



  A、生产 B、劳动 C、社会文化


  A、中学体育 B、大学体育 C、学校体育


  A、早操 B、课间操 C、课外体育锻炼


  A、经济 B、体育 C、商业


  A、健身功能 B、健美功能 C、健康功能

  6、高等学校体育的目的就是以运动和 B 为基本**,对大学生机体进行科学的培养,在提高人的生物潜能和心理潜能及社会适应潜能的过程中,进得、益智、促美,达到全面发展的教育总目的。

  A、合理营养 B、身体练习 C、体育竞赛

  7、高等学校体育的目的是通过增强学生体质,促进身心健康,掌握体育三基, A 培养审美和创造美的能力及培养高水*运动员来具体实现的。

  A、培养道德品质 B、提高运动水* C、提高身体机能

  8、高等学校体育的基本**形式有 C 、课余体育活动。

  A、体育训练 B、体育竞赛 C、体育课程

  9、竞技体育是为了最大限度的发挥个人或集体的运动能力去争取优异成绩而进行的 A 和竞赛。

  A、运动训练 B、理论教学 C、基础练习

  10、公元前300年,古希腊伟大思想家亚里士多德提出“ B ”名言。

  A、运动是一切生命的源泉 B、生命在于运动 C、活动是生活的基础

  11、体育运动对大学生心理健康的影响具有提高心理素质宣泄情绪 A 、调节生活和实现自我价值的作用。

  A、增强社交能力 B、**疲劳和精神紧张 C、完美人格个性

  12、心理健康是指人在 C 、认知意志、*衡人际和社会关系等方面处于良好状态。

  A、智力 B、兴趣 C、情绪

  13、世界卫生**认为健康包括身体健康、心理健康、 C 和道德健康。

  A、自我实现 B、意识健康 C、社会适应良好

  14、人的信仰、品德、情操、人格等处于积极向上、高尚和完善的状态就是 B 。

  A、身心健康 B、心理健康 C、体质健康

  15、体育作为一种健身养生、 A 的**是最好的,并且可以伴随终身。

  A、延年益寿 B、增长知识 C、形体锻炼

  16、现代健康观的内涵包括 B 、心理因素和社会因素。

  A、遗传因素 B、生物因素 C、体育因素

  17、体育运动在改善心血管系统的形态结构和机能方面具有提高心肌用氧能力、 B 、降低血脂的作用。

  A、防止脑动脉硬化 B、提高心力储备 C、促进胃肠蠕动

  18、大学生常见的心理疾病包括神经官能症、 C 、精神**症。

  A、焦虑症 B、恐惧症 C、心身疾病

  19、运动可以增强社会交往能力,改善人际关系,尤其是 A 运动。

  A、户外 B、足球 C、健身

  20、一般来讲,信仰的形成,世界观的确立,是经过了较长时期的思想活动、 B 、心理活动和社会活动而取得。

  A、身体活动 B、生理活动 C、物质基础

  21、 C 因素是大学生整体素质的重要组成部分,是大学生成才、成功的重要的非智力因素,更是大学生的健康因素。

  A、形象 B、气质 C、性格

  22、人类环境包括自然环境和 A 环境,它们是影响人体健康的重要因素。

  A、社会 B、运动 C、生活

  23、健康是人一生关注的永恒主题,树立“ B ”的理念,将对人类的发展的社会进步,对我国在新世纪的**与发展产生深远的影响。

  A、比赛第一 B、健康第一 C、友谊第一

  24、大脑只占人体重的2%,但它需要的氧气却要由心脏总流血量的20%来供应,比肌肉工作时所需血液量多 B 。

  A、10%—15% B、15%—20% C、20%—25%

  25、 B 是指人的信仰、品德、情操、人格等处于积极向上、高尚和完善的状态。

  A、心理健康 B、道德健康 C、身体健康

  26、运动处方锻炼主要是采用 A 运动

  A、有氧 B、无氧 C、有氧与无氧相结合的

  27、持续5分钟以上尚有余力的运动称为 C 。

  A、有氧运动 B、无氧运动 C、恒常运动

  28、根据运动时心率和强度相关关系标准,心率160次/分钟的锻炼强度大约是 A 。

  A、80% B、70% C、60%

  29、从运动生理来说, A 是全身耐力运动所需的最短时间。

  A、5min B、10min C、15min

  30、健身锻炼的运动量一般用运动强度与 C 的乘积来表示。

  A、运动量 B、运动负荷 C、运动时间

  31、**外科研成果表明,最适宜的锻炼强度在65%~75%,即心率在 C 之间。

  A、120~130次/min B、110~140次/min C、130~150次/min

  32、对青少年学生来说,以健身为目的的耐力练习心跳、脉搏应该维持在 C 为宜。

  A、120—140次/分 B、120—170次/分 C、130—160次/分

  33、每天进行适当的体育锻炼、对增强体质增进健康最为有利,每次锻炼时间安排为早锻炼 B 钟,课外活动40—50分钟,晚饭后轻度活动10—20分钟,睡眠前轻松运动10分钟左右。

  A、15 B、20 C、25

  34、据**外科研成果表明,每次进行 C min的耐力性运动锻炼是比较适宜的。

  A、10—40 B、15—50 C、20—60

  35、最适宜的锻炼频度是每周进行 C 次。

  A、1—2 B、2—3 C、 3—4

  36、 A 对增强呼吸系统摄取氧、心血管系统载荷及输送氧的能力,以及**的有氧代谢利用氧的能力有显著的训练作用。

  A、耐力练习 B、力量练习 C、速度练习

  37、 制定运动处方具有五个步骤,其中第一步应是 B 。

  A、临床检查 B、一般体检 C、运动试验

  38、运动处方锻炼主要采用中等强度有氧代谢为主的 B 运动,也称有氧运动。

  A、伸展运动 B、耐力性运动 C、混合运动

  39、克服外部阻力的练习方法有 A 。

  A、杠铃、哑铃 B、杠铃、跳跃 C、引体向上、俯卧撑

  40、克服本身体重阻力的练习方法有 A 。

  A、引体向上、俯卧撑 B、实心球、沙袋 C、拉力器、实心球

  41、身体健康是指运用各种身体练习和方法,以 C 为主要目的的身体活动。

  A、减肥 B、竞赛 C、健身

  42、耐力是指人体 A 时间有节奏的进行肌肉活动的能力。

  A、长 B、中长 C、短

  43、力量性锻炼应注意的问题:练习前要做好准备活动;循序渐进增加负荷; B ;每次练习要充分的做放松整理活动。

  A、练习时要持之以恒 B、练习中要采取必要的保护措施 C、练习时要分组多次

  44、下列 C 项目不属于腰腹肌力量练习。

  A、仰卧举腿 B、仰卧起坐 C、俯卧撑

  45、下列 B 项目不属于柔韧练习。

  A、坐位体前屈 B、收腹举腿跳 C、伸展运动

  46、运动中和运动后的饮水 , 应用 __A_____ 为原则。

  A、少量多次 B、多量少次 C、少量少次

  47、 运动中韧带扭伤的处理方法应是先 __A_____, 再用绷带加压包扎并将受伤部位高抬。

  A、冷敷 B、热敷 C、揉搓或抖动

  48、 B 是人体生命活动中能量的主要供给者。

  A、蛋白质 B、糖 C、脂肪

  49、饭后立即运动 , 会使参与胃肠消化的血液又重新分配 , 流向肌肉和骨骼 , 从而影响食物的消化和吸收 , 而且还会因胃肠的震荡及牵扯而出现腹痛、恶心、呕吐等不良症状 , 一般认为饭后 __B_____ 小时左右再进行运动较为适宜。

  A、0.5 小时 B、1小时 C、1.5 小时

  50、参加剧烈体育活动前需要先做 A ,以免受伤。

  A、准备活动 B 、身体练习 C、全身运动

  51、为了自身身体健康, B 不宜参加剧烈运动。

  A、中午 B、 饭后 C、晚上

  52、对溺水者进行直接救护时,其过程分为观察、入水、游近溺水者、 A 、拖运、上岸、抢救等。

  A 、解脱 B 、推拉 C 、人工呼吸

  53、延迟性肌肉酸病的处理方法为 B 。

  A、冷敷 B、热敷 C、加压包扎

  54、剧烈运动时,出现呼吸困难、肌肉酸痛、动作迟缓、胸闷难忍、下肢沉重和不愿再运动下去等现象,这在运动生理学上称为 A 。

  A、极点 B、第二次呼吸 C、过度疲劳

  55、人工呼吸的操作方法:抢救者一手托起患者下颌,掌根轻压 C ,以避免空气经食管出入胃内,另一手捏住鼻孔,掌根压住患者前额,深吸一口气后对患者口吹入,吹完气后松开捏住鼻孔的手,如此反复进行。

  A、喉结上方 B、喉结 C、喉结下方

  56、关节囊和韧带扭伤治疗主要为立即冷敷,加压包扎,止痛,24—48小时之后可外敷新伤药,痛点药物注射,B 天后进行理疗或按摩。

  A、2天 B、3天 C、4天

  57、面部擦伤后不宜使用的消毒药水是 B 。

  A、红药水 B、紫药水 C、碘酒

  58、体重计算的方法有很多种,常用的简易公式是:本人的身高减去 B ,所得的差数就是正常体重。(单位为kg)

  A、110 B、105 C、100

  59、每天的睡眠时间应占一天的 A 左右。

  A、三分之一 B、四分之一 C、五分之一

  60、为保证良好的睡眠,睡前 B 小时不易进行剧烈运动。

  A、0.5 B、1 C、2

  61、 C 是一切生命的基础,它是由碳、氢、氧、氮硫及磷等元素组成的。

  A、脂类 B、糖 C、蛋白质

  62、一般学生在一堂课上*均心率达到 C 为宜。

  A、110—150次/min B、120—160次/min C、130—170次/min

  63、人工呼吸每次吹气量应为800—1200毫升,吹气按每分钟 A 的频率进行。

  A、16—18次 B、20—25次 C、25—28次

  64、当溺水者呼吸与心跳都停止时,一人做人工呼吸一人做胸外心脏按压,两者同时进行,每按压 B 次吹气一次。

  A、4 B、5 C、6

  65、当溺水者呼吸与心跳都停止时,一人进行抢救,人工呼吸与胸外心脏按压同时进行,每按压 A 次吹气两次。

  A、15 B、16 C、17

  66、现代奥林匹克运动会起源于_ A __。

  A、希腊 B、瑞典 C、**

  67、现任国际奥林匹克委员会*是_ B 。

  A、 萨马兰齐 B、 罗格 C 、霍英东

  68、**奥运会的**是 A 。

  A、 同一个世界、同一个梦想 B、同一个世界、同一个希望



  A、希腊雅典 B、英国伦敦 C、法国巴黎

  70、国际奥委会的总部设在 C 。

  A、**纽约 B、英国伦敦 C、瑞士洛桑

  71、奥运会的格言是 B 。

  A、友谊第一、比赛第二 B、更快、更高、更强 C、团结、友谊、和*

  72、新*第一次参加奥运会是 B 奥运会。

  A、汉城奥运会 B、洛杉矶奥运会 C、巴塞罗那奥运会

  73、 B 为新*获得第一枚奥运会金牌。

  A、李宁 B、许** C、伏明霞

  74、夏季奥运会自1896年在雅典举行第一届奥运会起,到2008年**奥运会为止,共29届,因两次****,实际只举行了B 。

  A、25 B、26 C、27

  75、奥林匹克**的核心内容是 A 。

  A、教育 B、竞技 C、友谊

  76、《国家学生体质健康标准》于 B 年正试颁布实施。

  A 、2000年 B 、2002年 C、 2007年

  77、大学在校生应按 A 的要求参加《国家学生体质健康标准》的测试。

  A 、每学年一次 B、 两学年一次 C、 四年一次

  78、目前我校大学生的《国家学生体质健康标准》测试项目为 B 。

  A 、身高体重、肺活量、握力、仰卧起坐、耐力跑(8001000米)

  B 、身高体重、肺活量、握力、立定跳远、耐力跑(8001000米)

  C 、身高体重、肺活量、握力、坐位体前屈、耐力跑(8001000米)

  79、我校大学生的《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩将对 C 产生影响。

  A 、毕业证和学位证的取得

  B 、每学年的双评

  C 、每学年的双评及毕业证和学位证的取得

  80、 B 测试项目的评定成绩与体重有关。

  A 、立定跳远、握力 B 、肺活量、握力 C 、耐力跑、握力

  81、大学生《国家学生体质健康标准》毕业成绩的评定为 C 。

  A、各测试成绩的*均值 B、毕业当年的测试成绩


  82、参加《国家学生体质健康标准》测试的学生应该在 A 的时间参加测试。

  A 、通知规定 B 、自己方便 C 、任意

  83、参加《国家学生体质健康标准》测试的学生应该凭 C 入场参加测试。

  A 、本人身份证 B 、本人准考证 C 、本人学生证或考试证

  84、因身体原因不能参加《国家学生体质健康标准》测试的学生应该 B 。

  A 、不参加测试

  B 、向体育部提出申请予以免测

  C 、向班长请假

  85、因故不能按时参加测试学生应该 C 。

  A 、自己根据情况参加测试

  B 、不参加测试

  C 、提前向体育部提出申请调整测试时间

  86、台阶测试是综合评价学生在定量负荷后心率变化情况的 A 机能。

  A、心血管 B、肺活量 C、运动

  87、肺活量测试学生的 B 功能

  A、心血管 B、肺通气 C、肺活量

  88、握力测试学生的 A 的发展水*。

  A、上肢力量 B、下肢力量 C、爆发力

  89、肺活量测试时受试者不必紧张,并且要用尽全力,以 B 速度和力度吹气效果最好 。

  A、较大 B、中等 C、较小

  90、台阶测试有 C 疾病的学生不能参加测试。

  A、呼吸道 B、传染性 C、心脏

  91、下面 C 比赛不属于我校的排球比赛。

  A、**杯 B 、秋实杯 C、虎跃杯

  92、我校举办次数最少的比赛是 B 。

  A、英姿杯 B、飞扬杯 C、 羽翼杯

  93、我校尚未开展过的田径项目是 C 。

  A、竞走 B、女子100米栏 C、铁饼

  94、我校规定每名在册的大学生必须通过课外学时的学习,学习时间安排在 C 。

  A、第一学期 B、第二学期 C、第四学期

  95、我校规定每名在册的大学生必须通过体育理论考试,考试时间是 C 。

  A、第二学期 B、第三学期 C、第四学期

  96、从健康角度讲来看, C 被认为是最佳运动时间。

  A 、5:00—7:00 B、10:00—12:00 C 、16:00—18:00

  97、每天运动时间最理想的是 B 。

  A、30分钟 B、60分钟 C、120分钟

  98、我校在册大学生积极参加校内外运动竞赛的裁判工作,并通过我校运动训练教研室**的相关考试即可获得 C 。




  99、学校体育的主要特点之一是 C 。

  A、技术性 B、竞技性 C、基础性

  100、学校体育是学校教育的重要组成部分,是 A 的基础。

  A、全民体育 B、竞技体育 C、终生体育

  101、广义体育的范畴包括竞技体育、( C )和群众体育三个方面。?

  A中学体育 B大学体育 C学校体育

  102、学校体育是指通过体育课教学、( C )和训练以及运动竞赛等形式来增强学生体质、促进身心健康与智力发展、培养良好的道德品质与个性特征的教育过程。

  A早操 B课间操 C课外体育锻炼

  103、群众体育是指广大国民以锻炼身体来增强体质、增进健康、调节精神和丰富社会文化生活为目的的( B )活动。

  A经济 B体育 C商业

  104、促进身体发展,增强体质,传授锻炼身体的知识、技术和技能,培养道德和意志品质的教育过程,称为( A )。

  A体育教育 B广义体育 C群众体育

  105、世界卫生**认为健康包括身体健康、心理健康、( C )和道德健康。

  A自我实现 B意识健康 C社会适应良好

  106、 体质健康是指人体在形态、结构、机能、体能和( A )上的良好状态。

  A 身体素质 B环境适应 C心理素质

  107、心理健康是指人在( C )、意志、*衡人际和社会关系等方面处于良好状态。

  A智力 B兴趣 C情绪

  108、人的信仰、品德、情操、人格等处于积极向上、高尚和完善的状态就是( A )。

  A道德健康 B心理健康 C体质健康

  109、人自身适应社会环境的变化与发展过程处于良好状态就是( A )。

  A社会适应 B环境适应 C自然适应

  110、体育作为一种健身养生、( A )的**是最好的,并且可以伴随终身。

  A延年益寿 B增长知识 C形体锻炼

  1-5 CCCBA 6-10 BACAB 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 *AB 21-25 CABBB

  26-30 ACAAC 31-35CCBCC 36-40 ABBAA 41-45 CABCB 46-50 AABBA 51-55 BABAC 56-60 BBBAB 61-65 CCABA 66-70 ABAAC 71-75 BBBBA 76-80 BABCB 81-85 CACBC 86-90 ABABC 91-95CBCCC 96-100 CBCCA 101-105 CCBAC 106-110 ACAAA



  1、1760年法国在报刊上首先使用“体育”一词论述儿童的教育问题。 ( )

  2、随着竞技体育、娱乐体育、和健身运动的高速发展,逐渐形成了竞技运动、身体锻炼和身体娱乐,三者既有区别又有联系,我们称之为体育或体育运动(Physical Education and Sports)( )

  3、狭义的体育(亦称体育教育)是指以身体练习为基本**,以增强人的体质,促进人的全面发展,提高运动技术水*,丰富社会文化生活和促进精神文明为目的的一种有意识、有**的社会活动,它属于社会文化教育的范畴,受一定社会**、经济的影响和制约,也为一定社会**和经济服务。 ( × )【广义的体育(亦称体育运动)】

  4、广义的体育(亦称体育运动)是一个发展身体,增强体质,传授锻炼身体的知识、技术和技能,培养道德、品质和意志的教育过程。它是学校教育的重要组成部分,是培养全面发展人才的一个重要的方面。 ( × )【狭义的体育(亦称体育教育)】

  5、我国现代体育基本上是由群众体育、运动训练、学校体育三方面组成,且三者既不能相互代替,也不容相互混淆。 ( × )【群众体育、竞技体育、学校体育】

  6、根据体育概念的内涵和外延,我们发现,体育的本质,就是以身体锻炼为基本**,以增强体质为主要目的,这是体育区别于其他社会活动的本质特点。 ( )

  7、健康的概念中将人的健康分为生理健康、心理健康、行为健康和社会适应能力良好四个方面的内容。 ( × )【道德健康】

  8、道德健康以生理健康、心理健康为基础并高于生理健康、心理健康,是生理健康和。 ( )

  9、评定心理健康的标准主要有:认识能力正常、情绪反应适度、有健康的理想和价值观、个性健全、情绪健康、人际关系融洽、自我评价恰当、对困难和挫折有良好的承受力。( )

  10、健康是人体的最佳状态,即为第一状态。 ( )

  11、失去健康的疾病状态表现为对外界环境变化的适应能力降低、劳动能力受到限制或哀失,并出现一系列的临床症状,称为第二状态。 ( )

  12、自觉生理不适、心理疲惫、社会适应能力差,但医学检查往往无明确的机体疾病,这种介于健康与疾病的边缘状态,医学上称为第三状态、灰色状态或亚健康。 ( )

  13、亚健康是指人出现了机体疾病。 ( × )【属于第三状态】

  14、据世界卫生**宣布(1988年),每个人的健康60%取决于自己,15%取决于遗传,10%取决于社会因素,8%取决于医疗条件,7%取决于生活环境和地理气候条件的影响。( )

  15、健康的关键因素包括:合理的饮食、适当的体育锻炼和保持良好的`睡眠。 ( × )【保持良好的情绪】

  16、吸烟、酗酒、吸毒、饮食无度、性生活紊乱、交友不慎、参与斗殴、**以及一些其他潜伏**因素和不符合社会规范的生活方式是属于危害健康的行为。( )

  17、健康教育的主要任务是:(1)树立现代健康意识;(2)增*生知识、提高自身保健能力;(3)形成健康的行为和生活方式;(4)了解心理卫生知识,提高自我心理素质;(5)增强促进健康的责任感。 ( )

  18、影响大学生健康的因素包括:(1)人体生物学因素;(2)社会因素;(3)生活方式因素;(4)卫生保健设施因素;(5)体育锻炼。( × )【(2)环境因素】

  18、人体在适宜的体育运动过程中,机体将产生一系列适应性的良性变化而达到健身防病的目的。 ( )


  ( )

  20、人的机体的一切活动均需要消耗能量,人体存在3种供能系统,***氧氧化系统供能持续时间短,但供能快速。( × )【磷酸原系统(三磷酸腺苷)】

  21、氧运输系统对人的健康及生命活动有十分重要的作用,它把氧气从体外吸入体内并运送到各器官**,供人体生命活动的需要,氧运输系统由呼吸系统、血液与心血管系统组成。 ( )

  22、健康成年人男性肺活量值大约为3500~4000ml,而女性则为2500~3500ml。( )


  ( × )【男性为12~15g女性为11~14g】


  ( )

  25、经常运动的人比不运动者最大吸氧量要大,而在不同的项目的运动中,耐力性要求越高的运动项目的运动员最大吸氧量越高。 ( )

  26、微循环主要是指动脉血管的血流情况。( × )【 毛细血管 】

  27、心率,多数运动员安静时的心率比普通人要低一些,而运动时前者的心率能增加4倍,后者只能增加1~2倍。 ( )

  28、正常的健康的男性无锻炼者安静时的心率是40次/min左右,而正常的健康的有锻炼者安静时的正常的健康的有锻炼者安静时心率是70次/min左右。( × )【无锻炼者是70次/min左右,有锻炼者是40次/min左右】

  29、普通人轻度运动时心率可从75次/min上升到100次/min,中度运动时心率在130次/min左右,剧烈运动时上限值在180次/min,而运动员和儿童可见到心率200次/min。( )

  30、我国健康男性每100ml血液中血红蛋白含量约12~15g,女性为11~14g,而运动员由于长期训练机体出现适应,男性每100ml血液中血红蛋白含量可达15~18g,女性可达14~17g。( )

  31、人体的运动是由运动系统实现的,运动系统由206块骨骼、300多块肌肉以及关节等构成。 ( × )【400多块肌肉】


  ( × )【3/4是水,1/4是固体物】


  ( )

  34、一个人所能举起的最大重量称为该人的绝对力量,绝对力量的大小与体重有关,在一般情况下,体重越大绝对力量越大。 ( )

  35、影响肌肉收缩力的因素包括以下四个方面:(1)肌肉的横断面;(2)肌群协调能力;(3)肌肉收缩前的初长度;(4)肌肉收缩的代谢适应。 ( )


  ( × )【横断面积小】

  37、肌肉的向心收缩又称为静力收缩。( × )【向心收缩又称为动力收缩】

  38、肌肉的等动收缩又称为动力收缩。( × )【等动收缩又称为等速收缩】

  39、正常人体安静时呼吸深度为400~500ml,呼吸频率为每分钟60~70次,肺通气量为每分钟5~6L。( × )【呼吸频率为每分钟16~18次】


  ( × )【肩关节】


  1、 经常参加体育活动的人,其社会适应能力会提高。(√)

  2、 大学生人际交往的特点表现在三个方面,其一:*等意识强;其二:感性色彩浓,其三:富于理想化。(√)

  3、 大学生人际交往的意义主要体现在:⑴ 保持心理*衡,增进身心健康;⑵ 展现自我,锻炼自我;⑶增长见闻,拓宽知识面;⑷ 发展个性,优化个性;⑸ 知人明也,丰富阅历,积累经验。(×)

  19、现代体育思想要求 D 所形成的社会关系网络,能与各方面协调合作,建立优化的人际关系。

  A:体育; B:运动竞赛; C:运动训练; D:体育运动。

  20、体育运动是一项 D ,特别是对抗性项目的竞赛,个人之间,运动员与裁判员之间,运动员与观众之间经常会发生频繁而激烈的思想感情的交流。

  A:健身运动; B:健身活动; C:社会性质; D:社会活动。






  1、体育与健康课程是一门以 练习为主要**、以增进中小学生为主要目的的必修课程。

  2、评价一个人的健康状况要从 、 和 等三个方面去评价。

  3、运动参与是指学生主动参与体育活动的 与 表现。

  4、肌肉工作时的直接能源是 ,它贮存在细胞中,以肌细胞为最多。

  5、人体的运动,离不开骨骼、关节和肌肉的相互作用。骨骼起着 的作用,关节是运动的 ,肌肉收缩是运动的 。

  6、体育锻炼之所以能够增强体能,主要是由 的生理机制决定的。

  7、 、 、 是学生体质健康标准的必测项目。

  8、由一列横队变成二列横队时,应先 报数。

  9、耐久跑中的途中跑,要求 的节奏与 节奏相配合。

  10、三级跳远由 助跑,沿 线向前的连续三次跳跃组成。


  1、支撑摆动要求以肩为轴,脚向远伸,髋向远送,身体伸直。 ( )

  2、直腿后滚翻的`保护与帮助是保护者单手提拉练习者臀部,帮助推手和翻转。 ( )

  3、韵律**赛,可设规定动作和自选动作。规定动作由竞赛**部门确定,采用**的动作和音乐进行。 ( )

  4、侧向滑步推铅球最后用力动作是通过蹬腿、送髋、转体、挺胸、低头、推臂、拨球连贯动作将球推出;。 ( )

  5、足球个人进攻战术包括:停球、跑位、运球过人、射门。( )

  6、排球比赛中A队队员在接发球时,用脚将球踢到了对方场内,裁判员判其违例。 ( )

  7、急停是快速移动中突然停止,借以甩开防守者的方法。动作有一步急停和两步急停。 ( )

  8、如八个队员参加比赛,采用单淘汰制,其比赛场次为七场。 ( )

  9、长拳的手法主要有拳、掌、勾,步法主要有马步、弓步、仆步、虚步、歇步。 ( )

  10、重力休克是在剧烈运动中,由于体内大量缺氧所引起的暂时性脑贫血而发生的休克。 ( )










——电路理论模拟试题及参*** (菁选2篇)


  1. 在线性电路中,当电压源不作用时,在电压源处可以用(C)代替。

  A. 开路线

  B. 理想电压源线

  C. 短路线

  D. 理想电流源

  2. 下列描述中不正确的是(D)

  A. 串联电阻可以分压

  B. 并联电阻可以分流

  C. 电阻串联越多阻值越大

  D. 电路并联越多阻值越大

  3. 自动满足基尔霍夫第一定律的电路求解法是(B)

  A. 支路电流法

  B. 网孔电流法

  C. 节点电位法

  D. 都不是

  4. 自动满足基尔霍夫第二定律的'电路求解法是(C)

  A. 支路电流法

  B. 网孔电流法

  C. 节点电位法

  D. 都不是

  5. 电路动态过程产生的实质是(D)

  A. 电路有储能元件

  B. 开关的打开或闭合

  C. 元件的接通与断开

  D. 能量不能跃变

  6. 一个含有直流分量的非正弦波作用于线性电路,其电路响应电流中(A)

  A. 含有直流分量

  B. 不含有直流分量

  C. 无法确定是否含有直流分量

  D. 其他

  7. 电路中两点间电压的大小是(B)

  A. 绝对量

  B. 相对量

  C. 常量

  D. 大于0的值

  8. 负载要获得最大功率,必须要求(B)

  A. RL>R0

  B. RL=R0

  C. RL

  D. R0=0

  9. 在直流电路中电容元件相当于(B)

  A. 短路

  B. 开路

  C. 通路

  D. 不一定

  10. 当负载的额定电压低于电源电压时,也可以通过(A)来分去一部分电压,以使负载工作在额定电压下。

  A. 串联电阻

  B. 并联电阻

  C. 混联电阻

  D. 串联电感


  1. 一阶电路的三要素包括(A.B.C)

  A. 初始值

  B. 新稳态值

  C. 时间常数

  D. 旧稳态值

  2. 关于RC积分电路,描述正确的有(A.C)

  A. RC串联

  B. RC并联

  C. 从电容C输出电压

  D. 从电阻R输出电压

  3. 下列关于电压源/电流源的说法正确的有(B.C)

  A. 电压源可以短路

  B. 电压源可以开路

  C. 电流源可以短路

  D. 电流源可以开路

  4. 电路方程法包括(A.B.D)

  A. 支路电流法

  B. 网孔电流法

  C. 支路电位法

  D. 结点电位法

  5. 在纯电阻交流电路中,(A.B)

  A. 电压与电流同频

  B. 电压与电流同相

  C. 电压与电流相位不同,电压与电流频率不同




  一 、选择题

  1.月嫂工作内容不包括以下哪一项( )

  A 产妇护理 B 新生儿护理 C 参与客户家族琐事 D 产妇营养膳食调配

  2.产妇与新生儿房间冬季适宜温度要求( )

  A 18-22度 B 16-18度 C 28-30度 D 20-28度

  3.产妇与新生儿房间适宜湿度要求( )

  A 30-40% B 50-65% C 60-70% D 70%以上

  4.新生儿体温超过多少度时应怀疑发热( )

  A 37度 B 38度 C 37.5度 D 36.5度

  5.产妇最初分泌的乳汁描述错误的是( )

  A含有丰富的免疫因子 B 非常珍贵要让宝宝吃下

  C不干净,应丢弃 D 质稀常成奶、水分离状态

  6.新生儿手脚发冷,体温在36度以下应首先怀疑( )

  A正常 B保暖不足 C发热 D不可能发生

  7.新生儿最好最营养的食品是( )

  A清水 B奶粉 C米粉 D母乳

  8.新生儿生理性黄疸大都在什么时间出现( )

  A出生后2-4天 B出生后3-5天 C出生后6天 D出生后1天以内

  9.新生儿生理性黄疸大都在什么时间消退( )

  A出生后两周后 B出生后两周内 C出生后4周 D不知道

  10.婴幼儿发热最常见的病理性原因是( )

  A胃肠道感染 B呼吸道感染 C泌尿道感染 D幽门螺菌感染

  11.母亲授乳时最好的**是( )

  A*卧位 B坐位 C右侧卧位 D左侧卧位

  12.有关预防新生儿红臀的措施描述错误的是( )

  A勤换尿布 B大便后用温水**臀部

  C包裹不可过松或过紧 D垫塑料布防止床单尿湿

  13.关于纯母乳喂养描述错误的是( )

  A除母乳外不添加任何食物 B母乳喂养不必定时

  C产妇哺乳时取侧卧位或坐位 D哺乳后将新生儿横抱,轻拍背部

  14.月嫂服务流程不应包括( )

  A面谈签约 B岗前沟通 C入户指导 D互探隐私

  15.母乳喂养的原则( )

  A定时哺乳 B定量哺乳 C按需哺乳

  16.下列哪一项不是新生儿病理性黄疸的特征( )

  A生后24小时内出现黄疸 B血清胆红素大于12Mg/dl

  C黄疸发生于低体重初生儿 D黄疸持续时间超过两周

  17.足月新生儿的胎龄应在( )

  A37-42周 B35-40周 C超过40周 D超过42周

  18.剖腹产后注意事项不包括( )

  A应当*卧静卧 B不宜过饱 C、杜绝授乳 D及时排便

  19.足月健康新生儿不具备的`特征( )

  A皮肤呈粉红色 B肩膀背部有少量胎毛

  C四肢呈屈曲状态,有一定张力 D哭声嘶哑无力

  20.护理高热患儿,首先应给予( )降温,同时送医院诊治

  A药物 B开水 C物理 D冷水

  21.产后产妇洗澡适宜的室内温度( )

  A20度 B22度 C不低于28度 D不低于20度

  22.当新生儿出现生理性黄疸时,我们要给予( )的护理

  A喂奶喂水次数减少 B喂奶喂水次数增加

  C只吃奶不喝水 D多喝水不吃奶

  23.产妇产后第一天适合吃( )的流质半流质食物。

  A清淡 B高脂肪 C高蛋白 D多纤维

  24.新生儿喂养方式不包括( )

  A母乳喂养 B辅食添加 C人工喂养 D混合喂养

  25.产妇身体清洁在适宜的温度下可选择( )

  A盆浴 B淋浴 C最好不洗澡

  26.新生儿正常的睡眠时间应每天保持在( )

  A8-10小时 B10-15小时 C18-20小时 D10-20小时

  27.如果新生儿出现了病理性黄疸我们应及时( )

  A喂奶 B求助于医生 C喂葡萄糖水 D不用处理

  28.如果已经出现**奶嘴混肴,婴儿拒吃母乳时,应做( )处理

  A断掉奶瓶安抚奶嘴可用小勺子先喂 B不用处理顺其自然


  29.给新生儿洗澡的室温及水温一般在( )度

  A26度 35度 B27度 34度 C28-30度 37-40度 D22度 40度

  30.产妇产褥期饮食我们至少应给予( )

  A三餐即可 B三个主餐两个加餐 C 八餐最好 D越多越好

  二、 判断题

  1.产妇若有忧伤、悲观、愤怒、焦虑等不良情绪或在精神上受到刺激均会导致回奶。( )

  2.产妇要保持充足的睡眠,不要过于疲劳。*时要多晒太阳,多呼吸新鲜空气。( )

  3.产妇房间以室内无穿堂风,产妇无风吹感为标准。( )

  4.产妇早下床活动,可以促进血液循环,有利于伤口的愈合、有利于**收缩和恶露的排出。( )

  5.当母乳喂养不足时,大便色黄量少且遍数多,新生儿常因饥饿而哭闹( )

  6.如果新生儿出现病理性黄疸,宝宝会有精神倦怠、哭声无力、不吃奶。( )

  7.在宝宝每次大便后,我们可以直接用尿布擦屁股。( )

  8.母乳喂养每次喂哺时间在15—30分钟之间为宜。( )

  9.宝宝在进行日光浴时不用做任何防护措施,时间没有限制。( )

  10.每次喂奶让宝宝吸空,如未吸空,可用手按摩或用**器挤出剩余奶汁。( )

  11.尽量不要让宝宝含**睡觉,这样容易使宝宝咬切**而诱发感染。( )

  12.对于产妇来说,经常哺乳是催乳最好的方法。( )

  13.抚触可促进婴儿生长及智能发育,并且起始的月龄越早,效果越好。( )

  14.各种大料可以很好的调味,产妇饮食中可常应用。( )

  15.婴儿抚触时应逆时针按摩腹部。( )

  16.宝宝吃完奶后应横抱拍打嗝。( )

  17.宝宝头垢具有保护头皮皮肤的作用,应任其生长。( )

  18.手术后因伤口疼痛,可尽力忍小便。( )

  19.母乳完全可以被配方奶粉代替。( )

  20.小儿吸入性肺炎不必就诊,会自愈。( )

  21.新生儿以腹式呼吸为主,故呼吸浅快不规则。( )

  22.给新生儿洗澡的室温为22-24度。( )

  23.新生儿出生48小时后排胎便是可以的。( )


  25.从出生到28天之内的孩子称之为新生儿。( )

  26.刺激泌乳的方法包括早开奶、早吸吮、早接触。( )

  27.宝宝喂饱后,应将其竖起,轻拍背部,打出嗝后放下,应侧放一会儿,不易呛奶。( )

  28.产褥期产妇恶露一般持续排出5-6周,即可基本排净。( )

  29.月嫂在与雇主交谈时,视线应停留在对方脸部,表示尊重。( )

  30.新生儿体温调节系统发育不完善,体温容易随外部变化而变化,因此要注意冬季保暖,夏季降温。( )





  1、魏晋南北朝佛家教义的流行前期为主的是( )

  A、般若学 B、涅盘学

  C、禅宗 D、*

  2、*古代宗法**的基础是( )

  A、血缘 B、地缘

  C、亲亲 D、同门

  3、*古代**时代**人身**的最基层的**形式是( )

  A、什伍里甲** B、郡县**

  C、户籍** D、宗法制

  4、*历史上第一部初具规模的封建法典为( )

  A、《刑书》 B、《法经》

  C、《秦律》 D、《汤刑》

  5、"以物比德"属于( )

  A、整体思维 B、伦理思维

  C、辨证思维 D、类比思维

  6、佛教的创始人是( )

  A、张道陵 B、葛洪

  C、释迦牟尼 D、孔子

  7、*封建伦理规范的最高法则为( )

  A、三纲 B、五常

  C、五伦 D、十教

  8、在现代*的56个民族中,除汉族外,有**自己语言文字的民族有( )

  A、24个 B、25个

  C、26个 D、27个

  9、有历史记载的从事汉字规范的第一人是( )

  A、炎帝 B、黄帝

  C、仓颉 D、孔子

  10、历史上第一次由***的正字运动是秦代的( )

  A、《说文解字》 B、"书同文"

  C、"文字神赐" D、"圣人造字"


  1、在商代,宗教崇拜的对象大体有( )

  A、佛 B、上帝 C、超自然神

  D、天地神祗 E、祖先神

  2、察举是一种由下向上选拔官吏人才的**,其中最著名的三科为( )

  A、孝廉 B、茂才 C、秀才

  D、贤良方正文学 E、探花

  3、古代***生活中的头等大事是( )

  A、嫡长子继承制 B、宗族祭祀 C、军事讨伐

  D、宗法体系 E、家族血缘

  4、下列属于庶族*民礼俗的有( )

  A、三月三 B、七月七 C、春节

  D、清明 E、端午

  5、古代关于天人关系的观点有( )

  A、"天人合一" B、"天人感应" C、"天人交胜"

  D、"天人之分" E、"重天轻人"

  6、*戏曲的角色分为( )

  A、生 B、旦 C、净

  D、末 E、丑

  7、唐代最盛行的舞蹈为( )

  A、健舞 B、软舞 C、字舞

  D、花舞 E、马舞

  8、下列观点中,反映*古代审美观念的是( )

  A、诗言志 B、尚意追求 C、中和之美

  D、尊崇自然 E、乐以教化

  三、名词解释(每小题6分,共24分) 1、文化现象

















  ( )21.Australia has been known _____the home of the kangaroo,and the animal offer meat and leather _____a global market.

  A. for,for B. as,to C. as,for

  ( )22.---Could you tell me when _____the doctor _____time?

  ---I am not sure now. But when he _____free,I’ll phone you.

  A .will have,is B. did have,was C./ will have,is

  ( )23.Not only his parents but also his grandfather _____to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here.

  A. has gone B. have been C. has been

  ( )24.The doctors form the nearest hospital _____at least three ____boys after the earthquake yesterday.

  A. saved,dying B. saved,dead C. have saved,dead

  ( )25.-----The 16 Asian Games was held in Guangzhou from November 12—17,2010. My best friend Li Hong was chosen as a volunteer then.


  A. How excellent B. What an excellent C .What a excellent

  ( )26.-----Excuse me, could you tell me_______?

  -----Certainly. Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.

  A .where the post office is B. when you will visit the museum C. where is the post office

  ( )27.-----We should obey the public rules to show our politeness.

  ------Yes,I agree .For example ______ smoking ______drinking is allowed in the concert .

  A. both,and B. neither,nor C .either,or

  ( )28.-----May I_____ your bike?

  ------Sorry. I have____ it to Lucy .She said she would ____It for two days .

  A. borrow,lent,keep B. borrow,kept,lend C. borrow,borrow,keep

  ( )29.---Ancient China was a place ____there were many great philosophers. Confucius(孔子)is a great philosopher. ____influence has been the present.

  A. that,whose B. where,that C. where,whose

  ( )30.___What kind of skirt do you like ,Lucy?

  ___Have you ever seen Kate’s new skirt? I want ____like___.

  A. one,hers B. it,her C. it,hers

  ( )31.-----I ___stay up late.

  ------Really? I didn’t. But I ____working in the right now.

  A. used to,used to B. was used to,used to C. used to,am used to

  ( )32.People usually have ____between four and five in the afternoon in Britain.

  A. last lunch B. early supper C. afternoon tea

  ( )33.In autumn and winter the air is very dry .You may find that your nose often

  hurts .Sometimes,it even bleeds(流血)W shouldn’t _____to make a nosebleed stop.

  ① Lift up your head.

  ② Sit or stand with your head forward(前倾).

  ③ Press(按压)your nose for about 10 hours to make the bleeding stop.

  ④ Put some ice in a cloth and place the cloth on your head.

  ⑤ Get some tissues(纸巾)or a cloth to catch the blood.

  A. ③④⑤ B. ①③④ C.②④⑤

  ( )34.In women volleyball final(决赛)

  of the 16 Asian Games,China

  beat Korea with the picture,we got

  _____scores more than Korea in our

  Winning games(局)

  A. 66 B. 25 C.18

  ( )35.Which stress of the following words is different from the others?

  A. Consider B. Common C. Control


  There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much One day she was

  Walking in the forests,she found two dying birds .She took them home and put them

  In a small cage .She was happy to have two “friends”. She them with love and

  The birds grew strong .One day the girl happened to the door of the cage open.

  The larger and the stronger of the two flew out of the cage .The girl was that it

  Would fly away. She caught it quickly .she felt glad that she caught the bird before it

  Could fly away .Suddenly he couldn’t a sound from the birds .When she opened

  her ,the bird was already dead. Her killed the bird! Then she noticed

  Bird jumping up and down outside the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom

  (**). It wanted to fly into the clear ,blue sky . So she lifted it from the cage and

  Let it fly away . The bird circled once ,twice ,and three times . The girl

  As the bird flew. She didn’t care about losing the bird any more. She wanted it be

  Happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the

  Sweetest song she had ever heard.

  The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly,and the best way to

  keep love is to give it wings.

  ( )36. A .while B. after C. before

  ( )37. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after

  ( )38. A .forget B .leave C .lock

  ( )39. A . grateful B. proud C. afraid

  ( )40. A . listen B .make C .near

  ( )41. A .door B. wind C .hand

  ( )42. A . love B. joke C .luck

  ( )43. A .one B. the other C. another

  ( )44. A .angrily B .happily C .loudly

  ( )45. A. watched B. looked C. guided



  An American group developed the rooftop(外屋顶)gardening in the early

  1980s . The group is known as ECHO . This idea was to help people living in cities

  who didn’t have to grow vegetables . And now it is becoming more and more popular

  in many other countries .

  To build a rooftop garden,four things are necessary . You need a roof strong

  enough and four pieces of wood to build a box . Grass cuttings in which to plant your

  garden and a thin piece of plastic on which to pit the cut grass are also necessary.

  Begin by testing(检测)your roof to make sure it is strong enough . Cut and

  collect some grass . Cover the roof with a thin piece of plastic . Then you build a box

  from the four pieces of wood . The box has no top or bottom . It should be about 8 cm

  deep . It can be as long and wide as needed. Put the box on the plastic . Then fill it

  with the cut grass . Water the grass and push it down by walking on it . After about

  three weeks ,the rooftop box is ready for planting.

  Put the seeds(种子)directly into the wet grass. It is important than the grass is kept wet until the plants begin to grow .When the plants are growing, you will need to water them every day unless it rains. And birds must be prevented from eating the seeds or new plants. They will also need some liquid fertilizer(液体化肥).You can make your own liquid fertilizer if you can get wastes from chickens. Put the chicken wastes in cloth bag .Then put the bag in a big container of water .After about one week, the water becomes a good liquid fertilizer.

  The rooftop garden is a good place to grow peas, tomatoes and onions .If the box is deep enough, potatoes and carrots will also grow.


  ( )46.The underlined word“container”in the passage means“____”in Chinese.

  A.集装箱 B.容器 C.仪器

  ( )47.From the passage ,we know that_____.

  A. three things and four pieces of wood are necessary to build a rooftop garden

  B. the rooftop box is ready for planting after around a month

  C. we can only plant grasses in the rooftop garden

  ( )48._____can show the correct structure of the rooftop garden according to the passage.

  ( )49.Wich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. we can plant potatoes and carrots in the rooftop garden.

  B. American can build the rooftop garden in 1979.

  C. The box of the rooftop garden has no bottom.

  ( )50.The best title for this passage should be _____.





  Four student of class 705 want take an art class next year. They took several tests last week . Here are their grades.


  ( ) 51.Those who want to go to the art class must get 70 or above in English and math ,and get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor .How many students can go to the art class?

  A.3 B.2 C.1

  ( ) 52.Here is what the teacher wrote to one of the students.

  Who is that student?

  A. Annie B. Deny C. Frank

  ( ) 53.According to the information above, Sherry’s ___________is the best of her subjects.

  A. math B. English C. watercolor

  ( ) 54.The most grades of the four subject in total is ___________

  A. Sherry B. Benny C. Frank

  ( ) 55.Which of the following is TRUE from the information above?

  A. The students from Class 705 want to take an art class next class.

  B. All the students from class 705 get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor.

  C. Frank is better than in English.


  Miss Swan didn’t want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The were all rude and never listened to her. ”I can’t stay here .any longer. I give up.” She shouted at the students.” Cool. ”Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school.

  Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school .She looked young and thin. The students thought that she wouldn't’ stay very long.

  Betty introduced herself, and when she was looking for something in her bag, all of the kids laughed. ”Have any of you ever been to another state?” She asked nicely .A few hands went to.” Has anyone traveled more than five hundred miles? ” One hand went up.” Has anyone visited another country? ”No hands went to , The teens were puzzle(遗憾).

  Finally, Betty took a map of the world from her bag,” What else do you have in there? Lunch?” Someone laughed. Betty smiled and answered,” Cookies for large,” Cool,” Rick said.”

  Then she pointed at a place on the map,” I was born here ,’she said Everyone guessed where it was ,”Is that Texas ?” someone sitting in the back asked,” Not even close , It is India,” Her eyes twinkled with joy,” Why were you born over there?” Betty smiled ,”My parents were missionaries(传教士)there, and that is where and how they lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV!” Rick became interesting in his teacher.

  “You don’t have to be a missionary. Everyone can do something in this world to help another,” Miss Betty said. Then she told them her stories about far away places and what the people were like there and how they lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV! ”one young girl told her.

  Day by day the student grew to love her. The more they liked her, the lovelier she became, Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years. Her hair turned gray. Every year she received letters from some student s. There was a doctor, a scientist a businessman and many teachers among them.


  ( )56.Three months ago Miss Swan was a teacher in Sunday school bur she didn't like the job because the students were rude.

  ( ) 57.In Sunday school no one had visited another country when Miss Betty asked them at the first class .

  ( ) 58.Betty’s parents were missionaries in that place where she was born.

  ( ) 59.Day by day , the students liked Miss Betty and before Miss Betty they liked Swan , too.

  ( ) 60. The passage tells us students who had been taught by Miss Betty were all doctors , scientists , businessmen and teachers.



  ( )61.Of all the world’s population ,________ of people are Asians.

  A.25% B.14% C.61%

  ( )62.Which of the following about the picture is TRUE ?

  A .In the world , the population of Asia in the largest.

  B. The world’s population will not increase any more.

  C. The birth rate is the same as the death rate in Europe.

  ( )63.From the diagram, we know that the population of Europe is becoming _____.

  A. fewer and fewer B. smaller and smaller C. larger and larger

  ( ) 64.The rates of death all over the world are _______ those of birth.

  A. the same as B. higher than C. lower than

  ( )65.The increasing population is still a great problem for _______ .

  A. Europe and Asia B. North American , Africa and Europe

  C. Asia , North America Africa




  Copernicus was an astronomer(天文学家) who had studied the planets and the stars. He said that the earth moves round the sun and put his idea into a book, but he his book. Nobody could read it until Copernicus died.

  Many years Galileo read it and believed it, HE said that the earth is round the sun , and this made a lot of people .They said that the earth must be the center of the universe(宇宙)。Galileo got into trouble about that

  Through his telescope he observed(观察)the moon. He saw some hills there 。 He also saw of stars in the universe.


  The sun is our most important star, it can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space. We need to find our something about its dangers.

  Many stars are larger than our sun. However, the sun is about 250,000 times close to the earth than any other star .Most of our energy comes from the sun’s rays(光线)

  Not all kinds of solar(太阳的)rays reach the earth .The earth is wrapped(包裹于) in a blanket . Now man is exploring(探索)space.

  Sometimes there are storms in the sun’s hot gases. These storms are called solar flares(耀斑).During solar flares, the sun puts out heavy rays that move at faster speed than usual. They might cause men in space to become ill or die.

  任务1: 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,是文章通顺,连贯,合理。(每空一词,每次限用一次)

  66._______ 67._______ 68._______ 69._______ 70._______

  任务2: 根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词。

  71.d________ not safe

  72.i_________ sick, unhealthy


  It can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space.

  It can be dangerous to man 73.________ here on earth 74.________ in outer space.


  What do our energy come from?




  (A)policeman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident P is for Policeman. B is for Bob)

  P: Excuse me, sir , Were you just right there when the accident happened?

  B: Yes, I saw it all.


  B: Certainly. It was a big blue ear. The driver and another four people were in it. I’m sure it wasn’t Japanese car.

  P: Say something about the driver, please.

  B; Oh, yes .And he was a tall man with dark hair and dark glasses.


  B: Sorry, I didn’t.

  76._______ 77. _______ 78._______ 79._______ 80._______

  (B)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。Xk b1

  A:Mike, today is Saturday , Let’s go somewhere this evening.

  B: Fine. Where would you like to go? To go the movie or watch a show?

  A: A new show is on now. Let’s go and watch it, we?

  B: I hear it got very bad reviews.

  A: How the film Super Returns ? That should be wonderful.

  B: We’ve already it. Don’t you remember?

  A: Then, let’s go another cinema The film Jurassic Park 4 is on.

  B: Good. What does it ?

  A: In 30 minutes. We have time to get there.

  B: Great. Let’s go.

  81. _______ 82. _______ 83. _______ 84. _______ 85. _______



  We set up some recycling bins around the club and wanted to encourage everyone to recycle. Also we decided to design some T-shirt too; quite a few of us have been watching “Spring watch” on TV so we were very excited when Chris Packham came to visit us!

  When Chris came to the club we did different activities. After lunch we did a trash pick and then weighed the bags of rubbish to see who had collected the most. It makes the club tidier and a safer place for wildlife.

  We then went off to find things around the club and make a list of things than have an effect on the environment. Some of the things we lisped were oil, which can pollute the beach and water ,and wasting drinking water from taps and pipes .We are now going to keep on recycling and doing trash picks as well as encouraging people to put their rubbish in the recycling bins . There are also some other ideas of using rain water to wash to wash off our boats instead of drinking water; this will be our next project.

  86. _______ 87._______ 88. _______ 89. _______ 90. _______


  你在星期一回家的路上遗失了一本三天前从图书馆借来的数《English Reading Comprehension》。这本书对你很重要。你希望拾到者能尽快归还你,拨打电话 13704510451。请根据以上信息写一则寻物启示事。要求包含所有信息,至少五句话。

  八、书面表达(本题共15分)新 课标 第 一 网


  要求:1. 请根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译),写出结构完整、语言丰富优美、表达合理、语法准确、符合逻辑、可读性强的短文。

  2. 至少80词.

  3. 不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。

  4. 题目自拟.




  I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)

  1. You must return the book in fifteen days. It’s a ________ of our library.

  2. Anna is independent and she can look after ________ when she’s alone at home.

  3. It is polite for students to put ________ their hands in class if they have questions.

  4. Walk along the street, and you will see the com*r museum ________ your left.

  5. Our class always win prizes in the poem competition. We will ________ pride in ourselves.

  II. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)

  6. The ________ (five) talent show gave us a big surprise.

  7. The math problem isn’t difficult, and I can work it out ________ (easy).

  8. The seat is hard and ________ (comfortable) to sit on, so I have a sore back.

  9. Mum, have you finished ________ (cook)? Is there anything I can do for you?

  10. My grandma is interested in taking ________ (photo) with her mobile phone.

  III. 单项选择。(15分)


  11. We will have ________ reading festival this term, and we can’t wait for it.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  12. There ________ two dictionaries on the bookcase. You can use either of them.

  A. is B. was C. are D. were

  13. ----The students of Grade 9 in Changchun have to take part in the P.E. test from 2016.

  ----Yes. ________ you want to pass it and be stronger, practice more.

  A. until B. if C. unless D. or

  14. ----Do you improve your spoken English by communicating with others or reading aloud?

  ----________. I make lots of new friends in this way, too.

  A. Yes, I do. B. I like English very much.

  C. No, I don’t. D. By communicating with others.

  15. ----Could you tell me ________ every morning?

  ----Sure. I have to catch the school bus.

  A. why you get up early B. why do you get up early

  C. why did you get up early D. why you got up early

  16. Mr. Chen is a teacher ________ I want to learn from. He is so knowledgeable.

  A. which B. when C. who D. what

  17. I hope my school life of senior high will be ________ than that of junior high.

  A. more exciting B. very exciting

  C. as exciting as D. the most exciting

  18. ________ great news it is! We’ll have a school trip next week.

  A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

  19. In 2022, Beijing will host the Winter Olympics. ________ my brother and I want to watch it.

  A. Neither B. All C. Either D. Both

  20. ----________ do you volunteer in Old People’s Home?

  ----Once a week. We hope to help the old more.

  A. How soon B. How many C. How often D. How long

  21. I bought a big box ________ books for kids in poor areas.

  A. collects B. to collect C. collect D. collected

  22. Yang Jiang ________ be the boy’s favorite writer. He has written a lot to praise her.

  A. can’t B. mustn’t C. must D. need

  23. Chinese New Year ________ the spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.

  A. is called B. was called C. calls D. called

  24. ________ me an e-mail before you come to Hangzhou. I’ll meet you at the airport.

  A. Sending B. To send C. Sends D. Send

  25. ----Would you please help me do the dishes, John?

  ----________, but I’m busy cleaning my room.

  A. You’re welcome. B. I’m sorry. C. It doesn’t matter. D. That’s right.


  IV. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)

  Jingjing: Time to relax! Any plan for this summer vacation ?

  Xiaoyu: 26 . What about you?

  Jingjing: Do you know Shanghai Disneyland was opened on June 16?

  Xiaoyu: Yes. It’s the first Disneyland on the Chinese mainland.

  Jingjing: 27 .

  Xiaoyu: I agree. It is also said the price of the ticket is the lowest in the world.

  Jingjing: Cool! And it helps us Chinese to taste the US culture.

  Xiaoyu: Amazing! 28 .

  Jingjing: Me, too. High-technology movies in Disneyland are lively and fantastic.

  Xiaoyu: And we can take pictures with our favorite characters in the park.

  Jingjing: 29 .

  Xiaoyu: Mickey and Minnie. I’m thirsty for getting some toys.

  Jingjing: Me, too! 30 I can’t wait!

  Xiaoyu: Sounds great. That’s a deal. But it’s reported that it’s too crowded.

  Jingjing: I see. Safety is the first. We should be careful.

  A. I’m not sure yet.

  B. Which is your favorite cartoon character?

  C. What do you think of Mickey and Minnie?

  D. Shall we go to Shanghai Disneyland this vacation?

  E. I’d like to experience high-technology movies most.

  F. So it’s more convenient for us Chinese to visit Disneyland now.


  V. 完形填空。(15分)


  Zhang Lei is a highly skilled(技艺精湛的)doctor. He was born in a lonely 31 village. The people there lived a hard life. They seldom walked out of the mountain. They could 32 get good education. However, Zhang Lei was 33 , for he not only went to college, but he also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky? A volunteer teacher called Han Xue encouraged him, and 34 his life.

  When Han Xue first entered Zhang Lei’s school, she couldn’t 35 _ her eyes. She was shocked by the sights(情景)in front of her: broken windows, small old desks and chairs. Even worse, students of different ages were in the 36 classroom. It was the only class in the school. Han Xue realized 37 poor the people were in education. She planned to 38 as many ways as she could to help them. One day when Han Xue was giving a class, Zhang Lei 39 some noises for fun. Other kids laughed. At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the 40 to help him. She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands. Looking at them 41 , Han Xue said with a kind smile, “As soon as I see your little 42 , I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future. Come on!” Hearing this, Zhang Lei was surprised because almost 43 said such words this way. Zhang Lei couldn’t believe that completely, but he remembered what the teacher said in his heart.

  After that, Zhang Lei studied harder and then made more 44 continuously. Later, Zhang Lei went to college. After many years, he became a famous doctor, saving many lives. 45 Zhang Lei talks about his life, he always expresses thanks to his volunteer teacher. Her encouraging words have made what he is.

  31. A. forest B. sea C. mountain D. river

  32. A. hardly B. usually C. always D. ever

  33. A. simple B. lucky C. popular D. common

  34. A. worried B. understood C. changed D. caught

  35. A. cover B. close C. open D. believe

  36. A. bright B. new C. same D. enjoyable

  37. A. how B. when C. where D. what

  38. A. hand out B. find out C. hang out D. come out

  39. A. said B. put C. played D. made

  40. A. chance B. change C. example D. action

  41. A. angrily B. sadly C. nervously D. carefully

  42. A. fingers B. head C. eyes D. ears

  43. A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody

  44. A. decisions B. progress C. discussions D. plans

  45. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However

  VI. 阅读理解。(30分)


  Xiaofan, a smart boy from Shenzhen, used to have difficulty in getting up on time, and his alarm clock was of no use at all. It made him very upset. One day, he had a good idea.

  Xiaofan went to a shop and bought a tape. Back home, he started to record what he wanted. After that, he took out a tool box and connected his tape player with the new tape to his alarm clock. A special alarm clock was born. At a certain time in the morning, the tape player would play soft music with a low and sweet voice of a young girl, “Wake up, please.” Five minutes later, the tape player would play again, and it might be loud music. At the same time, he could hear a recording of his parent, “Wake up at once, or you’ll be late!”

  Several days later, Xiaofan got used to the sound of the recordings. After the recordings, he was still sleepy, and even fall asleep again. That was terrible! So he went to the library and borrowed plenty of b ooks home to deal with his problem of getting up late.

  He made it! With the help of what he had learned from the books, he put a mechanical(机械的)arm at the end of the bed. Now if Xiaofan still doesn’t get up at last, the arm in the bed will “beat” him, and even make him out of the bed.

  The special bed with a mechanical arm helps Xiaofan a lot, but it is not sold in stores.


  46 . ________ used to be Xiaofan’s problem in the morning.

  A. Playing soft music B. Making a new bed

  C. Falling asleep D. Being difficult to get up on time

  47. Xiaofan bought ________ in the shop.

  A. an alarm clock B. a tape C. a tool box D. a tape player

  48. Xiaofan went to the library to ________.

  A. return some books B. write a book

  C. borrow many books home D. read plenty of books there

  49. Now if Xiaofan s till doesn’t get up at last, ________.

  A. the alarm clock will ring again

  B. the arm in the bed will “beat” him

  C. he will hear a recording of his parent

  D. the tape player will play a recording of a young girl

  50. From the passage, we can know that Xiaofan is ________.

  A. creative B. outgoing C. lazy D. careless


  For Schultz, a 77-year-old man, this is a chance of a lifetime. Schultz is part of a group of around 50 Germans who are on a bus journey along the ancient Silk Road.

  Speaking of his journey, he says: “I have been dee* interested in the Silk Road since I was a child, but now I finally have a chance to experience it.”

  The two-month bus journey will take the group through Germany, Russia, and other 4 European countries. They will then enter China from the country’s western part. It will be an unforgettable memory for them.

  Nearly half of the 13,000-kilometer trip will be inside China. From Xinjiang in the west to Shanghai in the east, the German visitors will see more than 20 Chinese cities. “We have managed the trip of the Silk Road for around 10 years. An increasing number of people, not only from German-speaking countries, have been joining us," says Liu Guoqiang from China Tours.

  Almost 26 million foreigners traveled to China in 2015, and about 5 million of them were from Europe. Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai and the Changjiang River are traditional Chinese travel destinations for European tourists. Speaking of where he wants to go, Schultz says, “Compared with modern cities, the culture in western China attracts(吸引)me more.

  As Shi Xiang, head of the China Tours, says, “Being a new brand to attract foreign visitors, the Silk Road is good for people to know more about China, especially the northwestern part of the country.”

  (China Daily)


  51. How will the group of around 50 Germans have the tour?

  A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus. D. By subway.

  52. Where will the German group enter China?

  A. From the western part of China. B. From Beijing.

  C. From the eastern part of China. D. From Shanghai.

  53. According to Liu Guoqiang, how long has China Tours managed the trip?

  A. For 26 months. B. For around 10 years.

  C. For 2 months. D. For about 20 years.

  54. What’s the meaning of the word “destinations” in Part 5?

  A. 标志 B. 道路 C. 品牌 D. 目的`地

  55. Which is the best title(题目)for this passage?

  A. Silk Road: A fashionable way to buy silk

  B. Silk Road: An old brand to attract Chinese

  C. Silk Road: A new way to learn about China

  D. Silk Road: A better chance to see modern cities


  Every year, in late March or early April, a boat race takes place o n the Thames River, England. This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain – the Oxford(牛津大学)and the Cambridge(剑桥大学).

  The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends – Charles Merivale, a student at Cambridge, and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford. They decided to set up a boat race between the two universities. On March 12, 1829, Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford first.

  When the first boat race took place in a small town by Thames, eight students from each university became th e compe*s. Crowds of twenty thousand traveled to watch. It was so exciting. And the Oxford was clear winners. Later on, not only did the students from the two universities take part, but also some social groups attended the event. By 1845, with the small town becoming too crowded, the boat race had moved six miles up to the village – Putney. From 1856 on, the race has been held every year except war years. This boat race is considered to be “the world’s oldest sporting challenge”.

  The race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the compe*s often face difficulties. It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the big days. In the past, the Oxford was mostly the winners. But things have changed from 1993 on. The Cambridge has won more.


  56. The boat race takes place between the Oxford and the Cambridge.

  57. On March 12, 1829, Oxford sent a challenge to Cambridge first.

  58. Eight students from each university became the compe*s of the first boat race.

  59. From 1856 on, the boat race has been held every year with no stop.

  60. It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the boat race.


  A How much money do you spend every week? Write it down on your notebook. Then you will know how to manage your money. It’s best to plan to spend money buying useful things. So you can put your money into good use. Don’t spend money on useless things if possible.

  B Perhaps you like having delicious foods outside with your friends or family. Invite your friends over to your house instead of going out to a restaurant. You can enjoy home-made foods and play games together. It’s an excellent way to have fun, but at a lower cost.

  C Try to save most of your pocket money(零用钱). Some people don’t mind their pocket money. That is wrong. If you save just 5 yuan a week, you can have lots of money over time. Once in a wh ile, you can put the money in a bank. With the pocket money you save, you can do lots of meaningful things.

  D Instead of buying tea or coffee with a meal, drink water. It is widely known that water is the most popular drink in the world. It is good for your health. Drinking water makes you full of energy and it also saves money.

  E Walking is a great way to get some exercise and save money. This is a lifestyle that costs nothing. You’d better choose to walk rather than drive as much as possible. Doing this, not only can you feel good about enjoying the fresh air, but you get to spend time exercising a lot.


  61. Drink water more

  62. Enjoy foods at home

  63. Plan what you spend

  64. Walk rather than drive

  65. Save your pocket money


  There was a little boy whose name was Peter. He lived in a village close to the sea. The villagers built sea walls to keep sea water from the doors of the houses. But once the sea walls almost put the village in great danger.

  One day, Peter was walking on his way back home along the sea wall when it began to rain. All of a sudden, he saw a hole in the wall, from which the sea water was running. Peter shouted for help because he knew the hole meant that the sea was making its way through the sea wall, but no answer came. He realized he should do something else as quickly as possible, or the sea water could be pouring over the whole village. He started to rush towards his village. At the same time, the rain became heavier and heavier.

  It was getting dark, but Peter rushed on and on. He felt cold and hungry. In the rainstorm, he fell down over and over again. Many times he thought about giving up, but he fought on. He remembered his father’s words, “Lots of strong men have made every effort to build the walls which can keep the village sa fe from danger. The sea walls are really important.”

  Finally, when the boy’s father saw him, Peter had been black and blue all over. The boy told the villagers what had happened to the sea wall. They repaired it in time. “Thank God! He saved the village,” they praised Peter. All the villagers called him “Peter the Guard” from then on. Peter’s parents were really proud of him!


  66. Where did Peter live?

  67. What did Peter do first after he saw a hole in the wall?

  68. How did Peter feel when he rushed on and on?

  69. Who told Peter about the importance of the sea walls?

  70. Why did the villagers call Peter “Peter the Guard”?


  VII. (A) 诚实守信是**民族的传统美德(virtue)。作为青少年,我们应该行动起来。本周班级英语学习微信交流群主发起一个关于如何诚实守信的讨论,请帮助完成下面的发言内容,每空一词。(5分)

  Class 5 Grade 9

  The subject of the discussion this week is “Honesty”. How should we develop the Chinese tradition virtue 71 teenagers? Welcome to join us.

  The most important is that we should tell the 72 and never tell a li e. Keep our promises to everyone all the time.

  Always be on time, and especially don’t be 73 for class. It’s not easy for us to 74 the problems in our homework sometimes, but we shouldn’t copy others’.

  To be honest, 75 we still have many difficulties at times, we believe we can behave better in the future.

  Thanks for your taking part, and we a looking forward to more opinions!

  (B) 良好的习惯对于青少年的成长与成功发挥着重大的作用。某英文网站正在就此话题同学中展开**。请你写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,向该网站投稿,描述你的一或两种个人习惯,并谈谈它(们)给你的成长与成功带来怎样的影响。(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)(15分)





  1.若刚体在二个力作用下处于*衡,则此二个力必( )。



  C. 方向相反,作用在同一直线


  2.由两个物体组成的物体系统,共具有( )**的*衡方程。



  3.静定结构的几何组成特征是( )。



  C. 体系几何可变


  4.低碳钢的拉伸过程中,胡克定律在( )范围内成立。


  C. 强化阶段D. 颈缩阶段

  9.一个点在*面内的**度有( )个。

  A.2 B.3

  C. 4 D.5

  10.力偶可以在它的作用*面内( ),而不改变它对物体的作用。



  C. 任意移动和转动













  11.图乘法的**号规定为:面积 与纵坐标 在杆的同一边时,乘积 应取正号;面积 与纵坐标 在杆的不同边时,乘积 应取负号。()



  14.有面积相等的正方形和圆形,比较两图形对形心轴惯性矩的大小,可知前者比后者大。 ()





  3.用力矩分配法计算下图(a)所示连续梁,并画M图。固端弯矩表见图(b)和图(c)所示。 (20分)





  1、当稳压管在正常稳压工作时,其两端施加的外部电压的特点为( )。

  A、 反向偏置但不击穿 B、 正向偏置但不击穿

  C、 正向偏置且被击穿 D、 反向偏置且被击穿

  2、双极型晶体管工作在饱和区的偏置条件是( )。

  A、发射结正偏;集电结正偏 B、发射结正偏;集电结反偏

  C、发射结反偏;集电结正偏 D、发射结反偏;集电结反偏

  3、 UGS=0V时,能够工作在恒流区的场效应管有( )。

  A、 结型管 B、 增强型MOS管

  C、 耗尽型MOS管 D、 以上三者都正确

  4、在同时比较三种基本放大电路的特点时,下列描述正确是( )。

  A、共射电路的Ri最小 B、共集电路的RO最小

  C、共基电路的Ri最大 D、共射电路的RO最小

  5、当我们在电路中引入电压并联负反馈后,与基本放大器的输入、输出电阻相比,反馈放大器的输入、输出电阻的变化是( )。

  A、输入电阻增大,输出电阻增大 B、输出电阻增大,输入电阻减小

  C、 输入电阻减小,输出电阻减小 D、输入电阻减小,输出电阻增大

  6、欲将电压信号转换成与之成比例的电流信号,应在放大电路中引入( )。

  A、电压串联负反馈 B、电压并联负反馈

  C、电流串联负反馈 D、电流并联负反馈

  7、集成运放的输入级采用差动放大电路的目的是( )。

  A、提高电压放大倍数 B、抑制零点漂移

  C、提高输入电阻 D、 以上三者都正确

  8、集成运放的输入级广泛采用了差分放大电路,它能有效放大的应该是( )。

  A、 差模信号 B、 共模信号

  C、 既有差模信号,又有共模信号 D、 以上三者都正确

  9、为增大电压放大倍数,集成运放的中间级多采用( )。

  A、共射放大电路 B、 共集放大电路

  C、共基放大电路 D、 共漏放大电路

  10、在OCL乙类功放电路中,若最大输出功率为5W,则电路**放管的集电极最大功耗约为( )。

  A、2、5W B、0、5W C、5W D、1W


  1、 工作在放大区的某三极管,如果当IB从12μA增大到22μA时,IC从1mA变为2mA,那么它的β约为( )。

  2、 乙类功放电路的主要失真是( )失真。

  3、 集成电路中最常采用的级间耦合方式是( )耦合

  4、直流稳压电源中,( )电路的目的是将正弦电压变为脉动的直流电压。

  5、在RC桥式正弦波振荡电路中,若RC串并联选频网络中的电阻均为R,电容均为C,则其振荡频率( )。

  三、 判断下列说法是否正确,用“√”或“×”表示判断结果填入空内。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

  1、 现测得两个共射放大电路空载时的'电压放大倍数均为-40,将它们连成两级放大电路,其电压放大倍数应为1600。( × )

  2、 在功率放大电路中,输出功率愈大,功放管的功耗愈大。( × )

  3、 电容滤波电路适用于小电流负载,而电感滤波电路适用于大电流负载流。( √ )

  4、 结型场效应管外加的栅-源电压应使栅-源间的耗尽层承受反向电压,才能保证其RGS大的特点。( √ )

  5、 直接耦合多级放大电路只能放大直流信号。( × )


  1、电路如图所示,信号源电压 uI为正弦波时,测得输出电压uO波形如图所示,试问:



  2、如图所示电路中,已知变压器副边电压有效值U2为20 V,






  1、电路如图所示,晶体管的b =60,rbe=1、2kΩ,UBEQ=0、7V,VCC=15V,Rb1=20kΩ,Rb2=60kΩ,Rc=3kΩ,Re=2kΩ,











  (4)若 ,则Rf应取多少千欧






  A、随机 B、量化

  C、变值系统 D、引用


  A、等精度分配 B、等作用分配

  C、等准确度分配 D、等误差分配


  A、偏转灵敏度 B、Y轴位移

  C、倍率 D、X轴位移







  A、逐次逼近比较式 B、斜坡电压式

  C、双斜积分式 D、V-f式










































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