





  Topical sentence

  阐述一段主题的句子Covering a wide field of subjects;rambling.

  主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题;杂乱无章的Egypt had agreed to a summit subject to certain conditions.

  埃及有条件地同意了一项峰会主题。Step by step and variation upon variation, the two themes rise and fall effortlessly.

  两个主题,步步发展,层层变奏,跌宕起伏The President stressed a favorite campaign theme--greater emphasis on education.

  总统强调了他最喜欢的竞选主题——更加重视教育。The design and development of the theme hotel in our country elementarily remains at the scrabble stage.

  我国主题饭店的设计和发展基本上处于摸索阶段。The day before yesterday I read a piece of news about "Job problem" of the Two Sessions.

  前天,我看了一则关于两会就就业问题提出的.主题讨论消息。Clichéd as the theme of this ballad may seem, it is not just another silly love song to croon to.

  情歌的主题也许看来老套,但是它绝对不是另一首愚蠢的芭乐情歌。 Another trilogy would have centered in the battle of Gettysburg

  另一个三部曲本当为葛底斯堡战役为主题的。The theme of the Disney parks is the world of Walt Disney and his characters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many others.



  n. 主题,核心;主旋律

  The theme park is funded by private enterprises.

  这个主题乐园是由私营企业投资兴建的。This poem marries theme and style well.

  这首诗的主题和风格结合得很好。 The theme of an advertisement must be clear and distinctive.

  广告主题需要清晰突出。Herzog abandoned this theme with characteristic abruptness

  赫索格以他那特有的出其不意抛开了这一话题。To elaborate(a theme)with rhythmic and harmonic variations.



  n. 主题;话题;学科;主语;国民

  adj. 易遭受…的;服从的;受制于…的;统治下的

  v. 使…隶属;使屈从于;提供

  optional subjects

  选修科目 It is a mythical subject.

  这是个虚构的主题。a survey of the situation, subject

  对情况、 问题的概括论述 The tense used is decided by the subject.

  所用的时态取决于主语。 To subject to the process of division.


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