在短暂的实习生活中,你们经历了一系列的变化过程:从生疏到熟练,从怯场到勇敢,从慌张到沉着,从陌生到熟悉,从粗心到细心。经过几个月的艰辛和有充实的日子,你们终于获得了实习工作的圆满成功 。山城重庆今天放晴了,虽然很热,但我认为这是为你们实习工作的圆满成功而灿烂 。因此,我祝福你们,也感谢你们!
你们都是从外乡来到重庆,一个是河南,一个是云南,你们生活在富裕年代,但没有染上浮华的习气,成长于社会变型时期,却依然纯情清明,你们是阳光又进步的青年,正如我给你们的评语里所说,你们给我们班带来了扎实能干的学习作风,科学求是的育人观念,统筹规范的管理方略,独特有形的做事风格,既锻炼了自已,也成长了我和同学们 。
在这离别之际,我送给你们两句话,第一句话:拒绝孤独 。在长年的学习中,我们积累了渊博的知识,漫溢的才华,这是一个对书本孤独奋战的日子,希望你们到社会中去实现自己的价值。人最终还要通过在社会中创造的一切来证明自己的价值。第二句话:心系于一。你们选择了崇高的教师职业,但教师职业有时候也是枯燥而繁杂的,激-情过去,平淡来临,在往后的工作岁月里,要不断的创造、培养、磨练、完善自的事业 。
Life had a nice little surprise for me today.
This afternoon, when I walked up to my Read 766 classroom as usual to take my routine two-and-a-half-hour
class, I found a sticky note on the closed door instead of the normal humming and brightly-lit room. It read:
Read 766 clatonight has been cancelled.
Nice. NO clatonight.
Tuesday is usually my busiest day of the entire week, but today I am exceptionally free. My one-on-one
Chinese tutoring has been postponed: the student wasn't feeling well; The badminton practice has been
cancelled because there will be a volleyball match in the gym tonight; and now, my regular clahas been
cancelled, too. Fine, whatever, I don't really care. The professor is a fake, anyway.
Now finally I have the time to write this piece.
Ok, now that most of you guys are soon gonna give lessons to your students, you certainly have this question
in your mind: What constitutes effective teaching and learning? Or put it another way: Do my students
understand what I am trying to teach?
I will not answer this question directly. I hope that you guys can figure it out yourselves by reading and
reflecting on the following vignette.。
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