单词wore的中文是什么意思3篇 wore是什么意思译


  英 [w?:(r)] 美 [w?r, wor]


  wore 基本解释

  动词 穿着( wear的过去式 ); 磨成; 使疲乏; 同意


  1. He wore no Kelly green but his jacket was pierced with a button that read, " VIP GUEST - Tell'em Danny sent you ".

  2. He also wore an ID badge and carried a large calculator to complete the getup.

  3. Both servicemen wore camouflage fatigues with a Royal Navy label on their chests and a little British flag stitched to their left sleeves.

  4. Lencioni and the university alleged Arruda even raised her dress and stopped to pose for photos the night she wore the short dress on campus.

  5. He still wore his white canoeing helmet and a yellow and blue waterproof jacket.

  6. Highlights include a blue jumpsuit and cape with gold lining that Presley wore at a Madison Square Garden performance in 1972.

  7. At the start he was wheeled to the window while seated and wore his traditional white cassock and skullcap.

  8. The dog bride not only wore makeup, but also had 13 luxurious dresses to change into.

  9. Drivers took great care in the first hours of the changeover but authorities warned accidents were likely once the initial vigilance wore off.





  英 [sm??k] 美 [smo?k]


  smoke 基本解释

  名词 烟; 吸烟

  不及物动词 抽烟; 冒烟; 快速

  及物动词 用烟熏制; 吸(烟),抽


  1. A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance.


  2. Their swords smoked with blood.



  1. But a student surnamed Jiang from the University of International Business and Economics said people would continue to smoke regardless of the law.

  2. According to another survey by the Beijing municipal health authority, 51 percent of respondents said they were victims of secondhand smoke.

  3. DNA repair in the breast cells appears to be blocked when chemical components of the smoke activate a particular gene.

  4. A new law that took effect Monday says family members can call in the police on people who smoke at home.

  5. While the more religious inpiduals were more physically active and also less likely to smoke, these differences didn't account for their better lung function.

  6. NEW YORK - Cigarette smoke can transform normal breast cells into cancerous cells by blocking their normal ability to repair themselves.

  7. The Gainesville research also pinpoints the mechanism by which cigarette smoke transforms normal breast cells into cancerous cells.

  8. Langton said officials felt comfortable withdrawing the proposal because of improved sensors that can detect smoke and carbon monoxide.

  9. The injured suffered from smoke inhalation, burns and carbon monoxide poisoning.




  1. 在…里;在…之内

  Someone or something that is in something else is enclosed by it or surrounded by it. If you put something in a container, you move it so that it is enclosed by the container.

  e.g. He was in his car.


  e.g. ...clothes hanging in the wardrobe...


  2. 在(某处)

  If something happens in a place, it happens there.

  e.g. We spent a few days in a hotel...


  e.g. He had intended to take a holiday in America...


  3. 在家;在办公室

  If you are in, you are present at your home or place of work.

  e.g. My flatmate was in at the time...


  e.g. He has had to be in every day.


  4. 进;入

  When someone comes in, they enter a room or building.

  e.g. She looked up anxiously as he came in...


  e.g. They shook hands and went in.


  5. (火车)进站;(轮船、飞机)抵港

  If a train, boat, or plane has come in or is in, it has arrived at a station, port, or airport.

  e.g. We'd be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne...


  e.g. Look. The train's in. We'll have to run for it now.


  6. (潮)在上涨

  When the sea or tide comes in, the sea moves towards the shore rather than away from it.

  e.g. She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand...


  e.g. If the tide was in they went swimming.


  7. 在(橱窗)里面

  Something that is in a window, especially a shop window, is just behind the window so that you can see it from outside.

  e.g. The light in the window went out...


  e.g. There was a camera for sale in the window.



  1. 在(特定年、月等);在…期间

  If something happens in a particular year, month, or other period of time, it happens during that time.

  e.g. ...that early spring day in April 1949...

  1949 年4月早春的那一天

  e.g. Export orders improved in the last month...


  2. 在(某一情形、形势)之中

  If something happens in a particular situation, it happens while that situation is going on.

  e.g. His father had been badly wounded in the last war.



  e.g. ...issues you struggle with in your daily life.


  3. 花费…时间

  If you do something in a particular period of time, that is how long it takes you to do it.

  e.g. He walked two hundred and sixty miles in eight days.


  4. 在(一段时间)之后

  If something will happen in a particular length of time, it will happen after that length of time.

  e.g. I'll have some breakfast ready in a few minutes...


  e.g. They'll be back in six months.


  5. 在(某一年龄段)之中

  You use in to indicate roughly how old someone is. For example, if someone is in their fifties, they are between 50 and 59 years old.

  e.g. ...young people in their twenties.


  e.g. ...Molly, a tall woman in her early sixties.





  英 [n??] 美 [no?]






  1. The existing limit on the amount of salary domestic firms can deduct as business expenses will no longer ap*.

  2. Although Bai no longer had to worry about his school expenses, he never stopped seeking business opportunities.

  3. " We had no business winning that game, " Cavaliers coach Mike Brown told reporters.

  4. An operator with Aramco said there was no one available at the company to comment after business hours.

  5. No lawsuit business is permitted to be involved by the joint venture, said sources.

  6. The company's refrigerators and washing machine business in China is also looking gloomy, with fewer models and no price advantages.

  7. If an act brings no serious damage to the society, the actor should not be subject to criminal punishment.

  8. No foreign organization is allowed to start this business in China yet.

  9. The organizing commi* announced early this month that no organization could use the logo for business purposes without the commi*'s permission.

  10. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market.






  honeys 基本解释

  花蜜;蜂蜜( honey的名词复数 );<口>亲的;蜜色;


  1. Herbal and fruit teas, flavored honeys, tea bread, tea infuser, tea cups, inspirational book.


  2. She also found the creamier honeys such as tawari and rata were more floral, sweet and heady and worked well in desserts and baking.


  3. Put a few of these honeys on the street and I'll get you your bread, partner.


  4. You should see the honeys I've got lined up for the next ad.


  5. It's time for bed now, honeys!


  6. Spending time at your honeys familys home can also serve to strengthen your relationship.


  7. By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely inthe sensitivity of their inhibit to heat.


  8. By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in thesensitivity of their inhibit to heat.


  9. By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivity of their inhibit to heat.


  10. By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivityoftheirinhibittoheat.


  11. This study compares the flavonoid in kinds of honeys, and tries to find the best experiment condition of flavonoid extraction.




  英 [sku:l] 美 [skul]

  名词 学校; 学院; 上学; 群

  及物动词 训练,锻炼; 教育,教导; 约束; 给…上学



  1. You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.



  1. Which school does your child go to?


  2. School begins at 8 o'clock.


  3. Does the writer belong to the Impressionist school?


  4. There will be no school tomorrow.



  1. (中、小)学校

  A school is a place where children are educated. You usually refer to this place as school when you are talking about the time that children spend there and the activities that they do there.

  e.g. ...a boy who was in my class at school...


  e.g. Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school...


  2. 全体师生

  A school is the pupils or staff at a school.

  e.g. Deirdre, the whole school's going to hate you.



  e.g. ...a children's writing competition open to schools or inpiduals.


  3. (私立的)专业学校,专科学校

  A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred to as a school .

  e.g. ...a riding school and equestrian centre near Chepstow.


  e.g. ...the Kingsley School of English.


  4. 大学;学院;系;院

  A university, college, or university department specializing in a particular type of subject can be referred to as a school .

  e.g. ...a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania...


  e.g. Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer.

  斯特拉,21 岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装***的培训。

  5. 大学;学院

  School is used to refer to university or college.

  e.g. Moving rapidly through school, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18.

  他连续跳级, 18 岁时就以全美优等生联谊会成员的身份从肯塔基大学毕业。




  英 [p??nt] 美 [p??nt]


  名词 点; 要点; 得分; 标点

  及物动词 (意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路

  不及物动词 指向; 表明



  1. She pointed the pencil for her sister.



  1. The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three.



  1. There's no point in wasting time.


  2. It was a turning point in his career.


  3. Stop at this point.



  1. 观点;看法;论点

  You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written.

  e.g. We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes...


  e.g. Dave Hill's article makes the right point about the Taylor Report...


  2. 论据;道理

  If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered.

  e.g. 'If he'd already killed once, surely he'd have killed Sarah?' She had a point there...


  e.g. Oh I take your point, John, about that.


  3. 要点;核心问题

  The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest.

  e.g. 'Did I ask you to talk to me?' — 'That's not the point.'...


  e.g. The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this.


  4. 意义;目的;作用

  If you ask what the point of something is, or say that there is no point in it, you are indicating that a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful.

  e.g. What was the point of thinking about him?...


  e.g. There was no point in staying any longer.


  5. 细节;方面;特性

  A point is a detail, aspect, or quality of something or someone.

  e.g. Many of the points in the report are correct...


  e.g. The most interesting point about the village was its religion...





  英 [?n?h?b?t] 美 [?n?h?b?t]


  动词 抑制; 禁止

  1. 抑制;约束

  If something inhibits an event or process, it prevents it or slows it down.

  e.g. Wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion...


  e.g. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.


  2. 禁止;阻止

  To inhibit someone from doing something means to prevent them from doing it, although they want to do it or should be able to do it.

  e.g. It could inhibit the poor from getting the medical care they need...


  e.g. Officers will be inhibited from doing their duty.



  1. A lack of capital at banks may inhibit lending to consumers and businesses, tempering any economic recovery.


  2. The special care includes hot and cold showers, massages and special creams that are designed to inhibit the storage of fat.

  3. The electrodes are attached to a battery pack that delivers electric pulses to stimulate or inhibit parts of the brain.

  4. But the cotton seeds contain a toxic pigment called gossypol that can inhibit sperm production and has been used in experiments in male contraception.

  5. The study result has shown that 27 tested compounds are found to be effective to inhibit one of the three viral transmission processes.

  6. Methylation in a specific region of a gene can inhibit or suppress the expression of a gene.

  7. Wang said herbal medicine can help enhance the immune system and inhibit the HIV virus.

  8. They believe it's such a heavy and horrible issue that it may inhibit healthy development of a child's views on life.

  9. A statement from the groups said they hoped talks would result in the removal of the distortions that inhibit the export growth of developing countries.

  10. Prior lab studies by Singleton and colleague Jonathan Moss have shown that * can boost tumor cell growth and inhibit the immune response.




  英 [t??k] 美 [t??k]



  名词 *; 油[水]箱; 贮水池; 酒量大的`人

  及物动词 把…贮放在柜内; 打败



  1. The petrol tank in our car is empty.


  2. Our infantry is supported by tanks.


  3. Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof.



  1. Two workers jumped into a hot oil tank to save another worker who dropped in by accident in Chongqing Municipality.

  2. But the tracked vehicles cannot use today's network of roads for rapid deployment, needing the help of tank carriers.

  3. An oil tank truck struck the car from behind, severely damaging the rear of the vehicle.

  4. A crane moving an oil tank that dropped from a cargo train crashed into the seven people.

  5. Tankers built before 1997 and those with certain kinds of cargo tank structures were required to have stopped going to sea on Monday.

  6. Although the installation of an LNG fuel tank would mean a 3 percent loss of cargo space.

  7. Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.

  8. They splashed some water on their faces and drank a bit, and then filled up a huge tank kept in the back of the cart.

  9. Cartwright said there was nearly a 90 percent chance that the tank had been breached in the collision.

  10. Two aluminum panels inside the eel's tank work as electrodes to catch its power.




  代词 它; 他; 正好是所需的'; 事实[情况]

  名词 <美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; <俚>绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极

  1. This is my watch, it's a Swiss one.


  2. It's early yet.


  3. It is cold.


  4. I'd think it well worth while to go.


  5. But here it's my word that counts.



  1. 它(指物体、动物或上文已提及的其他事物)

  You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has already been mentioned.

  e.g. He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him...


  e.g. It's a wonderful city, really. I'll show it to you if you want...


  2. (指小孩或婴儿)它

  You use it to refer to a child or baby whose sex you do not know or whose sex is not relevant to what you are saying.

  e.g. She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born...


  e.g. He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.


  3. (笼统指代刚描述过的情景)

  You use it to refer in a general way to a situation that you have just described.

  e.g. He was through with sports, not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way...


  e.g. Antonia will not be jealous, or if she is, she will not show it.


  4. (用于某些名词、形容词、动词前说明对某情况的感受、观点)

  You use it before certain nouns, adjectives, and verbs to introduce your feelings or point of view about a situation.

  e.g. It was nice to see Steve again...


  e.g. It's a pity you never got married, Sarah...


  5. (用于被动句中引出一个情况或事件)

  You use it in passive clauses which report a situation or event.

  e.g. It has been said that stress causes cancer...


  e.g. Yesterday it was reported that a number of people had been arrested in the capital...


  6. (与动词连用,作形式主语或宾语)

  You use it with some verbs that need a subject or object, although there is no noun that it refers to.

  e.g. Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists...

  当然,结果是那群人中 3/4 是精神病学家。

  e.g. I like it here...


  7. (用作 be动词的主语,指钟点、星期、日期)

  You use it as the subject of 'be', to say what the time, day, or date is.

  e.g. It's three o'clock in the morning...

  现在是** 3 点整。

  e.g. It was a Monday, so she was at home...


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