重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)


  The Importance of English

  As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as acommunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.





  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of communication. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Communication will enable us to achieve our objectives more rapidly. By communicating frequently and smoothly, we can have a better understanding among each others, reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions and thus eventually improve the efficiency of cooperation. To further illustrate the importance of communication , I would like to take the Apple Incorporation as a case in point: how could it, with so many departments, staffs from perse countries and backgrounds inside, and branch offices allocated all around the world, finally operate smoothly and achieve unprecedented market profits without an efficient communication.

  From my perspective , at no time should we underestimate the power of communication. when misunderstanding others, we should communicate with them initiatively and detect the truth underlying bias. communication is the lubricant of success/happiness.” Henry Ford, a world-renowned entrepreneur also once said.

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重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——赞美的重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)


  Everyone wants to be appreciated and praised by others for what they do and what they say. For instance children want to be praised by their parents. Students want to be praised by their teachers. Employees want to be praised by their employers. It seems that praise is like sunlight to us we cant flower and grow without it. But it is a pity that while most of us are only too ready to blow the cold wind of harsh criticism on others we are somehow reluctant to give people around us the warm sunshine of praise. For example most mothers are always not satisfied with the progress their children made at school Most teachers always drown their studentscompositions in critical red ink instead of commenting favorably on them. Most employersarealways criticalabout what their employees have done instead of giving encouragement to them. produces may be great. So lets be alert to the small excellence around us and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other peoples lives but also very often add happiness to our own.



  If you ask me:Is praise important?I will give you a positive answer:Yes

  Praise is the act that people make positive statement about other person.It will bring people more happy and health.

  Children need praise very much.Their good performance will earn praiseand thenthey will study harder.Because praise will increase their self-confidence.

  In daily lifewe should use praise more.People will afftected by your praise and do a better job.After allnobody likes criticism.Sodon’t mean about your praise.It can bring you good relationship.





重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)



  When we have something annoy us, we will naturally to find someone to talk about it, the first choice is friend. We will not talk about it in front of our parents, because we don’t want them to worry about us. Friend is so important in our life, we have many friends, we will share our happiness and sorrow with them, we hang out together, in a word, friends are part of our life. What will happened if someone have no friend? We hear from the news that the crime people are isolated by others, most of them have no friends, their view point about the world is distorted. Without friends, people have no where to relieve their emotion, the long time’s depression of the emotion distract people from the normal life. So friends are very important, we can’t live without friends.


重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)



  Today is Arbor Day, five classes of third grade teacher, led down trees in the parks.

  Along the way, the students laugh along, happily singing birds in the branches, the flowers are on their happy smile ...... some children happily sang a song.

  And finally to the park, the teacher put students into a group of 4 people to plant trees, the result left behind assigned Xiao Ming and red into a group of so they decided: not because fewer people will not put good species, must be the same Do not do as well and then the group began planting the red brought a shovel, cups and buckets, of course, red is not going to let Xiaoming come empty-handed, she said:. "Xiao Ming, this is what I deliberately put shovel bring you, and you have more strength, you come to shovel it! "Xiao Ming nodded, picked up a shovel a shovel a shovel to dig deep earth, dug pit straight waist just do not know when they found that red has been brought tree saplings waiting at his side, so that Xiao Ming planted seedlings Little said:. "Thank you!" dug earth, Xiao Ming put the seedlings carefully into Little said:. "Alice, you hold on to trees, I look at the trees have no crooked. "red very readily agreed. Xiao Ming looked at the positive. Thus, Xiao Ming had promptly buried on the loose soil. Xiao Ming and red sweating, Xianggang like out from the bathroom. Alice and Bob looked at trees, laughed. Before I left, gave the trees watered.

  Happy ending after planting, the teacher said: "Students, today you say which group is planting champions?" The students shouted in unison:. "Duo" Alice and Bob looked at each other, could not help but proudly He laughed.

重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)



  As we all know the sea food we eat is from the oceans.In the past,the oceans was very clean and beautifull,there were a lot of sea animals in them.But nowadays the oceans is dirty,many sea animals are die.we must keep them clean.We must stop polluting them.The oceans is very important to us!


  Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late!


  The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land.

  In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters. Here the pollutants enter marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels. It often takes human casualties to alert us to pollution and such was the case in Minimata Bay in Japan when many people died as a result of a pollutant building up in food chains. A factory was discharging waste containing methyl mercury in low concentrations into the sea and as this pollutant passed through food chains it became more concentrated in the tissues of marine organisms until it reached toxic levels.

  As a consequence 649 people died from eating fish and shellfish contaminated with mercury and 3500 people suffered from mercury poisoning.


  Marine biological environment is a complex system including sea water, sea water, soluble matter and suspended matter, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable human resources treasure houses, which are closely related to the survival and development of mankind.

  At present, the main objective of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources so that they can not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the conservation of marine animals that are valuable and endangered. According to the UN investigation, due to overfishing, mangrove accidental killing of non target to allow the killing of marine organisms, the coastal engineering construction, deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources consumed, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animal faces the danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of marine development, it is possible to cause more damage to marine biological resources.

  Marine protection task should first stop on the marine biological resources excessive use, secondly to protect the marine biological habitat or habitat, especially their migration, spawning, feeding, avoid Huahai coastline, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and eutrophication. Nutrients such as marine pollution. Maintain the ability of regeneration of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of the sea water, maintain the marine ecological balance, and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the marine.


  "Bumper harvest, bumper harvest!"!" Cried one of the fishermen, happily jumping up like a child. After a while, the full cabin fish alive and kicking, calm sea filled with coming from all sides of the fishermen's laughter.........

  Now, like this "fish and shrimp full cabin" scene has been very rare. In today's market, is the most common fish pound at least to dozens of yuan, more serious pollution of the ocean, the ocean resources gradually dried up, seafood production, prices rise, it illustrates this point?

  In the ocean of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes emerge in an endless stream today, human pollution is often not from the original intention, but it is caused by the unexpected effect. The British Petroleum oil, because the drilling platform explosion, caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, to 9900 square kilometers of sea water is seriously polluted, so that tens of thousands of seabirds soaked in oil to move, die in hunger and misery, makes countless fish poisoning death; and the Japanese earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear leak the marine pollution is more serious......

  The sea is so vast that it is because the rivers and streams flow into the Yangtze River and then run into the sea. If we do not solve the pollution problem from the source, then no matter how people clean up the sea, there will always be sewage flowing into the sea, and all the efforts will be futile. Now, streams and streams are often seriously polluted, or they become places where people dump rubbish or are loaded with pesticide cans. Finding a clear stream in an inhabited area can be very difficult today!

  In any case, the protection of the oceans can not be achieved by inpidual forces, and the protection of the oceans depends on the joint efforts of all mankind. I do not want one day in the future, our descendants can only imagine the image of the vast and wide sea.

  This is not only the wish of a pupil, but also the wish of all mankind, isn't it?

重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)



  There is no denying that people can get a lot benefits from reading classics. On the one hand, it is a good way for readers to broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge in many aspects. For instance, they can learn the society characters by reading classic literature novels about history or culture. On the other hand, it also provides a chance for them to enhance their aesthetic taste in that most of classics has a very beautiful or unique language style and arts, which gives readers more enjoyment and interest.


  However, nowadays a large number of people, especially the young, are unwilling to or cannot spend their times in reading classics. There are some reasons accounting for the phenomenon and I would like to state two of them. For one thing, people are distracted by other things increasingly, which can give their more joy and fun and have no requirement in thinking, such as all kinds of entertainment activities. For another, some people think that it is no use of reading classics because these classics are outdated and useless to our society and lives.


  In my opinion, it is wrong to consider classics as an outdated matter because it still has many important functions and influence on our society and our lives. Classics are a kind of treasure in a nation. Therefore, we should give enough attention to them. And I advocate that all of us should try our best to read some of them.



  I think reading is the most important thing in one thing. Some people say: life is the most important. But I think that people without cultural knowledge are like walking dead. Only reading, can we have knowledge. With knowledge, the economy can be developed. So, reading is the most important thing.

  Many famous people all over the world have some famous words about love reading. Golgis: books are the ladder of human progress. Chairman Mao: having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god. Du Fu: Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum flower.

  Reading has many advantages:

  Reading more can make you feel a lot of inspiration for writing. It can make you better use the way to write a composition. In writing, we can often use good words, good sentences and life philosophies in some books. Let others feel that you are more rich and beautiful.

  More reading, you can increase a lot of extracurricular knowledge. Mr. Bacon said, "knowledge is power." Good, more reading, the increase of extracurricular knowledge, can make you feel full of strength. This power can motivate you to keep going and grow. From the book, you can often find the inadequacies of your body, so that you constantly correct your mistakes and correct your direction. So, books are our good teachers and friends.

  Reading more can make you wise and wise to overcome your opponent. Books make you smarter, and you can face difficulties bravely. Let you solve the problem in your own way.

  More reading can also make your mood happy. Reading is also a kind of leisure, a way of entertainment. Reading can regulate the flow of blood vessels of the body and make you healthy and healthy.

  The greatest advantage of reading is that it lets the knowledge of the person know from it, and let the ignorant person become known. Reading is the best lubricant for the rough and tortuous road of life. Reading is the best tone for the dull and uninteresting musical notes.

  I learned through reading that a lot of people who have achieved achievements are not stolen and free to come, but the result of studying and studying hard. The ancients said: "having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god". Through reading and learning, I can certainly improve the level of culture and writing, and express the culture of the excavation in the form of articles.


  People do not work without interest, people do not learn every progress. In todays society, we have to read, only in this way can we acquire knowledge in order to achieve progress in order to keep up with the pace of the times. Otherwise, it will be eliminated by the society, the so-called "were actually selection, survival of the fittest", since the choice of survival, to constantly improve themselves, let oneself become the master of life.

  Reading is one of the main ways to acquire knowledge, so we should advocate more reading and good books. As Gerd said, "reading a good book is talking to a noble man." If "two ears do not hear out of the window" can only be forever as well, can only see the head of one day, with only narrow overflow eyes, foolish thoughts, in the course of time, will be eliminated by the society. And books can open peoples horizons and increase peoples knowledge, like Helen. Keller said, "a good book is like a ship, leading us from a narrow overflow to an infinite ocean."

  Books have recorded the course of human growth and spread the civilization of human beings for a long time. So a person to be very learned and knowledge, it must read.

  The city is a difficult thing, we must study hard and strive hard. The city is to use the eyes to see, use the mouth to read, heart to remember, with the brain to think, can the book read, know, read. Reading must not be memorized by rote. It must be efficient and read by way. It will be much easier to understand and remember the contents of the book.

  Sweat harvest, hard to get knowledge. No pay no gain, want to learn something, be careful reading. The book is our good friend, let us go all the way to roam in the ocean!


  People do not work without interest,people do not learn every progress.In todays society,we have to read,only in this way can we acquire knowledge in order to achieve progress in order to keep up with the pace of the ,it will be eliminated by the society,the so-called"were actually selection,survival of the fittest",since the choice of survival,to constantly improve themselves,let oneself become the master of life.

  Reading is one of the main ways to acquire knowledge,so we should advocate more reading and good books.As Gerd said,"reading a good book is talking to a noble man."If "two ears do not hear out of the window"can only be forever as well,can only see the head of one day,with only narrow overflow eyes,foolish thoughts,in the course of time,will be eliminated by the society.And books can open peoples horizons and increase peoples knowledge,like Helen.Keller said,"a good book is like a ship,leading us from a narrow overflow to an infinite ocean."

  Books have recorded the course of human growth and spread the civilization of human beings for a long time.So a person to be very learned and knowledge,it must read.

  The city is a difficult thing,we must study hard and strive hard.The city is to use the eyes to see,use the mouth to read,heart to remember,with the brain to think,can the book read,know, must not be memorized by rote.It must be efficient and read by way.It will be much easier to understand and remember the contents of the book.

  Sweat harvest,hard to get pay no gain,want to learn something,be careful reading.The book is our good friend,let us go all the way to roam in the ocean!


  People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I dont think so. In my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything else. ????The old saying"To open a book is always helpful"clearly shows us how good it is to read a book.

  Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge.They lead us down the road to success.

  Books are our teachers. They teach us truth, science, literature, and philosophy of life, besides they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience, strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them.

  We have to learn as long as we live. But our life is limited, and the knowledge is boundless. There are many things which are very necessary to learn and there are also many which should be avoided. Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the good from the bad. Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.

重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——眼部护理重要性 (菁选2篇)










































重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——读书重要性作文800字 (菁选2篇)



















重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)












重要性英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展9)

——责任的 重要性英语作文「带中文」

责任的 重要性英语作文「带中文」1

  When is up, the in the mind less shiny things? What time they found the lost things? I forgot. I only know that I regret it, I don't want to lose.

  Why become numb to the sentiment, how did that happen? Why always feel less? I don't know, I don't know.

  Time seems like an hourglass flow back, I went back to school.

  My eyes there's a darling child, her to and from school on time, finish the homework carefully. Back home, so happy to chat with my parents. I saw her face always hung the silly, happy smile.

  Scene changed, it is a rainy day. Streets, traffic coming and going, pouring rain fall, there was a car parked on the side of the road also silently waiting.

  Before long, I saw my shadow, carrying bag, with classmates mother took a redundant umbrella, with the direction of the students are talking to. Unfortunately, I didn't see the car.

  Back home, although have the umbrella, but I was wet all over, as the rain is too big. The family in, I heard my mother said: "dad just to meet you and my brother, but have not heard from, he was very angry." I am very surprised, so many years is my own home, today went to pick me up? My heart couldn't help float on a little touched. Can not wait for me, dad lost his temper at me: "I'm going to meet you and your brother know? I haven't received a. Look at the rain so big, you are both didn't bring umbrella, kindly still fall to pick up the empty air." I heard this, said, "but I don't know you want to meet us, too long didn't take me!" I saw my dad's face began to slowly become angry. He later said those words, blurred, I have no memory.

  I see although I was training very angry, but in the mind is very touched, doped with a tinge of guilt. But now I go to see me, just want to say: "this is me?"

  I'm a little don't believe that the child is my, that my heart seems to be a wonderful thing is I don't have now. But what is that? I thought for a long time, is that there is no want to come out.

  Until a few days ago --

  Our class teacher gave us put a called "guess how much I love you" video, see the later, feel that some things in my heart before want to into my heart, I understand, I understand! That thing that is moved by wow!

  May be time to bring about the feelings of indifference, numbness, my heart heavily alert is not enough, has moved away, and indifference, numbness invaded, oh, no!

  I regret it, I don't want to lose, really!

  Why shouldn't be lost the lost touch? I want to find! I don't become a no feelings of the robot, wooden man, I really regret lost.

  I decided to use my heart has not yet completely slip that sporadic love shouldn't find the lost touched, must!
















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