信息的接受和生成。

  3, Let’s chant 及时巩固新学的两组词汇 long hair, short hair ,strong, thin。 并为下一个单词quiet创造一个情镜,由大声的朗读转为安静的场景。





  趣味操练以My friend为主线来安排:








Unit 4 my英语说课稿3


  1、能听懂日常用语That’s my new ruler。 It’s very nice。要求读音正确,语调自然。

  2、能运用句型That’s my…It’s very…对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。



  1、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂日常用语That’s my new ruler。 It’s very nice。等。






  继续巩固用英语**教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please。 Hello , boys and girls。并且做出相应的反应。

  B、Free talk

  T:Class begings。

  S1: Stand up。

  T: Hello, boys and girls。

  Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang。

  T: Hi, What’s your name?

  S: Hello, my name is …。

  T:How are you?

  S1: I’m fine, thank you。

  T: Nice to meet you。

  S1: Nice to meet you, too。



  1) 教师拿出一本新的英语书用Is this …?问学生,再指着远处讲台上的一把新的尺子,Is that … ? **,从而呈现That’s my new …

  T:Is this a book?

  Ss: Yes, it is。

  T: This is my new book。

  T: (指远处)Is that a ruler?

  Ss: Yes , it is。

  T: Good。 That’s my new ruler。

  让学生通过This is my new book。和 That’s my new ruler。 的对比。体会 this 和 that 的不同含义和用法。

  2)教new 这个单词时,教师用新、旧物品作比较。

  T: Look, this is an old book。

  T: Look, that’s a new book。

  在学生操练new 之后,再让学生用new 进行组词操练:a new bag, a new book等。

  D、Learn to say






  S1:That’s my new pencil。

  S2:It’s red。 It’s very nice。

  F、Assign homework



  Unit 4 My nice ruler

  ——That’s my new ruler。

  ——It’s very nice。☆教学调整☆


我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)

——英语free的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [fri:] 美 [fri]


  形容词 免费的`; **的; 免税的; 空闲的

  副词 免费地; **地,无拘束地; ****地

  及物动词 **; **; 使**; 解救



  1. He gave me free access to his library.


  2. He is free with his money.


  3. Can you find a free space to park the car?


  4. All students have free access to the library.



  1. Don't let the dogs run free.



  1. 免费的

  If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it.

  e.g. The seminars are free, with lunch provided.


  e.g. ...a free brochure with details of gift vouchers.


  2. free of charge -> see charge

  3. **的;不受约束的;没有限制的

  Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example by rules, customs, or other people.

  e.g. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies...


  e.g. The elections were free and fair...


  4. 使摆脱;使去掉

  If you free someone of something that is unpleasant or restricting, you remove it from them.

  e.g. It will free us of a whole lot of debt...


  e.g. The 30-year-old star is trying to free himself from his recording contract.

  这位30 岁的明星正试图从他的唱片合约中脱身。

  5. (人身)**的;不受监禁(或**)的

  Someone who is free is no longer a prisoner or a slave.

  e.g. He walked from the court house a free man...


  e.g. More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.

  目前已有 90 多名犯人因为一项****获得**。

  6. 使人身**;**;**

  To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison.

  e.g. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners...


  e.g. The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.


我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)



  I have many hobbies.In my spare time,I often read novels,and sometimes I watch films in the cinema.But playing football is my favourite hobby.I like playing football with my friends in school football field after school.Because after a full days study in the classroom,to play football can relax myself and feel refreshed.So I play football every week.

  Sometimes I also chat on Internet with my e-friends after finishing my homework.I like to communicate with them my feeling and my life on QQ.They are friendly and outgoing too.Some of them are from different cities,I like to know different life there.

  In all,my hobbies make me happy and I learn much from my hobbies about people and life.


  I have a lot of things to do in my free time.

  Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.

  I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening.

  Sometimes I listen to music for a while.I find it a good way to relax myself.Of course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends.

  I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking.Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends.We always have a good time!


  Some people may be so busy that they never have a spare moment, but it would be hard to find such people in contemporary times. Working hours are shorter and vacations longer, and there are more and more ways to spend the weekends. Aside from eating and sleeping, what do people do during the many hours when they are not at work or at school?

  Use of free time often discloses much about one's tastes, values, interests and personality. What may be one man's leisure, however, might be another man's work. In leisure hours, some may turn to the humanities: literature, magic, art and here we might also mention movies and television. Others participate in sports, politics, voluntary work or hobbies at home. Still others like parties, travelling, or just loafing.

  Obviously, the use of free time is a good means of relaxation, but its benefits go beyond this. All things people do in leisure hours enable them to gratify their wishes. This can contribute to intellectual growth and promote social activities as well.

  So the good use of free time will make life rich, colorful and rewarding.

我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——我和时间赛跑450字作文 (菁选2篇)












我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——我的未来的英语作文 (菁选2篇)


  Everyone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society. In order to have a good body, I will do some exercise every week. My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me. I will work hard to reach my future. Ok, this is the future in my dream. What’ yours?



  I think much about my future that it’s good. First of all, I must have a healthy body so that I can work or do anything. I strongly support that saying that the body is the root of the revolution. Besides, I think I will have a harmonious family with my wife and children. I am the support of my family. I must work hard for them, so a good job is necessary. I want to be an engineer that earns a lot. And I will support my parents and my wife’s. From this point, a good job is extremely important. However, I hope I still have some free time for leisure, like traveling or do something I like. In short, I want a peace but rich future with my families.


我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——我的饮食英语作文 (菁选2篇)


  Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge. At noon, I will eat in school canteen. Sometimes I will have noodles. At night, my mother will prepare a big meal for me. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.


  Hello. I'm Timmy. I like to eat eggs ang milk for breakfast. I often eat my breakfast at home. It starts the day .

  I often have lunch at school. For lunch, I often eat rice and meat. It can give me energy.

  For supper. I often have vegetables and apples. They are good for health.I after supper within grandparents at home.



我的空余时间 My Free Time英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——时间教会我作文 (菁选2篇)
















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