
you no longer need to sacrifice for your people; you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown; I've taken care of everything 这才是原话- - 翻译过来就是:你不再需要为了你的人民而牺牲自己,也不再需要承受皇冠带给你的压力,我已经安排好了 一切。 请仔细看CG仔细听,那是巫妖王通过霜剑跟王子说的,不是国王说的,声音都不一样


。 王子说的是 succession you!father! 意思是:继承你的王位!父亲! 说这句话是回应他父亲的 what are you doing my son? 我的孩子,你这是做什么? 不是succeeding……
阿尔萨斯:Father! Is it....over?
泰瑞纳斯国王:At long last. No king rules forever,my son.
阿尔萨斯:....I see....Only darkness....before me.
泰瑞纳斯国王:Without its master's command,the restlescourge will become a even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained.There must always be....a Lich King.
弗丁:The weight of such a burden....It must be mine,for there is no other....
伯瓦尔:Tirion!You owe a grim destiny in your hands,brother.But it's not your own.
弗丁:Bolvar!.....By all that is holy....
伯瓦尔:The dragon's flame,sealed my fate.The world of living can no longer comfort me.Place the crown upon my head,Tirion.Forever more,i will be the jailor of the Damned.
弗丁:....No,old friend,I can not....
伯瓦尔:Do it Tirion! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill.This last act of service is mine.


弗丁:You will not be forgotten,brother.
伯瓦尔:I must be forgetten,Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear,they must never know what's done here today.
巫妖王伯瓦尔:Tell them only that the Lich King is dead....and Bolvar Fordragon died.....with him.Now, go!Leave this place,AND NEVER RETURN!


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