



  a pretty girl

  a girl in red

  a girl standing in the platform

  a girl who is standing in the platform is lucy

  上例中打彩色部分便都是定语,定语通常是修饰名词,如果定语是一个词并且能完整表达一个意思,定语便放在被修饰词前面,否则就放后面,请观察pretty是一个词,便是放前面的,这是你也许会说,a pretty little girl,pretty 和little不是两个词,怎么就放被修饰词前面了呢,一定要注意,pretty和little都是一个并且是各自能表达完整的意思滴。

  上例中彩色部分都是定语,定语可以是一个形容词(pretty),可以是介词短语(in red),也可以是分词短语(standing in the platform),也可以是一个句子(who is standing in the platform),而当定语从句是一个句子时,这个句子呢,就是定语从句。




  1.He is a famous star.

  2.Who’s that girl in red?

  3.A suitcase that doesn’t have handles is useless.

  4.The blue suitcase ,which doesn’t have handles, is useless.





  注意定语从句,that doesn’t have handles,that作代词+连词,在从句充当主语,并且连接两个句子。



  Restrictive: A suitcase that doesn't have handles is useless.

  Non-Restrictive: The blue suitcase, which doesn't have handles, is useless.






  引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which, as和关系副词when, where, why等。

  关系副词在定语从句中充当副词,关系代词中比较难区别是that和which,which 指物,who(whom)指人,that可以指人也可以指物。但有时有些情况只能用that。


  1.This is the second article that I have written in English.

  2.It is the best film that he has ever seen.

  3.This is the very book that I want to read.

  4. All that they told me surprised me.

  5.They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.

  6. Who is the girl that was there?

  7.There is a bed in the room that is still vacant.




  1.In following cases,“that”is often used.

  (1)After ordinal number and superlatives.

  (2)After the following words:all, only, little, few, much, very, none, last, just, any(thing), every(thing), some(thing),no(thing).

  (3)After two or more antecedents,referring to both people and things.

  (4)After interrogative pronouns“which”or “who”.

  (5) When the main clause begins with “There be”.


  2.In following cases,“which”is always used.

  Football,which is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.

  This is the house in which he lives.

  That pen which he took is mine

  (1)After prepositions.

  (2)To introduce a Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

  (3)The antecedent is “that”.



  1. The boys are from Class One. The boys are playing football.

  2. Mr. Ling is just the boy. I want to see Mr. Ling.

  3. There is somebody here. Somebody wants to speak to you.

  4. Football is a game. Football is liked by most boys.

  5. I will never forget the day. We met there on the day.

  6. This is the house. I was born in the house.

  7. Do you know the woman? Her son saved the boy's life.

  8. The man gone to Guangzhou. You met him in the street yesterday.

  9. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library last week.

  10. I was looking for a book this morning. I’ve found it now.

  T:Now let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen.Fill in the blanks,choosing proper relative pronouns or relative adverbs.

  1.Tell me the reason for__________you were late for class.

  2.Who is the girl__________is speaking there?

  3.This is Mr Smith,__________has some thing interesting to tell you.

  4.The computer__________CPU doesn’t work has to be repaired.

  5.This kind of computer,__________is well-known,is out of date.

  6.This is just the place__________I’ve been longing to visit for years.

  7.His mother is an engineer,__________makes him very proud.

  8.The old man has four sons,three of__________are doctors.

  Suggested answers:

  I think“….”should be filled.Because the antecedent is“….”and the relative is used as … in the Attributive Clause.

  1.which 2.that 3.who 4.whose 5.which 6.that 7.which 8.whom

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