

  关于 fair-weather friend and acquaintance 之间的区别。如果你对这两个表达的意思还不是很确定,那么下面的两个例子应该能帮到你:

  友谊词汇Example 1

  I used to spend a lot of time with Malcolm: we often went out for meals or drinks and even we went on holiday together once. But when I got ill and had to stop working he disappeared. I guess he was just a fair-weather friend.

  The party was full of people I had met through work but didn't really know well. There weren't any close friends there, just acquaintances.

  a fair-weather friend 就是我们常说的只可共安乐而难共患难的朋友,俗称酒肉朋友。Acquaintance 指的是认识的人,但了解交往不深,俗称泛泛之交。借友谊这个话题再多学一些表示“朋友”的单词:

  友谊词汇Example 2

  Buddy, bud, mate, pal, chum

  Mate 这个词在英式英语中使用频率很高。不过英语里有些表示朋友的单词最初来自外来语,比如说:

  友谊词汇Example 3

  Amigo or compadre


  友谊词汇Example 4

  Hi amigo!

  How's it hanging compadre?

  还有几种对关系好的男性朋友的称呼来自于单词 brother:

  友谊词汇Example 5

  Bro, bruv

  Alright bro?

  I'm cool bruv!

  对关系好的、亲密的女性朋友可以称为 sis, 来自单词 sister.

  友谊词汇Example 6


  How are you sis?


  友谊词汇Example 7

  He's my brother from another mother

  How's it going, sister from another mother?

  关系好的女性朋友可能会互相称之为 sweetie 或 lovely:

  友谊词汇Example 8

  How are you sweetie?

  I'm great thanks lovely!


  友谊词汇Example 9

  Geezer, fella, my old mucker

  What's up geezer?

  Not bad fella!

  How are you my old mucker?


  友谊词汇Example 10

  We're besties.

  Bestie 是 best friend 的简称。

  友谊词汇Example 11

  Yes, you're my BFF

  它的意思就是 best friend forever 永远的最好的朋友。





  1、nurse 护士

  2、Ministry of Labour 劳工部 (美作:Department of Labor)

  3、labour market 劳工市场, 劳务市场

  4、Labour exchange, Employment exchange 职业介绍所 (美作:Employment Bureau)

  5、labour management 职业介绍经纪人

  6、full employment 整日制工作

  7、to be paid by the hour 按小时付酬

  8、seasonal work 季节工作

  9、piecework work 计件工作

  10、timework work 计时工作

  11、teamwork work 联合工作

  12、shift work **工作

  13、assembly line work 组装线工作 (美作:serial production)

  14、workshop 车间

  15、handicrafts, crafts 手艺, 技艺

  16、trade, craft 行当

  17、profession, occupation 职务

  18、employment, job 工作

  19、situation, post 位置

  20、job 一件工作

  21、vacancy 空缺, 空额

  22、work permit 工作许可证

  23、to ap* for a job 求职, 找工作

  24、application(for a job) 求职

  25、to engage, to employ 雇用

  26、work contract 劳务合同

  27、industrial accident 劳动事故

  28、occupational disease 职业病

  29、vocational guidance 职业指导

  30、vocational training 职业训练

  31、retraining, reorientation, rehabilitation 再训练, 再培训

  32、holidays, holiday, vacation 假期

  33、receptionist 接待员

  34、typist 打字员

  35、key puncher 电脑操作员

  36、stenographer 速记员

  37、telephone operator 电话接线员

  38、programmer 电脑程序员

  39、system ****yst 系统分析员

  40、shorthand typist 速记打字员

  41、office girl 女记事员

  42、public servants ***

  43、national public servant 国家***

  44、local public service employee 地方***

  45、nation railroad man 国营铁路职员

  46、tracer 绘图员

  47、illustrator 汇稿员

  48、saleswoman 女店员

  49、pilot 驾驶员

  50、simultaneous 同时译员

  51、publisher 出版人员

  52、graphic designer 美术设计员

  53、delivery boy 送报员

  54、secretary 秘书

  55、policeman **

  56、journalist **

  57、editor 编辑

  58、interpreter 通译者

  59、director 导演

  60、talent 星探

  61、actor 男演员

  62、actress 女演员

  63、photographer 摄影师

  64、scholar 学者

  65、translator 翻译家

  66、novelist 小说家

  67、playwright 剧作家

  68、linguist 语言学家

  69、botanist 植物学家

  70、economist 经济学家

  71、chemist 化学家

  72、scientist 科学家

  73、philosopher 哲学家

  74、politician **学家

  75、physicist 物理学家

  76、astropologist 人类学家

  77、archaeologist 考古学家

  78、geologist 地质学家

  79、expert on folklore 民俗学家

  80、mathematician 数学家

  81、biologist 生物学家

  82、zoologist 动物学家

  83、statistician 统计学家

  84、physiologist 生理学家

  85、futurologist 未来学家

  86、artists 艺术家

  87、painter 画家

  88、musician 音乐家

  89、composer 作曲家

  90、singer 歌唱家

  91、designer 设计家

  92、sculptor 雕刻家

  93、designer 服装***

  94、fashion coordinator 时装调配师

  95、dressmaker 女装裁剪师

  96、cutter 裁剪师

  97、sewer 裁缝师

  98、tailor 西装师傅

  99、beautician 美容师

  100、model 模特

  101、ballerina 芭蕾舞星

  102、detective **

  103、chief of police ****

  104、taxi driver 出租车司机

  105、clerk 店员

  106、mailman 邮差

  107、newspaper boy 报童

  108、bootblack 擦鞋童

  109、poet 诗人

  110、copywriter 撰稿人

  111、producer 制片人

  112、newscaster **评论人

  113、milkman 送奶人

  114、merchant 商人

  115、florist 卖花人

  116、baker 面包师

  117、greengrocer 菜贩

  118、fish-monger 鱼贩

  119、butcher 肉贩

  120、shoe-maker 鞋匠

  121、saleswoman 女店员

  122、stewardess 空中**

  123、conductor 车掌

  124、station agent 站长

  125、porter 行李夫

  126、car mechanic 汽车修理师

  127、architect 建筑师

  128、civil planner 城市***

  129、civil engineer 土木**

  130、druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师

  131、guide 导游

  132、oil supplier 加油工

  133、(public) health nurse 保健护士

  134、dentist 牙科医生

  135、supervisor 监工

  136、forman 工头

  137、doctor 医生





  二、Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)

  三、Hi-Fi: High Fldelity 高保真

  四、3-G:Generation Three ***

  五、PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统



  八、GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统

  九、Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网---我们这儿有,不知道大家那有没有,我还有梦网邮箱

  十、GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务--这个很重要哦,要掌握

  十一、SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务---------最最流行的.service

  十二、MMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多**信息服务

  十三、SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡-------现在知道SIM的全称是什么了吧,

  十四、GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统

  十五、WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能)

  十六、PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)

  十七、CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址-----------超级重点哦

  十八、pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡


  二十、Voice Prompt:语音提示

  二十一、WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网

  二十二、DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机

  ***、3-D:Three-Dimension 三维

  ***、LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示





  I’ve worked a great deal of overtime this month.


  I can get a two-day off, for I was working overtime last weekend.



  The reason to stay at work all night

  Go into the other gender’s bathroom without fear of being caught.


  Finally, a chance to live out a dream and pretend to be the boss.



  找工作的人常为面试烦扰。过于紧张会让您忽略到一些细节问题,而这些细节问题有可能非常重要。Looking for jobs is a painful thing, but nearly every one must do it at least once a lifetime. Anyway, there are some points a person must remember to succeed in having an interview.

  To begin with, it is not a good idea to be late. People don’t think very highly of the one who arrives twenty minutes late, or explaining that he couldn’t find the street and that his watch was slow. The wise one studies the place the day before, or make sure that he can find the street, the building, the right floor, and the office; at the same time, he looks around to examine what the employees are wearing and how they work. Next day he arrives early. It does not matter if someone recognizes him and mentions his first visit to her boss. On the contrary, the eager fellow can only be regarded as smart, thoughtful, and well organized - three points in his favor before he has said a word.

  Then, appearance. It is most important for one to be dressed properly and to look alive- pleasant, interested. It is also very important to look at people in the eyes because this "eye contact’ can strongly suggest that one is honest and open-minded. A few other points are regularly mentioned by the gum or smoke during an interview; they should not sit down before being invited to do so. It is even worse to examine the objects on the desk while the manager is answering the telephone, to listen to the conversation - and perhaps offer a comment afterwards. This is definitely not the time to joke, or to interrupt the interviewer in mid-sentence.(来源:英语点津)



  1. If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

  对策:Emphasize your skills, and don't be overly negative about your weaknesses. It's always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an area for improvement rather than a shortcoming.

  2. Can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.?

  对策:Yes, it's a way of life in business. Be sure to cite examples of your success.

  3. How have you changed the nature of your job?

  对策:Explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like.

  4. Do you prefer staff or line work? Why?

  对策:It depends on the job and its challenges.

  5. In your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked?

  对策:Keep it brief and don't brag.

  6. Do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? Different type company?

  对策:It depends on the job -- elaborate slightly.

  7. How do you resolve conflict on a project team?

  对策:Explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately.

  8. What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?

  对策:Try to relate your response to the prospective employment situation.




  1.可数名词: 费用,价钱,索价

  2.不可数名词: 掌管;照顾;责任

  3.可数名词: 被照顾的人(或事物)

  4.可数名词: **,指控(+against/of)

  5.可数名词: 指责

  6.可数名词: 突然猛攻,攻击,冲锋(号)


  8.[C,U] 充电,电荷;(激情的)蕴藏

  9.可数名词: 命令,指示(+to-v)


  1. 索价;对...索费;课(税)(+for)

  2. 把...记入帐册,,赊购(+to)

  3. 向...冲去,**

  4. **,指控(+with)

  5. 指责;谴责(+that)

  6. 指示,责令;使承担责任,,委以责任(+with)

  7. 装弹于(枪、炮)(+with)


  9. 将(电池)充电


  assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to

  demand payment

  enter a certain amount as a charge




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  书立 book stand

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  办公用大头针 office pin

  工字针 paper fastener

  切纸刀 paper cutter

  美工刀 cutter
















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