

  I asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the wood behind the tree.


  Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.


  The lazy smell of the damp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth.


  Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands, tender and fresh as butter.


  And I was standing still.


  I did not come near you.


  The sky woke with the sound of the gong at the temple.


  The dust was raised in the road from the hoofs of the driven cattle.


  With the gurgling pitchers at their hips, women came from the river.


  Your bracelets were jingling, and foam brimming over the jar.


  The morning wore on and I did not come near you.



  雨天 The rainy day

  SULLEN clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest. 乌云很快地集拢在森林的黝黑的边缘上。

  O child, do not go out! 孩上,不要出去呀!

  The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads against the dismal sky; the crows with their draggled wings are silent on the tamarind branches, and the eastern bank of the river is haunted by a deepening gloom. 湖边的一行棕树,向暝暗的天空撞着头;羽毛零乱的乌鸦,静悄悄地栖在罗望子的枝上,河的东岸正被乌沉沉的暝色所侵袭。

  Our cow is lowing loud, tied at the fence. 我们的牛系在篱上,高声鸣叫。

  O child, wait here till I bring her into the stall. 孩子,在这里等着,等我先把牛牵进牛棚里去。

  Men have crowded into the flooded field to catch the fishes as they escape from the overflowing ponds; the rain water is running in rills through the narrow lanes like a laughing boy who has run away from his mother to tease her. 许多人都挤在池水泛溢的田间,捉那从泛溢的池中逃出来的鱼儿,雨水成了小河,流过狭街,好像一个嬉笑的孩子从**妈那里跑开,故意要恼她一样。

  Listen, someone is shouting for the boatman at the ford. 听呀,有人在浅滩上喊船夫呢。

  O child, the daylight is dim, and the crossing at the ferry is closed. 孩子,天色暝暗了,渡头的摆渡船已经停了。

  The sky seems to ride fast upon the madly-rushing rain; the water in the river is loud and impatient; women have hastened home early from the Ganges with their filled pitchers. 天空好像是在滂沱的雨上快跑着;河里的水喧叫而且暴躁;妇人们早已拿着汲满了水的水罐,从恒河畔匆匆地回家了。

  The evening lamps must be made ready. 夜里用的灯,一定要预备好。

  O child, do not go out! 孩子,不要出去呀!

  The road to the market is desolate, the lane to the river is slippery. The wind is roaring and struggling among the bamboo branches like a wild beast tangled in a net. 到市场去的大道已没有人走,到河边去的小路又很滑。风在竹林里咆哮着,挣扎着,好像一只落在网中的野兽。



  When Day Is Done


  If the day is done ,


  If birds sing no more .


  If the wind has fiagged tired ,


  Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me ,


  Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,


  The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.


  From the traverer,


  Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,


  Whose garment is torn and dust-laden ,


  Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty ,


  And renew his life like a flower under


  The cover of thy kindly night .




——泰戈尔诗集经典名句 (荟萃2篇)





























































































  1、"It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple、快乐很简单,但要做到简单却很难。 ——泰戈尔"

  2、我听见回声,来自山谷和心间 以寂寞的镰刀收割空旷的灵魂 不断地重复决绝,又重复幸福 终有绿洲摇曳在沙漠 ——泰戈尔 《生如夏花》

  3、生如夏花之绚烂, 死如秋叶之静美。 笑看红尘之憾叹, 莫哭人生之悲哀。

  4、只管走过去,不要逗留着去采了花朵来保存,因为一路上,花朵会继续开放的。 ——泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

  5、The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of the child、静夜有母亲的美丽,如喧哗的白日之于孩子。 ——泰戈尔《飞鸟集》

  6、当我床前的灯熄灭了,我和晨鸟一同醒起。 我在散发上戴上新鲜的花串,坐在洞开的窗前。 那年轻的行人在玫瑰色的朝霭中从大路上来了。 珠链在他的颈上,阳光在他的冠上。他停在我的门前,用切望的呼声问我:“她在哪里呢?” 因为深深害羞,我不好意思说出:“她就是我,年轻的行人,她就是我。” 黄昏来到,还未上灯。 我心绪不宁地编着头发。 在落日的光辉中年轻的行人驾着车辇来了。 他的驾车的马,嘴里喷着白沫,他的衣袍上蒙着尘土。 他在我的门前下车,用疲乏的声音问:“她在哪里呢?” 因为深深害羞,我不好意思说出:“她就是我,愁倦的行人,她就是我。”出处:《泰戈尔散文诗全集》


  8、打开门/ 让蓝天没有**地泻进来/ 让花的芬芳香进我的房间。


  10、静听,我的心。 他的笛声, 就是野花的气息的音乐, 闪亮的树叶、光耀的流水的音乐, 影子回响着蜜蜂之翼的音乐。 笛声从我朋友的唇上,偷走了微笑,把这微笑蔓延在我的生命上。

  11、我的心张开帆 借着无所事事的风 去无所谓哪里的岛 ——泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

  12、"让死者有那不朽的名,但让生者有那不朽的爱。 let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love、——泰"戈尔《飞鸟集 279》

  13、总有一天,我要在别的世界的晨光里对你唱道:“我以前在地球的光里,在人的爱里,已经见过你。 ——泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》

  14、我将一次又一次的死去,以此来证明生命的无穷的,我相信自己 生来如同璀璨的夏日之花 不凋不败,妖冶如火 ——泰戈尔

  15、对于你,这里没***,没有恐怖。 这里没有消息,没有低语,没有呼唤。 这里没有休息的床。 这里只有你自己的一双翅膀和无路的天空。 ——泰戈尔《园丁集》















  30、夜的序曲是开始于夕阳西下的音乐,开始于它对难以形容的黑暗所作的庄严的赞歌。 The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark。《飞鸟集》


——泰戈尔英文版经典语录句子名言 (荟萃2篇)


  On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.

  The infinite sky is motionless overhead

  And the restless water is boisterous.

  On the seashore of endless worlds

  The children meet with shouts and dances





  They build their houses with sand,

  And they play with empty shells.

  With withered leaves they weave

  Their boats and smilingly float them

  On the vast deep.

  Children have their play on the

  Seashore of worlds.





  They know not how to swim,

  They know not how to cast nets.

  Pearl-fishers pe for pearls,

  Merchants sail in their ships,

  While children gather pebbles

  And scatter them again.

  They seek not for hidden treasures,

  They know not how to cast nets.





  The sea surges up with laughter,

  And pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.

  Death-dealing waves sing

  Meaningless ballads to the children,

  Even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle.

  The sea plays with children,

  And pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.







  On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.

  Tempest roams in the pathless sky,

  Ships are wrecked in the trackless water,

  Death is abroad and children play.

  On the seashore of endless worlds is the

  Great meeting of children.







  If thou speakest not

  I will fill my heart with the silence and endure it.

  I will keep still and wait

  like the night with starry vigil

  and its head bent low with patience.






  The morning will surely come,

  the darkness will vanish,

  and tht voice pour down in golden streams

  breaking trough the sky.





  Then thy words will take wing

  in songs from every one of my birds’ nest,

  and thy melodies

  will break forth in flowers in all my forest groves.






——泰戈尔经典语录英文版 (荟萃2篇)



  The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when i stand in front of you yet you don't know that i love you.


  Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.


  My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.


  It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.


  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


  What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


  The waterfall sing, "I find my song, when I find my freedom."


  You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it.


  Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.


  We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.


  Never be afraid of the moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting.


  The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.


  Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


  In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.


  We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


  Man barricades against himself.


  Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.


  I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel thefreedom of passing away.


  Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on,for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.


  Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of lucks in the sky.I hear the voice of their wings.


  Who drives me forward like fate?The Myself striding on my back.



  Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life.

  Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.

  夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,他们没有什麼可唱的,只是叹息一声,飞落在那里。

  The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.


  The sands in you way beg for your song and your movement,dancing water.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?

  跳著舞的流水啊!当你途中的泥沙为你的歌声和流动哀求时, 你可愿意担起他们跛足的一次,我们梦见我们是不相识的。我们醒了才发现我们爱着对方.

  Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.


  My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.


  It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.


  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


  What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


  The waterfall sing, "I find my song, when I find my freedom."


  You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it.


  Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.


  We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.


  Never be afraid of the moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting.


  The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.


  Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


  In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.


  We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


  Man barricades against himself.


  Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.





  Once upon a time, two poor woodcutters were crossing a pine forest and heading home. It was a cold night in winter. There was thick snow on the ground, and there was snow on the branches. As they passed by, the branches on both sides were broken by the frost. When they came to the waterfall of the mountain stream, the frost stopped in the air motionless, because the king of snow and snow had kissed her.


  It was so cold this night that even birds and animals didnt know what to do.


  "Oh "Its a bad day. Why dont the government think about it?" cried the wolf, and walked out of the bush with his tail


  "Oh! Oh! Oh "The old earth is dead, and they have taken her in their white life clothes," the green plum blossom birds chirped


  "The earth is going to marry, this is her wedding dress," the turtledoves whispered to each other. Their little red feet were frozen, but they felt responsible for seeing it in a romantic and optimistic way.


  "Nonsense The wolf growled. "I tell you that this is all the fault of the government, and if you dont believe me, I will eat you." Wolf has a completely pragmatic mind, and he will never find a good argument.


  "Well, personally," said the woodpecker, a natural philosopher, "Im not concerned with atomic theory as an explanation. If something looks like, it should have been, but its just too cold right now. " Its really cold. The squirrels living in the tall fir trees rub their noses to warm each other. The hare shrinks in their holes and even dare not look out. The only one who seems to be happy with this weather is the big horned gull. Their feathers made the frost freeze hard, but they didnt care, they kept turning their big yellow eyes, calling out to each other through the forest, "tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! What a good climate today! "


  The two woodcutters kept on driving the road, and they were blowing heat on their fingers, and the stupid, big boots with nails on their feet were walking on the snow. Once they fell into a deep snow pit, and when they came out, they were as white as the grinder in the mill. The stone was slippery. Once they fell on the hard and smooth ice, which was formed by the water on the moor, and the bundles of firewood fell, and they had to pick up and bind them again; and once again they thought they were self-contained They lost their way, and they were afraid of it, because they knew that snow was cruel to those who slept in her arms. But they trusted the kind Saint Martin, who would take care of all the people who went out, and then they returned, and walked carefully, and finally they came to the exit of the forest and saw the light in the village where they were in the distance from the valley below.


  They were so ecstatic that they had found themselves out of danger. They laughed with joy. The earth seemed to be a silver white flower in their eyes, and the moon was like a golden flower.


  But after laughing, they fell into sorrow again, because they thought of their poor family. One woodcutter said to another, "why should we be happy? We should know that life is for the rich, not for the poor like us? We might as well freeze to death in the forest, or let any beast seize us and bite me to death. "


  "Thats true," his partner replied, "some people enjoy too much, while others get too little. Injustice has pided the world, and nothing but sorrow is equally distributed. "


  But just as they lament each others unhappy lives, a strange thing happened. A very bright, very beautiful star fell from the sky. It slipped down the sky by the other stars, and they looked at it in surprise, and in their view it seemed to fall behind a cluster of willows less than a shot away from the sheepsy.


  "Ah! Anyone who finds it will get a jar of gold! " They screamed, ran out, they wanted gold too much.


  One of them ran faster, and he surpassed his companion, and tried hard to cross the willow bushes and came to the other side of the tree, ah! There was indeed a golden thing lying on the snow. He hurried over, bent down to touch it with his hand, a cloak made of gold thread, carefully embroidered with stars and folded into many folds. He said loudly to his companion that he had found the treasure that had fallen from the sky. When his companion approached, they sat down on the snow, and untied the fold on the cloak, and prepared to take the gold out for a split. But, ah! There was no gold, no silver, no treasures, only a sleeping child.


  One said to the other, "our hope is such a painful ending. We will not be lucky. What will a child do for one person? Lets get out of here and take our way. We are all poor people, we all have our own children. We cant pide our childrens bread to others. "


  But his companion replied, "no, it is not good to leave the child here to freeze to death in the snow. Although I am as poor as you, I have to feed several people and there is nothing to eat in the pot, but I will take him home and my wife will take care of him."


  He hugged the child very lovingly, wrapped it in a cloak to resist the cold, and then went down the hill and went back to the village, and his companion was surprised by his stupidity and kindness.


  They went back to the village and his companion said to him, "you have this child, then give me the cloak, because we all know it should be split."


  But he replied, "no, because the cloak is neither yours nor mine, it is a childs one." He said goodbye to his companion, came to his door and knocked.


  His wife opened the door and saw her husband return to her safely. She held her arms around his neck, kissed him, took the bundle from behind him, brushed the snow from his boots, and told him to go into the room.


  But he said to her, "I found one thing in the forest, and I brought him back to take care of him." He stood at the door and didnt come in.


  "What is it?" "Let me know, the house is empty and we need a lot of things," she said He pulled the cloak back and showed her the sleeping child.


  "Oh, my God!" "Isnt there enough of our own children?" she muttered? Why do you have to bring a replacement child home? Who knows if he will bring us bad luck? What else shall we feed him? " She was angry with him.


  "No, he is a star child," he replied, and he told her the strange experience of finding the child.


  But she was not at all depressed, but sarcastic and said angrily, "our children do not have bread to eat, do we have to raise other peoples children?"? Who will take care of us again? Who will give us food? "


  "Dont do that. God will take care of sparrows, and God will keep them," he replied.


  "Isnt sparrow often starved to death in winter?" "Isnt it winter now?" she asked Her husband was speechless, but stood at the door and did not come in.


  A cold wind blew from the forest into the open door, she hit a cold edge, shook it, and said to him, "dont you want to close the door? There was a cold wind blowing in the house, and I felt very cold. "


  "The wind that blows into the heart of iron will not always be cold?" He asked in reverse. The woman did not answer him, but she was leaning closer to the fire.


  After a while she turned and looked at him, and her eyes were full of tears. He rushed in, put the child in her arms, she kissed the child, and put him on a small bed, where the youngest child in their family slept.


  The next day the woodcutter took the rare gold cloak and put it in a large cabinet. His wife took the amber necklace from the childs neck and put it in the big cabinet.


  In this way, the star child grew up with the woodcutters children, and they sat together to eat and play together. He grew more handsome year by year, and the people living in the village were surprised by it. Because others were all black skin and black hair, he was only one man who was white and delicate, like fine ivory, and his curly hair was like a garland of Narcissus. His lips were like red petals, his eyes were like violets by the clear water river, and his figure was like the Narcissus grass that no one had cut in the field.


  But his beauty brought him bad luck. Because he became proud, cruel and selfish. He despised the woodcutters children and the other children in the village, saying that they were of low birth, but he was noble and jumped out of the stars. He recognized himself as their master and called them slaves. He was not at all in love with the poor, nor did he pity the blind, the disabled, or any sick, and treated them with stones or drove them to the road and ordered them to beg elsewhere, so only the second time the second time the second time they would go to the village for relief. He is also infatuated with beauty, mocking the weak and ugly people, not taking them seriously. He loves himself. When there is no wind in summer, he will lie beside the well in the fathers orchard, look at the moving place of his face in the well, and laugh happily for his beauty.


  The woodcutter and his wife often blame him and say, "we have not treated you as you do to those who are lonely. Why do you treat the poor who need sympathy so cruelly?"


  The old priest often went to him and tried to teach him how to love things, so he said to him, "fly is also your brother. Dont hurt it. The wild birds that fly in the forest have their own freedom. Dont make fun of catching them. God created the lizard and the mole, each of which has its own value. Who are you that can bring pain to Gods world? Even the living animals in the fields know how to praise God. "


  But the star child ignored his words. He frowned and looked very unhappy. He went back to find his friends and led them to play. His companions followed him, because he was beautiful and light footed. He could dance, play flute and music. No matter where the star child led them, they would go. No matter what the star child told them to do, they would do it. When he thrust a pointed reed into the moles hazy eyes, they all laughed happily. When he threw a stone at the leper, they also laughed. No matter what he controls them to do, they will become as hard hearted as him.


  One day, a poor begging woman walked through the village. Her clothes were ragged, her feet were bloody from the long journey and the rough road, and she looked very embarrassed. Because she was so tired, she sat under the chestnut tree and had a rest.


  When starchild saw her, he said to his companions, "look! Such a dirty begging woman is sitting under that beautiful green leafy tree. Come on, lets get rid of her. Shes so ugly and annoying


  So he went over and threw a stone at her and mocked her. She looked at him with frightened eyes and looked straight at him. The woodcutter was chopping wood in the nearby pasture. When he saw what the star child had done, he ran up to him and scolded him. He said to him, "your heart is so cruel that you dont have any pity. What has this poor woman done to you? Do you want to treat her like this?"


  The star child flushed with anger, stamped his feet on the ground and said, "who are you? Dare you ask me what I do? Im not your son. I wont listen to you. "


  "Youre right," the woodcutter replied, "but when I found you in the woods, didnt I feel pity for you?"


  After hearing these words, the woman yelled and fell to the ground. The woodcutter took her into his home, and his wife came to look after her. When she woke up from her coma, they brought her food and drink, and told her to relax.


  But she would neither eat nor drink, but said to the woodcutter, "didnt you say that the child was found in the woods? Was it ten years ago today? "


  The woodcutter replied, "yes, I found him in the woods, ten years ago today."


  "Was there any sign when he was found?" She asked aloud, "does he have an amber necklace around his neck? Isnt he wrapped in a golden cloak embroidered with stars? "


  "Thats it as like as two peas," replied the woodcutter. "Its exactly the same as yours." He took the cloak and amber necklace from the cupboard and showed it to her.


  As soon as she saw these things, she cried happily and said, "he is my little son who was lost in the forest. I beg you to call him. Ive traveled all over the world to find him


  The woodcutter and his wife went out quickly, called the star child, and said to him, "come into the house, and you will see your mother there. She is waiting for you."


  The star child ran into the room full of wonder and *******. But when he saw that she was waiting for him, he laughed scornfully and said, "Hey, wheres my mother? How can I only see such a cheap beggar? "


  The woman replied, "Im your mother."


  "You are crazy to say that," the star child said angrily. "Im not your son, because youre a beggar, ugly and ragged. So youd better get out of here, dont let me see your disgusting face again. "


  "No, you are indeed my little son. You were born in the forest." She cried out, kneeling down and holding out her arms to him. "The robbers took you away from me and left you in the woods to die," she murmured. "But as soon as I saw you, I recognized you, and I recognized the keepsakes: all woven cloaks and amber necklaces. So I beg you to come with me. Ive been all over the world looking for you. Come with me, my son, because I need your love. "


  But the star child did not move, and was not moved by her words at all. At this time, nothing could be heard except the womans painful cry.


  At last he said to her that the tone was very hard and cruel. "If you are really my mother," he said, "then youd better go far in the end, and dont disgrace me by coming here again, because you know I think Im a child of some planet, not a beggars child, as you just told me. So youd better get out of here and dont let me see you again. "


  "Ouch! My son, "she yelled," wont you kiss me before I leave? Because Ive been through so much to find you


  "No," said the star child, "you are so ugly. Id rather kiss the viper, the toad than you."


  So the woman got up and went back to the forest with tears in her heart. The star child was very happy to see her go, so he ran back to his companions and was ready to play with them.


  But when they saw him coming, they all laughed at him and said, "how can you be as ugly as a toad and as hateful as a poisonous snake. Get out of here, because we cant stand playing with you, "and they drove him out of the garden.


  Xing Xing frowned and said to himself, "what did they tell me? Ill go to the well and see myself there. The well will tell me how beautiful I am


  He came to the well and looked into the well, ah! His face is as like as two peas, and his body is as long as a snake. He fell down on the grass, cried and said to himself, "this must be the retribution of my sin. Because I didnt recognize my own mother and drove her away. I was arrogant and cruel to her. So Im going to go, Im going to travel all over the world to find her, and I wont rest until I find her. "


  Then the woodcutters little daughter came up to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and said to him, "what does it matter if you lose your beauty? Youd better stay with us. I wont make fun of you. "


  He said to her, "no, Im too cruel to my mother. This punishment is the retribution for my evil deeds. So I have to go right away and travel all over the world to find my mother until I find her and get her forgiveness for me. "


  So he ran to the forest and called for his mother to come back to him, but there was no response. All day long he called her. When the sun went down, he lay down on the bed made of leaves to sleep. Birds and wild animals fled when they saw him, because they still remember his cruelty. He was alone. Only toads would look at him, and slow poisonous snakes would crawl in front of him.


  In the morning, he got up and picked some bitter plum from the tree to eat. Then he went through the forest and cried. Whatever he met, he would come forward and ask if he had seen his mother.


  He said to the mole, "can you go down to the ground and tell me where my mother is?"


  But the mole replied, "you have blinded me. How can I know? "


  He said to the finch, "you can fly over the top of the tree and see the whole world. Tell me, can you see my mother? "


  The plum finch replied, "you have cut off my wings for fun. How can I fly?"


  To the little squirrel who lived alone in the fir tree, he said, "where is my mother?"


  The little squirrel replied, "you have killed my mother. Do you want to kill your mother, too? "


  The star child cried, lowered his head, pleaded with the creatures God created to forgive him and went on through the forest to find the begging woman. On the third day he went to the end of the forest and came to the plain again.


  When he walked through the village, the children laughed at him and threw stones at him. The countrymen even refused to let him sleep because he looked so dirty that he would mould the grain he had stored. The carers employed by the countrymen drove him away. No one here sympathized with him. He could not hear any news about the beggar woman his mother had been. Although he had been searching for him all over the world for three years, he seemed to feel that she was walking in front of him. He called for her and pursued her until his feet were crushed out of blood by hard stone. But he never caught up with her, and those who lived by the side of the road said they had not seen her or women like her, and they all found their grief happy.


  He has been around the world for three years. He has neither love nor care nor kindness in this world. However, this world was made for himself when he was proud of it.


  One night he came to the gate of a city with strong walls, which was on a river, tired and suffering from foot pain, but he entered the city. But the soldiers there stopped him by drinking the download and said rudely, "what are you doing in the city?"


  "Im looking for my mother," he replied, "I beg you to allow me to go into the city, maybe shes in this city."


  But they were sarcastic, and one of them, with his black beard, lowered his shield and shouted, "to be honest, your mother will not be happy to see you, for you are more disgusting than toads in the swamp and the serpents crawling there. Roll on, roll away, your mother doesnt live in this city. "


  The other soldier, with a yellow flag in his hand, said to him, "who is your mother, why do you want to find her?"


  "My mother is a beggar like me. I dont treat her very well. I beg you to allow me to go in so that she can forgive me if she really lives in this city." But they still did not let him into the city, and they used their spears to stab him.


  In this way, the star child had to cry and turn and walk. At this time, a man came. He was wearing a gold clad armor, and a winged lion crouched on his helmet. He asked the soldiers who asked for the coming into the city. The soldiers replied, "its a meal, and his mother is also a beggar. We have driven him away."


  "No," the man said with a smile, "we can sell this ugly guy as a slave, and his price can be worth a bowl of sweet wine."


  Then an old ugly man passed by, and he cried out, "Ill pay him a price," and when he paid, he took the star boys hand and took him to the city


  They walked several streets to a small door, which was above a wall under the shade of the durian tree. The old man hit the door with a carved Jasper ring, and the door opened. They went down the five bronze steps and came to a garden full of black millet flowers, where there were many green porcelain pots. The old man took a silk handkerchief from his headdress, tied it to the eyes of the star child, and drove the star child to walk in front of him. When the silk handkerchief was taken away from the eyes of the star child, the star child found himself in a dungeon, where a horn lamp was lit.


  The old man put a wooden plate of moldy bread in front of the star child, and said to him, "eat it," and he said to him with a cup of salt water, and said, "drink it," and when the star child has finished eating and drinking, the old man goes out, locks the door and firm the door with an iron chain.


  The next day, the old man came to see him again. This old man was indeed the most capable one of the magicians in Libya. He learned his skills from a master who lived in the Nile tomb. The old man frowned and said to him, "in a forest near the gate of this heretic City, there are three gold coins. One is platinum, the other is yellow, and the third is red. Today, youre going to get me the platinum one. If you cant get it back, Ill beat you a hundred times. You go quickly, when the sun sets, I will wait for you at the gate of the garden. Remember to bring back the platinum one, or you will be unlucky, because you are my slave. I bought you for a bowl of liqueur. " Then he tied the star childs eyes with the silk handkerchief and led him out of the house, through the poppy garden and up the five copper steps. After he opened the little door with his ring, he put the star child in the street.


  So the star child went out of the gate and came to the forest where the magician told him.


  Looking from the outside, the forest is really beautiful. It seems that there are birds singing and flowers everywhere. The star child excitedly walks in. However, the beauty of the forest did not bring him any good, because no matter where he wanted to go, thick and sharp thorns would appear on the ground to block his way, ferocious nettles would stab him, and Thistle would stab him with sharp thorns, which made him painful. And the piece of platinum that the magician said could not be found everywhere, although he found noon in the morning and sunset in the afternoon. After sunset, he had to turn around and cry all the way back, because he knew what kind of fate was waiting for him.


  But when he came to the edge of the forest, he heard a cry of pain from someone in the forest. He forgot his troubles and ran to the place. He saw a little Rabbit fall into the trap set by the hunter,


  The star child sympathized with it, so he released it and said to it, "I am a slave myself, but I can give you back yourself."


  The rabbit replied, "you did give it to me. What can I do for you?"


  The star child said to him, "Im looking for a piece of platinum, but I cant find it anywhere. If I cant get it back to my master, he will beat me."


  "Come with me," said the rabbit, "and Ill take you because I know where its hiding and why its there."


  So the star child and the rabbit went together, ah! In the crack of an old oak tree, he saw the piece of platinum he was looking for. He was so excited that he grabbed it and said to the rabbit, "you have redoubled the little things I have done for you, and you have redoubled me a hundred times for the little favor I have shown you."


  "No," replied the rabbit, "its just that I paid you back the way you treated me." then the rabbit ran away and the star child went to the city.


  At the gate of the city sat a leper, his face covered with a turban of green linen, and his eyes glowed like burning coals from the small holes in the linen. When he saw the star child coming, he knocked on a wooden bowl, rang his bell, called the star child, and said, "give me a coin, or I will starve to death. Because people have driven me out of the city, and no one sympathizes with me. "


  "Oh The star child exclaimed, "there is only one coin in my purse. If I dont bring it to my master, he will beat me because I am his slave."


  However, the leper still pestered him and begged him. Later, the star child finally moved his heart and gave him the platinum coin.


  When the star child returned to the magicians room, the magician opened the door for him, let him in, and said to him, "have you got the platinum coin?" But the star child replied, "I didnt get it." So the magician pounced on him, hit him, put an empty wooden plate in front of him, said to him, "eat," gave him an empty cup, said, "drink," and then pushed him into the dungeon.


  The next day the magician came to him again and said, "if you cant bring me that gold coin today, I must keep you slave and beat you 300 times."


  So the star boy went to the forest again. He was looking for the gold coin in the forest all day, but he couldnt find it anywhere. At sunset he sat down and began to cry. When he cried, the rabbit came again, the rabbit he saved from the trap.


  The rabbit said to him, "why did you cry? What else do you look for in the forest? "


  "I am looking for a gold coin, and it is hidden here. If I cant bring it back, my master will beat me and treat me as a slave," the star replied


  "Come with me," cried the rabbit, running through the woods until he ran to a pool. The gold coin lies at the bottom of the pool.


  "I dont know how to thank you?" "By the way, its the second time you have saved me," said the star


  "No, because you first expressed sympathy for me," said the rabbit, and ran away quickly.


  The star child took the gold coin, put it in his wallet and hurried towards the city. But when the leper saw him coming, he ran up to meet him, fell down in front of him, cried and said, "give me a coin, or I will starve to death."


  "In my wallet, I have only one gold coin, and if I dont give it to my master, he will beat me and let me continue to be a slave," the star boy said to him


  But the leprosy patient still cried bitterly, so the star child moved his sympathy again and gave him the gold coin.


  When he returned to the magicians room, the magician opened the door for him and asked him to come in and said, "have you got that gold coin?" The star boy said to him, "I didnt get it," the magician rushed at him, slapped him, locked him with chains, and threw him into the dungeon.


  The next day the magician came to him and said, "if you bring me that red gold coin today, I will let you go, but if you cant bring it back, I will surely kill you."


  So the star boy returned to the forest, and he was looking for the red gold all day, but he couldnt find it anywhere. At night, he sat down and cried. Just as he cried, the rabbit came to him.


  The rabbit said to him, "the red gold coin you are looking for is in the cave behind you. So you dont have to cry any more. You should be happy. "


  "How can I repay you," the star cried, "ah, this is the third time you have saved me."


  "No, but you are the first one to sympathize with me," said the rabbit, and ran away in a hurry.


  The star boy entered the cave and found the red gold coin in the innermost corner. So he put it in his wallet and hurried back to the city. The leprosy patient saw him coming, stood in the middle of the road, cried loudly and said to him, "give me that red coin, or I will die," said star boy, once again sympathizing with him, giving him the red gold coin, and saying, "you need more than me." But at this time his mood was heavy, because he knew what bad luck was waiting for him.


  But ah! As he passed by the gate of the city, the guards bowed to him and saluted, and said in their mouth, "how beautiful is our emperor!" A group of citizens followed him and shouted, "there is no more beautiful person in the world than he is!" The star child cried and said to himself, "they laughed at me again and found happiness with my misfortune." The more people gathered, he lost his way in the crowd, and finally found himself in a huge square, which was the palace of the king.


  The door of the palace opened, and the monks and ministers came out to meet him. They bowed to him and said, "you are the emperor we are waiting for, you are the son of the king of our country."


  The star child replied, "I am not the son of the king, but the son of a poor woman. Why do you say Im beautiful? I know how ugly I look. "


  At this time, the gentleman with a winged lion crouched on his helmet, and held a shield in his hand, and said, "how can my emperor say he is not beautiful?"


  Star boy, raise his head and look, ah! His own danger is the same as before, his beauty is restored to the past, and he also sees something in his eyes that he has never seen before.


  The monks and ministers knelt in front of him and said to him, "an old prophecy once said that there is today - one is coming to rule us. Therefore, let our crown and this rod be accepted by our crown, and rule us with his justice and kindness. "


  But he said to them, "I am unworthy, because I dont even recognize my mother and I will not rest until I find her, and before I get her forgiveness. So let me go, because I will go all over the world again, and I will not stay here, even though you will give me the crown and the scepter, it will not be useful. " After that, he turned and walked toward the street leading to the gate. Look, among the crowd of people around the soldiers, he saw his begging mother, standing beside her, the leprosy, and he stood in the middle of the road.


  He cried out of excitement, and ran over, knelt down, kissed the wound on his mothers feet, and washed them with his tears. He hung his head in the dust, crying, like a broken heart, and he said to her, "mother, I didnt recognize you when I was proud of myself. And now when I am humble, you take me. Mother, I have been kind to revenge, please give me your love. Mother, I have rejected you. Please take your child now. " But the begging woman didnt answer him a word.


  He reached out his hands again, grabbed a pair of pale feet of the leprosy and said to him, "I have sympathized with you three times. Please ask my mother to say a word to me. " But the leprosy did not answer him a word.


  He cried again and said, "mother, my pain is so great that I cant bear it. Forgive me, and let me go back to the forest. " The begging woman put her hand on his head and said to him, "get up," said the leper, too, on his head, and said, "get up."


  He stood up and looked at them, ah! It turns out that they are the king and queen.


  The queen said to him, "this is your father, and you have saved him."


  "This is your mother, you washed her feet with tears," the king said


  They bent over his neck, kissed him, and took him into the palace, put on him beautiful clothes, and put the crown on his head, and put the scepter in his hand. From then on, he ruled the city, which was located on the river, and became its master. He showed great justice and kindness to all. He drove away the evil magician, and gave the woodcutter and his wife a lot of wealth and gave them great honor to their children. He could not tolerate any abuse of birds and animals, and educate the people with love, kindness and forgiveness. He gave bread to the poor, and clothes to naked people, full of peace and prosperity in this kingdom.


  However, his rule was not long, because he suffered too much suffering, and suffered too much test, and three years later he died. His successor was a very bad ruler.



  "She said she would dance with me as long as I gave her some red roses," cried a young student. "But in my garden, there was no red rose."


  This was heard by the nightingale in her nest in the oak tree, and she looked around, looking out of the green leaves.


  "I cant find red roses anywhere in my garden," he cried, with beautiful eyes full of tears. "Well, is happiness dependent on such a small thing! I have read all the articles written by the wise, and all the secrets of knowledge are in my mind, but I will live a painful life because of the lack of a red rose. "


  "There is a real lover here," said the Nightingale to himself, "although I dont know him, I sing for him every night and I will tell his story to the stars every night. Now I finally saw him, his hair black as hyacinth, his lips as red as the rose he wanted; but the emotional torture made him pale as ivory, and the sad marks climbed up his brow. "


  "The prince is going to have a dance tomorrow night," the young student muttered, "and the one I love will go. If I send her a red rose, she will dance with me till the sky; if I send her a red rose, I can hold her waist, and she will lean her head on my shoulder, and her hand will be held in my hand. But there are no red roses in my garden. I can only sit there alone and watch her pass by. She wont notice me, my heart will break. "


  "It is a true lover," said the Nightingale, "what I sing about is the pain he suffered, and what I do is pain to him. Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emerald and rarer than cat eye stone. "It is not for pearls and pomegranates, which is not available in the market, from merchants, nor can gold be used to weigh it."


  "Musicians will sit in their galleries," said the young student, "playing their strings. My beloved will dance in the music of the harp and violin. She danced so easily and happily that she didnt even rub her heels against the floor. The servants in gorgeous clothes surrounded her in the middle. But she just wont dance with me, because I dont have a red rose for her. " So he fell on the grass, his hands covered his face and cried.


  "Why does he cry?" A green lizard, who raised his tail high, ran past him, and asked.


  "Yes, why is it?" A butterfly said she was dancing after a ray of sunshine.


  "Yes, why is it?" A daisy whispered to her neighbor in a low voice.


  "He cried for a red rose." The Nightingale told you.


  "For a red rose?" They called. "Its funny!" The lizard said he was a mockery man and couldnt help laughing.


  But only Nightingale understands the cause of students sadness. She sits silently on the oak tree, imagining the mystery of love.


  Suddenly she spread out her brown wings and flew into the air. She flew over the grove like a shadow, and flew over the garden like a shadow.


  In the middle of a meadow, there was a beautiful rose tree, and she saw it and flew towards it and fell on a small branch.


  "Give me a red rose," she cried in a high voice. "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is white," it replied, "white as the spray of the sea, white more than the snow on the top of the mountain. But you can go to my brother, who is near the sundial, or he can meet your needs. "


  So the Nightingale flew towards the rose tree, which grew next to the sundial.


  "Give me - a red rose," she cried, "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is yellow," it replied, "yellow as the mermaids hair sitting on amber throne, more yellow than daffodils that were blooming on the grass before the mower with a sickle came. But you can go to my brother, who is under the student window, or he can meet your needs. "


  So the night apartment flew towards the rose tree that grew under the student window.


  "Give me a red rose," she cried, "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is red," it replied, "red as the feet of pigeons, more red than the coral fans that flutter in the ocean caves. But winter has frozen my blood vessels, frost and snow have destroyed my flower buds, the storm has broken my branches and leaves, this year I will not have roses. "


  "I only need a rose," cried the Nightingale, "as long as a red rose! Cant I get it? "


  "There is a way," the tree replied, "but its just too terrible for me to say it to you."


  "Tell me," said the Nightingale, "Im not afraid."


  "If you want a red rose," said the tree, "you have to make it with music by moonlight and dye it with the blood in your chest. You must sing with your chest against a thorn of mine. You will sing for me all night, that thorn must penetrate your chest, your blood must flow into my blood vessels, and become my blood. "


  "Its a very high price to take death for a rose," cried the nightingale. "Life is very valuable to everyone. It is a pleasure to sit on the green tree and see the sun driving her golden carriage and the moon driving her pearl carriage. Hawthorn gives off fragrance, and it is also fragrant for the wind bell grass hidden in the valley and the South flowers blooming in the mountain. But love is better than life, and how can birds heart be better than human heart? "


  So she spread her brown wings and flew out into the sky. She flew over the garden like a shadow, and she passed through the grove like a shadow.


  The young student was still lying on the grass, and his beautiful eyes were still tears, as she left.


  "Be happy," cried the Nightingale, "be happy, and you will have your red rose. I will make it with music in the moonlight, give out the blood in my chest and dye it red. I ask you to repay me only one thing, is you want to be a true lover, because although philosophy is very clever, but love is smarter than her, although power is great, but love is greater than him. The flame reflects the wings of love, making his body as red as fire. His lips are as sweet as honey; his breath is as fragrant as the frankincense. "


  The student looked up from the grass and listened, but he didnt understand what Nightingale was saying to him, because he knew only what was written in books.


  But the oak knew it in his heart, and he felt very sad, because he loved the little nightingale, which made its nest on his own branches.


  "Sing me the last song," he whispered, "Ill feel lonely when you leave."


  So nightingale sang to oak, and her voice was like the boiling water in a silver jar.


  When her song stopped, the students stood up from the grass, and took out a notebook and a pencil from his pocket.


  "She looks so beautiful," he said to himself, walking away through the grove. "It cant be denied; but is she emotional? I dont think she did. In fact, she is just formal, like most artists, and she has no sincerity. She will not sacrifice for others. She only thought about music, and everyone knew that art was selfish. But I have to admit that her singing is also a bit of a beautiful tune. Its a pity that they dont make any sense and have no real benefits. " He walked into the room, lay on his own humble bed, thinking of his beloved son, and soon went to sleep.


  When the moon was on the horizon, the Nightingale flew towards the rose tree, holding the thorn against it with its own chest. She sang all night with her chest prickly on top of her chest, and even the cool crystal moon leaned down to listen. She sang all night, and the more she stabbed in her chest, the blood on her was running out.


  She began to sing the love sprouting in the heart of the young man and the girl. On the highest branch of the rose tree, an unusual rose was opened, and the song sang one after another, and the petals were opened. At first, flowers were milky white, like haze hanging on the river - white as morning feet, white as the wings of the dawn. The rose that blooms on the highest branch is like a rose shadow in a silver mirror and in a pool.


  But the tree shouted the Nightingale to make the thorn tighter. "Tighten up, little nightingale," cried the tree, "or the rose will be bright before it is finished."


  So Nightingale pricked up more tightly, and her song was louder and louder, because she sang a passion for the birth of a pair of * men and women.


  A faint red halo climbed up the rose petals, just like the red glow on the brides face when the groom kissed her. But the thorn has not reached the heart of the Nightingale, so the heart of the rose is still white, because only the blood in the Nightingales heart can dye the heart of the red rose.


  At this time, the tree shouted the Nightingale to be tighter. "Tighten up, little nightingale," the tree shouted loudly, "otherwise, the rose will be bright before it is finished."


  So Nightingale pricked rose more tightly, stabbed her heart, and a sharp pain hit her whole body. The pain is getting worse and the song is more and more intense, because she sings the love completed by death, and the immortal love in the grave.


  Finally, this extraordinary rose became dark red, like the red glow in the eastern sky. The outer ring of the petals is dark red, and the heart of the flower is more red like a ruby.


  But the Nightingales singing was getting weaker and weaker, and her little wings began to flutter, and a layer of mist climbed her eyes. Her singing became weaker and she felt something blocked in her throat.


  At this time she sang the last song. The moon listened to the song, but forgot the dawn, only to hover in the sky. Red rose heard the song, but also ecstatic, opened all petals to meet the cool morning wind. Echo brings song back to purple cave in his mountain, wakes sleeping shepherd from his dream. The song goes over the reed in the river, and the reed sends the sound to the sea.


  "Look, look!" The tree cried, "the rose has grown." But the nightingale did not answer, because she had already died in the long grass, and the thorn was still in her heart.


  At noon, the students opened the window and looked out.


  "Ah, what a good luck!" "There is a red rose here," he cried! I have never seen such roses in my life. Its so beautiful, I dare say it has a long Latin name. " He bent down to pick it off.


  Then he put on his hat, picked up the rose and ran to the professors house.


  The professors daughter is sitting at the door, spinning blue silk on a spinning wheel, and her dog lies at her feet.


  "You said that if I give you a red rose, you will dance with me," the student said in a high voice. "It is the most red rose in the world. You put it on your chest tonight, and when we dance together, it will tell you how much I love you. "


  But the girl frowned.


  "Im afraid it doesnt match my clothes," she replied. "Besides, the nephew of the court minister has given me some precious jewelry, and everyone knows that jewelry is more valuable than spending."


  "Oh, Im going to say, youre a ungrateful person," the student said angrily. Once the rose was thrown into the street, the rose fell into the gutter, and a carriage ran over it.


  "Ungrateful!" The girl said, "I tell you, you are rude; what are you? Its just a student. Ah, I dare say you will not have silver buttons on your shoes, like your nephew of the court minister. " Then she stood up from the chair and walked towards the house.


  "How foolish love is!" The student walked and said, "it doesnt work half the logic because it cant prove anything, and it always tells people something that doesnt happen and makes people believe something thats not true. To be honest, it is not practical at all. In that time, everything should be practical. Im going back to Philosophy and learning metaphysics. "


  So he went back to his house and took out a large dusty book and read it.



  The kings son is about to get married, so he has to celebrate the whole country. He has been waiting for his bride for a whole year, and she finally comes. She was a Russian princess, and she came from Finland on a sledge drawn by six reindeer. The sledge looked like a giant golden swan, and the little princess lay between the wings of Tianpeng. The long mink coat hung to her heel, and on her head was a small silver cap, her complexion was as pale as the color of the snow palace she had been living in. She was so pale that as she drove through the street, people along the street sighed in surprise, "she is like a white rose!" So people threw flowers from the balcony towards her.


  The prince was waiting for her to arrive at the gate of the castle. He has a dream purple eye and a blonde hair. As soon as he saw her coming, he knelt down on one leg and kissed her hand.


  "Your picture is so beautiful," he whispered, "but you are more beautiful than the picture." The little princesss face was red at once.


  "She used to be a white diamond," a young waiter said to the people around her, "but now its like a red rose." The whole palace was a happy place.


  In the three days after that everyone said, "white rose, red rose; red rose, white rose." So the king ordered that the guards salary be doubled. But he did not receive any salary at all, so the order for a raise had no effect on him, but it was regarded as a great honor and was published in court newspapers as usual.


  Three days later, a wedding ceremony was held. It was a grand ceremony, and the groom and bride walked hand in hand under a purple velvet cover embroidered with little pearls. Then there was a state banquet, which lasted for five hours. The prince and Princess sat in the first seat of the hall, drinking in a pure crystal glass. Only sincere lovers can drink with this cup, because as long as the false lips are next to the cup, the cup will become gray and light-free.


  "At one glance they love each other," said the little guard, "as pure as crystal!" The king ordered him to raise his salary again for that. "What a great honor!" The ministers shouted in unison.


  After the party, a dance was held, and the groom and the bride were going to dance together, and the king promised to play flute for them. He blew badly, but no one dared to say that to him, because he was the king of a country. To be honest, he can only play two tunes and never know which one he plays, but it doesnt matter, because no matter what he blows, people shout loudly: "great! Great! "


  The last project of the show was to give off a big fireworks, which was set at midnight. The princess never saw fireworks in her life, so the king ordered royal fireworks to attend the wedding ceremony in person to give them.


  "What does fireworks look like?" One morning, the little princess asked the prince this way when she was walking on the balcony.


  "They are like aurora borealis," said the king, who always liked to answer questions for others. "Its just more natural. I prefer fireworks to stars, because you always know when they will appear, and they are as wonderful as I play flute. You have to see them. "


  So a big table was built at the end of the royal garden. When the Royal Fireworks hand had prepared everything, the fireworks talked to each other.


  "The world is so beautiful," cried a little firecracker. "Look at the yellow tulips. Ah! If they were real firecrackers, they would be more likeable. Im glad Ive been on a tour. Tourism greatly improves insight and removes all personal prejudices. "


  "The kings garden is not the world, you stupid firecrackers," said a Roman candlelight bullet. "The world is a very big place, and it takes you three days to see the world."


  "Wherever you love it, its your world," a thoughtful wheel of fireworks shouted excitedly. She had a love for an old fir box in her early years and was proud of this sad experience. "But love is no longer fashionable, and poets have killed it. They express too much about love, so that people dont believe that anymore. Im not surprised at all. True love is painful and silent. I remember having had that one time - but its over now. Romance is only in the past. "


  "Nonsense "Romance will never die, it will be like the moon, and will live forever," said the Roman candlelight. For example, how warm the bridegroom and bride love each other. I heard about them from a firecracker made of brown paper this morning. He happened to be in a drawer with me and knew the latest news from the palace. "


  But saw the wheel of fireworks shake his head, murmured, "romance has died, romance has died, has died." She, like many others, believes that if you say the same thing over and over again, the last fake will become true.


  Suddenly, a sharp dry cough came, and they all turned around and looked.


  The sound came from a tall, arrogant rocket tied to the top of a long wooden pole. Before it makes a speech, it always cough a few times, which will attract peoples attention.


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " He coughs. Everyone listened carefully, only poor round of fireworks still shook their heads, murmured, "romance has died."


  "Silence! Silence! " A firecracker shouted. He is a politician and always dominates the local elections, so he knows how to use the right political terms.


  "Dead," whispered the wheel of fireworks, and then she went to bed.


  When the surrounding area was completely quiet, the rocket coughed for a third time and began to speak. His tone was slow and clear, as if he was reciting his own notebook, and he never looked at his audience in the eye. To be honest, his demeanour is very outstanding.


  "The kings son is so lucky," he said, "and his wedding was just when I was going to go up and set off. Indeed, even if it was arranged in advance, it was no better for him; but, in other words, the princes always had good luck. "


  "My mother!" "I think the opposite is true," said the firecracker. "I think we are going to be on the rise for the honor of the prince."


  "It may be for you," he replied, "and in fact it is certainly. But its not a good thing for me. I am a very magical rocket, born in a wonderful family. My mother was the most famous round of fireworks of her time and was famous for her beautiful dance. As long as she appears, she will fly out 19 times. Every time she turns, she will throw seven pink stars in the air. She is three and a half feet in diameter and is made of the best powder. My father is a rocket like me. He is from France. He flies so high that people worry that he wont come down. Nevertheless, he came down because he was kind. He turned into a golden rain and fell down very brightly. The newspaper described his performance in words of a stick. Indeed, the court newspaper called him a great achievement in fireworks. "


  "Fireworks, fireworks, do you mean it," said a Bangladeshi fireworks. "I know its fireworks because I see it on my box."


  "Oh, Im talking about guns," replied the rocket in a serious tone. Bangladesh fireworks feel overwhelmed and immediately bully the firecrackers to show that they are still an important role.


  "I mean," the rocket continued, "I mean - what am I talking about?"


  "Youre talking about yourself," replied the Roman candlelight.


  "Indeed, I know Im talking about something interesting and Im being cut off by a rough cut. I hate all kinds of rude behaviors and bad behaviors because I am a very sensitive person. I believe that no one in the world is more sensitive than me. "


  "What does a sensitive person mean?" Firecrackers asked the Roman candlelight.


  "A person always wants to step on other peoples toes because of his own chicken eyes," whispered Roman candlelight. Firecrackers are almost not laughing down their belly.


  "What do you laugh at?" The rocket said, "I didnt laugh at all."


  "I laugh because Im happy," replied firecrackers.


  "Its selfish," said the rocket, with a furious face, "what right do you have to be happy? You should think about it for others. In fact, you should think about it for me. I always think about myself, and I hope others will do it. Thats what we call compassion. It is a lovely virtue, and I have a high virtue in this respect. For example, suppose what happened to me this night, how unfortunate it would be for everyone! The prince and princess will never be happy any more, and their life after marriage will be destroyed; as for the king, he may not be able to withstand the blow. Really, I was almost moved to shed tears when I thought of my important position. "


  "If you want to bring happiness to others," said the Roman candlelight, "then youd better not get wet first."


  "Of course," said the Bangladeshi fireworks, who is much better at the moment, "its a simple common sense."


  "Common sense, not false!" The rocket said angrily, "but you forget that I am unusual and amazing. Ah, anyone who has no imagination will have common sense. But I have imagination, because I never think things according to their actual situation, I always think of them as another thing. As for me not to cry, it is clear that no one here can appreciate the sentimental character. Fortunately, I dont mind myself. The only thing that can keep me alive is to think that I am much better than others, which is also the feeling I have always cultivated. You people are all emotionally free. You just laugh or joke, as if the prince and princess were not just married. "


  "Ah, it is," cried a little fireball affectionately, "cant it? What a joy it is. As soon as I fly to the sky, I will tell the stars all about it. When I tell them beautiful princesses, you will see the stars blinking. "


  "Ah! What a small outlook on life! " "But thats exactly what I expected," the rocket said. You have no ambition; you are shallow and ignorant. Oh, maybe the prince and princess will live in a country with a deep river; maybe they have only one son, the little boy has blonde hair and purple eyes like his prince; maybe one day the little boy will go out for a walk with the nanny; maybe the nanny will sleep under an old tree; maybe the little boy will fall into the deep water and drown. What a terrible disaster! Poor man, lost their only son! This is terrible! Ill never forget. "


  "But they didnt lose their only son," said the Roman candlelight, "and there was no unfortunate hair owner on them at all."


  "I never said they would have misfortune," the rocket replied, "I just said they might. If they have lost their only child, what else is the point of talking about it. I hate those who regret afterwards. But Im very sad to think that they may lose their only son. "


  "Of course you will!" "In fact, you are the most emotional person I have ever met," the Bangladeshi fireworks shouted


  "You are the most vulgar person I have ever met," the rocket retorted. "You cant understand my friendship with the prince."


  "Oh, you dont even know him," roared the Roman candlelight.


  "I never said I knew him," the rocket replied, "I dare say that if I knew him, I would not have been his friend. Its very dangerous to know a lot of friends. "


  "Youd better not shed tears if you are really," said the fireball. "Its a matter of great importance."


  "Im sure its very important for you," the rocket replied, "but I have to cry if I want to." He cried first, and then the water came down from the pole like rain, and almost drowned two beetles looking for a dry place to nest.


  "He must have a real romantic quality," said the wheel of fireworks. "There is nothing to cry at all, but he can cry." Then she sighed for a long time, and thought of the fir box again.


  But the Roman candlelight bomb and Bangladeshi fireworks were not happy, they said ceaselessly: "bullshit! Bullshit! " That sound is really loud enough. They are very practical, and as long as they object to something, they will say it is nonsense.


  At this time, the moon rose like a silver shield; stars began to flash, and music came from the palace.


  The prince and princess are leading the dance. They danced so beautifully that even the beautiful white lotus flowers peered through the windows, and the big red poppies nodded frequently and beat.


  Then the clock at ten struck, then the eleven, and then twelve. When the last bell struck at midnight, all the people came to the balcony, and the king sent for the royal fireworks.


  "Start fireworks," the king announced. The Royal Fireworks hand bowed dee* and stepped down to the end of the garden. He brought six assistants, each in line with a pole, and the top of the pole was tied with a lighted torch.


  It was indeed an unprecedented performance.


  Whizzing! Whizzing! The wheel fireworks flew up, and they were spinning. Boom! Boom! The Roman candlelight bomb flew up again. Then firecrackers danced everywhere, and then the fireworks in Bangladesh turned everything red. "Goodbye," the fireball shouted and went out of the air, throwing down countless small blue Mars. Pop! Cheerleading! The firecrackers also went on, and they were so happy. They all succeeded very well, only the magic rockets left. He was wet with tears and could not be lifted up to the sky at all. The best thing on him is gunpowder. When the powder is wet by tears, it can not be used. His poor relatives and relatives, usually he never said hello, but occasionally sneered, at this moment, all like the full-color flowers in full bloom, flew to the sky. What a wonderful! What a wonderful! The people of the court cheered; the little princess laughed with joy.


  "I guess they kept me for a bigger celebration," the rocket said. "Theres no doubt thats what it means." He looks more arrogant than before.


  The next day the workers came to clean up. "These people are delegations at first glance," said the rocket. "I will meet them with dignity." So he put out a dignified look, frowning solemnly, as if thinking about what snow to ask. But they ignored him at all, and one of them happened to see him until they were leaving. "Hey He shouted, "such a dilapidated rocket!" And then he threw the rocket into the gutter outside the wall.


  "The old rocket? A dilapidated rocket? " He rolled in the air and said, "no way! Big rocket, thats what the man said. The old and big sounds are very close, and they are often the same sounds. " Then he fell into the gutter.


  "Its not comfortable here," he said, "but it may be a fashionable bath, they sent me to get back to health. My nerves are really hurt a lot, and I need to rest. "


  Then a little frog swam towards him, with a pair of bright and shining jewel eyes and a green striped coat.


  "It seems that its a new arrival!" The frog said, "ah, its not the same as mud. I will be very happy if I can enjoy rainy days and a gutter. Do you think it will rain in the afternoon? I wish so, but you can see the blue sky, there is no cloud in the sky, how regrettable


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " The rocket coughed as it said.


  "How nice your voice is!" "Its like a frog croaking, and thats certainly the best music in the world," the frog cried. You can come and hear our chorus show tonight. We are all in the old duck pond next to the farmers house, and as soon as the moon rises, we begin to perform. It was so fascinating that everyone was lying with their eyes open and listening to us singing. In fact, yesterday, I heard the farmers wife say to her mother that because of our existence, she couldnt sleep all night. Its a thank goodness to be welcomed by so many people. "


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " The rocket said angrily. He was very annoyed that he couldnt even a word.


  "Of course, wonderful music," the frog continued, "I hope you can come to the duck pond. Im going to see my daughters. I have six beautiful daughters, and Im worried that the shuttle will meet them. He is a real monster, and he will take them as breakfast without hesitation. Well, goodbye, weve had a great conversation. I can believe you. "


  "Talk, not a bit of fake!" "Its all youre talking on your own," the rocket said. "Its not a conversation."


  "I have to hear," replied the frog. "I like talking alone, too. This saves time and avoids quarrels. "


  "But I like to argue," said the rocket.


  "I dont want that," said the frog proudly, "the quarrel is too vulgar, because in a good society, everyone will have a complete consensus. I saw my daughter over there again Then the little frog swam away.


  "Youre a very annoying guy," said the rocket, "and youre not well bred. I hate people talking about themselves, just like you. You know that people want to talk at this time, just like me. This is what I call selfishness, which is a very abhorrent thing, especially for people of my character, because I am named after compassion. To be honest, you should take me as an example. You may not find a better example than me. Since you have a chance, youd better hold it, because Im almost going back to the palace. I was a big darling in the palace; in fact, the prince and princess had a wedding yesterday to celebrate me. Of course, you know nothing about these things because you are a rustic. "


  "Its no good talking to him," said a dragonfly, sitting on the top of a brown cattail at the moment. "There is no benefit, because he has gone."


  "Well, thats his loss, not mine," the rocket replied. "I will not stop talking to him just because he doesnt care about me. I like to listen to myself, which is one of my greatest pleasures. I often speak a lot of things by myself, but I am too clever. Sometimes I dont even understand what I say myself. "


  "Then you should have taught philosophy," said Qingzhi, and then he spread out his lovely pair of wings and flew into the air.


  "Its a fool of him not to stay here!" "I dare say he doesnt have such a chance to improve his intelligence often," the rocket said. However, I dont mind at all. A genius like me will surely be appreciated one day. " He fell deeper into the mud.


  After a while a big white duck swam to him. She has a pair of yellow legs and webbed feet, and she is considered a great beauty because she has come up and shakes it.


  "GA, GA, GA," she cried, "how strange you look! May I ask you how you were born so? Or was it caused by an accident? "


  "Obviously, youve been living in the country all the time," the rocket replied, "or youll know who I am. But I will forgive your ignorance. Its unfair to expect others to be as great as themselves. You will be surprised when you hear that I can fly up the sky and sprinkle a golden rain. "


  "I dont value that," said the duck, "because I cant see what its going to do to others. Now, if you can plow like a cow, pull a car like a horse, or look at the sheep like a shepherd, its a character. "


  "My good man," the rocket cried out in a very proud language. "You are of the lower class. A person of my status will never work. We have achieved something, thats enough. I am not very kind to all kinds of so-called hard work, especially to those hard work that you appreciate. To be honest, I always think that hard work is just a way of escape for those who have nothing to do. "


  "Well, well," said the duck, a man of steady handling, and never quarreled with anyone. "Everyone has his own hobbies. I think, anyway, youre going to settle down here. "


  "Ah! Of course not, "the rocket shouted." Im just a passer-by, a famous guest. The fact is that I think this place is boring. Its not quiet here, theres no social life. To be honest, this is just the outskirts. I may be back in the palace, because I am destined to make some achievements in the world. "


  "Ive also thought about getting involved in public affairs," duck said. "There are so many things in the world that need to be innovated. To be honest, I worked as chairman of the meeting a while ago, and we passed resolutions condemning everything we didnt like. However, they dont seem to have much effect. Now Im dedicated to housework and looking after my family. "


  "I was born for this society," rocket said. "So are all my relatives, even the most humble of them. As long as we come out, it will attract wide attention at any time. In fact, its not my turn to appear, but as soon as I appear, it will be a spectacular scene. When it comes to housework, it makes people grow old early and have no intention to pursue higher goals. "


  "Ah! Higher life goals, how good they should be The duck said, "but it makes me feel hungry." With that, she swam downstream, and at the same time called "GA, GA, GA".


  "Come back, come back!" Rocket tip declared, "I have a lot to say to you." But the duck ignored him. "Im glad shes gone," he said to himself. "Her mind is really just average." As he sank deeper into the mud, he began to think of the loneliness of genius. All of a sudden, two little boys, dressed in white woolen clothes, with a kettle in hand and a lot of firewood in their arms, ran towards the bank.


  "This must be the delegation," the Rockets said, trying to be very serious again.


  "Hey One of the children cried, "look at this old stick! I dont know why its here. " He picked up the rocket from the gutter.


  "Old stick!" The rocket said, "no way! Golden stick, thats what he said. The golden stick is a very nice word. In fact, he mistook me for some dignitary in the palace. "


  "Lets put it in the fire!" Another child said, "it helps to boil the water."


  So they piled the firewood together, put the rocket on top, and lit the fire.


  "Thats great," the Rockets yelled. "Theyre going to set me off in broad daylight so everyone can see me."


  "Lets go to bed now," they said. "The kettle will boil when we wake up." Then they lay down on the grass and closed their eyes.


  The rocket was all wet, so it took a long time to dry him. In the end, however, the fire lit him.


  "Now Im going to take off!" He yelled and straightened himself up at the same time. "I know I want to fly higher than the stars, higher than the moon, higher than the sun. In fact, Ill fly so high -- "


  Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! He flew straight into the air.


  "Great He cried, "Im going to keep flying like this. How successful I am!"


  However, no one saw him.


  Then he began to feel a strange tingling all over his body.


  "Now Im going to explode," he yelled. "Im going to light up the world, Im going to be so powerful that all people dont talk about anything else this year." Its true that he did explode. Whoo! Hoo: Hoo! The gunpowder exploded. This is absolutely true.


  But no one heard him, not even the two children, for they were fast asleep.


  Then all he had left was the stick, which fell on the back of a goose walking in the gutter.


  "My God The goose cried, "why did you get the stick down?" Then he jumped into the river.


  "I know Im going to work miracles," the rocket gasped, and then he went out.
















































——郭敬明经典语录英文版 (菁选3篇)


  【原文】很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了 。

  【译文】A lot of affairs that our think will not forget during a lifetime, was forgotten by us in we bear in mind constantly of the days.


  【译文】I the one who know that I ain't a good record, but I all like to look back the road that oneself comes to hour than anyone, I not only look back, Zhu foot, however the hand time still descends me to rush magnificent and victoriously and forward


  【译文】You give me a drop of tears and I saw all oceans in your heart


  【译文】If God wants to demolish a person necessarily the shilling its madness.


  【译文】Those loves which engrave in the chair back, can be like the blossoms of cement, open to appe


  【译文】Grieved but bright and beautiful March here, I am from my weak youth in beat a horse but lead, cut through purple Jin, cut through kapok, cut through hour concealed hour sad pleased now with impermanent.ar and disappear breeze, lonesome forest


  【译文】You smile once and I can be happy several days;Can see you cry once, I am sad quite a few year.


  【译文】The processes that those affairs which once thought to bear in mind constantly bore in mind constantly at us in, is forgotten by us.

  【原文】寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你 在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞

  【译文】The lonesome person always works hard of remembered to once appear in his life of each person, hence I always the idea still has never exerted ground to remind of the evening a time per time that you only wither in each star to count my lonesome


  If you can with you, I prefer to leave the sky all the stars have fallen, because you are the eyes, is my life shine the brightest


  1. 所谓记忆,就是因为要保存住“喜欢”才奢侈的存在吧。

  2. 不要丢下我一个。遗落在空无一人的教室里,谁的私语。

  3. 生命若给我无数张面孔,我永远选择最疼痛的一张去触摸。

  4. 甜是爱。涩如思念。而汤之浓稠都是内心待解的焦灼心态。

  5. 有那么一瞬间,我们的门打开了。可我们都是怕受伤的人。

  6. 天之此端为天涯海之彼端为海角——你所定义的天涯海角。

  7. 我们再也不会像以前一样,那样用力的爱,直到哭了出来。

  8. 鸣谢那些生命中带来幸福的人们,无论你们现在还是过去式。

  9. 我只是想要和你跨越头顶上这片天空,就像跨越了永远一样。

  10. 房间里的时光仿佛静止在某处,周围的一切都染**一层细灰。

  11. 如果我们能真正地举重若轻起来,至少在表达上,该是多么好。

  12. 以后,只要维持一定距离,舀上些许深水,沸腾半分,便已足够。

  13. 原来只要是分开了的人,不论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。

  14. 你以为我感觉不到,刚刚那些冰冷消失的瞬间,你带来的温暖么……

  15. 捕捉白色的梦想。装进跳动的心房。曾经年轻的你。永远年轻的你。


  1. 牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。

  2. 时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走。

  3. 我颠覆了整个世界只为摆正你的倒影。

  4. 当日子成为旧照片当旧照片成为回忆,我们成了背对背行走的路人,沿着不同的方向,固执的一步一步远离,没有雅典,没有罗马,再也没有回去的路。

  5. 出去并不可怕,就怕是出去了不知道什么时候才回来。

  6. 我想和林岚结婚的时候我已经长大了,不再是现在这样一个自闭而不爱说话的大孩子,我会穿整齐的白色西装,开着最好的汽车去接她,在她家门口我要让所有的人都看到她的幸福。

  7. 我喜欢站在爱一片山崖上看着匍匐在自己脚下的一副一副奢侈明亮的青春泪流满面。

  8. 全世界的人都离开你了,我也会在你身边,有**我们一起猖獗。

  9. 我日落般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤。

  10. 时光饿洪流中,我们总会长大。

  11. 我不知道**的时候,凝望苍穹竟然回那么凄凉,一声一声声霰雪鸟的悲鸣。

  12. 斜斜的掠天而去,我看到你的面容浮现在苍蓝色的天空之上,于是我笑了,因为我看到你,快乐的像个长不大的孩子。

  13. 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,它却让我爱上黑夜给我的疼痛。

  14.   牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

  15. 如果有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。




  Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.

  Mr.Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university s unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters.

  It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.

  He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china s scientific and technological talents.

  At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability.

  Mr.Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions.

  To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics.

  But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us.

  By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.

  In my experience with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence.

  I am sure that Mr. Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in.

  So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application.

  I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.




  (Your name), will you have this (man, woman) to be your (husband,

  wife) and will you , before God and these witnesses, solemnly affirm and declare your marital intentions and expectations to (him, her), in all honor and love, in all service and duty, in all faith and tenderness, to live with (him, her), to comfort, keep (him/her), and cherish (him/her), according to the ordinanceof God, in the holy bond of marriage? (Answer, "I do" or "Yes").

  I, (your name), take you, (the other's name), to be my wedded (husband, wife); and I do solemnly affirm and declare before God and these witnesses that I intend and expect to be your loving and faithful (husband, wife) to love and to cherish each other; in plenty and in want; in joy and grief; in health and infirmity; as long as we b oth shall live.

  In token of our solemn affirmations and declarations, with this ring I wed you; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit who lives and abides in us. Amen (both repeat in unison)

  I now pronounce you husband and wife. Do you have something to sayto us?

  (in unison) We covenant before God and all of you present, that we are husband and wife bound together to be one flesh in the Lord until death part us. We covenant before God that it is our responsibility to compassionately cherish each other according to His Word, the Holy Bible, to His glory and honor. Pray for us.

  Do you groom take your groom to be your husband ,

  For better or worse,

  For richer , for poor ,

  In sickness and in health ,

  To love and to cherish in heaven and earth.

  And you promise to faith to each other until death apart you.

  I promise.

  Now you may exchange your wedding rings and kiss your groom.




  Love is a woman with the ears, and if the men will love, but love is to use ?your eyes


  Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare


  A light heart lives long .

  豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

  Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect ?.

  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)

  In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , ?Youth’s a stuff that will not endure .

  迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

  The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too ?long .

  人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的.人生就太长了。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

  Don’t gild the lily.

  不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .)

  The empty vessels make the greatest sound .

  满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

  The course of true love never did run smooth.


  Love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. ?Allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred


  Laughter is the root of all evil.


  Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of ?Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears. It is the wisdom of madness, choking ?bitterness, it does not tip of honey.


  Love is like a game of tug-of-war competitionnot stop to the beginning

  爱就像一场拔河比赛 一开始就不能停下来

  I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful

  我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏

  Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand ?the deterioration of the niggling over

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