英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇) 英文ol简称的翻译


  英 [??l] 美 [o?l]

  名词 对象链接和嵌入

  1. (书面英语中用于**old的特定发音)

  Ole is used in written English to represent the word 'old' pronounced in a particular way.

  e.g. 'I started fixin' up ole bicycles fer poor kids.'



  1. OLE Gunnar Solskjaer is hoping to extend his Manchester United career beyond the end of his current contract in 2006.

  2. The Festival will be held at seven of CRV's Ole shops in Beijing.

  3. Ole Schell first visited China in 1987 as a teenager and recalls riding a bike through the hutong of Beijing.

  4. The goal is for the whole country, " Hernandez told a news conference as cries of " Ole!

  5. Norwegian forward Ole Gunnar Solskjaer wrapped up the points in stoppage time.

  6. " I'm shocked at the connections that the barras have with power, " he said in an interview with the sports daily Ole.

  7. It happens when the spectators wave white handkerchiefs and cry " Ole " which means the bull has put up a very good fight.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——as it were的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

as it were的汉语翻译是什么1

  英 [?z it w?:] 美 [?z ?t w?:]

  as it were 基本解释

  可以说; 在某种程度上

as it were的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. Fan also said it was a good time to buy shares in the top Chinese portal as its share prices were low.

  2. Netanyahu told them any country would act in self defense if it were targeted by thousands of rockets as Israel has been by Gaza militants.

  3. The IT products were transported by air from China to Cambodia on June 4, as part of the inauguration of the National Assembly's new office building.

  4. By all appearances its forces were following a methodical campaign of strikes, even as it tried to win the propaganda war.

  5. Entrepreneurs in the IT and software businesses were the most confident, followed by those from the retail and wholesale trade as well as the construction sector.

  6. The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all identified as being reservists, but it was not clear how many were still involved in active military duty.

  7. I think the players did a good job in extracting as much as they were going to extract from ownership it seems.

  8. She has been reported as saying it was harmful to young girls if they tried to emulate catwalk stars who were too thin.

  9. The Japanese official denied it was organ trade as none of the patients had paid their organ donors and no introduction charges were paid.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——I dare say的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

I dare say的汉语翻译是什么1

  [ai d?? sei]

  I dare say 基本解释


  I dare say 相关例句


  1. There's something wrong with the TV set, I dare say.


I dare say的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. I dare say that every bus conductor in the city - perhaps even the country - used an identical device back then.

  2. In a similar way you can look at it from, dare I say a Chinese approach of ordering less quantity and more flavorful dishes.

  3. I dare say that people who support increasing the price of electricity must be relatives of those who work in these power plants.

  4. I do not dare to say what influence I have brought to audiences on the mainland.


  5. I dare say this principle is hard as steel and relentless as the burning sun.

  6. " I dare say the president's very actively engaged in this, " Snow said.

  7. I dare say thousands of compatriots across the Straits share the same sorrow.

  8. I dare say, it is the worst day of the year for married man with a mistress.

  9. I dare not say it's the best nation, but it's certainly the easiest to govern.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)

——on the inside的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么1

  英 [?n e? in?said] 美 [ɑn ei ?n?sa?d]

  on the inside 基本解释

  处于集团[**]内部因而知内情; 使用内车道

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. The reporter who posted the story claimed it was based on inside information and actually was intended to bust the elopement myth.

  2. Searching his home again on Wednesday, the police discovered the small hole by chance and found Feng inside.

  3. Opposition deputies brought proceedings to a halt inside the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday, when they staged an action against the bill about the basics of the language policy.

  4. One man travelling on the plane said the passengers were stuck inside the aircraft and cabin crew took a long time to open emergency doors.

  5. On the accompanying audio discs, you can hear the shake of ice inside a drinking glass.

  6. Officers on Nov 22 checked a cargo shipment declared to contain 40 speakers from Singapore and found the drugs concealed inside them.

  7. You just need to slip the right fare into the cash box inside the front gate of the bus when you get on it.

  8. The Chinese traditional medical treatment of acupuncture or piercing the body with a needle is a treatment which focuses on the inside from the outside.

  9. That proved a pivotal decision as the game turned on its head inside three minutes with Marshall again Celtic's inspiration.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么3篇

be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么1

  英 [bi: aut f?:] 美 [bi a?t f?r]

  be out for 基本解释

  企求, 力图获得

be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么2

  1. The United Nations has begun busing refugees out of the reception camp to other sites so they can be better cared for.

  2. Some educators and students point out that buying a condom in such a public setting could be unsettling for most young people.

  3. However, " convenient cab " could sometimes turn out to be dangerous for passengers'safety.

  4. So Tuesday's accident should be a warning for the safety management department to swing into action and rule out potential dangers.

  5. The government will call tenders for the works and will save money if the tender prices turn out to be lower.

  6. It can be that for one game out of 30 I don't call him up.

  7. It is normal for a capitalist society to develop through different phases, but such immoral acts will be flushed out eventually.

  8. Pique will be sidelined for between two and three weeks, while club captain Carles Puyol is out for around a month after straining knee ligaments.

  9. The supervisors should also be invited to inspect sites for detention and carry out law enforcement checkup.

  10. Supporting measures must be formulated quickly so that we can carry out the plan for reforming the export tax rebate system in earnest.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——英文leading的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?li:d??] 美 [?li:d??]


  形容词 重要的,主要的; 前列的; 首位的

  名词 行距; 铅框


  动词 **(lead的ing形式)

  1. 最重要的;卓著的;显赫的`

  The leading person or thing in a particular area is the one which is most important or successful.

  e.g. ...a leading member of Bristol's Sikh community...


  e.g. Britain's future as a leading industrial nation depends on investment.


  2. 主角的;主演的

  The leading role in a play or film is the main role. A leading lady or man is an actor who plays this role.

  3. (在比赛或行列中)首位的,居前的

  The leading group, vehicle, or person in a race or procession is the one that is at the front.


  1. That consensus comes from leading forecasters in a survey by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday.

  2. That gloomy outlook came from leading forecasters in the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics to be released Monday.

  3. The statement said that a leading company like Dell should adhere to business ethics and respect national governments and enterprises.

  4. Learning a foreign language has become a serious business for people in China - not least for its leading figures.

  5. While Chinese machine tool producers are looking to gain international presence, leading global groups are also seeking business opportunities in China.

  6. From then on, diesel has been the core business of world leading commercial vehicle manufacturer MAN.

  7. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

  8. Province leaders said they hoped it would help it to maintain its leading role in business relations between China and Russia.

  9. Hejia has been making efforts to persify its business scope since it gained the leading position in valve manufacturing.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——英语justify是什么汉语意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [?d??st?fa?] 美 [?d??st??fa?]


  justify 基本解释

  及物动词 证明…有理; 为…辩护; 对…作出解释

  不及物动词 整理版面; 证明合法


  1. Is he justified in all his actions?


  2. The editors are justified in refusing your work.


  3. How can you justify your rude behaviour?


  4. How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour?



  1. Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.

  2. Yet, all these concerns by no means justify banning all foreign plants and animals.


  3. Beijing's only cable television provider issued a public statement Monday to justify its controversial increase in subscription fees.

  4. Huang said she expects banks to provide more details to justify their new charge, like the calculation of inquiry cost.

  5. China's rising current account surplus and domestic inflation has been cited to justify these countries'call.

  6. The huge economic losses incurred from the cancellation of the projects do not justify the wild pursuit of hydroelectricity by some local governments and businesses.

  7. Friday's weaker job growth would justify such a breather, offering more evidence of slowing economic activity.

  8. Such accelerated inflation does justify investor worries because it might invite more tightening measures that can choke off growth.

  9. For those who are worried about deflation getting entrenched and choking off demand, the latest price figures may appear to justify their concerns.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——英语for long是什么汉语意思 (菁选2篇)

英语for long是什么汉语意思1

  英 [f?: l??] 美 [f?r l??]


  副词 长久


  1. It is a long-term illness that can last for many years before it is diagnosed.


  2. But their view however more human nature is changed, because did not login for a long time, tell you, your password has expired, install new code please.


  3. I think you can stay at sea for a long period.


英语for long是什么汉语意思2

  1. ****ysts said Agilent has long wanted to expand its bio****ytical measurement business, which accounted for about 46 percent of revenue in the second quarter.

  2. Young women dressed as mermaids will act as trainers for customers at Long Yuan Diving Club.

  3. But for a long time, she could almost pass as a Tsinghua member.

  4. Such a long national holiday set the stage for a buying frenzy.

  5. Let us hope we will not have to wait too long to see changes, or at least for that day when more ordinary citizens think about buying tickets.

  6. China has long stood by the side of the Arab people in their causes for peace and national rights.

  7. The temperature dropped below 10 C for quite a long time in the southern metropolis, which is also known as a city of coconut trees.

  8. The decline in audience numbers has long argued for a move to cable, where audiences are increasingly able to finding niche programming.

  9. For a long time, our military cadre cultivation lack full use of social educational resources.

英语ole的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——英语logs的中文翻译是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  练习用球瓶;原木,木材,木料( log的名词复数 );航海[飞行]日志;

  英 [l?gz] 美 [l?gz]



  1. Especially interesting are problems that calculate how efficient a laborer was by how many logs he carried or how many sandals he could make.

  2. The tomb's construction consists of several hundred cubic meters of cypress and chinaberry logs, sealed with charcoal and gypsum.

  3. The fire brought down the roof of bamboo logs and coconut leaves onto the children trapped inside.

  4. Workers wait for another load of logs to be placed on a truck, near a logging site in the suburbs of Beijing.

  5. China had been driving demand on the world market, taking raw logs and processing them into products for onward sale.

  6. Zhu logs on to the website every day, partly because it has articles and videos on a range of other subjects too.

  7. Logs are piled at the corner next to the fireplace, which is made of bricks.

  8. The website previously launched an interface allowing the public to search the Iraq war logs published by WikiLeaks in October.

  9. Plenty of other companies already offer similar tools for creating and maintaining Web logs that track everything from workday antics to political gossip.

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