

  英 [m??n?pjule?t] 美 [m??n?pj??let]


  及物动词 操纵; 操作,处理; 巧妙地**; [医] 推拿,调整



  1. A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters.


  2. Do you know how to manipulate a com*r?


  3. He was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.


  4. The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.



  1. By that definition, most countries in the world manipulate currency because they either fix or have managed floats.

  2. Puppeteers make the figures from leather or paper and manipulate them by means of rods to create the illusion of moving images.

  3. It is capable of designing new financial derivatives that can easily bypass supervision and manipulate the global capital market.

  4. The next step for the researchers is to attempt to find ways to manipulate cellular DNA repair and to prevent tumor formation.

  5. This is not the first time that fudging physical test scores to manipulate the results of civil servant's recruitment exam is being alleged.

  6. You's grandmother taught her how to manipulate fish skin into clothing when she was 21, after a Chinese museum asked for some specimens.

  7. The allegations renewed the concern that the singer had used her wealth and celebrity status to manipulate the adoption process.

  8. Some local officials'tendency to manipulate statistical data has resulted in a degree of popular disbelief in government figures.

  9. If experimental results do not measure up to the prediction, then there is always a temptation to manipulate the results.





  英 [?wenzde?] 美 [?w?nzdi, -?de]


  Wednesday 基本解释

  名词 星期三


  1. 星期三

  Wednesday is the day after Tuesday and before Thursday.

  e.g. Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if you're free...


  e.g. Did you happen to see her leave last Wednesday?...



  1. TOKYO - Gree Inc said on Wednesday it will form a business alliance with China's Tencent Holdings.

  2. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn't return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.

  3. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

  4. A court in East China's Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.

  5. The men will be sentenced on Wednesday with Butt and Asif facing up to seven years in jail or large fines.

  6. The company announced on Wednesday it had stopped cooperation with and canceled a deal to buy into Bear Stearns.

  7. It will be the first time fans can buy tickets over the counter and queues began forming late on Wednesday.

  8. China Wednesday activated an emergency plan to evacuate its citizens from Libya by air, road and sea.

  9. Rescuers in Katmandu said that searches by air and on foot on Tuesday and Wednesday gave no results.


——id number的中文是什么意思

id number的中文是什么意思1



  Here's my ID number and telephone number.


  Class using the specified menu group guid and command ID number.


  Yeah, you got my name, my rank, my ID number.


  First, add a button to your dialog, and give it an ID number.



——how are you的中文是什么意思

how are you的中文是什么意思1

  how are you的中文意思

  英[hau ɑ: ju:]

  美[ha e(r) ju]

  [词典] 你好;

  how are you的双语例句

  1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


  2. A:How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  3. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.


  4. How old are you? I'm fifteen.


  5. If you are the creative type, we also have instructions to help you design your own style sheet for the Administration Panels, and even how to turn your


  6. How are you today I`m fine/super/ great /so-so!


  7. How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  how are you的回答


  首先我们要明白“How are you?”的使用情景:

  通常在二人会面时询问,作为打招呼的方式之一,如果你正巧碰到你的朋友正在经历些不好的事,比如他摔了一跤,你就不要使用“How are you?”了~

  除了“How are you?”,还有以下几种打招呼的问法:

  “How are you doing?”

  “What's up, man?"

  “How was your day?”

  无论以上哪种问法,当你回答近况时,最好不要只学会一句“I am fine thank you,and you?”。


  1.I'm great thanks. Listen,……

  2.I feel amazing,……


  1.Not too bad!

  2.Can't complain! / Mustn't grumble!


  1.Pretty bad!







  英 [knsenss];美 [knsnss]


  名词一致; **; 一致同意,合意



  1. What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting?



  1. That consensus comes from leading forecasters in a survey by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday.

  2. The two sides reached a consensus on environmental protection to strictly abide by the rule on limits to industrial pollutants.

  3. It is extremely hard to strike a balance of their interests, and harder still to take action even if a consensus is achieved on paper.

  4. How to turn the consensus from this round of talks into actionable measures?

  5. He called on all sides to build consensus and strengthen cooperation to advance the historical process of combating climate change.

  6. The consensus among Cannes crowds was that the main competition produced a solid but unremarkable crop of films.

  7. That confirms the consensus forecast by economists, although none of them are willing to estimate the actual growth figures.

  8. For their part, financial markets have cast doubts on Monti's ability to gain consensus for his plan.

  9. There is nearly a consensus that China's economy will slow down, and the debate is mainly on the actual rate of growth.


  1. Leaving aside rhetoric and renewables — both things which British climate discussions might be said to overemphasise — even UKIP isn`t that far out of the consensus.


  2. Second, earnings grew 48 per cent in 2007 and the consensus forecast is for 32 per cent earnings growth this year.

  其次,2007年的业绩增幅为 48%,而市场人士普遍预计今年业绩将增长32%。

  3. Can we reach a consensus on this issue?


  4. Since in the past two years it has been difficult to reach a consensus on this issue''.


  5. We reach a consensus that he is our first and foremost concern!


  6. At present, the industry`s August economic data has been down to reach a consensus.


  7. But how to solve the bottleneck of industrial development, the industry has yet to reach a consensus.





  英 [d??sk?v?ri] 美 [d??sk?v?ri]


  discovery 基本解释

  名词 发现,发觉; (剧情的)发展; 被发现的事物; [法]显示证据

  discovery 相关例句


  1. His discoveries included 300 uses for peanuts and 200 uses for sweet potatoes.


  2. New scientific discoveries are being made every day.



  1. The deflating discovery was that chocolate provides a buzz lasting up to four times as long as embracing the special person in our lives.

  2. He said he made his discovery by accident in 2000, while searching for a new monkey species.

  3. The discovery was made by chance during a routine evaluation at the house by Bonhams, the London auctioneers.

  4. Departure times gleaned so far by investigators have differed by about an hour, as has the timing of the wreckage discovery.

  5. One of the first articles I edited at the China Daily concerned the discovery of cadmium in native rice.

  6. One Discovery employee told an operator that she was hiding in the kitchen of the building's cafeteria with other employees.

  7. Having her right leg amputated at age nine due to the discovery of a cancerous growth has taught her patience.

  8. The discovery led to a shutdown of three Senate office buildings for several days, and about two dozen staffers and Capitol police officers underwent decontamination.

  9. The discovery that Komodo dragons can reproduce asexually also has major implications for how they will be bred in captivity in the future.




  英 [d??vel?p??] 美 [d??v?l?p??]


  形容词 开发; 发展中的; 显色; 显像



  A:The last order didn‘t work out too well for us


  B:What was wrong?


  A:We were developing too much waste .


  B:I suggest you go up to our next higher price level.



  1. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

  2. He said the Renminbi business is developing healthily in Hong Kong, and by the end of April 38 banks in Hong Kong had opened Renminbi business.

  3. He said the company will accelerate the pace of developing the GSM business, in which China Unicom had 128 million users by the end of last month.

  4. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.

  5. " The CBRC has always supported trust companies developing property business in accordance with the law, " the commission said.

  6. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

  7. China's central bank issued a directive yesterday aimed at increasing regulations of the housing loan business after problems in developing the market.

  8. Not one to twiddle his thumbs, Zhang has been busy expanding Sohu's business scope and developing new markets.

  9. Developing the inpidually owned business sector will take more than just reforming management fees, says an article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.





  英[gr*] 美[ɡrdl]




  We began to know each other gradually.



  1.The CSRC will gradually expand the business scope of these firms, but Tu did not offer a timetable.

  2.Tyler said the company is likely to improve business this year as the world's economy gradually picks up.

  3.BEIJING - The group buying industry in China has gradually regained popularity after a first quarter slump this year.

  4.He said the girl was losing her hair and had no energy gradually recently, the father was cited as saying by a China Central Television report.

  5.Needy urban residents came gradually under the coverage of the subsistence allowances programme, and we made sure that all eligible urban residents were by and large provided for.

  6.They kept in close contact by letter and gradually became good friends.

  7.Data released earlier this month by the National Statistics Bureau showed that the country's economy is gradually stabilizing.

  8.The Noda cabinet gradually eased its grip on nuclear plants and raised the possibility of resuming nuclear powerhouses on the condition of guaranteed safety.

  9.The focus of the new measures will shift gradually from helping the weak to activating market competition.


  1.Then with my growing up gradually, I thought the rosebay trees were becoming short.


  2.Chinese people gradually developed their own favorite scents and ingredients over the centuries.


  3.Gradually I found that you are my only.


  4.However, the insecurity of resource and shortage become the fetter that economy grows gradually however.





  英 [?h?sl] 美 [?h?s?l]


  及物/不及物动词 催促; 硬挤,乱推; 硬逼,逼使; 强夺

  不及物动词 赶紧; 硬挤过去; 拼命挣钱

  名词 忙碌,奔忙; 挤,推; 拥挤喧嚷



  1. I hustled the child off the school.


  2. They hustled the tramps out of town.



  1. He hustled off to catch the train for New York.


  2. We can get there in time if we hustle.



  1. 猛推;猛拉;推搡

  If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somewhere or do something quickly, for example by pulling or pushing them along.

  e.g. The guards hustled Harry out of the car...


  e.g. There was no opportunity to ask anything more as the guards hustled us away.


  2. 快速行走;赶紧

  If you hustle, you go somewhere or do something as quickly as you can.

  e.g. You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper...


  e.g. He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye...


  3. (常指用不正当或非法的**)谋取;骗钱;诈取

  If someone hustles, they try to earn money or gain an advantage from a situation, often by using dishonest or illegal means.

  e.g. We're expected to hustle and fight for what we want...


  e.g. I hustled some tickets from a magazine and off we went.


  4. 熙攘;忙碌

  Hustle is busy, noisy activity.

  e.g. Shell Cottage provides the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of London...


  e.g. She waited until they were beyond the hustle of the Washington Saturday night traffic.



——keep out的中文是什么意思3篇

keep out的中文是什么意思1

  英 [ki:p aut] 美 [kip a?t]


  (使)留在外面; 扣留; 保留; 留下

keep out的中文是什么意思2

  1. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

  2. These include a move to keep all tissue that may carry the infection out of human food.

  3. They carried the train of her gown up the chapel steps to keep it out of puddles.

  4. GM and Chrysler have said they need at least $ 14 billion in combined aid to keep from running out of cash by early next year.

  5. I keep reading about all of these movies coming out and quotes from people saying, 'We don't take off our clothes - we're classy.

  6. The ministry asked local authorities to keep a close watch on the market, and work out contingency plans to cope with increased demand for oil during the winter.

  7. Wen warned governments at the local level to keep a close eye out for risky loans.

  8. The two men said they lit diesel oil to try to keep out the cold weather.

  9. The rising property prices forced policymakers to come out with a slew of policies to keep a lid on home prices since April last year.




  英 [?st?nd?d] 美 [?st?nd?rd]


  standard 基本解释

  名词 标准,规格; 旗,军旗; 度量衡标准; 直立支柱

  形容词 标准的,合格的; 普遍的,一般的; 公认为优秀的


  1. Your work is not up to (the) standard.


  2. Your recent work has been below standard.


  3. The kilogram is the international standard of weight.



  1. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

  2. He said business representatives have expressed concern that English standard in the city has been declining.

  3. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

  4. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.

  5. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao encouraged overseas Chinese business people to optimize their investment structure and raise the standard of their investments on the Chinese mainland.

  6. Standard Chartered Plc plans to hire 500 employees this year for its wealth management business in Hong Kong.

  7. The personal service that Astor demanded set an industry standard, by providing butler services.

  8. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

  9. Standard Chartered has never ruled out the possibility of buying another domestic bank if it can meet the bank's rigid strategic and financial standards.

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