



  1.What do you say?;你怎么看?

  A:What do you say? B1:Good idea.Let's do it.;你怎么看? 好主意。我们来干吧。

  B2:It doesn't matter to me.It's up to you.;我没关系。你来定!

  2.What's your opinion?;你的意见是什么?

  A:What's your opinion?;你的意见是什么?

  B1:I think you should take your time and find out more information.;我认为你应该慢慢来,别 着急。你应该更多地了解 情况。

  B2:I'm not sure.I need more information.;我不太确信。我需要 更多地了解情况。

  3.What do you think of it?;你如何认为?

  A:What do you think of it? B1:I think it's terrific.;你如何认为? 我认为这太好了。

  B2:I think it's a fantastic idea.;我认为这是一个特别好的 主意。


  1.You really look sharp!;你看起来真棒!

  A:You really look sharp! B:Thanks.You made my day.;你看起来真棒! 谢谢,你让我快乐。 你给了我今天的好心情。

  2.You really did a good job!;你干得太好了!

  A:You really did a good job! B:Your opinion means a lot to me.;你干得太好了! 你的意见对我太重要了。

  3.I admire your English very much.;我很佩服你的英文。

  A:I admire your English very much. B:Thanks for saying that.;我很佩服你的英文。 谢谢你这么说。


  A:Jody didn't make enough money on her job,;朱迪的工作挣钱不多,

  so she took a part- time job on weekends in order to supple- ment her income.;所以她在周末兼职以补贴 她的收入。

  B:You know Jody. She's a hard worker.;你了解朱迪啦,她是很 勤奋的人。

  But I did the same thing,Stone. Right.;石头,我也曾是这样. 是的.

  When I was in college, I also had a full-time job as a security-guard.;我上大学时,我也有个全 职工作,当保安.

  And I did that 6 days a week.And on Sunday I drove a taxi.;一周我有六天当保安. 周日,我开出租车.

  And I also went to school full-time.So I slept part-time.;而且我还全天上学. 因此我只用业余时间 睡觉.

  You slept part-time. That's right.;你业余睡觉. 对.


  1.Thanks a million for your help.;多谢你的帮助。

  A:Thanks a million for your help. B1:Don't mention it. It was my pleasure.;多谢你的帮助。 别客气。这是我的荣幸。

  B2.It was nothing. You don't have to thank me.;没什么。你不用感谢我。

  I wonder if Bill Gates ever says this. Why?;我怀疑比尔.盖茨是否说 这句话. 为什么?

  Well,because he is a billionaire.So does he say "Thanks a billion for your help?";因为他是个亿万富翁. 所以...他该说亿万分 感谢你?

  Probably he should say that.Yeah,I think so. He doesn't accept a million.;也许他该那样说. 是的,我想是. 他不在乎一百万.

  Yeah,it sounds like... If he says "thanks a million";是的,如果他说百万分 感谢,

  He would probably sounds like he is not thanking me very much. Right.;听起来他不太感激我. 对.

  2.Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.;多谢你为我们所做的 一切。

  A:Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.;多谢你为我们所做的 一切。

  B1:It was my pleasure. B2:Forget it.It was nothing.;不用写。我很乐意帮忙。 算了。这不算什么。

  3.I'm really very grateful to you for your advice.;非常感谢你的忠告。

  A:I'm really very grateful to you for your advice.;非常感谢你的忠告。

  B:Sure.I'm glad to help.I hope every- thing works out for you.;没什么。我很愿意帮忙。 我希望你一切进展顺利。


  1.Long time no see.;好久不见了。

  A:Stone,long time no see.What on earth have you been doing these days?;石头,好久不见了。这些 天你究竟去哪儿了?

  B:I've just come back from Japan.;我刚从日本回来。

  2.How are you doing?;你过得好吗?

  A.How are you doing? B1:I'm doing great. How about you?;你好吗? 我过得很好。你呢?

  B2:Super.Yourself? A:Couldn't be better.;非常好。你呢? 非常不错。

  3.How is your business?;你的生意如何?

  A:How is your business? B1:Business is bad.;你的生意如何? 生意很糟糕。

  B2:Business is hurting.;生意很糟糕。

  B3:Business is booming We are having a great year.;生意好极了。我们这一年 都很不错。 B4:Business is great B5:Business is fantastic.;生意太好了。 生意非常好。

  Jim,what would you say if I ask you this question?;吉姆,如果我问你这个 问题你如何回答? How is your business, Jim?;你的生意如何,吉姆?

  Business is booming. I'm having a great year.;生意好极了。我这一年 都很不错。

  4.How's your family?;你的家人都好吗?

  A:How's your family? B1:Everyone is fine. How's your family doing?;你的家人都好吗? 人人都很好。你的家人都 好吗?

  B2:My family is great.My daughter is starting college in the fall.;我的家人都很好。我的 女儿今年秋天就读大学了

  1)My family are all fond of going to the cinema.;我全家都爱看电影。

  =My family all enjoy going to the movies.;我全家都爱看电影。

  2)My family is very large.;我的家庭是个很大的家庭

  My family is very large actually.;我的家庭真的是个很大的 家庭.

  Yeah,actually Jim has a very large family.;是的.吉姆的家庭真的`是 个很大的家庭.

  I have three brothers and three sisters. There are nine of us all together.;我有三个兄弟,三个姐妹 我们一共姐妹九个.

  3)My family are all tall.;我全家人的个子都很高。

  Well,not really,but most of us.;嗯,不尽然,但大部分是.

  4)My family are all early risers.;我家里的人都是早起者。

  Not true either. Some of us have different hours.;也不尽然.我们有不同 的作息时间.

  5)Our family has lived in this village for over a hundred years.;我们家在这个村子里住了 一百多年了。

  Hmm,not really.My family came from Europe originally.;我家不是这样,我家最初 从欧洲迁来.

  6)Twenty families live on our street;我们这条街上一共住着 二十户人家。

  5.How's everything?;一切都好吗?

  A:How's everything? B1:Everything is going my way.;一切都好吗? 一切都很顺利。

  B2:Everything is a mess.My life is falling apart.;一团糟。我的人生就快 崩溃了。

  6.Are you as busy as before?;你跟以前一样忙吗?

  A:Are you as busy as before?;你跟以前一样忙吗?

  B1:Not really.Things have slowed down lately.;不太忙。最近,事情都慢 下来了。

  B2:I'm busier than ever.;我现在比任何时候都忙。

  B3:Oh man!I can't believe how busy I am.;哦!我真不敢相信我有 多忙。

  I don't even have time to catch my breath.;我连喘口气的工夫 都没有。

  Wow,this sentence describes Jim.;哇,这个句子描述了吉姆

  It describes me these days.It is!;它的确说明了这些天的我。


  What position have you held before?你以前担任过什么职务?

  How many places have you worked altogether?你一共工作了几个地?

  What was your reason for leaving?你为什么要离开呢?

  Do you enjoy your present job?你喜欢目前的工作吗?

  Yes,I find it interesting.是的,我发现它很有趣味。

  What made you decide to change your job?什么原因使你决定换工作?

  I know from your resume that you are working as an administration assistant in a trading company.Why do you plan to change your job?我知道你正在一家贸易公司任职行政助理,为什么你计划转职?

  Why have you changed you job so frequently?你为什么经常换工作?I am working in a small company where further promotion is

  impossible.I am capable of more responsibilies,so I decided to change my job.I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.


  I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one.Besides,I would like to practise my English in my work.As my present employer deals with China trade only,there isn't much chance to speak English.


  Because I am looking for a company that I really want to work for so that I could settle down and make a long-term contribution.因为我想找到一家理想的公司,使我能安定下来,并做出长远的贡献。

  My first job was a well established company where the pision of labour is very clear.I do not have much chance to eich my experience.Then I got an opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up,but unfortunately,they closed their service in three months’ time. I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy my job I am now doing.But I think I have

  accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post in a much larger and persified company where I could make solid contribution.我第一份工作是在一家制度完善及分工清楚的公司内任职,但我认为我的接触面太小了。后来我有机会到一家刚成立的公司,以扩展我的经验,不幸的是,他们在3个月内便倒闭了。我在现时的公司已工作了颇长的时间,虽然我喜欢现时的工作,但我认为我已积累了足够经验在一家更具规模及多元化的公司内工作,接受更大挑战及做出实质贡献。

  Why are you leaving your present job?你为何要离开现职?

  What's the reason why you left your previous employer?你为何要离开原来的雇主?

  I'm leaving the present situation just because of expiry of my employment contract.我离开现职是因为工作合同期满。

  The work is not bad.Yet the salary is too small.那份工作倒是不错,不过薪水太少了。

  To speak frankly,I did not enjoy the work very much because these was not much for me to do at my post.

  坦率地说,我不是很喜欢那份工作,因为我在这个职位上没有多少事可干。Dialogue A


  I:Where are you employed?

  A:I have been employed as a secretary at a trading company.I:What do you think of your present job?

  A:Yes,I find it interesting.

  I:How do you get to office?

  A:I go to the office by bus everyday.

  I:What does your work consist of exactly?

  A:My main responsibility is troubleshooting between top management and the general employees.

  I:Would you mind working overtime at night?

  A:No,often my boss requires overtime work.

  I:How much money are you making a month?

  A:5000 yuan a month.

  I:Why do you plan to change your job?

  A:I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one.Besides,I would like to practise my English in my work.As my present employer deals with China trade only,there isn't much chance to speak English.

  I:Why have you changed your job so frequently?

  A:My first job was in a well established company where the pision of labour is very clear.I do not have much chance to eich my

  experience.Then I got an opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up,but unfortunately,they closed their service in three months’ time.I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy the job I am doing now.But I think I have accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post in a much larger and persified company where I could make solid contribution.

  Dialogue B

  I:What positions have you held before?

  A:I have been a salesman.But now,I can do public relations.I:How many places have you worked altogether?


  I:Would you tell me the general description of your present job?A:I am in charge of the trading department. I'm handling in-voices,shipping bills and computing freight costs;that's most of the documentation.

  I:What time do you go to work?

  A:I must be there no later than 8∶00.

  I:What time does the office close?

  A:I quit work whenever I get finished,usually about six O’clock.I:Does your work involve a lot of paper filling and typing?A:No,the secretary does this.It's not part of my job.

  I:What made you decide to change your job?

  A:I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible,so I decided to change my job.I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.


  Have you got any experience in advertising?你有广告方面的经验吗?Do you have any sales experience?你有销售经验吗?

  Do you have any practical experience as a secretary?你有秘书工作的实践经验吗?

  Yes,I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company in the past two years.


  Yes,I worked in a fashion shop last summer as part-time salesgirl.有,我曾在一家时装店任兼职售货员。

  Yes,sir.I have been a secretary in an insurance company.是的,先生,我一直在一家保险公司担任秘书工作。

  Although I have no experience in this field,I'm willing to learn.虽然在这方面我没有经验,但是我愿意学习。

  I am sorry to say that I have no experience in this field.很抱歉,我在这方面毫无经验。

  Would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain?你能告诉我,作为一个秘书须具备什么样的重要素质?

  Well,to begin with,I'd say she needs to be diligent,and the second point is that she has to do a lot of things on her own initiative.Finally,she can make report writing,summary writing,keep minutes at meetings,and so on.Most important of all is that she seems to have a better memory than average.


  What have you learned from jobs you have held?你从以往的工作中学到什么?

  Above all,I have learned that what is good for the company is good for me.So I follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss informed.


  What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit?你在原来的单位负责什么工作?

  I was responsible for advertising designs.我负责广告设计。

  How many employer have you worked for?你已经为多少个雇主工作过?

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