



  at first

  at the outset


  edgar, the eldest, would not condescend to him at first

  起初老大埃德加不屑同他为伍。At first Athens was in the ascendant, then Sparta

  起初雅典占了优势,后来斯巴达居上。"Byzantine architects were eclectic, at first drawing heavily on Roman temple features. "

  拜占庭建筑是折衷式的,起初着重于模仿罗马寺庙的特点。He boggled his first attempt at carpentry

  他起初想做木工,但因工作不佳而失败。It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought

  当然啦,起初这是B.B.的主意,”他转念一想,又加了一句。In the first place

  起初,首先At first this did but augment her grief!

  起初,这只增添了她的悲伤! Used to initiate;initiatory.

  起初的.,初步的用来开始的;初步的At first he had refused to commit himself.

  起初,他不肯使自己承担责任。 The body is initially at rest, and the spring is initially unstretched.

  起初物体是静止的,弹簧也未拉长。 originally是什么意思:

  adv. 本来,原来,最初;独创地

  a person with an original

  有创作头脑的人 It was edited from the original text.

  这是根据原文本编译的。a Spanish rendering of the original Arabic

  阿拉伯文的西班牙文译文. first是什么意思:

  adj. 第一的;最初的

  adv. 第一,最初;首先;宁愿

  n. 显着成就;第一个人或事物

  the First International

  第一国际(1864-1876)first approximation

  第一次近似;第一近似值;初步近似;一次近似值;一级近似;首次近似 There was a hush at first.


  n. 开始

  The English incursion was doomed from the outset.

  从一开始,英国的入侵就劫数难逃。An ardent outset may be followed by declension.

  热情的开端可能继之以冷漠。At the outset, it looked like a nice day.

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