





目 录

第一章:研究施工工艺的意义与作用 第二章:原材料的技术要求




世界上任何一种先进材料,为了确保该材料的功用,最重要的不仅是材料本身的质量,其工艺流程的各个环节及配套的设备都不可忽视,任何一个环节的疏忽都将导致再好的材料也不能发挥其应有的功能。 1、该材料的用途及作用

STAR SEAI SUPREME是一种沥青路面封涂层,用于延缓沥青路面衰老,保持沥青路面年复一年后仍然出色的质量和外观。它是用高温精练的煤沥青做基质,含有精选的矿物填料、表面活性剂、热混橡胶和催化橡胶,喷洒到沥青路面后,在表层形成了一层坚韧、耐用、有弹性和卓越抗湿性的封涂层,从而保护了沥青路面不受空气氧化和紫外线辐射的侵害。它的抗湿性使路面不受气候、水、盐和其它物质的渗入;同时阻止了汽、柴、轻油及大量化学物质制品的侵蚀软化和损坏沥青路面。它的物理特性及常数如下表:

2STAR SEAL 诞生于1983年,SUPREME 填补了全美国制造封层材料排行前五名公司的空白,是全美国最好的封层材料。它在美国的军用机场跑道、滑道,重交通公路、私人公路、停车场等重大工程上都得到广泛的应用,为美国的交通和市政事业作出了重要贡献。2002年8月我司把SUPREME引进到中国,在中国的短短几年内,先后应用在江苏省的沪宁、宁靖盐、京沪、沿江、锡澄、锡宜、汾灌、宿淮盐、连徐;北京市的八达岭、北六环、三环、四环、顺平路;福建省的福泉、罗长;河北省的京秦等高速公路上,应用面积3000多万平方米,大约360多公里的高速公路和省道国道上。2008年又荣幸地被《北京2008奥组委》选定用在了八达岭17公里自行车公路越野赛道上。




必须是经800℃以上高温精练的,比重在1.22—1.25之间,含水量为零,萘含量为零,苯含量为零。 2、煤沥青乳液

是以精练的煤沥青乳液、精选的高球粘土、膨润土 、热混橡胶、及催化橡胶、STAR H2 OFF、STAR 乳化剂、MACRO—FLEX、水等物质,在特殊的温度和特殊的搅拌容器中混合制作而成。 3、砂必须是干净



水必须是干净并可饮用的水,没有有害可溶性盐类。温度在10℃-26.7℃之间。 5、添加剂

STAR MACRO—FAST,是一种乳胶剂。它主要用于保护层的快速干燥,它以橡胶处理的聚合体和专门的化学物质为基础,可改善保护层的综合性能和持久性。它与煤焦油沥青和沥青乳胶两者机体的涂层有及好的相溶性。它能使保护层变硬,减少动力转向痕迹、磨损和撕裂,使保护层在阳光和阴影下干得更黑更均匀。它能改善抗拉力,柔性和粘附力,有改善抗燃料及化学物质的性能。它最主要的作用是把保护层的养护时间从24小时缩短至4--6小时,节约了劳动成本又确保了质量。


SUPREME由于拌有40—70目的硅砂(插入硅砂级配表)可填补弥合3㎜以下的裂缝,大于3mm的裂缝需由业主方处理后才能喷洒。 7、底漆



1、煤沥青乳液的配制,沥青乳液从美国生产,运抵中国要有一定时间的存放,会出现有效期内的沉淀现象,需用人工制作的可调速的电动机加上搅拌叶,对每桶沥青乳液进行搅拌,将其搅拌均匀,才能吸入喷洒设备容器罐中。 2、混合料的配制(现场喷涂前)


匀速添加硅砂,大约每分钟添加50公斤重的一袋。添加硅砂时,要注意站稳并禁止将手或手臂伸进在工作的搅拌器中。砂添加完毕,将容器盖子盖紧并将搅拌速度设置在最快档,保持高速搅拌10分钟。让混合物彻底混合,沥青乳液充分裹覆每一粒硅砂。 建议的材料搭配比例

Chinese government organizational structure

The national organization of the People's Republic of China, including the National People's Congress, Chairman of the People's Republic, Under the state council(委员会) of the People's Republic of China, The central military commission of the People's Republic of China, Local people's congresses and local people's governments at various levels, The organs of self-government of, The people's courts and the people's procuratorate(检察院).

(The communist party of China

Under the leadership of the communist party of China, the Democratic Party members participate in major national policy, the policy, laws and regulations formulated and implemented, Participate in major national politics and national institutions leadership candidates negotiation, Participate in the management of state affairs.)

1. The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China. The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power. It is the permanent authority to the standing committee of the National People's Congress. The National People's Congress and its standing committee exercise the legislative power of the state. The people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, special administrative and military elected representatives. The minority nationalities are entitled to appropriate representation.

2. Under the state council of the People's Republic of China, the central people's government, is the highest organ of state power, the executing autho hrity is the supreme state administrative organs, the premier, vice-premiers, ministers, ministers in charge of commissions, the people's bank, an auditor-general and a secretary-general. The premier has overall responsibility for under the state council. The ministries and commissions of the ministers and responsibility.

The secretary-general of the state council shall, under the leadership of the premier of the state council, be responsible for routine work. The state council shall establish an office by the secretary-general to the leadership,.

The general office of the state council

The constituent departments (28),{supreme中国}.

Foreign ministry of defense ministry of national development and reform commission of state security following the belonging of finance department personnel ministry of land and resources ministry of labor security of the ministry of agriculture ministry of information industry ministry of commerce (people's bank (population population

Special organization SASAC(国资委) directly under the state council

Directly under the state council (18)

The customs administration of taxation administration of industry and commerce AQSIQ(国家质量监督检验检疫总局) SEPA(国家环境保护总局) SARFT(国家广播电影电视总局) CAAC(中国民用航空总局) general administration of press and publication (NCA 全国通讯协会) sports administration, safety supervision and administration bureau of the food and drug administration bureau of supervision Bureau of Religious Affairs intellectual Office of the Counselors State council affairs administration

State agencies (4)

Developed countries overseas Hong Kong office

Business units directly under the state council (14)

Xinhua Chinese academy of engineering development research center of seismological bureau of meteorology CBRC securities institute of administrative power of social security fund supervisor will circ natural science foundation

State ministries of management (11),

Letters Lembaga Tembakau Malaysia (MTB) bureau one Chinese cultural post bureau of oceanic administration bureau of the coal mine safety supervision bureau

Archives secrecy bureau

3. Local people's governments at all levels. Local people's governments at various levels are local organs of state power, the executive organs at all levels are local organs of state administration. Local people's governments at various levels, the mayor, governor of district and county towns and responsibility. The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties are the people's congresses and people's governments.

4. Chairman of the People's Republic of China of the People's Republic of China. The President and vice-president of the elected by the National People's Congress. Have the right to vote and stand for the females 45 one full year of life can be citizens of the People's Republic was elected chairman of the People's Republic, vice chairman. Chairman of the People's Republic of China according to the decision of the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress, the decision by law, the state council premier, appoint vice premier, vice-premiers ministers, ministers in charge of commissions, an auditor-general and a secretary-general, awarded MEDALS and titles of the country, declared a state of emergency, amnesty, proclaims a state of war.{supreme中国}.

5. The central military commission of the People's Republic of China. The central military commission of the People's Republic of China under the leadership of the armed forces. By the chairman of the central military commission, some people, vice chairman of the committee. The central military committee chairman assumes responsibility. The chairman of the central military committee of the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress.

6. The supreme people's court, the supreme people's court is the highest judicial authority. The supreme people's court supervision and local people's courts at different levels and special people's courts, the people's court at a higher level trial work of the people's courts at trial supervision work. The supreme people's court on the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress. Local people's courts at various levels of organs of state power which created them.

7. The supreme people's procuratorate, the supreme people's procuratorate is. The highest procuratorial organs. The supreme people's procuratorate at a local people's procuratorate and special people's procuratorates of the people's procuratorate at work, the people's procuratorate at work. The supreme people's procuratorate to the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress. People's procuratorates at various local levels of organs of state power which created them and superior people's procuratorate.

8. Local people's congresses and local people's governments at all levels. Province, municipality, counties, cities, municipal districts, townships, nationality townships, and towns establish people's congresses and people's governments. Local people's congresses and local people's governments at various levels shall be prescribed by law, the organization of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous organs of self-government are established.

9. The organs of self-government of. The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties are the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties, the National People's Congress, in addition to the ethnic regional autonomy is practiced in the representative, other living within their respective administrative areas of ethnic also shall be entitled to appropriate representation, autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or the chairman of an autonomous county of ethnic regional autonomy is practiced by the citizens.





国务院秘书长在总理领导下,负责处理国务院的日常工作。国务院设立办公厅,由秘书长领导。 国务院办公厅


外交部 国防部 发展改革委 教育部 科技部 国防科工委 国家民委 公安部 安全部 监察部 民政部 司法部 财政部 人事部 劳动保障部 国土资源部 建设部 铁道部 交通部 信息产业部 水利部 农业部 商务部 文化部 卫生部 人口计生委 人民银行 审计署国务院直属特设机构(1个) 国资委{supreme中国}.


海关总署 税务总局 工商总局 质检总局 环保总局 民航总局 广电总局 新闻出版总署(版权局)体育总局 安全监管总局 统计局 林业局 食品药品监管局 知识产权局 旅游局 宗教局 参事室 国管局


侨办 港澳办 法制办 国研室 * 台办 * 新闻办 。(* 国务院台湾事务办公室与中共中央台湾工作办公室、国务院新闻办公室与中共中央对外宣传办公室,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机构序列。)


新华社 中科院 社科院 工程院 发展研究中心 行政学院 地震局 气象局 银监会 证监会 保监会 电监会 社保基金会 自然科学基金会


信访局 粮食局 烟草局 外专局 海洋局 测绘局 邮政局 文物局 中医药局 外汇局 煤矿安监局 * 档案局* 保密局(* 国家档案局与中央档案馆、国家保密局与中央保密委员会办公室,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机关的下属机构。)










第二十二条 党的中央政治局、中央政治局常务委员会和中央委员会总书记,由中央委员会全体会议选举。中央委员会总书记必须从中央政治局常务委员会委员中产生。
















--内务司法委员会--------------CommitteeforInternalandJudicialAffairs --华侨委员会------------------OverseasChineseAffairsCommittee


--特定问题委员会--------------CommitteeofInquiryintoSpecialQuestions --宪法修改委员会--------------CommitteeforRevisionoftheConstitution 中华人民共和国主席------------PresidentofthePeople’sRepublicofChina 中央军事委员会----------------CentralMilitaryCommission






















------国土资源部-------------MinistryofLandandResources 会委会






------对外贸易经济合作部------MinistryofForeignTradeandEconomicCooperation ------文化部-----------------MinistryofCulture













(3)国务院直属机构--------------DepartmentsDirectlyundertheStateCouncil ------海关总署-----------------GeneralAdministrationofCustoms


------国家环境保护总局---------StateEnvironmentalProtectionAdministration ------中国民用航空总局---------CivilAviationAdministrationofChina(CAAC) ------国家广播电影电视总局-----StateAdministrationofRadio,FilmandTelevision ------国家体育总局------------StatePhysicalCulturalAdministration


------国家工商行政管理局-------StateAdministrationofIndustryandCommerce ------新闻出版署---------------PressandPublicationAdministration



------国家质量技术监督局-------StateBureauofQualityandTechnicalSupervision ------国家药品监督管理局-------StateDrugAdministration(SDA)

------国家知识产权局-----------StateIntellectualPropertyOffice(SIPO) ------国家旅游局---------------NationalTourismAdministration




(4)国务院直属事业单位-----------InstitutionsDirectlyundertheStateCouncil ------中国科学院----------------ChineseAcademyofSciences









------国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)----StateBureauofGrainReserve(UndertheStateDevelopmentPlanningCommission) ------国家国内贸易局-------------StateBureauofInternalTrade


------国家机械工业局--------------StateBureauofMachineBuildingIndustry ------国家冶金工业局--------------StateBureauofMetallurgicalIndustry

------国家石油和化学工业局---------StateBureauofPetroleumandChemicalIndustry ------国家轻工业局----------------StateBureauofLightIndustry


------国家建筑材料工业局----------StateBureauofBuildingMaterialsIndustry ------国家烟草专卖局--------------StateTobaccoMonopolyBureau

------国家有色金属工业局----------StateBureauofNonferrousMetalIndustry (以上由国家经贸委管理aboveareallundertheStateEconomicandTradeCommission) ------国家外国专家局(人事部)------StateBureauofForeignExpertsAffairs(undertheMinistryofPersonnel)

------国家海洋局(国土资源部)------StateBureauofOceanicAdministration(undertheMinistryofLandandResources) ------国家测绘局(国土资源部)------StateBureauofSurveyingandMapping(ditto) ------国家邮政局(信息产业部)------StatePostBureau(undertheMinistryofInformationIndustry)



------国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行)-------StateAdministrationofForeignExchange(underthePeople’sBankofChina) ------国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署)----------StateAdministrationforEntry-ExitInspectionandQuarantine(undertheGeneralAdministrationofCustoms)


China’s State Organs

1、 全国人民代表大会 National People’s Congress

主席团 Presidium

常务委员会 Standing Committee

办公厅 General Office

秘书处 Secretariat

代表资格审查委员会 Credentials Committee

提案审查委员会 Motions Examination Committee

民族委员会 Ethnic Affairs Committee

法律委员会 Law Committee

财政经济委员会 Finance and Economy Committee

外事委员会 Foreign Affairs Committee

教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会 Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee

内务司法委员会 Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs

华侨委员会 Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee

法制工作委员会 Commission of Legislative Affairs

特定问题调查委员会 Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions

宪法修改委员会 Committee for Revision of the Constitution

中华人民共和国主席 President of the People’s Republic of China

中央军事委员会 Central Military Commission

最高人民法院 Supreme People’s Court

最高人民检察院 Supreme People’s Procuratorate

国务院 State Council

2、国务院部委 Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

国防部 Ministry of National Defense

国家发展计划委员会 State Development Planning Commission

国家经济贸易委员会 State Economic and Trade Commission

教育部 Ministry of Education

科学技术部 Ministry of Science and Technology

国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense

国家民族事务委员会 State Ethnic Affairs Commission

公安部 Ministry of Public Security

国家安全部 Ministry of State Security

监察部 Ministry of Supervision

民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs

司法部 Ministry of Justice

财政部 Ministry of Finance

人事部 Ministry of Personnel

劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labor and Social Security

国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources

建设部 Ministry of Construction

铁道部 Ministry of Railways

交通部 Ministry of Communication

信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry

水利部 Ministry of Water Resources

农业部 Ministry of Agriculture

对外贸易经济合作部 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 文化部 Ministry of Culture

卫生部 Ministry of Public Health

国家计划生育委员会 State Family Planning Commission

中国人民银行 People’s Bank of China

国家审计署 State Auditing Administration

3、国务院办事机构 Offices under the State Council{supreme中国}.

国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council

侨务办公室 Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs

港澳办公室 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office

台湾事务办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office

法制办公室 Office of Legislative Affairs

经济体制改革办公室 Office for Economic Restructuring

国务院研究 Research Office of the State Council

新闻办公室 Information Office

4、国务院直属机构 Departments Directly under the State Council

海关总署 General Administration of Customs

国家税务总局 State Taxation Administration

国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration

中国民用航空总局 Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)

国家广播电影电视总局 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television 国家体育总局 State Sport General Administration

国家统计局 State Statistics Bureau

国家工商行政管理局 State Administration of Industry and Commerce

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