

  1.you look great today.你今天看上去很棒。

  2.you did a goodjob.你干得非常好。

  3.were so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲.

  4.im very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意.

  5.this is really a nice place.这真是个好地方!

  6.youre looking sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮.

  7.you always know the right thing to say.说的很不错哦

  8.your every eloquent.你总是说话得体。

  9.nice going!=you did a good job.干得好

  10.the food is delicious.好吃!

  11.every thing tastes great.每样东西都很美味!

  12.your son/daughter is so cute.你的孩子很可爱。

  13.what an adorable baby!多么可爱的孩子.

  14.I admire your work.工作很棒

  15.I respect your work.我对你的工作表示敬意。

  16.youve got a great personality.你的个性很好。

  17.you have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。

  18.your chinese is really surprising.你的中文令人惊讶。

  19.your English is incredible.我真不敢相信你的英语这么好啊

  20.you have a very successful business.你的事业很成功。

  21.youre very professional.你非常专业。

  22.your company is very impressive.你的公司给我留下深刻印象。

  23.youre so smart.你非常聪明。

  24.I envy you very much.我非常羡慕你。

  25.your wife is very charming.你的妻子很有魅力!

  26.you two make a lovely couple.你们真是天生的一对!

  27.youre really talented.你很有天赋。

  28.you look nice in that color.你穿那种颜色很好看。

  29.you have a good taste.你很有品位。

  30.you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.你看上去帅呆了。

  31. How wonderful you are. 多美妙呀!

  32. I love you so much. 我好爱你!

  33. That’s it. 那就是了!

  34. You did a marvelous job. 做得好极了!

  35. Keep trying. 继续试试看!

  36. You can do it. 你办得到的!

  37. Excellent! Great! 极佳的表现!

  38. You did it right. 你真的做对了!

  39. You’ve been very good today. 你今天好乖哦!

  40. Correct answer. 答对了。

  41. That’s suitable for you. 真适合你!

  42. Good girl. 好女孩!

  43. Good boy. 好男孩!

  44. Good memory. 记性真好啊!

  45. You still remember. 你还记得呢!

  46. Wow! You’re so smart. 哇!你真聪明!

  47. Fabulous! 太妙了!

  48. Not bad. 不错呀!

  49. Nice job. 做得不错!

  50. You are on the right track. 你走对路了!

  51. You almost did it. 你快要做到了!

  52. You worked so hard. 你好认真哦!

  53. I am proud of you. 我真以你为荣!

  54. Very good! 非常好!

  55. Good idea. 好主意!

  56. That is so fantastic. 那实在太好了!

  57. I like what you did. 我很喜欢那样!

  58. I am so grateful. 真令人感激!

  59. You are getting better and better. 你越做越好了!

  60. You really did it. 你真的做到了。

  61. That’s much better. 好多了。

  62. You can make it. 你可以办得到。

  63. Cool. 帅呆了。

  64. Take it easy. 慢慢来,不要紧张!

  65. You’ll do better next time. 下次一定会更好!

  66. You read quite well. 你读得非常好!

  67. You speak fluently. 你说得很流利!

  68. How cute you are! 你好可爱哦!

  69. How interesting. 好有趣哦!

  70. I like you very much. 我很喜欢你!

  71. Super. 太棒了!

  72. That’s neat. 好棒哦!

  73. That’s lovely. 真是太可爱了!

  74. Well done. 做得真好!

  75. That’s fine. 做得很好哦!

  76. Very good indeed! 真是太好了。

  77. You’ve done that better than last time. 比上次好多了。

  78. Good answer. 回答得真好!

  79. You have many good ideas. 你的好主意真多!

  80. That’s a very good point. 真是好主意!

  81. Clap your hands. 拍拍手!

  82. Let’s give her a big hand. 为她拍拍手!

  83. You are a master. 你几乎是大师了!

  84. You learned a lot. 你真的学到不少东西嘛!

  85. You have a very good beginning. 你有很多的开始了!

  86. You made me so happy. 你真是让我感到快乐!

  87. Thank you so much. 谢谢你呀!

  88. I am so proud of you. 我真以你为荣!

  89. Great! 了不起!

  90. I’ll help you. 我会帮助你!

  91. You can do better than that. 你会做得更好!

  92. Go! Go! Go! 加油!加油!加油!

  93. Go on! Have a try at it. 加油!试试看!

  94. Good luck. 祝你好运!

  95. Brilliant! 太妙了!

  96. How amazing. 真是太棒了!

  97. That’s what I was looking for. 这正是我要的东西!

  98. What a beautiful picture. 真是好美的一幕!

  99. You are so nice. 你真好!

  100. You are a good helper. 你真是好帮手!



——赞美母亲的英文句子 (菁选5篇)


  Mother, it is of a great man in my mind, is a love my person, is a responsible person.

  Mother, I was always very admire you. Because, every time you do the housework, wash so many clothes was not a bit tired; When you wash the dishes, so many dishes, don't complain, I admire you!

  Mother, I very want to say thank you to you. Because, you for all that I care about is I forget. And to you for my education and encouragement to me, I also forget. So, I want to say to you: "thanks!"

  Mother, you still my a book "encyclopedia of", when I have problems, you always give me a accurate answer.

  Mother, you were laborious! Mother, I will repay you in better grades!


  Today is Thanksgiving Day, so I want to write a letter to you. I know you are kind and helpful to me. You cook meals and wash clothes for me every day. At the weekend, you often prepare some of my favorite food. Sometimes you also help me with my lessons. I know you are very strict with me, but when I make a mistake, you first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of just complaining about it. You always try to understand me. I think that is a good way for a child to grow up. With your care, I am living and studying happily, so I want to say "I love you, dad and mum" .


  "M" is for the million things she gave me,

  "O" means only that she's growing old,

  "T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

  "H" is for her heart of purest gold,

  "E" is for her eyes ,with the love-light shining,

  "R" means right,and right she'll always be,

  Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER",

  A word that means the world to me.


  When the sun put into a piece of golden wheat at Brush


  Your birthday party will be at harvest in the Concerto


  This loess is God's special cake for you

  Will be with you everywhere candlelight sickle

  Folded, cut down

  I told you at the candlelight fall behind

  Very satisfied with your smile

  This is the only permit you to my birthday the way you

  In fact, what I would like to say

  Or even a word

  A word or

  Such as bending your bow still big grain of sweat

  Such as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behind

  Finally can be put in the breakdown of any high-sounding

  Sickle announced break

  I want to finally have the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then the

  First you have to sweat



  Mother is selfless, mother is great, in our way of growth, experienced a lot of hardships, every time the failure, mother on the side of not blame me, and patiently taught me, every time of success, mother told me, do not be proud, but also to encourage!

  When I was young, my mother took care of me. She put it in her hands and shot it in her mouth. As a child, I still remember that my mother washed my clothes, although it was an ordinary dress, but in the winter morning, for me to wear clean clothes, and her hands were red.

  My mother often goes out to do business with my dad, but seldom with me. But now I grow up, I can sympathize with their hardships.

  In a moment, I'm about to be fifteen years old. In these fifteen years, you have paid a lot for me. I want to thank you, mother, to thank you for giving me life and caring and caring for me.


——赞美春天的英文句子 (菁选2篇)



  Spring is like a painter, painted with a vibrant color.


  The hills get clear, the rivers rise, and the sun blushes。


  Spring is coming! You see a riot of colour of the flowers, the lovely grass, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish.


  I love the spring, because the spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!


  The river, only a naughty little tadpole swam, as if looking for its mother, very cute.


  Earth, suddenly, the earth all things recovery, the Ukrainian language flowers, showing a faction angry.


  The cuckoo in the spring on the stage, playing a wonderful music.


  Is a gentle spring rain, and the rain was beating in the bamboo, bamboo leaves.


  The weather changed, xixilili spring up underground.


  Bright spring days, Spring is in the air, green everywhere, like a beautiful emerald grass.


  Spring girl came to the earth, the earth covered with green.


  The spring sun is not very warm, but a light increases your heart and body of the heat.


  Cuckoo singing in the field clear, beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring.


  The wheat fields, vast expanse of green, as if the green wave.


  Spring scenery is really beautiful ah! The air is so fresh, I love the spring here.


  Spring came, with its unique sound, light to slowly come then.


  Spring wind is gentle, like the mother's hands to touch the child's face.


  Eyebrow thin, dance waist. Su Zhuangcheng. A Chun Fang, March wind, set.


  Willow out a thin, top decorated with a pale yellow leaves clean.


  All look like just waking up, joyfully to open the eyes.


  The branches of the willows hang down, just like a line hanging on a tree.


  The snow melted snow, Huicheng streams, gurgling stream.


  Spring is like a beautiful poem, dream like sweet, mellow as a wine.


  Life in the spring morning wake up, showing the value of life, attractive.


  The distant mountains rolling, pale green.


  The causeway is full of peach and willow. In the spring, on the banks of the pink, like a ribbon.


  This spring, not only to give people a new life, but also give new hope, I love this beautiful spring.


  Mountain peach blossoming apricot go show petal, pear trees, flowers.


  The spring season, it's a tree full of flowers TuRui fragrance, the fragrance overflowing, really intoxicated.


  The bees buzzing, busy flowers honey.


  Spring is coming, everything from slumber, the grass, the trees begin to bud out.


  The grass grow from the land, tender, green. The wind is soft and soft, and the grass is soft.


  The green grass covered with trees, is like a tree like a blanket.


  Spring, but also like a naughty child, with his tears, into the spring rain.


  Caught in the middle of the peach tree willows also open bright flowers, green willow, red flowers, is really beautiful!


  Spring is really comfortable spring, spring scenery is really beautiful ah!


  In the gentle spring breeze, the frog yawned and stretched out of the house.


  Spring, all played a delightful symphony!


  The grass began to sprout, and the earth was everywhere.


  Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring.


  Spring dressed to the nines smiling to us.


  I love spring, I love to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the tree's green, listening to the songs of birds.


  Spring is like a newly born baby, it's new from head to toe.


  The body is covered with soft hairs, like a caterpillar is really interesting.


  Spring wearing a crown, dressed in green clothes, with rosy clouds, in the best of spirits is coming.


  Spring is coming, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality.


  The beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring. Cuckoo singing in the field is clear and the.


  Spring is like a beauty girl, let the world brilliant purples and reds.


  Spring is a full of vitality of the season, is also a beautiful and magical, hopeful season.


  At a glance, everywhere is a piece of green, like a watercolor painting.


  Looking forward to, looking forward to, the wind came, the footsteps of spring near.


  The Spring Festival evening show green, East Rock High - I want to know the spring Tun Baiyun Mountain, blow off the product between the rain.


  The colorful spring, summer andflourishing, red maple chrysanthemum autumn, winter is white pine green.


  Spring has come, the spring breeze blowing green grass, blowing the flowers. What a beautiful spring ah!


  Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air is fresh, the sun is very warm.


  Step in her soft soil, the only know life can be such a hotbed of earth, as long as the old season.


  Spring girl with the greetings of spring quietly come.


  Spring is like a little girl, dressed, smiling and walking.


  Grandpa winter off the cold spring, the footsteps of the girl came to the earth.


  Spring night, Danyue cage yarn, Ping Ping ting. The wind blowing over the cheek, swept hair.


  Spring scenery is too beautiful, people's mood is more beautiful in spring.


  The spring and autumn full size, summer cloud multi peaks, moon bright winter Yang, Ling Xiu pine.


  However, the amazing singer, singing clear and melodious song, forward.


  Spring rain, like the spring girl spun out of the line, gently fell to the ground, sand, sand, sand.


  Peach and apricot pear, red as fire, as the Xia powder, white as snow.


  Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently and gently, all the creatures are awakened.


  The spring breeze blows, they seem to sway in the spring breeze nod, very interesting.


  One evening, I went out for a walk, suddenly feel that they are shrouded in a beautiful scenery.


  Obese children like a leaflet, just wake up the baby.


  Near the hillside grass quietly drilled the ground, they are very tender, green.


  A single flower does not make a spring.


  A year's plan starts with spring.


  Sow nothing, reap nothing.


  Spring clean your office—out with the piles of paper; in with a pretty vase for flowers and a new framed photo of you and your family.


  Take a walk—no cell phone, blackberries, iPhones allowed. Just you, the fresh air, and the blossomingworld.



  that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。

  the travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

  "this extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent’s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere. 专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的*。




  1、I exhausted all the words you can not describe the beauty。用尽我所有的话语也形容不出你的美

  2、I think the future I will accompany you every day on the market 。我想未来我一定会天天陪你上市场。

  3、Waiting can become so beautiful, because I love you。原来等待也可以如此的美丽,因为爱你。

  4、Drink wine you love wine, if not refill, reluctantly thirst for life。喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子

  5、Your words have been locked in my memory of that key for me you will keep it forever。你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧

  6、Your name filled in my heart I will always love you …… let it !你的名字写满在我心里……就让我永远爱你吧!

  7、For you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you love to sign a contract right。对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧

  8、You can experience in my life, and the most profound feeling!你是我生命中所能经历的,最最深切的感觉!

  9、Since I discovered love you later …… sweet love。自从爱你以后……才知爱的甜美

  10、Want to see your mood is really no way to use a word instead of ……想你的心情实在没办法用一句话代替……

  11、Whether this one has been the afterlife Ye …… I want only you …… 不管今世也来世也好……我所要的只有你……

  12、 I can not write a love letter, only to write the "heart" ……我不会写情书,只会写"心"……

  13、Take care of yourself I do not want to wait until the next life to love you again。好好照顾自己我不想等到下辈子再来爱你

  14、This life I just hold your hand …… because you already have enough life ……这一生我只牵你的手……因为今生有你早已足够……

  15、If you fall in love with you can be considered a mistake, I am sure it would be the fault of life's most beautiful, I prefer the wrong life ……如果爱上你也算是一种错,我深信这会是生命中最美丽的错,我情愿错一辈子……

  16、I just need one that will allow me to rest haven 。我只是须要一个可以让我休息的港湾.

  17、There is no clothing more fit than your love; not a decoration more attractive than your love;没有一种服装比起你的爱更合身;没有一种装饰比起你的爱更迷人;

  18、You're the most beautiful woman I ever saw good.你是我见过的最美最善良的女人

  19、Funny? No one around you, so strange, to accompany my whole life, okay?好笑吗?身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗?

  20、The most crazy thing in this life, is in love with you, the greatest hope is to have you accompany me crazy life ……这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱**你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子……

  21、I was the deep sea, you are on the other side of the dawn that rises from the sea, always light up my life ……我是那深深的大海,你是那自海的另一边升起的曙光,永远照亮我的人生……

  22、I love you .I love you .I love you forever ……我爱你.我爱你.我永远爱你……

  23、Like your smile, like quietly watching you, my sorrow suddenly flew like a cloud in general.喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去

  24、Your heart plus my heart, even if the pain is also willing to try the taste .将你心再加上我的心,就算痛苦滋味也愿意尝.

  25、Without your love …… the goal will be difficult to re-live again!如果没有你的爱……活着的目标将难复再!

  26、You are my most difficult time who always support me! 你就是我最困难时的那位永远**我的人!

  27、Miss like a river-like, forever to the sea, the flow of my heart .思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房.

  28、From now on you really want to hold, I hold you, until you come to God ……好想从现在开始抱着你,紧紧的抱着你,一直走到上帝面前……

  29、When people will always be old, I hope that you were still here.人总是会老的,希望到时,你仍在我身边

  30、If you can change your life stuck in my sight.I would have no reservations.如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中.我将毫不保留

  31、If this life we ?love is not enough, the afterlife will be able to for a long time ……如果这一生我们爱不够,来世必能长久……

  32、 Just want to hold your hand .look into your eyes …… .walk on the beach barefoot Yazi …… only because you .you .只想牵你的手.看你的眼……光着脚丫子.在海边漫步……只有你.只因你.

  33、With you but I do not want to give anybody a chance!和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会!

  34、No matter how much the world girl, my heart only you.无论世间有多少女孩,我的心里只有你

  35、Always thinking of you, although we can not have every minute together,总是想念着你,虽然我们无法共同拥有每分每秒,

  36、I do not know when you started, I have learned to rely on.不知什麽时后开始,我已学会依赖

  37、I love you with loyalty to my old enthusiasm and worry in childhood ……我爱你用我旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚……

  38、You make my life love there is love, there are tears ……你使得我的生活有情有爱,还有泪……

  39、For you, no matter wanes, also unchanged.对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变

  40、That without you …… I can be strong one …… finally I know I can not ……以为没有你……我可以坚强一个人……终於知道我不行……

  41、My love for you to open, like white lightning across the sky; my love for you Mercedes, like red blood filled body ……我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际;我的爱为你奔驰,像***血液充满身体……

  42、You gentle enough, your smile makes me mesmerized.你柔情似水,你的微笑让我如醉如痴

  43、Without words, let me tell you with action, what is love ……不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什麽叫爱……

  44、This life will always love you.今生今世永远爱你

  45、I do not believe in everlasting love, because I will love you more every day.我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你.

  46、Willing to put my heart embedded in your heart, Our love will never change.愿把我的心嵌入你的心,使我俩的爱永远不变。

  47、Recognizing after you …… I found myself can be reluctant to pay ……在认识你之后……我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出……

  48、I am willing to wait a thousand years you warm sun-like blossoms in early spring color smile.我愿意用一千万年等待你初春暖阳般的绽颜一笑.

  49、Only you know my emotions, and only you can give me mood.只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪

  50、My world only you know.我的世界只有你懂

  51、I was lost in my mind you that led me out of the loneliness.曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞

  52、I know that love to be free to be happy, but I prefer to stay at your side to accompany you, accompany you through.我知道爱要**才能快乐,我却宁愿留在你身边,陪你,陪你走过

  53、Watching you smile, suddenly I found that I was the happiest person in the world ……看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人……

  54、You know my loneliness is only waiting for a thousand nights for you, one for your songs are only sung.你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱

  55、You see, it is the most true I never do ! moving a stop! Have you touched this world with my beautiful presence!你看到的,就是最真的我!一种永无止尽的感动!感动这世界有你与我这最美的存在!

  56、How many stars in the sky world ………… How many girls but only one of you has only one moon sky world天上有多少星光世间有多少女孩…………但天上只有一个月亮世间只有一个你

  57、I'm ready to halve your rights and obligations multiplied ……我已准备好将**减半、义务倍增了……

  58、Do not country, as long as you.不要江山,只要你

  59、You are too beautiful and moving.你的美丽太过动人

  60、Looking at you (you) eyes, I saw the sea, blue sky; more see the beautiful future!看着你(你)的眼,我看见了大海,蓝天;更看到了美丽的未来!

  61、Your understanding, let it all, the man fell for you.你善解人意,让世间所有的男子为你倾倒

  62、Although we can not satisfy your greatest material life …… but I can put my heart to meet you .虽然不能满足你最大的物质生活……但我可以把我的心来满足你.

  63、 Every day of my motivation is to see you and talk to you …… 每天我的动力就是见到你,并和你说说话……

  64、No matter ends of the earth, as long as you need me, I'll "fly" back to your side.不论天涯海角,只要你需要我的时候,我就会"飞"回你的身边

  65、Think of the joy with me to see the rising sun of it.想想和我一同看日升日落的喜悦吧

  66、In my mind any time you only want! Love you!在我心中任何时刻都只有想你!爱你!

  67、I want to become a gentle wind will surround you …………我要变成风温柔的将你包围…………

  68、Earth is still turning, the world is still fickle, and I will always love you.地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你

  69、I swear …… Fifty years later …… I still love you the same as they are now ……我发誓……五十年后……我还是像现在一样爱你……

  70、In addition to love you …… I think the reason I continue to make a living ……除了爱你……我想不出能使我继续活着的理由……

  71、Since you appear, I know that some people love is so beautiful .自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那麽的美好.

  72、You not only beauty but also the heart of man more beautiful.你不仅人美而且心更美

  73、Just want to say three words, you're beautiful!只想对你说3个字,你真美!

  74、Each meteor wish things in heaven, for you to shine sky ……愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际……

  75、Life …… if .can not have you, I'll ………… Haohen own.今生……如果.不能拥有你,我会…………好恨自己

  76、Because we know that can not live without you, so I'll cherish ……因为知道不能没有你,所以我会更珍惜……

  77、Day and night will not stop us deep thoughts!白昼与黑夜将无法**我俩的深深思念!

  78、No words can express your good.千言万语也说不尽你的好

  79、Know you know there is a feeling called the attachment, there is a feeling that is called - love.认识你才知道有一种心情叫做依恋,有一种感觉叫爱.

  80、I love your heart is also unchanged until the end of the world.我爱你的心是直到世界末日也不变

  81、I do not want to wake up in time, the projection lamp on the wall only my lonely figure.不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影

  82、Put you deep inside my heart.就把你深深藏在我心中

  83、Wheel of time can not erase my thoughts of you even the highest power, your shadow forever in my heart .时间的巨轮无法抹去我对你的思念纵使海枯石烂,你的身影永存於我心中.

  84、I'm with you every night, not too lonely lonely.在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过於寂寥冷清




1、Any day will do? 哪一天都可以?

2、Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?

3、Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗?

4、All right with you? 你没有问题吧?

5、Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?

6、Are you kidding me? 你在跟我开玩笑吧?

7、As soon as possible! 尽可能快!

8、Back in a moment! 马上回来!

9、Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

10、Better luck next time! 下次会更好!

11、Boys will be boys 本性难移!

12、Come to the point! 有话直说!

13、Do you accept plastic? 收不收信用卡?

14、Does it keep long? 可以保存吗?

15、Don't be so fussy! 别挑剔了!

16、Don't count on me! 别指望我!

17、Don't fall for it! 不要上当!

18、Don't get me wrong! 你搞错了!

19、Don't give me that! 少来这套!

20、Don't let me down! 别让我失望!

21、Don't lose your head! 别乐昏了头!

22、Don't over do it! 别做过头了!

23、Don't sit there daydreaming! 别闲着做白日梦!

24、Don't stand on ceremony! 别太拘束!

25、Drop me a line! 要写信给我!

26、Easy come easy go! 来得容易去得也快!

27、First come first served! 先到先得!

28、Get a move on! 快点吧!

29、Get off my back! 不要烦我!

30、Give him the works! 给他点教训!

31、Give me a break! 饶了我吧!

32、Give me a hand! 帮我一个忙!

33、Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同!

34、I'll treat you to lunch. 午餐我请你!

35、In one ear, out the other ear. 一耳进,一耳出!

36、I'm spaced-out! 我开小差了!

37、I beg your pardon! 请你再说一遍!

38、I can't afford that! 我付不起!

39、I can't follow you! 我不懂你说的!

40、I can't help it! 我情不自禁!

41、I couldn't reach him! 我联络不上他!

42、I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的!

43、I don't mean it! 我不是故意的!

44、I feel very miserable! 我好沮丧!

45、I have no choice! 我别无选择了!

46、I watch my money! 视财如命!

47、I'll be in touch! 保持联络!

48、I'll check it out! 我去看看!

49、I'll show you around! 我带你四处逛逛!

50、I'll see to it! 我会留意的!

51、I'm crazy for you! 我为你疯狂!

52、You make me jump! 你吓了我一跳!

53、Make up your mind. 作个决定吧!

54、Make yourself at home! 就当在家一样!

55、My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

56、Never heard of it! 没听说过!

57、Nice talking to you! 很高兴和你聊天!

58、No doubt about it! 勿庸置疑!

59、No pain no gain! 不经一事,不长一智!

60、None of your business!要你管?

61、There is nothing on your business! 这没你的事!

62、Now you are really talking! 说得对!

63、Please don't rush me! 请不要催促我!

64、Please keep me informed! 请一定要通知我

65、She looks blue today. 她今天很忧郁!

66、She is under the weather. 她心情不好!

67、So far, so good. 过得去。

68、Speaking of the devil! 一说曹操,曹操就到!

69、Stay away from me! 离我远一点!

70、Stay on the ball! 集中***!

71、That makes no difference. 不都一样吗?

72、That's a touchy issue! 这是个棘手的问题!

73、That's always the case! ****!

74、That's going too far! 这太离谱了!

75、That's more like that! 这才像话嘛!




  1、A friend is a loving companion at all times.


  2、At this time of sorrow, deep sympathy goes to you and yours.


  3、Have a wonderful brithday!


  4、You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.


  5、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!


  6、But it's nice to mention it again when special days are here.


  7、I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.


  8、To my husband,Happy birthday with all my love!


  9、The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.


  10、Congratulations on your graduation from the notable university with honour.I'm hopeful and confident,too,that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.


  11、rom majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.


  12、Grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above, Grandma means kindness because it's another name for love May this be a special birthday for you.


  13、May friends give you strength at this time of sorrow. May faith give you hope for every tomorrow.


  14、Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and mpathize today.


  15、It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.


  16、13.We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness.


  17、It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.


  18、It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe.


  19、I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends, I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.


  20、When I think of you the miles between us disappear.


  21、Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time. May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow.


  22、The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.Happy Birthday!


  23、We may grow old together, but as long as we are together, I feel young.


  24、Here's to the happy graduate for the job you have already done.And here's a happy future that is a most successful one.I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world.


  25、Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday!


  26、May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.


  27、Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called ?"a special friend" and that's how I think of you.You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,That’s why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.


  28、bright days filled with cheer,warm days filled with happinessto last throughout the year!


  29、To you, sweetheart, with all my love.There's someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that keeps growing as days come and go.Have a very happy birthday!


  30、I'm grateful for the special love you show in different ways-- love that gives a special touch to ordinary days, love that's always filled our home with beauty, warmth and cheer--I'm grateful for the special love you give to me all year.


  31、You are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks. ?Happy Birthday to you!


  32、Happy birthday to a wonderful person!


  33、Send this special birthday wish just to let you know that you'll always be remembered for the thoughtfulness you show.


  34、4.Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.


  35、May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.


  36、Every day is birthday time when thinking of you,and I shall keep one sublimehoping your many dreams come true.


  37、I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you.


  38、For all the happiness you bring my way,For the love we share and the memories, too, ?I'm hoping your birthday is happy for you.


  39、Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness.


  40、Happy birthday to my husband! For all you do the whole year through,this brings world of love to you.


  41、I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.


  42、You know you're thought of lovingly each day throughout the year.


  43、Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.


  44、Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Have a happy birthday!送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,她对你说今天的喜庆分外美妙,每时每刻都同样幸福,令人陶醉。祝你生日快乐!

  45、Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation.


  46、Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness.





  1、Appreciate your wisdom, great wisdom and dedication, I hope we can work together to create tomorrow!非常欣赏你的聪明,大智慧和事业心,希望我们能够一起努力创造明天!

  2、Because of luck, whether in your life blue or rainy season, I will only leave you turn around, you put up a blue sky is not wronged!因为有缘,无论在你生命中的天蓝还是雨季,我永远只有离你一转身的距离,为你撑起一片不委屈的天空!

  3、Because of you, I have happy; because of you, I have puzzled; because of you, I have injured; because of you, this life without any regrets。因为你,我曾经快乐;因为你,我曾经迷惑;因为你,我曾经受伤;因为有你,此生无悔。

  4、Fool。 Every time I hear you say don’t like you, I will be sad, anyway I just know that I have deep。傻瓜!每次听到你说不要去喜欢你之类的话,我都会心酸,不管怎么样我只知道我已经深。

  5、Ginkgo biloba slowly through the fingers, the top of your handwriting。 I stood in the rain, you are so far away, you know who will stand in your umbrella。银杏叶慢慢从指间滑落,上面有你的字迹。我站在雨中,离你是那么远,好想知道谁会站在你的伞边。

  6、I carved the left hand, right hand says you, my heart is filled with love, when the palm of our hand, have mutual affinity, everyone will see —— I love you!左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到——我爱你!

  7、I heard that the meteor was one of two people to see, they can be said of a couple。 Would you like to accompany me to see the meteor?我听说流星被两个相爱的人一起看到,他们就能白头偕老。你愿意陪我一起看流星吗?

  8、I love you, in this world, my life, you are my only。我爱你,在这世界上,我的生命中,你是我唯一。

  9、I think, the greatest happiness of life, is can in each night to gently hold you to sleep, when waking up in the morning, you were around。我想,一生最大的幸福,就是能在每个夜晚轻轻拥你入睡,在每个清晨醒来的时候,身边有你。

  10、Love is concerned about hard; love is miss lonely; love is when all the happiness; love is embracing happiness; love is each other silently blessing。爱是牵挂着的辛苦;爱是思念着的孤独;爱是团聚时的快乐;爱是相拥着的幸福;爱是彼此间默默的祝福。

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