
Fantasy xinchi外语fantasy英 [?f?nt?si] 美 [?f?nt?si]n. 幻想,想象;想象产物,幻想作品;虚拟比赛(游戏);幻想曲,集成曲;期望v. 想象,幻想[ 复数 fantasies 第三人称单数 fantasies 现在分词 fantasying 过去式 fantasied 过去分词 fantasied ]短语Final Fantasy 最终幻想系列 ; 最终幻想高清壁纸集Final Fantasy VII 最终幻想VII ; 最终幻想 ; 片 ; 最终幻想7ps镜像版Final Fantasy VIII 最终幻想VIII ; 最终幻想 ; 最终幻想8柯林斯英汉双解大词典fantasy /?f?nt?s?/ CET4 TEM41. N-COUNT A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen. 幻想例:...fantasies of romance and true love.…对浪漫和真爱的幻想。2. N-VAR You can refer to a story or situation that someone creates from their imagination and that is not based on reality as fantasy. 虚幻的故事; 幻想的情境例:The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.这部电影比较像是讽刺的幻想故事,而不是恐怖片。3. N-UNCOUNT Fantasy is the activity of imagining things. 幻想例:...a world of imagination, passion, fantasy, reflection.…一个想像、激情、幻想和反思的世界。4. ADJ Fantasy football, baseball, or another sport is a game in which players choose an imaginary team and score points based on the actual performances of the members of their team in real games. 梦幻的 (运动类电子游戏) [ADJ n]例:Haskins said he has been playing fantasy baseball for the past five years.哈斯金斯说他在过去的5年里一直在打梦幻棒球游戏。词组短语同近义词同根词sex fantasy 性幻想双语例句原声例句权威例句He retreated into a world of fantasy.他遁入了幻想世界。The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality.这个故事是一个幻想与现实的奇妙组合。Enough of fantasy, the workaday world awaited him.幻想之后,等待他的是平凡的现世。每天分享外语知识,请点击 【关注】,不漏掉任何一期,助你提高外语水平。转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。码字不易,敬请【点赞】!My email:ilikework_cz@126.com

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