



  记忆[jì yì]





  Memory:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 梅默里 Mowbray的变体;[电影]灵虐/爱与被害。


  [心理] The memory


  用英语表情达意, Relief 宽慰 Remembrance 记忆 Resignation 无可奈何


  运用记忆(Remember): Lectio Divina 的活动,应是连续性的,每天都要记住所读的经文。



  With time,this misremembering only gets worse.


  With time,this misremembering only gets worse.A false statement from a noncredible source that is at first not believed can gain credibility during the months it takes to reprocess memories from short-term hippocampal storage to longer-term cortical storage.


  Secondly,the method can make people' s recognizing and remembering convert from the short-term memory into long-term memory quickly and smoothly,can get rid of the interference of proactive inhibition and retroactive inhibition effectively.


  It made felicity to join in the history transition of a country.


  It used to be a long beautiful beach in my parents memory.


  This forgetting mechanism does not affect memory acquisition and is independent of Rutabaga adenylyl cyclase-mediated memory formation mechanisms.

  7.提示致电2546 :大记忆体模组应ECC的/均等。

  Tip 2546: Large memory modules should be ECC/Parity.


  Biochemistry is an advanced subject with a lot of knowledge to be understood and recited,which is one of curriculum hard to both teaching and studying in the field of life sciences.


  Most digital cameras don't have nearly enough built-in memory,so when doing a digital camera comparison plan on buying more.


  A large part of a person's memory is in terms of combinations of words and pictures.


  When I was a kid in China,I used to come across story books which describe about the living in the forest of Russia,chum salmon which move in reverse current,brown bear which catching chum salmon in the stream,all these are good memories.


  Childhood is beautiful.It is like a picture.There is our laughter and happiness in it.It looks like a seven colored flower and has our wonderful life.It's like a piano,playing our happy life.

  It was a snowy night,and the wind was hanging.My brother and I had a beard on the balcony (a fire) to dance dance to,also said: "I see the wind sweeping leaves." I like to write "Shua" like rowing.From time to time,Mars fell on our hands.How beautiful it is!

  We are getting more and more daring to play and play.I ordered a dragon,to his brother shouted loudly,"Hey",in the Dragon brother around do several three hundred and sixty-five degree rotation,brother quickly as I did in my side dance "dragon" from time to time,Mars has a little on Mars,"pa" jump in his brother's clothes,it is not hot Mars actually put clothes with a point,but the fire grew suddenly enveloped,covering around chokedamp.I looked at it.I was silly.The younger brother of the sudden fire,scared to flee in all directions,bawler.I have been back to God,took off his shoes,the younger brother behind,"ah" pig brother like Aoaozhijiao,like cat and mouse.When the fire went out,my brother immediately stared at me,put me in front of my mother,got a strong K,and lost my clothes.In this case,I was a little funny and a little regretful,and it was not a taste.

  "Pengtou child learn fishing,sitting side berry Carex map.Passers by Jiewen waved away,scared fish should not be frightened of people." Childhood is so happy,so beautiful,the same is so unforgettable.






  The memorization of information by frequent repeat is not so practical to all subjects,like medicine,history,etc.Take history for the first example.No doubt,anyone could and can memorize all of historical events occurring in the past by frequent repeat,but it is and will be impossible to automatically or fully draw on the lessons as well as experiences from these events without deeply thinking by any governor,historian,teacher and student.Another example is that the main goal of an apprentice or internee on medicine is to be a future expert.How can he achieve it? Needless to say,he will warrant his success through a huge practice rather than mechanically learning.

  It is a fact that learning by rote is a basic approach to education.By reciting or memorizing,to some extent,a student can improve his academic performance on objective tests,consisting of multiple choice,matching,filling in blank and etc; however,one distinguished Nobel Prize Winner,YuanZhe Li,a headmaster of scientific technology research center of Taiwan of China,graduated from the University of California at Berkeley,ever said that objective tests test memorization,but good writers can get good grades despite they do not mechanically recite the information.He also said that in the future,students will need the skills for subjective tests,not objective tests.So,the best way of a test in education systems does not always depend on memorization of information.




  overlapped memories重叠存储器

  secondary memories次记忆单位

  optical memories光学内存 利用如激光束等光波,来读写感光胶卷、半导体或铁电物质等媒体上的信息的记忆系统。

  wonderful memories美好的记忆

  folia mori 桑叶

  in memorialn. 为纪念...,追悼的诗[文]

  in memoriam=in memory

  Mori girl森女 Mori girl,又叫“森女”,这个词起源于日本服饰团购最大的交流网站。一位20多岁的网友,因为被朋友说她的穿着等许多方面都很像是在森林里长大的女孩,于是她就以“森林系女孩”这个名字开

  bombyx mori 家蚕

  memento morin.死的象征



  moriabbr. (= Market &Opinion Research International) 国际市场研究公司

  fermorite锶磷灰石; 锶磷灰石


  memorizern. [计] 存储器

  moribunda. 垂死的 n. 垂死的人





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