


  compact car


  The car is silvery gray.

  这小汽车是银灰色的。A very small car, especially a subcompact.

  微型小客车一种非常小的小汽车,尤指微型小汽车The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels.

  最奇特的小汽车是一辆只有三个轮子的本茨牌小汽车。The hotel has garage space for thirty cars.

  这家饭店有停放30辆小汽车的车位。The multi-speed sound-controlled electric car, the favourite in the toy world.

  多速声控电动小汽车,玩具世界的宠儿。querulously, my father and I were seated side by side in my uncle's Humber

  我和父亲是怒气冲冲地并排坐在伯父的亨伯牌小汽车里。The manufacture of cars

  小汽车的制造The car headed the procession

  小汽车在行列的'前面。The car turned round and went back again.

  小汽车掉转头又回去了。An assembly line turning out cars.


  adj. 紧密的;紧凑的;结实的;简洁的

  n. 小粉盒;合同,契约

  v. 把…压实,压紧;简化,压缩;使紧密结合

  To become compact or solid;cohere.

  凝固使坚实或变硬;粘着紧凑 I want to buy a compact.

  我想买一个小粉盒。 The Smith boy was compacting the trash.

  史密斯家的男孩在把垃圾压紧。A compact flat,car,kit

  小型的单元、汽车、箱子等Not taut, firm, or compact; slack.


  n. 汽车;车厢

  Is it a French car or a Japanese car?

  它是一辆法国的车还是一辆日本的车?This is a vintage car.

  这是辆老爷车 。The car has a flat.

  这车有一只轮胎泄了气。The theft was a car.

  赃物是一辆车。The car backfired.


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